Red Alert 1895

Chapter 265: motion to dismiss


"Members, we are now at the most dangerous time for the British Empire. We will meet the most powerful challenge, and this challenge is from the far east, from a small island. They are Taiwan, and they have now announced A draft outline for military expansion is already in progress. And they will have an army of 300,000 troops and three major fleets with a total tonnage of no less than 270,000 tons. This will have a great impact on our British Empire Therefore, I propose to go to war with Taiwan and completely destroy Taiwan!" The Marquess of Salisbury shouted excitedly.

But those members of the British Parliament are obviously not too keen on this matter. Although they know that Taiwan has expanded its navy, they are not interested in going to war with Taiwan. After all, they still focus on business, and they can temporarily give up on fighting.

"Members, what's your opinion?" asked the Marquess of Salisbury.

But immediately a congressman named West took the initiative to speak: "Your Excellency, you have discussed this issue with us several times, and we agreed that there is no need to go to war with Taiwan so soon. After all, war is not so fun. Now Taiwan is not the mainland of China back then, and they are not weak. Moreover, the gains outweigh the losses, so there is no need for us to go to war. Besides, although our navy is strong, we have to travel halfway across the world to fight a place that is not beneficial. It’s all unrealistic.”

"As for the argument that the Prime Minister boasted about the threat of Taiwan, we do not agree with it. Your Excellency the Prime Minister said that they have potential, but we don't think they can threaten us immediately. If they want to really threaten us, they must occupy It’s time to reach the mainland. But now they have no intention of occupying the mainland, and we don’t need to go to war right away. According to what the Prime Minister said, they are about to expand their army to 300,000. How much will we have to pay to destroy them?”

"But they have expanded their army to 300,000. And the navy is still so powerful, so shall we let them continue to grow stronger?" asked the Marquess of Salisbury.

But that West also immediately continued: "This is the crux of the matter. Although I don't deny that the military quality of the Taiwanese army is very good. But they have a very serious shortcoming, that is, their industry is not good. Our best now What I'm curious about is Taiwan's so many weapons and equipment, and so many warships, where did they come from? With Taiwan's current industrial strength, they simply cannot produce so many warships, let alone supply 300,000 troops Consumed weapons? What I want to know most is how Taiwan’s weapons and equipment are produced?”

"We are investigating this. According to the current situation, Taiwan's warships were built by a Hans shipyard. However, our intelligence agency has not been able to find out the details of this Hans shipyard. According to the name 'Hans', we It is suspected that it is Germany, but the Germans firmly deny it. This Hans Shipbuilding Factory is also a dragon without a tail, and we have not found any information so far." The Marquis of Salisbury said.

Na West immediately said: "That's the problem. The only thing we can know so far is this Hans Shipyard. In fact, to a certain extent, the reason why Taiwan can develop is that this Hans Shipyard is giving They provide warships. In other words, there is still an unknown force supporting Taiwan. However, Marquis of Salisbury, you are entangled in how to deal with Taiwan instead of how to deal with the forces behind Taiwan. How can you succeed? ? If there is a force supporting Taiwan, then even if we eliminate Taiwan, they can continue to support a second Taiwan and a third Taiwan. Then shall we fight one by one? So instead of being entangled in fighting Taiwan. It’s better to think about how to defeat the forces behind Taiwan. From the current perspective, their industrial strength is extraordinary, so we think we should focus on them. Instead of worrying about the small Taiwan locality. As long as we can investigate the forces behind Taiwan and deal a deep blow to them, even if Taiwan does not fight, it will naturally perish.”

And West's words have won the approval of many congressmen, because they are not entangled with Taiwan. It is better to find a way to attack the forces behind Taiwan. After all, in the eyes of these congressmen, Taiwan is just a disease of ringworm and scabies, not some too advanced enemy. As long as the power behind Taiwan is destroyed, Taiwan will naturally perish by itself. So instead of expecting to send troops to attack Taiwan, the gains outweigh the losses, and find ways to attack the forces behind Taiwan.

