Recasting the Dragon’s Glory

Chapter 159 Wasted Death and Gain

"Asshole! Stay away from me!"

The eldest prince was so anxious that he burst into tears.

How could he not know the origins of the demons charging towards him? And how scary is it?

"Your Highness! There is no need to be afraid! I will face these terrifying demons with you! Lord Buck is a strong man in the field of heroes!

The Paladin of Cain is also very powerful! Together we may not lose to these demons. "

Ciro yelled.

Another iron gun was shot at the giant bull demon!

"Roar! Dragon! I'm going to crush all your bones! Ouch! You've completely angered me!"

I was stabbed several times in a row.

The Niu Demon, who was already angry, felt steam boiling from his forehead.

After several steps, he finally came to Xi Luo and punched him hard.

The giant bull demon's arms were extremely long, at least seven or eight meters long, and they swept across like a thick whip.

As a giant dragon, Xiluo is also very big, but after all, he has the blood of a storm dragon, so he is incredibly agile in the sky.

With a slight vibration of the wings, he climbed up more than ten meters flexibly to avoid this heavy punch.

But the eldest prince and others who were dragged into the battle by Silo were not so lucky.

I don’t know whether it was the giant bull demon’s intention or whether Xi Luo deliberately found the position.

Even if the punch didn't hit Xi Luo, it still hit the eldest prince!

Faced with an oncoming punch that was stronger than his entire body.

The eldest prince almost peeed out of fear.

Although he is a powerful dragon blood warrior.

But there was still no comparison with the giant bull demon. He knew that if he was hit by this blow, he would definitely die!

So he yelled:

"Kane! Save me!"

"Damn devil! I'm here! Don't even think about harming His Highness!"

Paladin Kane, who has been beside the eldest prince, shouted:

"Great Mother Goddess of the Earth! Please give me the power to protect! [The Protection of the Earth]!"

Kane roared and used his advanced secret technique.

In an instant, an earth-yellow shadow appeared from behind, hugging Kane, the eldest prince, and Old Buck's clone like a loving mother.

Face this punch head on!


The giant fist hit the phantom heavily.

There was a sound like glass breaking.

The entire shadow was shattered.

The three people inside were thrown dozens of meters away while rolling and crawling.

But fortunately, the shadow offset most of the impact, and the three of them actually did not suffer any damage.

Just when they looked up again, the eldest prince and Kane both looked extremely bad.

Those demons are rushing towards them again!

As for the reason...

Xiluo's bastard dragon, at this moment, shot into the giant bull demon...

"You bastard devil! This is not your world! Get back to the abyss of hell!"

Silo roared while flying over the eldest prince and Kane.

The giant bull demon was extremely angry and attacked again.

"This damn bastard!"

"Don't come over! Don't come over!"

The eldest prince and Kane were going crazy, but they didn't dare to take action against Ciro at this time.

He could only roll and crawl away to the side.

Under the influence of Xi Luo, he kept escaping in embarrassment.

But this also makes their situation more dangerous.


They lost the possibility of escape and were surrounded by demons.

"Hiss, hiss..."


The huge shadow of the demons almost enveloped them.

Although few of these demons looked at them, but looked at the dragon floating in the air above them.

But it still made the eldest prince's breathing almost stop.

"This time... it's too bad... I'm dealing with halflings and these demons again. I have very little holy power left at this time..."

Paladin Kane looked solemn.

But something suddenly didn't feel right.

Where's Buck, the spellcaster? What about the powerful spellcaster that Ciro has always called the heroic realm?

Even in front of him, he claims to be a level 14 spell caster?

Why didn't he cast many spells just now? Does this guy also want me and the prince to die?

Is he and that dragon together?

Kane looked not far away suspiciously.

Because Xi Luo's target was the eldest prince, he didn't take much aim at this puppet, so he separated from the eldest prince very early and was out of danger.

At this time, the spellcaster actually only used magic missiles to attack the demon from a distance...

But for a few powerful demons, what is the difference between this elementary spell and tickling?

So much so that these demons ignored them even after being hit.

This guy did it on purpose! Is the soy sauce too obvious?

Kane's eyes showed surprise and a desire to die.

