February 4, 1932, Pulandian.

Yesterday's battle caused the Japanese army to completely abandon the city north of the Xiao'an River and retreat to the south of the city on the other side of the river, and the 2nd and 3rd Divisions of the Zhenbei Army, as the main attacking force, began to launch a fierce attack on the three bridges of Pulandian early on the morning of the 4th.

Under the cover of heavy tanks and aircraft, they successfully broke through the Japanese bridgehead defense line and pulled the battle line into the city on the south bank.

At the Taishan Bridge, the vanguard of the 1st Brigade of the 3rd Division in charge of the attack had already moved into Taishan on the south bank, and Chen Yu and his 2nd Regiment began to attack south along Lao Cai.

As one of the three breakthrough points, the Taishan Bridge was placed here to attack fifteen KV-1 heavy tanks, and as a lieutenant colonel, Chen Yu no longer had to rush to the front line, and began to slowly learn how to command and dispatch nearly 2,000 soldiers in three battalions under his command.

However, his brother Chen Ergou, as the best sniper of the Third Division, is always at the forefront of the charge, and while Chen Yu is worried, he also expects his brother to achieve better results, so that if he is promoted in the future, he may become an instructor of some branch of the armed forces, and the General Staff is not looking for strongmen of various arms? It seems that he is preparing for the formation of a military academy.

If you can be a class instructor, you will always rush to the front more than day long, and you will be grazed by bullets that suddenly pop out that day.

Chen Ergou, who was lying in ruins, didn't know what his brother thought, Chen Ergou, who was a soldier, was bent on killing devils and killing more devils.

More than 30 soldiers in their platoon really bent down, holding rifles, submachine guns, shotguns and other sharp weapons of street fighting, relying on the brick houses and collapsed ruins in residential areas to cover them, and closely followed a heavy tank with various impact marks and gunpowder smoke in front armor, but still not around the armor that had been broken.

"Long live!"

Suddenly, wolf-like Japanese came from the front, and several Japanese soldiers with menstrual strips tied to their foreheads rushed out of the ruins with explosives bags in their hands.


A Type 92 heavy machine gun hidden on the opposite side opened fire, covering these Japanese death squads.

"Hide! Kill these little devils!" the platoon commander roared angrily, lying on the small slope of a brick ruin, the submachine gun in his hand tilting bullets at the Japanese death squad like a typewriter.

The surrounding soldiers either lay down, or looked for brick wall cover, or relied on heavy tanks to hide, looking for a gap to fire at the Japanese death squad.

Bang! Bang!

The shotgun soldier on the left side of the tank is holding a Winchester M1897 and aiming at a little devil who rushes to him.

The scattershot shot at close range knocked the devil into a stopper, but at the same time, the explosive bag in the devil's hand was also ignited.

"Get down!" the old squad leader pulled the shotgunner and hid under the rubble of the brick wall.


The massive explosion tore over countless brick fragments, clanging across the tank's steel body.

"Stinky boy, are you alright?" the old squad leader patted the dust and pulled up the eggs of the new recruits who had been replenished in the Wafang shop.

"It's okay! squad leader!" Han Mingxuan shook his dazed head, his chest was shaken by the huge explosion wave.

He opened his mouth wide in panic and breathed several breaths of air, filled with gunpowder smoke and brick dust, before relieving.

"Be careful. The old squad leader patted him on the shoulder, and waved at the soldiers of his squad with his Thomson submachine gun.

After a while, ten soldiers trotted over, and several of them followed the old squad leader to cover each other, relying on the terrain and braving the fire of heavy machine guns on the opposite side, and continued to advance.

Han Mingxuan swallowed his saliva, hurriedly took out the bullets in his waist bag, and loaded the shotgun with five shots, and then followed. 、

The three MG34 machine guns in the platoon had been erected, but because of the angle problem, they could not shoot at the Type 92 heavy machine gun on the second floor opposite, and in the special street fighting environment, the three MG34 machine guns were suppressed.

"Ergou! Shoot that heavy machine gun for Lao Tzu!" The platoon commander saw that his more than 30 people were suppressed by a heavy machine gun on the opposite side, and immediately shouted.

Boom –

However, he was answered by the roar of 1 guns of the KV-75 heavy tank.

The ruined house at the end of the street was bombarded by 75mm tank grenades, which immediately turned into an even larger cloud of dust, and the Type 92 heavy machine gun was destroyed.

"Go, go, go!" the platoon commander laughed, beckoning the soldiers to continue the attack.

But before he had taken a few steps, a golden hook gun rang out, and the bullet passed through the platoon leader's shoulder.



A few more bullets splashed a few more clouds of dust around the platoon commander.

"Platoon commander!" Chen Ergou and his comrades who were lying down quickly looked for the Japanese sniper on the opposite side.

Three soldiers rushed forward, braving the bullets of Japanese snipers, sacrificing one soldier to drag the platoon commander behind cover.

"Little devil on a dog day!" the platoon commander, who was hiding behind a private house, looked at the young soldier who had fallen to the ground in order to save himself, and his face was full of blood and tears.

The paramedic hurriedly trotted over to stop the bleeding for the platoon commander.

"Ergou! Can you find it?" the deputy platoon commander took over the command of the squad and searched for the Japanese snipers.

"At least three devils with good marksmanship, two directions!" replied Chen Ergou, hiding behind the rubble and observing with a sniper scope for a while.

"Heavy cover!" shouted the deputy squad leader.

DadaDaDa -

Three MG34 machine guns poured fire in the two directions Chen Ergou said, and immediately shot out a cloud of dust.



But then a machine gun was dumbfired.

"The Hunan restaurant on the corner on the right side of the heavy tank fires!" Chen Ergou shouted as he trotted over to the KV-1 tank.

The tank commander immediately asked the gunner to turn the turret and aimed at the signboard of the Hunan restaurant on the right side of the street, a grenade!


A huge cloud of smoke rose and the entire house collapsed with a rumbling sound.

Chen Ergou rolled to the side, raised his gun, and aimed at the window of a private house on the left, and the panicked little devil could be clearly seen in the eight-fold sniper scope.


Mosin Nagant's deep voice sounded, Chen Ergou watched the devil in the mirror fall, quickly pulled the bolt, and at the same time rolled around on the ground, hiding behind the ruins on the left, aiming at the dusty Hunan restaurant on the right.

The dust and smoke gradually dissipated, revealing the Hunan restaurant opposite, which had become a ruin.

There was no movement.

"A squad will touch it and take a look! Machine guns are ready to take cover!" The deputy platoon commander made an observation and sent out a squad of hungry fighters.

Others were on the alert.

Soon, the bodies of the two little devils in the Hunan restaurant were found, the danger of the sniper was lifted, and after the platoon commander was carried down on a stretcher by the medics, the deputy platoon commander commanded the soldiers to continue to follow the heavy tank.

In the south bank of the Pulandian battlefield, such a war is being staged in almost every place, in the face of the KV-1 heavy tank up to 120 mm of front armor, the Japanese 37 mm battle defense gun and the 92 type infantry gun have almost become ornaments, in the street battle can not be based on the armor of the KV heavy tank, can only send wave after wave of death squads with explosives bags to rush up to try to use flesh and blood to stop this steel monster.

PS: Ask for flowers! Ask for flowers!

Because it's important, say it three times!

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