Red Dead Redemption

Chapter 541: darkside

Hong Fei just crushed the kind grandma to death, while Clark was already hurriedly reporting.

"Hong, their main team just left one step ahead of us!" Clark was very anxious. If the other party had already left and went directly to Earth, then what they did today would lose most of the meaning.

Darkseid can ignore Apocalypse, but they can't ignore Earth.

Hong Fei frowned immediately.

Steppenwolf did not report the situation.

Either, the other party was wary of Steppenwolf, so he didn't tell him the plan here; or, Steppenwolf betrayed again in a way that Hong Fei couldn't detect or sense.

The possibility of the latter is almost zero. It doesn't mean that Steppenwolf won't betray, but he doesn't have the ability to hide it from Hong Fei without being noticed by Hong Fei.

Then, it can only be that Apocalypse has taken precautions against Steppenwolf.

Hong Fei glanced at the continuous buildings on the ground.

Clark asked urgently in his ear: "Hong, what should we do? Go back?"

"Go back! But it's enough for me to go back alone. You all stay and act according to the original plan. Everyone has it. The following arrangement Arthur records the whole process. Later, if there is anything you don't understand or hear clearly, ask him directly. .

Our main goal has already left Apocalypse one step ahead of us, which is good news and not bad news. Although we can't tell each other on Apocalypse, the other party did not use the simulated mother box in the hands of Steppenwolf, so they do not It may directly reach the earth, which means that the comprehensive strength of the other party is divided into two unconsciously.

So, now your goal is to complete the task you just set, and then reunite with Clark. Immediately, Bruce takes over the command of the Apocalypse battlefield in my place. Your goal is to do your best and continuously destroy all the living forces of the other party in Apocalypse. , Arthur is breaking through the technology center of Apocalypse, and he will cooperate with you all the way.

Although this is a planet, not a city or a country, the environment of Apocalypse is harsh, and the places suitable for survival and where the demon-like army is stationed are gathered. I believe that you are able to complete this task.

Wait for the Apocalypse to be cleaned up before you contact me. Until then, unless there is a huge unexpected change, don't try to contact me, and don't leave Apocalypse to find me. "

Hong Fei made the arrangements clearly, but as soon as he finished speaking, Bruce's voice immediately rang in his ears.

"Hong, I found that the advantages of the demon-like are mainly in flight and quantity, but we can all fly now, and the destructive ability is not cheap. Judging from the current situation, the other party should not have left many powerful existences, so I apply to join you. "

"I'll go as well!"

"I'll go as well!"

"I can too!"

As soon as Bruce started, the others followed suit.

It's not that they don't know the difficulties and dangers of going with Hong Fei to find the main target to fight, they just don't want Hong Fei to face a group of powerful enemies alone.

Maybe they don't have absolute trust and obedience to Hong Fei, but at least since this time, it can be determined that Hong Fei's goals and their goals are consistent.

But no matter what, they can make such a statement, which is enough to comfort Hong Fei.


He replied hastily, and he teleported and disappeared.

Space is fluctuating. Although it is difficult to observe its movement with the naked eye, it is difficult to hide under Hong Fei's perception.

The distance from Apocalypse to the earth is very far. If it is just an ordinary flight, I am afraid that some demons will not be able to see the solar system until they die.

So the fastest and most convenient way is to space jump.

The number of vanguard troops that Darkseid took away was huge, so the spatial fluctuations caused by their jumps also increased.

It was as if the surface of a pond was rippling and tumbling under a torrential rain.

Along the veins of fluctuations, following the trajectory of perception, Hong Fei is also constantly moving in ultra-long-distance space.

After a long time, when Hong Fei was tired of seeing the loneliness of the starry sky, he finally saw the fleet in the distance.

The densely packed black ships roamed in the sea of ​​​​stars, surrounded by a group of small warships, which gradually increased in size toward the inward warships, until finally, a black main ship the size of a celestial body was guarded in the middle.

Although they didn't make any sound, an invisible aura made people tremble.

The surrounding is empty, there are no planets and no meteorites. The only light comes from the stars in the distant deep space, but its light has become very weak when it arrives here, and the distorted light is dim and dim, as if the earth is about to enter darkness. The last evening before.

hold head high! ! !

