Rebuilding Uchiha, Starting With Fugaku’s Resignation

Chapter 163: Several JōNin From The Uchiha Clan Disappeared When They Went Out

Hearing this, Shiyu touched Qianhe's delicate little hand and said:

"Don't worry, no one can hurt me now. You must give birth to our child healthily, otherwise, I will punish you."

After hearing this, Qianzhe's face turned red and she lowered her head.

Seeing this, Tsunade stood up straight away, turned around and said:

"Then you two talk first, I'm leaving."

Upon hearing this, Shiyu said directly:

"You left "Seven Zero Zero", what should I do tonight?"

After hearing this, Tsunade turned around, looked at Shiyu and said:

"Don't you still have Chizuru?"

Hearing this, Shiyu directly opened the Mangekyō Sharingan.

Tsunade's body immediately stiffened and he walked towards Shiyu involuntarily.

Shiyu looked at Tsunade and said coldly:

"Chizuru is still pregnant, so I'm afraid it's inconvenient, so I'll ask Tsunade-sama to stay with me tonight.

As he spoke, Shiyu thought of something, smiled evilly, and said:

"Oh, by the way, I forgot to tell you that Lord Jiraiya is also in the Uchiha clan."

Tsunade took a deep breath, and her chest bulged with anger.


Before Tsunade finished speaking, the candlelight on both sides flickered and the whole room became dark.

Early the next morning.

Tsunade's face turned red and she got dressed.

And Chizuru's face. Redder than Tsunade.

She didn't expect that Shiyu would have so much fun now.

Actually right in front of her...

Seeing Qianzuru's rosy face, Shiyu stood up and said:

"Come on, I'll take you out for a walk."

He said, regardless of whether Qianhe agreed or not.

He directly pulled Qianzuru out of the door.

Seeing this, Tsunade retreated very wisely and did not follow.

Shiyu takes Chizuru to hang out with the Uchiha clan.

On the way, the members of the Uchiha clan saw the two of them loving each other and sent their blessings.

"Master Shiyu, Mrs. Chizuru is about to give birth. I have some folk remedies here for you to take a look at."

"Congratulations to Master Shiyu, we are going to give birth to a young master soon. By then we in the Fire Country will have a queen.

"Master Shiyu, when will you treat us to a wedding banquet?"

There were endless words like this, but hearing them in Qianzhe's ears was filled with unusual joy.

Soon, Shiyu brought Chizuru to the center of the Uchiha clan.

There used to be several ancestral halls here, but now they have been razed to the ground.

Shiyu pointed to the clearing and said:

"Look at you like it?"

Qianhe looked up and saw that the surroundings were lush and green, with small rivers flowing around them. It seemed like a good place for self-cultivation.

Chizuru nodded.

Shiyu directly formed a seal and activated Wood Style.

Immediately afterwards, countless vines and trees emerged from the ground.

Soon, a luxurious residence appeared in front of Qianzhe.

Seeing this, Uzumaki Chizuru covered her mouth and felt excited.

Seeing his excited look, Shiyu said directly:

"Then this place will be left for you to rest and maintain your tire."

"I'll try not to let anyone bother you."

Hearing this, Qianhe burst into tears, threw herself into Shiyu's arms, nodded and said:

"You are so kind to me. Our child will be 4.2 and healthy."

Hearing this, a smile appeared on Shiyu's face.

This may be the joy of becoming a father for the first time.

But this joy did not last long. Soon, a Jōnin from Uchiha ran over, knelt down on one knee and said:

"Reporting to Master Shiyu, something serious has happened. Last night, several Jōnin from the Uchiha clan disappeared while they were out.

"I found it this morning. The Chakra has been sucked dry. Could it be..."

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