Red Alert 1895

Chapter 349: Top Secret Information (2)

In the meeting hall of the Governor's Mansion in Taipei, Wang Guorui urgently held a military-political joint meeting, and then began to discuss the next plan. +,

"Everyone, now Taiwan is facing a very important situation again. According to a very reliable intelligence, the Spanish fleet will visit Japan in the next month. But the so-called visit to Japan is actually just a cover. Their real purpose is to We will go to war. After passing through the Strait of Malacca, the Spaniards will launch a war against our Java Sea Fleet in the South China Sea, and take the opportunity to attack our Java Sea Fleet. If the Java Sea Fleet is caught off guard, then Maybe the entire army may be wiped out. At that time, the Spaniards will declare war on us, and the war between us and the Spaniards will break out."

"What? Why are the Spaniards going to war with us?" someone asked immediately.

Everyone can't figure out why the Spaniards want to go to war against Taiwan. There is no enmity between them! In fact, Wang Guorui was also very shocked by this situation, because the Spaniards actually took the initiative to start a war against Taiwan, which obviously shocked Wang Guorui. If it hadn't been confirmed again and again that this was the news from Akashi Genjiro, this would have made Wang Guorui feel unbelievable. Because the Naga people in the west are actually playing the same fighting method as Pearl Harbor, that is, fighting without declaring war, and then actually declaring war after the war begins. And in this way, one can be caught off guard, and the loss may be huge.

But since Wang Guorui got the news in advance, he will naturally be prepared. Naturally, Wang Guorui would not let the Spaniards carry out a sneak attack in vain. He must formulate a battle plan and deal with the Spaniards' war against Taiwan. This obviously needs to be prepared, otherwise it will really be a big trouble.

"Master Wang, why did the Spaniards go to war against us?" someone still asked.

Wang Guorui immediately explained: "It's actually very simple. This is caused by many reasons. The current king of Spain has just passed away for a few years, and now the queen mother is in charge. But now the Spanish internal conflicts are very serious, and they are likely to break out a revolution. So they just want to alleviate domestic conflicts through a foreign war. As long as there is a foreign war, everyone's attention will be focused on the foreign national war, and they have to shift their goals. War has always been a way to bridge domestic conflicts. So they all have the idea of ​​easing conflicts through foreign wars."

"But why do they have the guts to go to war with Taiwan? Are they confident in defeating us?" Hu Wei asked.

Everyone finds it inconceivable that even the most powerful countries in the world dare not humiliate Taiwan's strength, but Spain, a low-ranking European power and a country that has already fallen, dares to take the initiative to start a war against Taiwan. Isn't this looking for death? So everyone felt a little unbelievable, and everyone expressed incomprehension about this, the Spaniards dare to go to war? After all, national war is not just a house game. It is also very important to choose a suitable opponent. If you rashly challenge a world power, you will naturally seek death. So the Spaniards actually chose Taiwan to fight. Isn't this going to kill themselves at home? If they knew they would lose the war, would they still have the guts to fight it? I am afraid, if this is the case, Western countries will not be optimistic about Spain!

"It's actually very simple. They colluded in many ways." Wang Guorui said.

Wang Guorui talked about the situation in Spain. Then everyone felt a burst of surprise. Because Spain is going to war against Taiwan this time, in fact, it is a kung fu outside the play. Spain's war is just a sign. In fact, many countries colluded together. The British provided money to provide funds, the Dutch provided nearby supplies, and Japan provided intelligence support. This formed a very large plan, and then it could continue to wage war on Taiwan. Of course, the real combat targets are also Spain. But with the British, the Dutch, and the Japanese behind him fanning the ghostly wind and lighting the will-o'-the-wisps, and also responsible for various combat preparations, can he not be strong? So this is the result of Spain daring to go to war against Taiwan.

"Husband, what benefits can Spain get? You know, there are people who do the business of beheading, but no one does the business of losing money! Can Spain get any benefits here?" Zheng Hong asked.