"Your Excellency, Prime Minister. I even doubt that this Taiwan was erected deliberately for our British Empire to fight against? At that time, our British Empire will continue to fight against Taiwan, and then lose hundreds of millions of troops. At that time Our British Empire is really about to decline. So we might as well turn our attention to the forces behind it, so that we can really attack them, and wipe out the roots. And this Taiwan is just a thing they show on the outside Even if Taiwan is destroyed, there is probably no way to eradicate it. Therefore, I think this Taiwan is just something that some enemies deliberately supported to let our British Empire consume its strength." West continued.

"Yes, that's it!" "Mr. West is right. I'm afraid this is a conspiracy against us. We can't go to war against Taiwan." "Yes! We can't go to war, otherwise we will suffer huge losses!"

Soon, the speaker also took the initiative to explain: "This time we rejected the motion of the Marquis of Salisbury. Regarding the news of Taiwan's war, our parliament will not pass it. However, our parliament urges the Prime Minister to find out the truth as soon as possible. The forces that support Taiwan, otherwise our British Empire will be in trouble."

The Marquis of Salisbury shook his head, then returned to his prime minister's office, and finally sighed helplessly. This time, his request to the parliament to authorize war against Taiwan was also formally rejected. Apparently those congressmen think that Taiwan is just a scabies disease, and Taiwan can only have such a situation by relying on the support of others. And they should focus on the forces behind Taiwan, so that the British Empire can be stable. If you care about little Taiwan, isn't that asking for trouble?

"Your Excellency Prime Minister, Japan sent a diplomatic note, hoping that we can provide part of the loan to Japan so that they can use it to purchase warships and resist the threat of Taiwan!" said the secretary of the Marquess of Salisbury.

After hearing this, the Marquis of Salisbury immediately made some preparations. Now the power in East Asia has been seriously unbalanced. Originally, Taiwan, Japan and mainland China were completely one of the Three Kingdoms, but now Taiwan's power has expanded so much, which really made the Far East unbalanced. You must know that in the past, Britain prepared to use balancing means in the Far East. They support Japan in order to hinder mainland China. Later, when Japan became stronger, it was hit in the head by Taiwan. As a result, Taiwan rose again. But Taiwan is definitely not supported by itself. I don't know which organization forces are behind it.

However, no matter what happens now, the balance in the Far East will be broken. Taiwan's strength is already superior to that of the mainland and Japan, and there are only two things that can be done now. On the premise of not being able to go to war with Taiwan, we must weaken Taiwan and support the mainland and Japan.

"The order is to provide Japan with a loan of 10 million pounds to buy warships and resist Taiwan. The specific conditions are to be negotiated with diplomats." There is a navy to prevent Taiwan from attacking the mainland. As for this loan, let the mainland government take things as collateral.” “Finally, order the intelligence agency to immediately investigate who the people behind Taiwan are, and you must find out for me .”

The Marquess of Salisbury is using a three-pronged to support Japan to fight against Taiwan in the navy, support the mainland to prevent Taiwan from entering the mainland, and finally take the initiative to find ways to attack the forces behind Taiwan. Taiwan's development can be restricted in many ways.

"Hmph, the British guy is really uneasy and kind! He actually supports Japan and the mainland to stop me, but he doesn't know that the cost and time for them to build a ship are more than ten times that of ours. How can they compare with me? If it is a real shipbuilding competition, it is not my opponent at all. As for helping the mainland to train officers, it is indirectly helping me train!" Wang Guorui thought in his heart.

Of course, Wang Guorui would not refuse the help of the British to help the mainland build a new army, because now Taiwan is enjoying poaching from the mainland, and many Qing military officers are willing to come to Taiwan to serve. After all, people of insight in the mainland now know that the mainland is not long, even if they form a new army, they can't change the stale atmosphere. Therefore, those military officers who have studied abroad prefer to come to Taiwan. After all, Taiwan's atmosphere is more open and their thinking is more free. If you don't have a choice, let's talk about it, but if you have a choice, then there is no need to stay in the mainland. Anyway, they are all Chinese, who is it not to sacrifice their lives for whom? On the contrary, if you work hard for Taiwan, you are still very likely to get the status of a founding father! Therefore, even if the British spend money to support the mainland, they are preparing to indirectly train military officers for Taiwan! The mainland is also a transportation captain, who specializes in training military officers for Taiwan to use.

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