Red Dead Redemption

Chapter 521: Your hot sight is not as good as mine


When Doomsday thinks he's about to kill Batman, when Batman thinks he's about to fight back.

Suddenly, a red flame burst out in the dark sky.

It fell from the sky to the surface in an instant, and the position control fell in front of Bruce with extreme precision.

The crimson heat sight was instantly cut off from it, and instead of Bruce intercepting the heat sight, a circular shield was used, and the shield shone with brilliance in the heat sight's attack.

After the round shield, Diana Prince, a mixed-race Amazon and God race in battle armor, lunged and bent over, supporting the shield forward with her left forearm as the core, and the guardian silver bracelet on her wrist also lit up, and she In his right hand, he was holding a long sword glowing with flames.

At this moment, Lord Longwang, who was hidden in the void and who was invisible but was always paying attention to the changing situation of the battle, suddenly sounded the passionate and majestic background music in his ears.

What is very obvious at this moment is that although Doomsday's heat vision is powerful, this level of long-range attack is not enough to defeat Diana, and even Doomsday increased its energy output for the third time in time, and it failed to let Diana's energy output. Back up even an inch.

The guardian silver bracelet made by the **** of fire Hephaestus and the divine shield forged by the mysterious metal of Paradise Island are blessed, and the defensive power that erupts cannot be underestimated.

So, after a brief confrontation, Doomsday withdrew his heat, and Diana immediately got up and turned her head.

"Are you all right?"

Just now, Bruce, who was still talking about how I could fight back, lay on the ground in a daze for a moment, and then saw Diana's figure, then shook his head and stood up.

Diana raised an eyebrow and pointed to his armor.

At this time, the bat armor has turned from black to red, and the red light is radiating through the metal, and it is lingering.

Bruce sighed, "I'm fine."

The War Armor Zhenjin can absorb more attack energy to approach the limit, but Diana's sudden appearance interrupted the process.

But Bruce couldn't say that she was not, after all, they were also trying to save him.

Just now, he was lying on the ground and was suppressed by heat vision, and even the battle armor was "burned" red. Isn't this situation similar to dying?

Diana nodded, holding the sword flower, and turned to face the Doomsday falling from the sky.

Bruce also stepped forward.

After stepping on the ground, Doomsday looked at Diana and tilted her head: "I know you, Miss Diana."

Diana squinted at Doomsday's face: "I think I've seen you too?"

"Of course, we met at the charity event party. Your beauty and temperament are impressive. However, before that, there was something even more surprising to me. You actually appeared in an old photo from 1921. , and if you guessed correctly, you fought in the First World War."

Bruce also glanced at Diana.

Diana was silent.

Doomsday suddenly laughed strangely: "So I said, there are always some strange and special beings like you active in this world, but I feel you are much better than Superman, because although you also have Some weird abilities, but you're more low-key, unlike Superman who always causes trouble for the world and humanity."

"I have absolutely no interest in your thoughts. I only see that you are now more like a monster than anyone else, and the devastation that your actions have brought to the city is imminent." Diana said, holding up The shield and the long sword touched each other lightly, making a melodious echo.

Doomsday turned to look at the surrounding ruins, where there were fires burning with black smoke.

It grinned: "This is just a necessary sacrifice before saving. Only by destroying the original decay can a new glory be established..."


A beam of crimson light suddenly burst out from Bruce's raised hands. Its energy and form are the same as Doomsday's heat vision. The only difference is that the original red of this heat vision is mixed with red. Like the little green light of a bright star.

Doomsday was shot directly in the face by Bruce, and caught off guard, his body was immediately hit and fell.

With the help of the battle armor, Bruce flew up, and his hands continuously fired energy to suppress Doomsday, causing it to lie passively on the ground and let out loud and terrifying howls of pain and anger.

Heat Sight doesn't do much damage to Doomsday, but the kryptonite powder mixed in is his nemesis.

After all, although Doomsday was mostly dominated by Luthor's brain and thoughts after its birth, the reason why he was so powerful still came from General Zod's corpse.

Gain is often accompanied by loss.

