The berthing of the 2nd Fleet of the 1st Fleet of the Central Navy.

"What proof do you use to prove that your Zhenbei Army also has a navy and a battle fleet, and is intercepting the Japanese Third Fleet?" In a conference room, Chen Shaokuan, the acting minister of the Republic of China Navy who was wearing a vice admiral uniform and wearing many medals, was looking at the person in front of him who claimed to be the director of the Zhenbei Army Office in Shanghai.

Present at the meeting were not only Chen Shaokuan, the quasi-minister who is now in charge of the navy, but also many high-ranking naval officers, such as Chen Jiliang, commander of the First Fleet, Sa Shijun, chief of staff of the First Fleet, and Li Shijia, director of the General Affairs Department of the Navy Department.

They are all senior naval officers, and Li Shijia, who has the lowest rank, is also a rear admiral, and they all frown and stare at the person named Jiang Ning who claimed to be from the Shanghai office of the Zhenbei Army.

In the face of everyone's doubts, Jiang Ning was not timid at all, and said without changing his face: "Our North Sea Fleet has intercepted the Japanese Third Fleet at the mouth of the Yangtze River, and you only need to send a fast boat to detect it." "

Chen Shaokuan immediately ordered someone to send a Jiangfang clipper along the river to explore the mouth of the Yangtze River.

Soon, the Japanese Third Fleet replied through the ship's radio that it was being intercepted by a huge fleet flying the Chinese flag and the naval flag! The two sides had already set up a battle formation, and the interceptor not only had two battleships, but also occupied the T-shaped prefix!

Hearing that the report was exactly the same as Jiang Ning's intelligence, the eyes of all the senior naval officers in the conference room were about to pop out!

Two battleships, three cruisers! These are all 10,000-ton big guys, much more advanced than their broken fleets.

This North Sea Fleet, which was subordinate to the Zhenbei Army, made the poor Republic of China Navy blush.

Sa Shijun and Chen Jiliang immediately proposed that they should agree to the proposal brought by Jiang Ning, and sent a fleet to outflank the Japanese Third Fleet from the rear, forming a joint encirclement and annihilating the Japanese Third Fleet!

However, the General Affairs Department of the Admiralty and Li Shijia, the supervisor of the Jiangnan Shipyard, raised objections, saying that at present, the Central Navy has a cruiser Ninghai built in the Yamato Empire, and a cruiser Pinghai is built in the Jiangnan Shipyard relying on spare parts provided by the Yamato Empire.

Both sides have their own opinions, disputes, and each has people who support it.

But time gradually passed, Chen Shaokuan knew that the naval battle was about to start, and if he didn't act, whether he was watching or making a late sortie, causing losses to the North Sea Fleet, it would undoubtedly all be counted on the head of the Central Navy!

Chen Shaokuan, as the deputy minister of the Navy, understands that he must cooperate with the North Sea Fleet to intercept the Japanese Third Fleet and gain prestige, and at the same time, he must give an explanation to Chairman Chiang!

Therefore, the Central Navy cannot be dispatched in its entirety.

"That's it......" Chen Shaokuan coughed, making the two sides of the dispute stop.

He looked at the many eager and worried eyes, and said in a deep voice: "Ouyang Ge, Li Shijia, you and the Second Fleet are stationed at the headquarters, Chen Jiliang and Sa Shijun, you lead the First Fleet to attack and intercept with the cruiser fleet Yixian, Hairong, Haichou, Datong, and Ziqiang, as well as the destroyer fleet Yongjian, Yongji, Zhongshan, and Health!"

"In this battle, Chen Jiliang is the commander, and the North Sea Fleet will jointly flank the Japanese Third Fleet!"

"Obey!" Chen Jiliang, Sa Shijun and other officers of the First Fleet excitedly received the order.


Back at 7:45 a.m., when the Japanese Third Fleet encountered the 'Anglo-American Combined Fleet' and sent destroyers to inquire about the 'Anglo-American Combined Fleet'.

The North Sea Fleet is in the main formation, inside the flagship of the Zhenyuan.

The Japanese Third Fleet had sailed 35 kilometers into the effective range of the Zhenyuan and Dingyuan, but neither the fleet commander Lin Yongchang nor the chief of the general staff Qiao Hu had any intention of firing.

