Red Alert 1895

Chapter 313: Self-produced ammunition (Part 2)

Tan Ya heard that these bullets and ammunition were more expensive than what she bought from the Red Police Base, and Tan Ya was not too surprised by this. Because this is not only not abnormal, but very normal. With Taiwan's current industrial strength, it is the first step to be able to produce bullets, and the next step is to consider the cost issue. We must solve the problem from scratch before we can consider the cost issue. This is also the target status of a country. Do you consider the issue of having or not, or considering the issue of cost.

If it is some small countries, especially those in Europe with a small territory and a small population, they have a developed economy, but they will never be able to compete for the right to speak in the world. In this case, they will choose to buy bullets, because their country cannot support an industrial system at all, whether it is the capital or the population market, it cannot be supported. So they may choose to buy bullets by themselves, which is cheaper, and they all survive by relying on big countries.

And if it is a big country, a big country with the goal of competing for supremacy in the world, then even if the cost of bullets is expensive, it will have to grit its teeth to support it. The proportion of a country's self-produced weapons is one of the most important parameters. The more weapons that can be self-produced, the safer the source of weapons is, and the stronger your industrial strength is. So even though the factory manager said that the production cost was higher than the purchase, Tanya knew that no matter how high the cost was, Wang Guorui would continue to spend money, so that the ammunition factory could continue to expand. Even if it is to buy bullets at a loss. Also have to buy. Otherwise, if you keep relying on the Red Alert base, it will be over sooner or later. This must be the ultimate path for a big and powerful country, for any country that wants to compete for hegemony in the world. It is necessary to have this path, and this is an inevitable labor pain.

However, some people in later generations think that certain small countries in the West have good national welfare and low tax burden, and then think that their motherland is not as good as them. But in fact, this is a big mistake. Those small western countries will never be qualified to compete for world hegemony, and they will not be able to develop anyway, so they simply use the money for developing armaments to distribute benefits to the people. Lower taxes. However, the fate of these small countries cannot be completely independent. Once it is in the hands of a certain big country, it is just a plaything for them to play with. And all those countries that want to be qualified to compete for world hegemony, such as China and the United States in later generations, although it seems that the tax burden is high. But it is a country that is qualified to compete for hegemony. The destiny of the country can be independent, and no foreign country can dominate their destiny. So although it seems that the pressure and taxes of the people are greater than those of small European countries, they have a harvest that those small European countries do not have, that is, the identity of citizens of big countries. Only citizens of a truly big country can go international proudly because of the strength of their motherland. If a country can't even control its own destiny, then even if you get a lower tax for a while, you can pay a lot less tax, so you still won't be able to get the country's asylum in the end. So those who give up their citizenship of big countries in order to avoid taxes. In the future, I will definitely regret it for a lifetime. If you don't go to the international arena, if you don't encounter danger in a foreign country, you will never know how important the identity of a citizen of a big country is.

"Okay. You don't have to worry. I will tell the commander about the bullet. You can rest assured that the commander will continue to invest in it. You did a good job this time. As long as the bullet can be produced by yourself, that's all. Your credit. Now is the time. It is not the time to care too much about the cost. We must first start from scratch, and this is the condition to ensure that we will not be controlled by others." Tanya said.

Tanya knew that the director of the bullet processing factory had done his best. After all, no scientific development can be achieved overnight, so it must be done step by step. After all, China's industrial foundation is too weak, and it is impossible to expect it to be accomplished overnight. So we have to take it slowly, we can only allow more time to accumulate, so that we can reach the peak step by step. Of course, Wang Guorui's plan is to clone Germany's industrial base to Taiwan, so that Taiwan can create a much more complete industrial system overnight. Now Taiwan is only better in the military industry, but the civilian industry is still too bad. At present, Taiwan's capital is first invested in the military industry. After all, Taiwan's security is a must. At present, everything in Taiwan is created by strong military strength. If there is no sufficient industrial strength, it will not be far from the demise of Taiwan by the great powers.

