Red Alert 1895

Chapter 281: The Power of Example (Medium)

"Boom boom boom boom..." "Da da da da..."

After a burst of fierce shooting, many of the natives were beaten to the ground, and then one by one they started running around. ↖, following the shouts of the mercenaries, the natives also knelt down and surrendered, and then prepared to kowtow and beg for mercy. And those mercenaries took ropes, strung them up one by one, and drove them away from the scene. In the end, they went step by step to the purchase point of Daiyan Republic, preparing to sell these things.

"Sunset and Xishan Hongxiafei, soldiers shooting targets and returning to camp...The song spread to Taipei, and Governor Wang was very happy when he heard it..."

And the second lieutenant, who was the supervising army, heard the mercenaries singing and quickly blocked his ears. I once tried to teach them to sing, but it turned out that the guys just now were obviously not suitable for singing military songs. Although they memorized the lyrics in front of them, these guys didn't have much artistic talent at all, and they couldn't sing perfectly. But they still have to sing, so as the second lieutenant of the supervising army, he can only plug his ears so that he can feel better.

When their mercenaries brought hundreds of captives back to the territory of Daiyan Province, they immediately attracted the attention of many Chinese. Because it was the first time they saw mercenaries, and these mercenaries went to capture those captives, and then all of them looked very strong, and they all looked like strong men! And this situation made everyone feel very shocked, after all, it was the first time for them to see such a rich harvest. And those people also know that these aboriginal men can be sold as labor, and those aboriginal women can also be regarded as the kind of people that everyone knows. Of course, this kind is the lowest-grade kind, and it can only be used by immigrants who live a relatively average life. For those aboriginal women who are quite beautiful, there may still be some immigrants who are not doing well. Be your own wife. As for those with average looks. In other words, you can only be that kind of person.

At present, there are still more men than women who immigrate. After all, most of those who have the courage to immigrate are bachelors, and those who have families are quite a few. Once a man becomes a family, that kind of pioneering spirit is much less, and what he hopes for after becoming a family is stability. Instead of continuing to struggle. Therefore, most of the people who are willing to take the initiative to immigrate are bachelors, and women rarely participate in immigration. This also brought about a big problem, so Taiwan also killed those indigenous women as little as possible, and the purchase price of indigenous women was higher than that of strong indigenous men.

"Okay, there are a total of 425 natives in your group, of which 120 are young strong men, and the other 130 are middle-aged women, and the rest are small Children. According to the price, a strong man is 15 silver dollars, and a young woman is 20 silver dollars. And you have more than 30 here who are quite beautiful, and I can give you 30 silver dollars. Plus those Kid, I can give you a total of 6,400 silver dollars. And there are other things, which are purchased according to the current approximate guide purchase price. You will get about 10,000 silver dollars this time. However, you still have You should pay a special industry tax, which is about 20%. I will withhold 20% of the tax for you. What do you think?"

When the leader of the mercenary group heard this, he immediately knelt down and said, "Thank you, my lord. Thank you, my lord!"

And when the more than thirty subordinates heard this, their eyes were inevitably reddened, and they only got 8,000 silver dollars in one battle. This is something that the people who extorted and blackmailed in the past may not be able to earn a fight for decades! More than 8,000 silver dollars. At present, there are more than 30 of them. On average, each person can get more than 300 silver dollars. This made them all feel excited. This income is really too lucrative, it is a fortune.

"Brothers, we not only captured a lot of people this time, but we were also able to obtain a special war subsidy from Mr. Wang, the governor of Taiwan. This time we were given a war subsidy of 3,000 silver dollars by Mr. Wang, and we also earned 8,000 yuan. Silver dollars. There are 11,000 silver dollars in total, and we will get rich this time!" Tiger shouted excitedly.

According to Taiwan's long-term mission for these mercenaries, anyone who completes the war mission issued by the Taiwan government can receive subsidies. Especially for those who pack up and arrest the aborigines, Taiwan can not only provide subsidies according to the number of enemies or the difficulty, but the Taiwan military will be responsible for this money. And if the Taiwan military pays for the fight itself, it may take more than five thousand silver dollars to achieve such an effect with various personnel and logistical supplies. And now more than 3,000 silver dollars have brought them here, but what they paid is just some spoils of war.