"No answer!" Lin Yongchang smiled coldly in the face of the constant inquiries of the destroyers of the Japanese Third Fleet.

Then Lin Yongchang began to give various orders

"The whole ship obeys orders! Raise the national flag! Raise the naval flag!"

"The left rudder of the battle formation is 15 degrees, two retreats and one!"

"The left rudder of the heavy cruiser formation is 30 degrees, two into two! Accelerate forward! Outflank in a roundabout!"

"The whole ship raises the battle flag! Raise the alarm! First-class combat readiness!"

Inside the Zhenyuan, the second officer immediately picked up the phone and shouted: "Repeat, the whole ship has raised the battle flag! First-class combat readiness! This is not an exercise! This is not a drill!"

As Lin Yongchang's order was issued, the alarm bell rang throughout the fleet, and the naval officers and men on the North Sea Fleet immediately took action, and the deck was full of running sailors and officers, and the naval guns in gun suits were pulled open from their thick gun jackets, revealing their hideous gun muzzles.

The naval artillerymen in the turret turned the instruments with great force, and the entire turret rotated and aimed at the Japanese Third Fleet, filling it with huge shells and silk-wrapped medicine packages.

The sightman stared closely at the observation window, and the staff officers and surveyors began to mark the positions of the ships of the two fleets on the flats, calculating the shelling data and making changes according to the observers' reports.

The headquarters of the North Sea Fleet began to divide into formations, and the battleships Zhenyuan and Dingyuan began to reduce their speed by one gear, while the heavy cruiser formation composed of two heavy cruisers, Jingyuan and Laiyuan, began to separate the main formation at high speed, accelerated forward in turns, and outflanked the northern flank of the Japanese Third Fleet.

The Zhiyuan also began to accelerate, following the outside of the battle formation at a high speed of 31 knots, responsible for defending the Japanese destroyers and clippers from approaching and firing torpedoes.

The Japanese Third Fleet on the opposite side had a complete fleet system, while Lin Yongchang's North Sea Fleet had limited ships and could only use such a formation.

After calculations, the four 203-mm Armstrong guns on the Izumo were completely unable to penetrate the armor of the Zhenyuan and Dingyuan, but there were still more than twenty destroyers and clippers in the Third Fleet, and there would definitely be some destroyers who would try to get close enough to fire torpedoes at the two battleships of the North Sea Fleet.

Therefore, it was also necessary to leave a light cruiser to escort the battle formation.

This light cruiser, named Zhiyuan, has a displacement of up to 8,000 tons, second only to the Izumo, the flagship of the Japanese Third Fleet, and has been modernized, so it should be no problem to fight those destroyers and clippers.

As the North Sea Fleet raised the national flag and naval flag, the Japanese Third Fleet on the opposite side also became highly combat-ready.

The smell of gunpowder from both fleets seems to have spread throughout the East China Sea.

The Great War is imminent!

At this time, Lin Yongchang, commander of the North Sea Fleet, straightened out his military uniform, took out his grandfather Lin Zengtai's belongings from his pocket and hung them around his neck.

"Grandpa, the time has come for your grandson to avenge you and shame Beiyang!

He looked at the approaching Japanese fleet at the mouth of the Yangtze River in front of him, but his gaze passed deeper through the Japanese fleet.

It's as if you've traveled through space and time.

He said in a low voice: "Uncle Shaokuan, you always say that the navy needs to be patient, to be patient, but I don't need to be patient anymore!"

"I hope you can make the right decision, this is the last chance for the Navy!"

The second officer reported loudly: "The No. 1 turret is ready! The No. 2 turret is ready! The No. 3 turret is ready! The No. 4 turret is ready!"

"Dingyuan report! All the guns of the ship are ready, and they can fire at any time!"

"The Japanese Third Fleet has entered within thirty kilometers!" said Qiao Hu, the chief of staff who had been staring at the surveying and mapping, in a deep voice.

Lin Yongchang took a deep breath, and the anger that seemed to have been suppressed for too long in his heart kept pouring out, it was the Beiyang Fleet, it was the roar of the Huaxia Navy!


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