And if the corresponding industrial technology can be cloned from Germany, then a reserve of industrial technology can be completed very well. But the Germans just don't see the rabbits and don't spread the eagles. They have to consider Taiwan after ruling the whole of China, otherwise they won't believe in Taiwan's strength at all.

"Thank you Mr. Wang and Madam for your understanding!" said the director of the bullet factory.

The director of the bullet factory finally breathed a sigh of relief. If Wang Guorui punished him for this, he would be in trouble. After all, the cost of the bullets produced by ourselves is higher than that purchased abroad, so nothing can convince others. If Wang Guorui held him accountable for this, then he would not be able to escape. Whenever he produces by himself, he hopes that the cost will be lower, but he has not been able to achieve lower cost, but has spent more. If it is some relatively incompetent leaders, I am afraid they will blame themselves. You must know that the Manchu Qing government in the mainland tried to build their own ships. But in the end, the cost of building ships by ourselves was higher than the cost of buying foreigners from abroad, so the Manchu Qing government stopped developing the shipbuilding industry. Of course, there were some objective reasons for the high cost of the Manchu Qing government, such as corruption, the need to import materials, and the high cost of foreigners who had a lot of free time. However, in terms of national strategy, these are actually some objective reasons that can be solved, not the main reason. However, for these objective reasons, the development of the shipbuilding industry and the entire industry were abandoned. This is not advisable. It is simply absurd to buy from foreign countries at a low price and give up the development of one's own industrial base. And this is also the reason why the Manchus have failed to develop industry for so many years, because they have no determination and perseverance at all. They saw some considerable reasons and hurriedly began to criticize those who really developed industry. Can it still be successful?

Fortunately, Wang Guorui could understand him, and he didn't give up his idea of ​​developing bullets because of this. Instead, he wanted to continue investing, which moved the director of the bullet factory a little. Instead of punishing him for this, he encouraged his family and even continued to invest. This made him feel grateful. This kind of leader who can understand the difficulties of his subordinates is really rare.

"Also, what do you use for the head and case of this bullet?" Tanya asked.

"It's all made of pure copper! So the cost is very high!" said the director of the bullet factory.

And Tan Ya immediately thought about it, China is actually very short of copper mines. The price of copper, a non-ferrous metal, is still very high, so if copper is used to make bullets, the cost will naturally be very high. Moreover, copper ore is still a material used for very huge coins. If a large amount of copper ore is used to make bullets, it must be a very huge cost for economic circulation. In later generations of China, copper-clad steel was used to manufacture bullet casings and warheads, which is better in terms of economic cost. And there is no copper-clad steel in this time and space, and the technology of copper-clad steel has not yet been developed. So the bullets are made of pure copper, so the cost must be much higher. And if countless bullets are shot out, I am afraid that it will consume a huge amount. Therefore, if the technology of copper-clad steel can be invented, it may help to save the cost of bullets. Moreover, China is short of copper. This is an indisputable fact. Although there are copper mines in Nanyang, it is still separated by an ocean from the mainstream Chinese territory. So once China loses its control of the, it will be very dangerous. So next, we must find a way to figure out the technology of copper-clad steel, so that we can have enough materials to make bullets. Although such bullets are not as good as pure copper, there is no other way.

"You can consider using copper-clad steel. You can make a request to the steel factory and ask them to develop copper-clad steel for you. In this way, your bullets may save a lot of material costs." Tan Ya said.

"Thank you for reminding me, madam, I will definitely go right away!" said the director of the bullet factory.

Then, Tanya also inspected many factories on behalf of Wang Guorui, especially the bullet production workshops. Then Tanya tried firing a few bullets, and she was quite satisfied with this bullet. Although it is not as good as the bullets provided by the Red Alert system, they can all meet the needs of ordinary soldiers. As for the cost issue, I will talk about this later. As long as the bullets can be produced now, it can be regarded as very good. So as long as there are bullets, then the production must be expanded to avoid accidents in the future when there is no red alarm system.

"Now our copper resources are not only used to supply bullets, but also to be used to mint coins. Isn't this too wasteful? Minting coins requires a lot of copper ore, so why can't we implement the gold standard system? This can save a lot of copper " Tanya muttered suddenly. (to be continued)

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