Red dragon: in charge of natural disasters

Chapter 17 Wolf Cavalry and Manticore

The heavy wooden door of the rock fortress was pulled up by the ogre guards, and the chaotic kobolds poured into the valley and were arranged in some dark and humid underground caves - this is the favorite habitat of these sensitive-skinned creatures.

Fortunately, the Canyon of the Giants is vast and has more than enough space to accommodate these family members. Otherwise, hundreds of kobolds would come in at once, and the temporary manager Lang Pu would be very worried.

Cassius flew into the sky and looked down at these weak creatures.

[Based on your strength, you can see the following information]


Small humanoid (kobold), lawful evil

AC: 12

Speed: 30 feet

Strength - 7

Agility - 15

Constitution - 9

Intelligence - 8

Perception - 7

Charm - 8

Senses: Darkvision 60 ft., Passive Perception 8 ft.

Language: Common, Draconic

Proficiencies: Construction +4, Trap +4, Excavation +6, Stealth +6

Features: Sunlight sensitive, swarm tactics

Actions: Dagger, sling

Challenge Rating: 1/8 (25 XP)

Evaluation: "Kobolds make up for their lack of physical function with their talents in digging burrows and making traps. With their weak bodies, they are just a piece of cake for predators. They have to unite because they are vulnerable to attack."

The challenge level is 1/8. This may be the weakest monster that Cassius has ever encountered. The only value of taking them as homies is to serve as miners and engineers. If they are allowed to go on the battlefield, they will probably only serve as cannon fodder. .

But based on the intelligence of Jin Zi and the monster, the red dragon still accepted him as his kinsman.

Because kobolds are too weak, the mysterious monster in the mine swallowing hundreds of kobolds cannot really explain anything in his opinion. More detailed intelligence and strength estimation are needed.

But a monster that can grow bigger than the current red dragon is not someone to be trifled with.

Thinking of this, he summoned Doro, the leader of the hobgoblins.

With the Ember Nest as the backing, this ambitious hobgoblin warlord ended his days of wandering around and avoiding human pursuits. He lived a very nourishing life. I wonder if it was an illusion, but even his rough reddish-brown skin became A bit smoother.

As a result, coupled with the influence of the leader's halo, Doluo respected this master even more. His ugly red face was filled with a smile: "My powerful master, what are your orders?"

"How is your Wolf Cavalry training going?"

The so-called wolf cavalry refers to goblin soldiers who ride wolves.

Goblins and wolves have a unique affinity and can become good partners, and the wolf cavalry is also the absolute elite in the goblin army.

The great goblin Doro once said during a hunt: "I would rather give up dozens of cannon fodder than keep one wolf cavalry."

And it did so. During that hunt, a dozen goblins were trampled to death by mammoths and a certain warg knight who was knocked down was saved.

"Very good, the wargs can't wait to taste the blood of their enemies."

Doro licked his lips, his eyes showing his natural desire for war,

"You will send several teams of scouts to the mine the kobold mentioned to inquire about the situation, and also search for nearby forces. Once the information is found, report back immediately. Do not suffer too much loss."

"Do your will."

The hobgoblin resigned respectfully, turned over and mounted the wolf, raised his whip and went to greet the wolf cavalry.

"After studying the spell for so long, it's time to go sweep the area again and raise the level." Red Dragon thought to himself.

For some time, Cassius had been concentrating on studying spells and mastering his own power, even deliberately suppressing the acquisition of experience and leveling up.

Although the player panel can easily improve his strength, Cassius still wants to control his own power more stably and understand the operating structure of spells and the operating mechanism of the world.

He not only needs a strong body, but also a strong mentality, so that he will not completely become a puppet of the so-called "system".

The red dragon flapped its wings and soared into the sky.

On an unknown high cliff, two terrifying-looking creatures were tearing apart pieces of flesh.

And their food - although it has been torn to the point that no outline can be seen, it can still be seen from the smooth skin, the severed hands with distinct fingers, and the exquisitely made clothes that they are human beings, at least humanoid creatures.

They are huge, about four meters long, with the body of a lion and a pair of dragon wings.

The towering manes extend to their backs, and the end of their slender tails is covered with clusters of spikes. The most chilling thing is their heads - they have smooth, hairless, human-like faces. The scene with the mouth full of blood looks particularly weird.

They are manticores, notorious monsters that especially like human flesh and blood. Their descriptions are often written into human fairy tales that scare children to sleep, but they are real.

They like to capture humans into their nests on high cliffs and then taste them slowly.

Only this time, there was a light mist on the cliff.

Then the mist became thicker and thicker, blinding all creatures enveloped in it.

However, the manticore, which often exists as a terrifying predator, is enjoying its meal, unaware of the impending danger.

A dark shadow passed through the fog, followed closely by a bright fire that was also faintly visible in the fog.

"Fire Breath!"

The red dragon suddenly emerged from the billowing fog with blazing flames in its mouth. The breath directly overwhelmed one of the manticores, causing its fur and body to burn, leaving it unable to do anything but wail.

It can only wallow in its nest.

However, the nest made of dead wood and hay also burned, and the raging fire engulfed it.

When the other manticore saw this, it let out a strange scream like human laughter, and then flapped its wings, preparing to escape from this place shrouded in fog and flames.

But Cassius would not give it that chance.

"Instant: Cat's Lightness"

The red dragon's huge body suddenly became much lighter with the enhanced attributes nicknamed the "zoo spell".

He just waved his wings lightly and flew through the air, instantly surpassing the manticore that was trying to escape.

The red dragon showed no mercy, stretching out its thick claws and pinning the manticore flying in mid-air to the cliff.

Suddenly, the entire rock wall shook violently, and large and small broken rocks rolled down.

The manticore made a weak sound and let out a strange whimper, which was begging for mercy.

"I surrender."

There were tears streaming down that human-like face, showing an expression begging for mercy, but this expression was extremely strange to any creature with normal aesthetics.


The red dragon's claws suddenly exerted force and without hesitation crushed the monster's spine.

He released his claws, and the huge and ugly body fell naturally, followed by small gravel.

There was only a "bang" sound and the sound of gravel falling to the ground from the bottom of the cliff, followed by a faint sound of struggling, and then there was no sound again.

The red dragon stood on the top of the cliff, staring at the ground covered by clouds and mist: "In the future, we will occupy human cities and receive players. I need followers who can obey management and at least suppress the wild nature."

"And for those chaotic and evil idiots who are meant to scare people, that chimera is enough."

"What's more, this thing is too ugly."

When the smoke dissipated, Cassius looked at the twisted human face on the ground and couldn't help but complain.

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