Suddenly, a dragon roar roared with the burst of energy.

The Xinghai trembled, and the golden red light burst out overwhelmingly.

A gigantic dragon with an unknown length suddenly tore through the void and appeared in front of the fleet.

Because the distance is so close, the demons can't see the whole picture of the dragon at all.

The next moment, the dragon took off and hovered, with a strong and graceful figure.

Wherever it passed, warships were smashed into pieces, flames and debris continued to spread and splash, and the chain reaction resulted in the destruction of ships one after another.

However, within a few breaths, Shenlong rushed into the center of the team in an arrogant and unreasonable manner.

Long Ying disappeared in a flash, and Hong Fei restored his true body.

In front of the black main ship.

In the void, eyes like thunder.

Beyond the transparent porthole, Hong Fei saw the core area of ​​the main battleship.

It was a golden palace.

There were a lot of people standing below. They were dressed in different costumes and of different genders. At this time, they all turned their heads and looked outside.

In the deepest place, on a throne of golden rays of light, a giant covered in armor was doing it with a golden sword. His eyes were blood red, but his pupils were full of golden light. His armor was full of mottled marks, its color. The depths vary, and the depths seem to have been soaked in blood for many years.

Although he was motionless, an inexplicable pressure had already swept through his eyes.

This is the first time Hong Fei has met Darkseid.

Seeing the other party's first glance, he thought of Thanos next door.

Darkseid and Thanos, although their settings and plots have their own twists and turns, but from a bird's-eye view of the overall situation, their meanings in DC and Marvel have many similarities.

Hong Fei has been with Marvel for many years. He thought that the first person he would meet would be Thanos, but he didn't want to become Darkseid.

Facing the opponent's gaze, he raised the corners of his mouth and jumped directly into the Golden Temple.

The moment he appeared, Darkseid's subordinates rushed towards him without saying a word.

Darkseid did not stop.

Hong Fei didn't make any extra moves either.

When the attacks of these people approached his body at the same time, he suddenly heard a dragon roar, and the illusory dragon shadow danced around his body, and all the attacks were doubled back instantly after falling.

After a loud bang, Ding Ling's clatter was heard incessantly.

In the blink of an eye, no one was standing anymore.

They flew away in all directions, and everyone lost their blood color. The weapons fell out of their hands or were directly destroyed.

Under the shocked and angry eyes, Darkseid twisted his neck slightly.

On the ground, an ugly-looking alien in a cloak vomited blood and said, "Who are you?"

Hong Fei glanced.

Dessard, the one who directly communicated with Steppenwolf on the Apocalypse side is him. Although he also possesses great strength, in fact, his position in Apocalypse is a scientist. Many times, he used Apocalypse's scientific machine to torture and interrogate criminals, or simply execute them.

Hong Fei didn't give him any answer and turned to look at Darkseid again.

In just a few seconds, Hong Fei frowned.

Under his gaze and perception, although the strength of this Darkseid is very strong, it is far from the Uncle Da in his impression.

This should be a good thing, but from another angle, it is hardly a good news.

Why is Hong Fei anxious to take the initiative to attack Apocalypse?

Saving the earth is one thing, saving the universe is the main thing.

The earth is huge and has many lives, but in a complete universe, the earth can only be regarded as a drop in the ocean at most.

Then the key behind saving the universe is to remove the black hands that will lead to the destruction of the universe.

Hong Fei took the pot for granted on Darkseid's head.

But now it seems that it is not?

Darkseid had also stood up at this time, and his brows were slightly wrinkled, so the already strong coercion was a little more intense.

"Humans?" he asked.

Hong Fei: "Do you feel like it?"

"Not like. In my memory, humans are a very weak race, they can't even bear my gaze. But, your body tells me that you are indeed a human, at least, before."

"You guessed it right." Hong Fei nodded: "Then you should know that the purpose of your trip cannot be achieved, or you can go back to your home, and let's go home."

"Human, I have just received the news that Apocalypse was attacked. You did it, right? Are those people who are now in Apocalypse your companions?"


Darkseid took a few steps forward and kept getting closer to Hong Fei.

He took a long breath and let it out, his tone suddenly full of emotion.