"Don't be afraid! Your Highness the Prince! Paladin Kane! Lord Buck is a strong man in the field of heroes. As long as he takes action, the situation that is unfavorable to us will be reversed in an instant!"

Silla also spoke out to comfort him at this time.

The eldest prince and Kane almost raised their swords and turned around to chop him!

Several demons each screamed strangely and attacked again!

Because it has been determined that Xi Luo and the eldest prince are the same.

The three-headed demon-hunting spider has twelve eyes, shooting out terrifying light.

Half of them were shot towards Silo, and the other half were shot towards the eldest prince and the paladin.

The mad war demon raised his giant fist and struck it towards the eldest prince.

The Giant Bull Demon picked up the boulder again and threw it at Silo.

Facing this kind of attack, Xi Luo can naturally avoid and dodge easily.

The moment a few rays of magic eye light hit him.

A large amount of water spurted out from his body, forming a barrier.

Block out a few rays.

Barriers of water boil, freeze, and solidify.

It would be easier for Xi Luo to dodge the giant bull demon's throw. He only needed to move up a few positions to avoid it.

But the eldest prince beneath him was not so lucky.

At this time, they were at the end of their rope.

A careless one.

The two of them were stared at by the Frozen Demonic Eye, the Petrified Demonic Eye, and the Lightning Demonic Eye.

A series of adverse reactions occurred in the body, and the whole body started to twitch.

Then, the giant fist of the Berserker Demon roared in!

"Buck! You old dog! Come and save me! I'm dead! You can't even think of anything!"

The eldest prince roared angrily.

At this moment, his hatred for Old Buck unexpectedly exceeded that of Silo!

If this old dog hadn't chosen the wrong time, how could he have encountered such a crisis?

If the old dog hadn't exposed his strength, how could that stupid dragon have lured these demons over?

It's all this old dog's fault!

The moment the fist fell.

The eldest prince closed his eyes in despair.

A shrill scream sounded from his ears.

But he himself did not feel the slightest pain.

Open your eyes again.

At this time, he had actually floated back dozens of meters.

And Paladin Kane, who had been guarding him conscientiously just now, had been punched and was somewhat reduced to a human shape...

All that was left was a lump of flesh that looked rotten.

The bloody fist of the Mad War Demon was slowly raised at this moment.

And the figure of Old Buck appeared in front of him.

This time, he finally understood what had just happened and breathed a sigh of relief.

This made the eldest prince feel as if he had escaped from the abyss of hell, and almost really died.

He wanted to scold Old Buck and Silo.

Fortunately, he still had sense and did not make such an unwise choice. He just yelled:

"Buck! I'll leave these guys to you! I'll retreat first!"

He said and quickly started to escape towards the port.

At this time.

Ten warships are coming.

Heaven seemed to have opened a passage for him.

"Leave it to"

Old Buck didn't want to care about these demons at all, but as soon as he turned around, he saw the hateful Ciro trying to run towards the eldest prince.

He had no choice but to burst out with all his magic power, and shoot a shadow arrow, which made a demon scream.

The fighting breaks out again.

Silla was making soy sauce while slowly leaning towards the eldest prince.

Old Buck could only try his best to stop him and fight the devil with all his strength.

Slowly, this hatred gradually transferred to Old Buck...

Ciro finally took the opportunity to pick up Paladin Kane, who had turned into minced meat, and growled:

"Hey! Are you dead?"

"Well...I didn't would actually come to save me in the end...but it's useless, I'm already dead..."

Intermittent words came from Kane, who had long since lost his human form.

"It's good that you're not dead!"

Silla said, then ignored him.

Instead, he rushed directly in the direction of several dragon cubs not far away.

These brats haven't even thought about running away yet, and are still killing halflings.

After he flew over, he immediately shouted:

"You idiots! Why are you still fighting? Run with me!"

With that said, he turned around and flew towards the port.

Because there is no longer the magic net of Old Buck, the two green dragon cubs have long since escaped from the net.

Let's follow Xi Luo and fly towards the port.

Together with Dorian's casters and paladins.

When they arrived at the port, all the warships had just arrived.

Silo found the ship where his family members were and immediately flew over.

Just landed.