Doomsday's face was attacked by kryptonite powder as if it was corroded by sulfuric acid, and the broken and corrupted flesh peeled off together with the dark green sticky liquid, revealing the inner skull, which looked very terrifying.

With the duration of the light beam, the energy absorbed in the bat armor is quickly released, and the red glow surrounding it is also rapidly fading.

Seeing this, Diana jumped up without Bruce's warning, and let out a high-pitched battle cry in mid-air.

With a bang, the long sword pierced Doomsday's chest, all the way to the hilt.

Doomsday suddenly opened his mouth and roared again, most of the flesh and blood on his face disappeared, and even the eyeballs in the skull began to melt.

He slammed a punch, and Diana hurriedly raised her shield to defend, but this time, the power of the Doomsday that erupted in fury was not to be underestimated, and Diana, who was in a hurry, was immediately sent flying.

Immediately, Doomsday raised his hands and crossed it in front of him. After winning a chance to breathe, he responsively took advantage of the situation to lift into the air, constantly maneuvering to get rid of the hot sight containing kryptonite powder.

At this time, the bat armor has turned black, and the heat sight energy that has just been absorbed is almost exhausted.

"We've got to get him out of the city," Bruce said to Diana.

Diana nodded, if the battle continued in the city, then when the war ended, Gotham and Metropolis might be completely in ruins.

At this moment, Bruce made a sudden movement, because Hong Fei suddenly said something to him.

"Take him to an uninhabited island a hundred kilometers to the southeast."

He wanted to ask Hong Fei why, but since Hong Fei didn't show up, he seemed to be paying attention to the battle. Thinking of what he said before, Bruce didn't speak out rashly.

So, he said to Diana: "There is an uninhabited island 100 kilometers away to the southeast, let's take him there."

"it is good!"

After the two quickly completed the exchange, they took off one after another and chased the Doomsday away.

On the other side, on the island.

Hong Fei teleported over, and the witch standing on the island turned back.

"You came."

"Well, how is the arrangement?"

The witch responded indifferently as always: "It has been completed a long time ago, and the materials and time are abundant, so there is no difficulty."

Hong Fei looked around, ordinary eyes could not see anything abnormal, but if he injected energy into his pupils, he would immediately see an upside-down energy hood with the island as the core rising from the surrounding area. .

"It can only isolate perception and spiritual prying, but it can't block sight. Even ordinary people can see what's going on inside. Is this useful?" the witch asked.

Hong Fei nodded: "It's useful, it's not difficult to isolate the vision, explosions, dust, flames are all good, it's very simple. By the way, what about your brother?"

"he's not here."

"I know he's not there, but it doesn't seem like he's been in front of my eyes since I released him."

The witch glanced at him: "He wants to beat you, but your breath makes him feel terrified, so he returned to our original residence, hoping to improve his strength, when he thinks he can beat you, he will come out of."

"This... why don't you still persuade?"

The witch looked puzzled.

Hong Fei smiled shyly: "It may be difficult for him to fulfill his wish."

The witch was stunned, then turned to look elsewhere.

Hong Fei was about to say something, but there was a sudden explosion in the sky, mixed with all kinds of splendid energy colors.

"This special effect is much better than in the movie." Hong Fei said in a low voice, looking at the sky.

The witch gave him a strange look.

"Get ready." Hong Fei retracted his gaze.

The witch nodded, the black mist surged outside her body and disappeared instantly.

Right now, far away in Washington

In the sky, Bruce was chased by Doomsday, while Diana was chasing Doomsday.

When approaching the island, Bruce gritted his teeth and turned his body. There were a lot of bat symbols on his chest. After the reactor functioned, he blasted a high-energy pulse cannon.

Doomsday didn't mean to dodge at all, and rushed in front of Bruce with a pulse of light filled with kryptonite green light. He punched him from top to bottom, and Bruce was immediately bombarded and fell.

Doomsday followed and flew to the island, followed by Diana.

After landing, Bruce lay on the beach and let the surging waves slap the battle armor. He was really tired, and half of his body was completely numb after being hit by Doomsday on purpose.

With a bang, the sunset was destroyed, and the fine sand was flying.