Wang Guorui immediately said: "This issue is also very important. According to the information investigated by the intelligence personnel, the distribution of spoils this time is actually very simple. The British and Japanese are only contributing out of the hope of attacking us, and they will not fight directly. So they didn't expect to get much benefit. The Dutch are different. The Dutch have already posed a major threat to Java and Sumatra because we occupied this Borneo, that is, Kalimantan. Sumatra is a An island rich in resources, and Java Island is a large island with important agriculture, and agriculture is very promising. So once we occupy Kalimantan Island, it will inevitably threaten the two of them, one industrial island and the other agricultural island. Therefore, in order to keep Sumatra and Java, the Dutch naturally have to find a way to expel us. But the Dutch are powerless now, and they just jump to another country to fight us. And they choose Borneo. It is the central axis of Kalimantan Island as the boundary, and the land east of Kalimantan Island is ceded to Spain, so that Spain can also obtain a large colony. Then with these colonies, not only can they have a domestic The contradictions of foreign wars have shifted, and on the other hand, there are more resources to appease domestic sentiments."

"As for the British and the Japanese, their role here is to provide money and provide intelligence support, so that they can start a war against us in Taiwan. The reason why the British want to go to Spain to start a war against us , that’s because we have occupied Kalimantan Island, which could threaten the Strait of Malacca at any time, so the British are naturally not reconciled to us being an oriental threat to the Strait of Malacca, so they chose to go to Spain to start the war. As long as we can Get out, then the Strait of Malacca is still in the hands of the Westerners, so that the British can really rest assured! As for the Japanese, I don’t need to explain this much, right? It may be easily resolved, so they will support everything that is not good for Taiwan."

Of course, Wang Guorui knew that the target of the British was the Strait of Malacca. The Strait of Malacca has always been an important channel for business exchanges between the East and the West. Naturally, such an important channel is not willing to be threatened by Taiwan at any time. If Taiwan wants to block the Strait of Malacca, it can actually be done. But if Taiwan really did this, it would be a hornet's nest. At that time, all Western countries would come together to besiege Wang Guorui. Therefore, at present, Wang Guorui is not yet ready to launch a war against the entire Western world, and he dare not touch this hornet's nest in the Straits of Malacca.

But Wang Guorui has already decided, that is to say, when he becomes stronger in the future, the important place of the Strait of Malacca must be controlled by himself. In this way, I will definitely be able to obtain great benefits. At that time, I will not be able to obtain benefits from anyone who wants to be blocked. Even the resources that the French plundered in Vietnam had to be transported through the Strait of Malacca. If Wang Guorui blocked the Strait of Malacca, the French would not be able to plunder Vietnam. And once the Strait of Malacca is blocked, it means that the power of the Westerners in the East will be completely over.

However, although Wang Guorui is very close to the Strait of Malacca, it is so close. If he dared to reveal the idea of ​​moving the Strait of Malacca, then the western countries would start to blow their hair. At that time, Wang Guorui would not be able to afford and all countries also have a lot of interests in the East. If they moved their cake, the consequences would be unimaginable. Only when the forces of various countries are expelled from the East can we achieve the possibility of controlling our own destiny. Therefore, the Strait of Malacca is not so easy to move. Once it is moved, it will take over the entire Western world and go to war. It is not yet ready for this.

"Since we have seen the plans of Britain, the Netherlands, Japan, Spain and other countries against us, we must also be prepared. If we are not prepared, then can we still wait a month later for the Spaniards to go to war against us? Is it? So, we must be prepared for this war, otherwise we will suffer a lot!" Wang Guorui said.

Since Wang Guorui got the information, he naturally wouldn't just sit idly by. If the Spaniards dare to fight against them, Wang Guorui will dare to fight them. Then look at a small country in decline in Europe, who dares to fight against Taiwan in this way, even if they have the support of several countries, then the Kingdom Ray wouldn't even be afraid of them. After all, Wang Guorui's army is not vegetarian. Although the expansion of the 300,000 army has not been completed, there are 220,000 troops, so even if the Spaniards send all the troops from the whole country, they must be Can't please. But the only important thing is that they can resupply in situ, as long as they resupply in situ, because the Dutch will provide them with nearby material support, which can also avoid a lot of consumption on the road and save transportation costs. (To be continued..) u

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