Red Alert 1895

Chapter 334: Assassinated

The telegram related to Chen Liyan was sent to Taiwan soon. At this time, Wang Guorui was inspecting Taiwan Hai University and driving to the Governor's Mansion. [For more exciting novels, please visit] But because this is in the city of Taipei, the driver dare not drive fast, so the speed is still relatively slow. And the sent information was soon sent to the car by bicycle, and then Kang Tongwei began to read the relevant news.

"Husband, the matter in Nanyang has almost been resolved? The major tribes in Nanyang have handed in their letters of allegiance, and then we will gradually replace the leaders of those tribes. Next, we will emigrate step by step, and let The proportion of the Chinese population can increase there. At that time, we can truly occupy the Nanyang area. What we can do now is to find a balance among those people, and then let them balance each other to please us, and prevent them from colluding to resist Us!" Kang Tongwei introduced.

Wang Guorui immediately went on to ask: "What about the leader of the indigenous rebellion last time? What happened to him, was he killed or captured?"

"Before we arrived, he had already been expelled by those natives. I heard that they seemed to be heading east all the way to the east of Borneo to fight guerrillas. But we have not received relevant news so far, after all, they are in the east of Borneo , we have too few Chinese. Especially in East Borneo, there are only a few thousand Chinese, but it is a provincial unit. This is obviously a shortage of manpower. There are all aboriginals there, and we simply cannot quickly Get the news." Kang Tongwei said.

And Wang Guorui immediately added: "Tell Zhu Yuan of the East Borneo Military Region that he must arrest that guy with national consciousness and kill him. Moreover, he is responsible for suppressing the guerrilla natives in the East Borneo Military Region. Then clear out their natives. And their troops will gradually distribute some weapons suitable for mountain warfare, and they will be organized into lightly armed mountain divisions, so that they can fight exclusively as mountain troops and can adapt to the terrain there."

Wang Guorui planned to change all the troops in the East Borneo Military Region into mountain troops. Naturally, the weapons used by the mountain troops cannot be compared with those of the normal field army. For example, there are a lot less heavy artillery, and there are more grenades, grenades, mortars, etc. The mountains are not suitable for heavy artillery operations. As for the East Borneo Military Region, they will also be troops for mountain warfare. At that time, everyone will definitely be able to clean them up and fight against those indigenous guerrillas.

When the car was slowly driving into the governor's mansion, suddenly something was thrown over.


There was a burst of flames, and an explosive exploded more than ten meters away from the car, and this scene shocked even Wang Guorui. Because this situation is something he never thought of. Didn't he expect that he would be assassinated? This is definitely an assassination, because the explosives were all thrown towards him, but it seems that the throwing was not accurate and did not affect him.

"Protect Mr. Wang!" "Hurry up and protect Mr. Wang!" "Protect Mr. Wang!"

Soon, many soldiers of the Guards Division also rushed over, surrounded the car with their bodies, and then prevented the enemy from further shooting or throwing explosives. And these people are the most core members of the Guards. They have been strictly selected before becoming the guards around Wang Guorui. They can be said to be the elites of the Guards. And their loyalty is unquestionable. Even most of them are Red Police soldiers, and only a small number are ordinary officers. And each of these people has at least the rank of captain. If a captain is a company commander in other places, he is just a soldier here, responsible for protecting Wang Guorui. And they are also the first part of officer training, accepting the dual leadership of the attendant room and the guard division.

Once the other troops encountered an attack, they would disperse and fight back. But these people are different. Once they encounter danger, they will concentrate on shrinking and approaching the protected target, trying to block the enemy's firepower with their own bodies. This is the case now. After hearing the explosion, they concentrated on shrinking in the middle, so as to avoid the second attack.

"How is it? Master Wang. Are you okay?" Colonel Li Qing, the captain of the guard, asked.

"It's okay, who is attacking me?" Wang Guorui said angrily.

"Master Wang, we don't know yet, we'll contact you to investigate right away!" Li Qing said.

And Wang Guorui gritted his teeth. This time it really made Wang Guorui angry. Because this time was the first time he was assassinated, this is simply absurd. He was actually thrown explosives outside his governor's mansion. Fortunately, he was not thrown close this time. In addition, the power of the explosives was not that great, so there was no problem. But if next time, people will be more prepared next time. At that time, can we still count on other people's mistakes? As a human being, especially a politician, you can never have a fluke mentality, otherwise the consequences will definitely be very serious.

