Red Dead Redemption

Chapter 592: Meteor falling from the sky, temporary takeover

In this spacious office, the six people covered in black armor can only be regarded as a very small number compared to the crowded office staff around.

But the development of the human world has long passed the stage where the comparison of the number of people is used to determine the strength of victory and defeat.

Among these six people, any one has the ability to easily destroy them all.

Even if they represent the top positions of power in this country, even if there will inevitably be a shock that sweeps the world after their death, everyone is equal in the face of death, and their power and wealth will not become their armor, and they cannot stop Frank. bullet.

At this time, people outside the room also noticed the changes inside. The elite guards quickly gathered, and a large number of gunmen were quickly approaching from the window.

This seems to give them some strength and confidence.

The president, who was so frightened that he raised his hands in front of him, put down his arms and breathed a sigh of relief. He looked into Hong Fei's eyes, thought quickly in his heart, and said, "Mr. Hong, I remember you."

"I thought you had forgotten about me."

"What Mr. Hong has done before is impressive, how could I forget?"

"Is that so? Then can you tell me why you clearly remember me and what I did, but when I was away, you still couldn't help doing what you are doing now?"

The president's eyes twitched.

He couldn't answer this question.

The question is the power of capital.

The president is not necessarily one of the forces of capital, but he must be one of the representatives of capital.

Outside the house, more and more people gathered with guns.

"Mr. Hong, I don't think it is necessary for us to have a conflict. We can sit down and talk slowly."

"Talk?" Hong Fei sneered, "Since I came here in this way and visited your friends one by one, why do you think I would talk to you?"

The other party smiled, not feeling embarrassed or angry, but continued to say calmly: "Mr. Hong, I understand what you think, and I can understand the possible anger in your heart at this time, but we should all know that emotions themselves are There is no value, we should make progress on concrete things, instead of wasting time doing something that means nothing to us. We sincerely invite you to join the negotiation, your strength and ability are your best An important bargaining chip, and I believe you can definitely get more things in the negotiation."

Hong Fei listened to him silently.

Instead, behind him, Yelena couldn't help it.

This little brat stood up angrily: "If emotions have no value, then faith is just empty talk. You perfidious guys always talk about democracy and freedom in a high-sounding manner, but what you do is always disgusting! Disgusting! Bah! !"

After she finished speaking, Hong Fei shrugged at the president in front of him.

The other party is indeed a person who is used to seeing big scenes, he forced a smile to reassure: "Lady, please don't get excited, we are just discussing the matter, if something happens in this room today, I think the consequence is that none of us want to saw……"


A sonorous and powerful gunshot.

With a cluster of bright and bright blood flowers, red and white liquid splashed on the wall and screen window behind.

The room was dead silent.

Frank held the gun blankly, and then saw the gun suddenly appearing in Hong Fei's hand.

"You're wrong, I really want to see what happens."

The moment the corpse fell to the ground, people inside and outside the room screamed at the same time, especially outside the room, warning and intimidating endlessly.

They didn't shoot, mainly because the glass was bulletproof, and except for the guy who just died, everyone else was in a high position, even scratches and bumps were not trivial.

Hong Fei got off the table and handed the pistol to Yelena.

Walking towards the crowd, the opposite side retreated one after another, holding the wall and crowding in groups in the corner.

At this time, someone stood up.

He swallowed hard and said, "I respect your strength, but please respect us too."

Hong Fei paused.

The second person came out.

"You have no idea what kind of power a country will have when it goes all out."

Hong Fei nodded slightly.

Then, as if the leader gave them an example and courage, more people came out,

"We are the most powerful country in the world."

"We have the most nuclear bombs in the world."

"You're only going to drag the whole world into a nuclear crisis."

"You will destroy the civilization of this world!"

"The extinction of mankind will be counted on your head."

"Milikaan will not give in!"

"Liberty and democracy will not bow to your power."

"You will never have the support of humans. Even if we die, there will still be people who will continue to rebel against you."

"You can kill us, but you can't kill all Americans!"

The crowd was angry, and the emotion that was described as worthless by someone just now easily infected everyone at this moment. Each of them seemed to be suddenly transformed into justice. After reaching the peak of morality, their courage was infinitely blessed. It seemed that death could no longer be a deterrent to them.

As for Hong Fei, he has probably become a demon who ran out of hell, with two horns on his head, feet on sheep's hooves, and a dark and sharp tail behind him.


When they finished venting one by one, Hong Fei raised his brows and said, "If I remember correctly, it seems that you guys took the initiative to provocate me?"

In an instant, the atmosphere froze.

However, they are all battle-hardened politicians, and in the face of such a situation, the Secretary of State just coughed and said, "We are here to avoid a possible crisis. It’s all good and harmless.”

"So you're forcing everyone to register."

"It's a voluntary principle now, and we respect freedom."

"Well said, but I remember that it was clearly the voluntary principle that Xu Wenwu played."

"Ridiculous! I... ah!"

A gunshot was accompanied by a scream, and the other party suddenly fell to the ground clutching his thighs and mourning.

Hong Fei turned around and said to Yelena, "Let's not deprive people of their right to speak, or they will say we won't give them freedom."

