Rebuilding Uchiha, Starting With Fugaku’s Resignation

Chapter 154: At Least You Don’T Have To Be A Widow Anymore

"Xinxi, I finally got away.

"You Pervy Sage, you spy every time!"

"Fart, this is just to make the novel more convincing!"

"That's nice to say, but I don't want to be lectured by Granny Tsunade again."

"There's so much nonsense, let's take a peek at the next one... Bah, let's move on to the collection location!"

"You two........."

Naruto, Jiraiya:"

Bang bang bang~!

“Private Marseille…”

Naruto and Jiraiya went to the bathhouse owner with bruises and bruises to apologize.

Tsunade cursed with an expression of hatred: 08 "Two idiots, we haven't seen each other for only a few days!"

She turned to look at Boruto and middle-aged Sasuke who had finally escaped, frowned and said:

"Are you sure what you said? Will Orochimaru come?"

Middle-aged Sasuke looked embarrassed. How could he have known that he should have already arrived.

Tsunade sighed,

"Well, forget it,"

She turned to the idiot duo and roared:

"If you two really have nothing to do, go and spy on Uchiha Shiyu! Everyone has a headache all day long, and I have to take care of your trivial matters.

Jiraiya's face immediately twitched, and he looked particularly unhappy with Shiyu, a suspected love rival.

Jiraiya: "He has something to spy on. He might have gone somewhere to pick up girls. Asuma was beaten by him two days ago.

Naruto: "Isn't that because Asuma-sensei said there should be a competition?"

Jiraiya: "That's the Uchiha clan, or the one who opened Mangekyō. Where did he get the courage?"

Boruto: "After all, Grandma Red was snatched away, I think it's good at least she doesn't have to be a widow anymore.

Tsunade: "Go and do the mission!!"


The people dispersed in a hurry, and Tsunade, dressed in rough clothes, gritted his teeth and stamped his feet:

"Damn it, how do you manage yourself in that world? Can you mess around with women like this and no one cares about you?"

Naruto said with a depressed look on his face:

"Damn it, I'm in charge of surveillance, what about my training? Sasuke's eyes are open now, how can I still beat him when he recovers?"

Jiraiya waved his hand indifferently:

"Whenever practice fails, you just have to endure it."

"But, but!"

"Naruto! You are so ignorant. I had to obey a lot more orders when I was your age!"

Boruto looked at the familiar words and finally understood where his father's words came from when he was dressing himself up.

He said speechlessly to middle-aged Sasuke:

"Then, just ignore it?"

Middle-aged Sasuke pondered:

"Go and ask Shiyu. I always feel like I have something to do with him."

When a few people found Shiyu, he was holding Hong in his arms and saying some intimate words.

Hong's pretty face turned red, and she patted Shiyu shyly after listening to Shiyu's words, acting like a little daughter.

Boruto looked at him with disgust,

When several people approached, Hong quickly stood up and whispered to Shiyu:

"I'm going to see Hinata997 and their training first."

Shiyu looked at the four people approaching with a look of disgust:

"Are you guys bothering me because you're full and have nothing to do?"

Middle-aged Sasuke's eyelids twitched again and again, and finally he asked in a deep voice:

"According to time, the four sound ninjas should have come to find Sasuke, but we have been guarding for several days and no one has come. Apart from us, you are the only one who is not inferior at this time, so we come Ask, do you know anything?"

Shiyu turned his head to the side and coughed twice:

"How do I know anything? I am from the past. Oh, but two days ago, some thieves almost stepped on the roof when I was building a house. I beat them away and said what the hell.

Or something? I can’t remember clearly. "

Middle-aged Sasuke: "..."

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