Red Alert 1895

Chapter 378: Our engineers have strength (Part 1)

"Okay, we blew up the Spaniard's shell storage warehouse, and we should be able to continue to attack. At that time, we will be able to destroy them easily, and we will not be far away from victory!" Siboro Said Ma Junhui, former enemy commander-in-chief of the military region.

"Okay, we are going to attack, so we must make them unable to resist at all!"

In the Spaniard's headquarters, Boris immediately said: "Our shells have been blown up by the Taiwan army this time, and we can only rely on you! I hope you can succeed this time. If you can succeed, then You are the hero of our Spain."

And an officer with the rank of colonel immediately said: "Commander, please rest assured, I think our enemy cannot deal with our tactics at all. As long as we can make good use of our tactics, then we will be able to do well." Defeat the enemy. When the time comes, please commander usher in the news of our victory!"

And the colonel officer left immediately, and no one knew what he was going to do, what kind of conspiracy he had. And the Taiwanese army is preparing to charge, and at this time they did not expect that their opponents are not ordinary people!

"Commander, our engineer reports that there seems to be some abnormality in the position!" A staff officer said to Ma Junhui.

"What? Is there an abnormality? What abnormality? What can engineers find?" Ma Junhui felt incredible.

In Ma Junhui's eyes, engineers should also dig trenches and build buildings. But now some people say that the engineers actually found the problem, and this value makes them feel incredible. But now, Ma Junhui also started to care. What did the engineers discover that made them face them so anxiously.

"Report to the commander-in-chief. Through some equipment, our engineers discovered that there were many earthworms in the uninhabited area of ​​the Spanish position in front of us, which indicated that the soil was exposed, and these earthworms exposed the soil, which indicated that it was obviously abnormal." An engineer battalion commander said.

"Is there any difference?" Ma Junhui didn't know much about engineering soldiers, so he took the initiative to ask.

"The problem is big, generally speaking. Earthworms rarely crawl out of the soil surface, because the soil can prevent their mother from directly facing the air and sunlight. Keep their bodies moist. In most cases, it is earthworm rain After the rain, the earthworms had to climb out of the soil to allow themselves to breathe because the soil was filled with a lot of water after the rain. But now there is no rain, and the earthworms have all crawled out of the soil. That shows a problem.” Engineer Battalion There was a long pause.

"What's the problem?" Ma Junhui asked.

"That means that someone is building engineering facilities, because when we dug trenches, many earthworms crawled out, so it means that they are also building engineering facilities. But in the no-man's land in front of us, there are actually A lot of engineering facilities are being built, which is obviously impossible. On the surface, we don’t have any engineering facilities under construction, but I dare to say that someone is digging tunnels under the no-man’s land ahead. They dig tunnels That is to be able to dig our trenches here, and then carry out some offensive methods!" said the engineer battalion commander.

Ma Junhui heard this. Immediately, I had a headache and asked: "How do we deal with it? Could it be that we bombed with artillery?"

"Commander. I'm afraid not. Our artillery can't really accurately judge where their tunnels are. Although they are digging tunnels, they can't be hit accurately with artillery. After all, their tunnels are relatively small compared to the entire battlefield. It's still not too big. So direct artillery bombardment may not be of much use," said the engineer battalion commander.

Ma Junhui immediately covered his head, he really suffered a loss. This time the enemy was actually forced to dig a tunnel to attack. This is simply absurd. However, this is actually not a solution. Attack by digging tunnels, so that if the tunnels can be dug into the trenches of Taiwan, their soldiers can also dig along the tunnels. With such a long tunnel, it is possible for the enemy soldiers to rush over without worrying about the overhead cannons, machine guns, mortars, grenades and other weapons, and the Spaniards can also be very good to solve this problem.

"Damn it, you actually came up with such a method?" Ma Junhui said irritably, hammering the table.