Yelena blew the gunpowder smoke that did not exist at the muzzle of the gun indifferently, and swept the other people with murderous eyes.


Hong Fei is serious: "Everyone present, you can almost represent the highest power in this country, and I respect you from the bottom of my heart. Your performance just now moved me very much and made me feel ashamed, so I decided to continue to respect you deeply. Now, I would like to ask, among the people present, is there anyone who has a different opinion?"

Nobody moved.

Because no one is sure what Hong Fei is saying now.

"Don't worry, think slowly."

After saying that, Hong Fei turned his head and cast a glance at Xu Wenwu, who immediately understood, walked into the crowd and took out a suitcase.

Seeing this, someone was trying to stop him, and Frank fired a shot in his hand.

"Is this the suitcase that symbolizes nuclear peace?" Hong Fei sighed with emotion after taking it.

Some people don't care because the president is dead and Hong Fei can't open the box.

Card it!

The box is open.

This... it doesn't matter, what if you open it? Hong Fei did not have permission to launch, and he could not pass various complicated verifications at all.

The golden-red energy seeped into it through his hands, and after a while, Hong Fei raised the corner of his mouth.

The person watching him frowned.

But Hong Fei had no next move. He closed the box, raised his head and said, "It seems that no one wants to raise objections, so I can only respect your choice."

With that said, Hong Fei opened the portal, and the first one walked in, followed by the others.

Seeing this, the large group of people breathed a sigh of relief.

But before they were worried about the mess in front of them and the dead president, they saw people outside the house fleeing into the distance.

next moment.

I saw a meteor wrapped in flaming flames streak across the sky, hitting the ground straight and quickly.



The violent explosion sounded throughout the city in an instant, and the white buildings that had stood for hundreds of years were turned into ruins in the blink of an eye.

The high-intensity impact printed a chain reaction such as an earthquake, and a large, twisted crack stretched out for thousands of meters from the impact point.

Hong Fei came to the outside of the Pentagon once again.

Looking at this unique building, Hong Fei spoke slowly.

"First of all, our heartfelt condolences to those who have tragically lost their lives in an accident and our sincere condolences to their families.

When a large number of mainstream politicians in this country were killed in an accident, in order to maintain world peace and stability, to ensure that the country would not fall into endless wars, and to ensure that hundreds of millions of people would not be displaced because of this. lead to collateral losses and economic volatility all over the world.

Therefore, the Super Energy Foundation has the courage to serve, take the initiative to take responsibility, temporarily take over all the military forces of the country, and form a new interim government to temporarily manage all affairs of the country.

From now on, we declare an official state of emergency in this country.

All those who do not cooperate are disregarding the safety of the country and want to take advantage of the chaos for personal gain;

Those who do not obey the order of the army are treasonous, and others who do not obey the order will be regarded as the enemy of the country;

All slandering the interim government, any other individuals and organizations claiming to be government spokespersons, are illegal and ulterior motives.

In view of all the above situations, we will deal a devastating blow to them as soon as possible.

How about this public declaration? "

Hong Fei finished.

A group of people looked at each other.

Compared to before, this time is really too big.

This is the rhythm of outright banning a country.

Don't forget, no matter how unpleasant it is, it is still the most powerful country on this planet.

"Brother Shen!"


Shen Changqing was walking on the road, and when he met someone he knew, he would say hello or nod to each other.

But no matter who.

Everyone's face has no superfluous expressions, as if they are very indifferent to everything.

to this.

Shen Changqing is used to it.

Because this is the Ministry of Suppression, it is an organization that maintains the stability of Daqin. Its main responsibility is to kill monsters and monsters. Of course, there are also some other side jobs.

It can be said.

In the Demon Suppression Division, everyone had a lot of blood on their hands.

When a person is used to seeing life and death, he will become indifferent to many things.

When he first came to this world, Shen Changqing was a little uncomfortable, but over time he got used to it.

The town magic department is very big.

Those who can stay in the Town Demon Division are all powerful masters, or those who have the potential to become masters.

Shen Changqing belongs to the latter.

Among them, the Demon Suppression Division is divided into two occupations, one is the guardian envoy and the other is the demon slayer.

Anyone who enters the Demon Suppression Division starts from the lowest level of demon slayer.

Then he was promoted step by step, and finally he was expected to become a guardian envoy.

Shen Changqing's predecessor was a trainee slayer in the Demon Suppression Division, and he was also the lowest-ranked slayer.

Has the memory of the predecessor.

He is also very familiar with the environment of the Town Demon Division

It didn't take too long, Shen Changqing stopped in front of an attic.

Different from other places full of chills in the Demon Suppression Division, the attic here seems to stand out from the crowd, showing a different tranquility in the **** Suppression Demon Division.

At this time, the door to the attic was open, and occasionally people came in and out.

Shen Changqing just hesitated for a moment, then stepped inside.

Enter the attic.

Circumstances have changed in vain.

A burst of ink fragrance mixed with a faint smell of blood rushed towards his face, causing his brows to instinctively wrinkle, but it quickly relaxed.

There is almost no way to clean the **** smell on everyone in the Zhen Mosi.

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