"I have seen countless rebellious planets, and countless lives that are unwilling to surrender even if they die, but I have never seen anyone who took the initiative to find me in advance and let me leave."

"You see now, listen to me, go back, then we may still have the possibility of cooperation."


"Yes, I have a question that I want to discuss with you in detail."


"If you wanted to destroy the universe, what would you do? Is there anything in your cognitive system that can help you achieve this goal?"

Darkseid paused for a moment, and then wrinkled a few ravines on his bald head: "Do you want to destroy the universe?"

"I... well, I can't help you if you think so, just think that I want to destroy the universe. Is there any way you can?"

"If you want to destroy the universe, you need to destroy all life first and cut off their reproduction and creativity. Although I have no idea of ​​destroying the universe, I have been on the road of destruction." Here, he means inexplicably looking at He gave Hong Fei a look: "If you want, I will allow you to join my command, and I will make you my first general."

Hong Fei shook his head in disappointment.

Darkseid doesn't even have the idea of ​​destroying the universe, is this still Darkseid?

But after thinking about it, it seems to make sense.

What does the current Darkseid need?

Anti-Life Equation!

What is he going to do against the equation of life?

With the anti-life formula, he can deprive any existence of free will at will, and a single thought can make them surrender to himself, and any order will be perfectly executed without compromise.

If the universe is destroyed, whether Darkseid can get the anti-life equation is one of them, and even if he gets it, who should he control?

So, if it wasn't him who ultimately led to the destruction of the universe, who was it?

Hong Fei looked up.

Darkseid raised his arm, and a thick scarlet ray instantly hit Hong Fei's chest.

Hong Fei stretched out his hand, and the lines and symbols composed of energy formed a distinctive magic shield in a predetermined way - produced by Kama Taj.

The rays collided with the magic shield, and the destructive spark erupted immediately.

After a short time, Darkseid withdrew his gaze, and Hong Fei turned his hand to remove the magic shield.

"Magic means, I've never seen a similar ability." Darkseid looked interested.

"Want to learn?"

"No, I just want to know where it came from. After I destroy that civilization, everything about it will be mine."

Hong Fei directly gave a thumbs up: "You're a real punishment!"

Immediately, he turned his head to look at the dark generals lying beside him, and then looked at Darkseid.

"Come on, I'll set the time, just now, choose the location, fight, and decide whether to compete or die!"

Hearing this, Darkseid didn't say much, and shot Hong Fei directly here. This time, two rays broke through the air, and the space where the rays passed was shaking, and the breath was anxious.

Hong Fei's pupils lit up instantly, and the two hot sights calmly defended the opponent's attack.

"I'll take it as your choice."

As he spoke, a gray-black mist spread out from inside his body.

The form and the quality of chaos are always between existence and non-existence. At this time, they have form but no quality. As soon as they left Hong Fei's body, they quickly moved in all directions.

Darkseid's expression did not change when he saw this, but he quietly mentioned God in secret.

Although Hong Fei's energy intensity and reaction speed didn't make him feel crushed, it was at least worth his careful handling.

Or, when Ares' axe slashed into his body, he would not be careless when facing the life of the earth after many years.

The rays released by the two made the temperature of the space jump rapidly. The ground made of some unknown material has begun to melt, and the light and shadow are shaking sharply.

At the same time, they stepped closer to each other, and it seemed that they chose the next fighting method - hand-to-hand combat!


When there are more than ten meters away.

Hong Fei suddenly opened his arms, and then his left and right hands clenched fists at the same time.

In an instant the dark starry sky suddenly shook, and this sudden and strange sound seemed to sound from the depths of the souls of all beings.

The next moment, the camera zoomed out.

I saw whether it was an intact battleship in the starry sky, or the flames and debris that had just exploded.

At this moment, they all broke apart suddenly, and they split faster and faster. In microseconds, the warships and materials visible to the naked eye suddenly turned into fine dust and rustled, but they continued to fall in the process of falling. break down.

Then, it disappeared.

Just blink.

Huge space fleet, ferocious capable generals, and numerous demon-like armies.

All disappeared without a trace.

In the starry sky, only Hong Fei and Darkseid floated face to face.

"I'm used to clearing the field before starting the fight."

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