He shouted:

"Quick! Retreat from here immediately! These halflings have the ability to summon the demons of the abyss and hell. They are simply not something we can deal with! Retreat!"

Several of Dorian's men were driving the ship. After hearing what Silo said, they hesitated for a moment.

It wasn't until the spellcasters and paladins who were with Silo asked them to obey Silo's orders that the warship began to turn back.

At this time, similar situations occurred in several other ships, and from far away, Xi Luo heard the roar belonging to the eldest prince.

Silo's warship was the first to retreat.

On the deck of the warship.

"Cough cough... cough cough cough..."

A violent cough sounded, and the senior spellcaster and the paladin noticed the bloody thing that Silo was holding.

Look at some of the outfits on the other party.

The caster was a little surprised and said:

"Is this...Mr. Kane? How...did it become like this?"

"He fulfilled his duties and heroically protected His Royal Highness from the devil. He is an amazing guardian!"

Hearing this, Ciro sighed briefly, and then placed Kane's body on the deck.

The two powerful men under Marquis Dorian were instantly speechless when they heard this.

Beaten by a demon? seems like you were the one who attracted the devil just now, right?

However, in the final analysis, Lord Silo helped them lure away the demons in order to allow them to save the captives.

After all, Lord Xiluo has good intentions, and he definitely doesn't want to do this.

This is not Sir Silo's fault!

While the two strong men secretly talked in their hearts, neither one said a word about the truth about Xi Luo attracting monsters.

"Your Highness, is now?"

Kane's weak voice sounded again.

"Don't worry. Under your protection, he has returned to the warship and started to retreat with us. He is very safe now."

Silo said.

"That's good...that's good...well...I will definitely die, you...just kill me...I so much pain...well..."

The paladin groaned in pain.

As a Paladin of the Earth Mother.

Their vitality seems to be exceptionally strong, and this strong vitality is, in most cases, a good thing.

But in this case, it's definitely not a good thing.

The paladin, who had been in great pain, begged to die.

"I understand! I rescued you, knowing that you would definitely die, but I hope that a brave man like you can be buried in his homeland instead of falling into the hands of those despicable halflings and demons."

Silla said solemnly.

But when the words came out of his mouth, the faces of the others and several dragon cubs could not help but look strange.

"Then...I'm sorry to trouble you..."

Kane said one final word, preparing to wait for death.

On one side, the spellcasters under Marquis Dorian are trying to understand Kane.

Silo stopped him with a paw and said:

"Let Alan do it. He is a white dragon who is proficient in ice spells. If he uses ice spells, it should make Lord Kane suffer less."

"His Excellency Xi Luo is still thoughtful." Upon hearing this, the spell caster immediately stopped and nodded suddenly.

Allen, the little white dragon, was a little stunned at first when Xi Luo called his name, but he soon came to his senses.

Use ice spells to completely freeze Kane's heart and kill the opponent.

The fourth test of death.

Kill a bishop serving in the Temple of the Earth Mother, that is, the above people.

Kane Buffy.

A level 14 paladin of the Church of the Mother Earth.

Although not a bishop.

But the positions of Paladins and Paladins are special, and they are generally compared with the positions of priests based on their strength.

Therefore, a level 14 paladin is completely equal to a bishop!

The fourth test of death! Finish!

All he has to do now is to report his work to the God of Death when he is free, and then wait for the power bestowed upon him.

Falling time.

The little white dragon Allen has completed the test of the Four Gods.

As long as you continue to complete the next step and protect a cemetery from being destroyed for at least five years, you can become a true dragon favored by the gods!

This wave, although they were tricked by Dorian's insidious shadow demon, they didn't get any treasure.

But at the same time, letting the red dragon cub complete the fifth test of God, and letting the little white dragon Allen complete a test that is not easy to complete, completely opening up the way forward, is not a loss!

Completely freeze Kane's body.

Wait for the warship to completely leave the danger zone.

The dragons of Xiluo also returned to their lounge.

Several dragon cubs shrunk their bodies and crowded into a house.

Although it has gone through two wars.

But among the dragon cubs, the red dragon cub and the little white dragon are still in high spirits.

They burned the holy symbols of the God of War and the God of Death in preparation for harvest.

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