Of course, the spoils of war are also subject to taxation, and 20% of the tax rate can be said to be relatively high. Of course, it is only 20% at present, but it will be increased gradually in the future. After all, it is currently at the stage of encouraging everyone to participate. In the future, this kind of behavior must be restricted to a certain extent, and the tax will be higher and higher by then. After all, this kind of industry is not completely righteous, so it must be maintained as well as suppressed, so the current encouragement will not be lowered, but once the limit is reached, the tax will also be increased.

"We spent a total of more than 8,000 silver dollars on the purchase of guns this time, and these were owed to me by the military. We must repay them within three years. Now we plan to take out 3,000 silver dollars here, and then use them as repayment The cost of weapons and ammunition for the military. Next, another 1,000 yuan will be used to buy ammunition, and we will try to make a vote. The rest will be divided among us!" said the head of the tiger.

"Oh oh oh—"

Those mercenaries also started to shout, obviously feeling much better. In the past, they blackmailed the people and they only got less than one yuan a day, but now they go out for one expedition, and it only takes five or six days, and each person gets about two hundred silver dollars. You must know that these two silver dollars are a very huge number. At this time, the monthly silver dollar income of each regular army is only seven or eight dollars. This is still a high income given by Taiwan. And in just a few days, I have earned two hundred silver dollars. This is really three years after opening!

The guns of these mercenaries were all credited to them by Taiwan, and they were all second-hand goods used by Taiwan. The bullets were also purchased from Wang Guorui. Wang Guorui also obtained a method of making money from these mercenaries. After each battle, these mercenaries had to pay taxes, and part of their income flowed into Wang Guorui's pockets. , This is a big profit. This sum of money has all entered Wang Guorui's small treasury, and when the time comes, Wang Guorui will be able to use it however he wants. So don't look at these mercenaries making a lot of money, but they have a lot of money that will flow into Wang Guorui and Taiwan's government army through taxes, guns and ammunition expenses, so it means that Taiwan's three sides have made money .

And then, the tiger took out five hundred silver dollars on his own initiative, and put it in front of the second lieutenant.

"Master Supervisor, this is for you!" Tiger said.

Of course the tiger knew that if he wanted to continue to make a living, he had to serve the supervising army well. If the Superintendent deliberately cheats them when he writes a report to his superiors, then they will definitely be deliberately targeted and suppressed by the Taiwan authorities. So he plans to give these supervisors a sum of money, hoping that he can speak well for himself in the future! What's more, people have come to teach him the combat capabilities of these recruits anyway, so they should also give him some money.

"No, no, no, I can't ask for it. Our army supervisor doesn't participate in the dividends, so you still keep this, don't give it to me!" said the second lieutenant.

This second lieutenant would not violate military law just for this little money and ruin his future. According to regulations, these supervising troops do not participate in the dividends of the mercenary regiment. This is because Wang Guorui wants to maintain military discipline. If these officers all go to participate in the mercenary dividends, then what is the difference between them and mercenaries? If more money can be obtained from the mercenaries at that time, then I am afraid that many of them will betray Taiwan. Therefore, Taiwan strictly forbids them to obtain dividends and wealth from mercenaries. At most, they can accept some mercenary meals, but absolutely cannot accept valuable wealth.

If they dare to accept the wealth of mercenaries, they will probably be sent to military courts in the end. So they didn't dare to accept it at all. If they accepted it, not only would they have no future, but they would have to be sent to a military court for trial. As long as the officers are more normal-minded, they will not choose to do such stupid things. They are students who graduated from the military academy, and they are all disciples of the emperor, and their future prospects are boundless. If they choose the money, the future must be ruined. At that time, not only will the student status of the military academy be revoked, but also the chance to become a student of the emperor will be gone. Even the people in their hometown have to be notified, so that the people in their hometown will lose face. So they absolutely can't accept it, and their family members won't be able to hold their heads up.

"Is this the tiger mercenary group? I am a staff member of the Nanyang Special Commissioner's Office of the Taiwan Police Department. We have something to do with the head of your tiger mercenary group!"

The Nanyang Special Commissioner of the Taiwan Police Department is actually a staff member sent from Taiwan Island to guide the construction of the Nanyang police force and inspect and supervise the establishment of the Nanyang security work. And there is a team under the special commissioner's office, so someone will come here immediately.

"Excuse me, my lord, what can I do to find a villain?" Tiger asked. (to be continued..)

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