This method really hit the nail on the back of the Taiwan army. Although the Taiwan army seems to have a lot of firepower, even cannons, machine guns, etc. are the only scorpions on earth. But with such a fierce firepower, it is okay to face the enemies on the ground, but if it is to face the enemies underground, there is really nothing to do. After all, it is very difficult for the artillery to hit the tunnel exactly when it is bombing. If it cannot hit the tunnel, then naturally it is impossible for the engineers who can directly kill the enemy to organize the enemy to dig the tunnel. Uh, digging tunnels is not a technical job, and ordinary soldiers can also do it. And then, Taiwan's machine guns, cannons, various grenades, and other weapons are useless in the face of this kind of tunnel. People only support some wood under the tunnel, which can ensure that they will not collapse when encountering light grenades and other weapons. As for if the heavy artillery hits, it can only be said that you are unlucky, but the probability of this is low.

"Commander, if they attack from the tunnel and then rush directly into our position, then our weapon advantage will not be able to be brought into play. At that time, our double-fires were completely close-range combat, so We must be at a disadvantage in terms of numbers!" said the engineer battalion.

And Ma Junhui immediately realized this situation. Once the Spanish army dug tunnels directly into Taiwan's trenches, then they could all pour in a large number of soldiers, and then engage in close combat with Taiwan's army. At that time, Taiwan's artillery advantage, as well as the firepower advantage of mortars and grenades, could not be brought into play. And heavy machine guns can't be used in the trenches, and those grenades or other weapons can't be thrown directly at your comrades, right? So at that time, the most troublesome thing was here. All kinds of heavy weapons could not be used, and all of them had to rely on human flesh and blood to fight. Or use rifles to fight, and then this is completely a war of attrition. At present, there are only more than 40,000 people in Taiwan, and some of them are artillery, machine gunners and other technical arms. These arms hardly have any melee capabilities.

After all, the troops with shotguns and Sten submachine guns that can be used in Taiwan are a small number. If they are faced with an incoming army of more than 100,000, they may really be unable to stop them. In this kind of close combat, the firepower of Taiwan's side has also been weakened to the extreme, and the combat effectiveness has dropped seriously, making it impossible to use all firepower to strike.

And now all kinds of methods are useless, so the Taiwan army has no way to stop it. This is a very headache situation.

"Should we retreat a certain distance first?" Ma Junhui thought.

"Commander, why don't you give it to our engineers? This time, our engineers will solve the battle. What do you think?" asked the engineer battalion commander.

"You engineers? Come to command the troops to fight?" Ma Junhui immediately hesitated.

The engineer battalion commander immediately said: "Commander, if you hand over the first trench to us, then we will never let the enemy break through the first trench. If the enemy breaks through the first trench, then we will take the lead See!"

"Okay, since that's the case, then I authorize you to be the head of the temporary engineer regiment, and then you will be responsible for coordinating the temporary command of the first trench. This time, you must not let the enemy break through our first trench Trenches, why don't we let you go!" Ma Junhui said.

Because Ma Junhui was just a former enemy commander-in-chief, he didn't have the power to reorganize the troops, but he could temporarily organize them temporarily. And this temporary rank cannot be appointed as a formal rank, but many officers also hope to become these temporary rank because if they can get the position of temporary rank officers, it will be better for themselves in the future Floors are of great help. Therefore, many people also hope to obtain the position of temporary officer, and they will be given priority in the formal promotion in the future.

"Brothers of the engineering soldiers, we are about to start work today. Today, we are going to show our opponents that not only are we capable of other arms, but our engineering soldiers are also capable of fighting. Our engineering soldiers are also capable of fighting. Going to the battlefield to kill the enemy, we must be no worse than those other arms! We are not masons, we are a soldier, a soldier, a soldier who can kill the enemy." The head of the temporary engineering corps shouted.

Soon, the soldiers in the first trench gradually retreated to the second trench through traffic vehicles on a large scale, and then only a small number of infantry were left to cooperate. However, these cooperating infantry are also soldiers with submachine guns, and their firepower is very fierce. And in this way, it is enough to make the coordinated firepower of the engineers strong enough to avoid a large amount of enemy firepower. Anyway, the enemies are mainly engineers, so you don't have to worry about how powerful they are.

"Everyone, get ready and stare at the soil for me. If there is anything different, tell me right away." The head of the provisional engineering corps said.

"Yes!" The engineers replied one after another. (to be continued)

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