You can't pin your hopes on the enemy's failure, so this is obviously unacceptable. If I escaped the assassination this time, will I be able to escape next time? This is obviously very infuriating. And Wang Guorui immediately called Liu Feng from the General Intelligence Administration, obviously the responsibility was huge.

"Liu Feng, what are you doing? Someone attacked me, and you haven't found any news? Are you full of **** in your head?" Wang Guorui said angrily.

Wang Guorui was really angry and incoherent this time, and even said such slightly insulting words. But this matter is related to one's own life, and no one can not care about it. So he directly criticized this Liu Feng, so he was obviously rude.

"Lord Wang, I'm guilty, I'm guilty!" Liu Feng immediately knelt down and begged.

Wang Guorui immediately continued to spray: "You have committed a great crime. You missed this opportunity again this time. I was assassinated. You didn't get any information in advance. This is simply unreasonable! If you can get the news , This kind of thing can definitely be avoided. But you haven’t even smelled the fart, it’s really unreasonable! I support your intelligence agencies, what’s the use of it?”

Liu Feng didn't answer a word, and it was obvious that this matter was really too big. If he was a little careless, he might lose his official position and even be sent to prison to eat. Although he has made some credits before, but now that the leader is assassinated by others for the crime of dereliction of duty, I am afraid that no matter how much credit he has made in the past, it will be offset, so this is really not a small crime! Although the assassination was not successful, it still frightened the leader. Then his own intelligence agency had no news at all, and no one would complain for you even if his head was cut off.

"Husband, what's the matter with you? Are you all right?"

Zheng Hong, who was working in the political department, heard that Wang Guorui had been assassinated, and hurriedly put down her work and ran over. After finding out that her husband was fine, she was relieved.

"Liu Feng, you have really neglected your duty this time. It's just that you didn't get the information in advance for such a big news. But now, half an hour has passed, who is the assassin, what purpose, and what organization? You have no news at all, do you have anything else to explain?" Zheng Hong also asked rudely.

"Director Zheng, I'm guilty, and I'm willing to accept a court-martial trial!" Liu Feng immediately begged.

Liu Feng knew that he was following Zheng Hong after all, and he was the second in command of the Tiandihui as early as the Tiandihui period. And now even in the Tiandihui department, their status is at the senior level, almost second only to Zheng Hong. So he accepted the fine honestly, and there will always be a day of recovery. Even if he can't do it, then he and his family will not be implicated. At least Zheng Hong can help his son gradually rise in the power of Taiwan. Anyway, I'm afraid it will be difficult to keep my official position this time, so I ask for punishment, hoping that Wang Guorui and Zheng Hong will let me go because of their mutual affection in the past.

However, when Zheng Hong saw Liu Feng, she also took the initiative to say to Wang Guorui: "Husband, although Liu Feng made a big mistake this time, I hope Husband can see that he is the elder of our Tiandihui, so don't kill him." Moreover, there are actually some objective reasons for this accident, because the General Intelligence Agency is not only responsible for external intelligence, but also for internal and our current General Intelligence Administration’s external responsibilities are far from It is more important than the internal responsibilities, and all the resources of the General Intelligence Agency are also tilted towards the external responsibilities, and the internal responsibilities are also very imperfect. So this assassination, maybe it should be assassinated by our Chinese insiders , It was not assassinated by foreigners. The General Intelligence Agency is currently responsible for too many aspects and cannot be effectively professional.”

"External and internal responsibilities are two different responsibilities, so we can't operate effectively for a while. So although Liu Feng is responsible this time, there are also some objective reasons. I hope you will calm down, my husband. Don't get too caught up."

Wang Guorui thought for a while, and then said: "Give Liu Feng, Director of the General Intelligence Agency, a serious demerit and be dismissed from his post to stay in his post. He will go home and contemplate for three months behind closed doors, and then he will come out again to commit crimes and make meritorious service."

Liu Feng breathed a sigh of relief. His life was saved. However, he was decriminalized and dismissed from his position. Fortunately, he was able to stay in his position. If he made a crime and made meritorious service, he might have the hope of regaining his position. It is very lucky to be able to do this. This is thanks to the fact that I am the elder of the faction of the Tiandihui, and Zheng Hong can also take a certain risk to intercede for herself, blowing Wang Guorui's pillow wind, otherwise I really want to go to prison. (To be continued.)

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