Red Alert 1895

Chapter 399: Forced surrender (on)

"Commander Ma said, in order for us Taiwan and Spain to conduct friendly peace negotiations, please lay down your arms and surrender. If you don't surrender, then we will take the initiative to attack and arrest you all in our prisoner-of-war camps. I hope you will not toast or eat fine wine, otherwise you will not be treated so well at that time. If you surrender now, we can still give you good treatment for your senior officers according to their status as visiting officers. But if you If you don’t surrender, then you will be treated according to the treatment of prisoners of war officers. There is a big difference between the two, so I hope you will think carefully and don’t make mistakes! Do you understand?”

Listening to what the Taiwan military liaison officer said, Boris was very angry. Although he was angry that a "yellow monkey" dared to speak so impolitely in front of his noble Europeans and nobles. But he has nothing to do. In the absence of strength, any noble looks like a fool. So although Boris was angry in his heart, he didn't dare to take the initiative to show it. The current situation is beyond his control, so now he can only try his best to fulfill the duties of a soldier, so as to avoid being regarded as a soldier after the war. scapegoat.

As a nobleman, he has more natural political ability than military ability. He also knows the domestic news, that is, this time the country has reached an agreement, hoping to resolve the conflict with Taiwan peacefully. But for peaceful negotiations, it also needs a hole card, if one's own side does not have any strength. That is really to face the end of being slaughtered by Taiwan. Even with the help of the British, it was just that the slaughter was not so severe, and it could not prevent the fate of being slaughtered.

If more than 100,000 soldiers surrendered. The final result must be that Spain lost its last hole card, but it would be able to take them as hostages to threaten the Spanish government. And these more than 100,000 soldiers all have relatives and friends. Once their relatives and friends start troubles in the country, the result will definitely not be very good. Don't look at the lack of strength of those ordinary people, but once they unite, they can change the world. Wasn't it because France was defeated by Germany that a revolution broke out and a republic was formed? So of course these guys know very well. Once these more than 100,000 soldiers are captured, the people in Spain will definitely demand an end to this war. But at that time, Taiwan will use these more than 100,000 soldiers and prisoners of war as blackmail. That's embarrassing for Spain. At that time, Taiwan could have blackmailed many political interests with the help of more than 100,000 prisoners of war.

But if they hadn't surrendered, if these more than 100,000 soldiers hadn't surrendered, they still had the ability to resist, no matter how poor the ability to resist was, they still had some strength! With a certain strength. How much can they have bargaining capital with Taiwan. And as long as there is no surrender, it is impossible for Taiwan to take this opportunity to use their more than 100,000 people to blackmail Spain, so this is a situation of ebb and flow. This let Boris know that he absolutely cannot surrender. Once he surrenders, he may not only become a prisoner of war, but will even completely affect the overall situation in the country. At that time, once I surrendered, those domestic politicians would also push the responsibility for the failure of the final negotiation to themselves, and then make themselves the scapegoat.

"Hey. The strength of the country is not as good as others. Now I finally understand the feeling of the Chinese! Not only are there a group of politicians in the rear who want to use you as a scapegoat at any time, but on the other hand, I can't beat them. I can't fight for more favorable conditions for the government. What a shame! The state is difficult." Boris said helplessly.

Now Boris is really helpless, because he knows that he is in a dilemma here. He has no way to fight for a more favorable negotiating position for his country, but he does not dare to retreat even if he takes a step back, because if he does, he will be used as a scapegoat by the country. Now he has finally realized the situation of Chinese diplomats, obviously his own strength is not good enough. As a result, he was forced to sign a traitorous treaty, but in fact, there was no other way. Because it doesn't matter who goes. Then this traitorous treaty must also be signed, and I can't help myself. But in the end, he was the one to bear the blame. As a diplomat, he would eventually become a punching bag, used by those who really betrayed the country to appease the anger of the people.

As for those officers, they were all treated as one of the scapegoats because they lost the battle. So now Boris is really suffering in his heart, unable to advance or retreat, slipping into the abyss step by step.

On the other side, Ma Junhui learned that the other party was unwilling to surrender, so Ma Junhui was not polite.