Diana fell next to Bruce and squatted down, keeping an eye on the Doomsday while keeping an eye on Bruce's situation.

"The news of kryptonite was deliberately leaked to you by me. I didn't expect you to use it against me in the end. It seems that my idea of ​​killing you in the first place was completely correct."

Doomsday stood there without rushing into action.

On its face, the flesh and blood that had just been digested by kryptonite was recovering rapidly, but with the bones still exposed in his mouth trembling slightly, as for the sword wound that had just been penetrated in the chest, there were already scars at this time. Can't see it anymore.

Bruce's fingers trembled, and his incomparably tenacious spirit forced his body to recover quickly.

Doomsday stepped forward, Diana stood up, shield and sword.

"Bruce, you shouldn't have thought that before you died, you were hiding behind a woman, and you were a non-human intelligent race living on Earth that you didn't like?"

"This is a bit too much to say, and it insults Bruce and Diana at the same time, but how do you know that there is no powerful and strong human high-quality elite male behind him?"

An abrupt voice sounded from behind Doomsday, which made his steps come to a sudden stop.

The doomsday of Hong Fei's figure was completely blocked, and neither Bruce nor Diana could see his voice, but they knew that it was Hong Fei's voice.

So, Bruce gave up his struggle and lay flat on the beach, knowing that his task had been completely completed by now.

And Diana breathed a sigh of relief. Doomsday's power was beyond her own power, and with Hong Fei's help, her confidence would be even greater.

Doomsday slowly turned around.

Although Hong Fei was wearing a battle armor at this time, he showed his head with a bright and gentle smile.

Even when he and Doomsday looked at each other, he waved to each other specially.


"It's you?" Doomsday was stunned at first, but a smile suddenly burst out from behind, his appearance was terrifying.

"it's me."

Doomsday took a breath: "When my plan completely failed and I had no choice but to escape, I sat on the plane and kept thinking about what went wrong."

Hong Fei smiled and said, "Have you thought about it?"

"Of course, everything is because of you. You have something to do with Superman and Batman, and it was you who appeared in the end, which directly gave me no chance to save."

In the next instant, Doomsday released his heat vision without warning.

On Hong Fei's side, he used the heat vision skill at the same time, and his pupils instantly turned from brown to golden red.

Although they are both Kryptonian heat sights, the nature and color of these two heat sights are completely different.

Doomsday's heat vision is exactly the same as Superman's, the same red scorching energy.

But Hong Fei's heat vision is basically just a shell of a skill, and the main energy driving it is the power of Hong, which makes it an energy ray that converges into one, and its external performance is also related to the power of Hong. In the same line, the gold is reddish and radiant, just like the substance.

The two eye-catching sights faced each other in mid-air, and a layer of air waves visible to the naked eye instantly exploded at the impact point.

The fine sand splashed on the beach, and immediately melted into liquid dripping when it approached the thermal line of sight.

After the stalemate for a moment, I saw that the golden red hot sight immediately pushed the red sight back to the original path, and Doomsday's thick legs rubbed the beach under his feet and retreated quickly.

Only when Doomsday suddenly roared, his legs were deeply rooted under the beach, and after stabilizing his body, his pupils opened round.

Looking at the other Hong Fei stood motionless, his figure was full of a cloudy air.

Jin Hong's vision continued to move forward steadily.

Soon, the scarlet line of sight was only a few meters away from Doomsday's pupils, and it finally felt that it was unmatched, so it had to withdraw.

However, before he acted, Hong Fei seemed to have seen through his motives.

Then I saw Jin Hong's vision suddenly shocked, and the splendid rays of light suddenly erupted.

After a while, the golden light directly expelled the scarlet light.

In the nick of time, Doomsday suddenly turned his head sideways.

The golden red line of sight directly penetrated his cheek, the fiery breath burned his flesh and even bones, and the unprecedented pain shook his spirit.

Just when Doomsday was about to use self-mutilation to get out of Jin Hong's sight, Hong Fei stopped abruptly.

"Your hot sight doesn't seem as good as mine?" Hong Fei joked with a smile, "Also, your hot sight seems to be weak."

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