"Tell the soldiers, since they are unwilling to surrender, don't blame us for being rude. We are not such a good-tempered person. Since they are unwilling to surrender, then we will force them to surrender. We use our powerful Offensive to force them to surrender, then I think they will be able to make the most correct choice." Ma Junhui said.

"Yes!" said the orderly immediately.

"Commander Ma, let me join the battle this time!" Tan Ya said.

And Ma Junhui immediately said politely: "Ma'am, it's fine for us to settle this battle, you don't need to participate!"

Of course Ma Junhui didn't dare to work for Tan Ya's boss. After all, Tan Ya was not only Wang Guorui's woman, but she was also very capable. In Taiwan, only Wang Guorui can command Tan Ya, but as a subordinate, how dare he command his wife? What's more, Tanya and Natasha are both one of Taiwan's most important strategic weapons, so where can I use them? What's more, as a subordinate, if you can't finish it yourself, and you have to work the boss's wife to solve it, then I'm afraid it's really embarrassing.

"No, I must participate in this battle. It's been a long time since I've fought a battle. Couldn't this time be enough for me?" Tanya asked.

Tanya just likes fighting. Since defeating Japan, she hasn't been on the battlefield many times. When it comes time to fight the Dutch, he has only been on the battlefield a few times, and it is not a battle that kills a lot of enemies. And Natasha's results were very good that time. Natasha killed dozens of enemy generals. This class is really amazing. Dozens of generals, the results of this battle were simply shocking, so at that time Natasha's reputation had already caught up with that of Tanya. And Tanya was naturally not reconciled, so she had to regain face on the battlefield and fight a few more battles, so that she could regain her past glory. Otherwise, I'm afraid that people all over the world will forget her, so he must exchange the head of the enemy for fame.

"Madam, then I'd better send a telegram back to Mr. Wang!" Ma Junhui said.

"Okay, anyway, regardless of whether he agrees or not, I will participate in this battle!" Tanya said.

"Hmm..." Ma Junhui was helpless, because he finally knew that Wang Guorui might not be able to completely control Tanya, a woman.

"Tanya still wants to participate in the battle?" Wang Guorui asked.

Wang Guorui really felt that this woman, Tanya, was really worried, and she actually wanted to join the battle at this time? Originally, she was only asked to solve the ninja problem, but now she has to participate in the front-line battle, which really caught Wang Guorui by surprise. But Wang Guorui felt very depressed. Originally, he hoped that Tanya could come back this time and be a good husband and son, and stop doing things like going to war everywhere. But now Tan Ya is not so obedient, as a woman who likes to go to the battlefield, letting them return to her side to "befriend husband and teach children" is simply more uncomfortable than killing them.

"Husband, since this is the case, let sister Tanya vent her excess energy. Anyway, he will come back when he is tired?" Zheng Hong said.

"She will come back when she's tired? I'm afraid she won't be tired at all, but will become more refreshed and energetic!" Wang Guorui said.

But Zheng Hong could understand, and said, "Sister Tanya and Sister Natasha were born for the battlefield. You want them to be by your side to care for your husband and raise your children. This is simply impossible!"

Wang Guorui also thought about Tanya and Natasha were born for the battlefield, and I asked them to be "husband and son" by my side, how could this be possible? So they must and must be allowed to go to the battlefield. If they don't go to the battlefield, then they won't be able to sit still. So they had to let them vent their excess energy, otherwise they would have objections if they stayed by Wang Guorui's side. Wang Guorui had no choice but to agree to Tanya's request.

"Tell Ma Junhui that this battle can only succeed, not fail. If he fails, then he will take care of it himself. With Tan Ya's help, if you still fail, then don't blame me for being rude. He is also the first officer other than me who can command Tanya, if he fails, it will be a problem with their ability." Wang Guorui said.

Wang Guorui is not worried about Tanya's safety, after all, Tanya's strength is enough to guarantee her safety. Because he has bulletproof clothes on his body, and he can also have a space-time belt that allows him to go back to a few minutes ago, which can give her an extra life. Even Tanya's own medical level is good, and she can fully afford medical treatment for herself, so Wang Guorui is not worried about Tanya's safety. Because the battles of this era are not at the same level as those battles in Tanya's memory. Tanya has passed through all the storms, and she should not capsize in the gutter on the battlefield of the nineteenth century. (to be continued)

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