The camp sub-profession is completed.

【Red Scale Conqueror】:

[The Redscale Conquerors are a special group of knights, loyal to the master of the Ember Nest, the red dragon Cassius. They can patrol the Red Dragon's vast territory as rangers, scouting for enemies that may arrive at any time, perhaps the kingdom's army, or adventurers trying to slay the dragon. And when war comes, they will also be formidable conquerors.

To become a red-scale conqueror, one needs to have the blood of the dragon clan, and this also means that they are the most loyal minions of the red dragon. When they charge in groups, fire and minions become their weapons. No enemy in the world wants to face these dragon-like creatures.

When dragon roars are heard from afar, the red-scale conquerors will ride huge and brutal dragon-veined creatures to attack from the sky, bringing endless flames and complete death to their enemies. ]

[In addition to the basic abilities of the warrior, [Red Scale Conqueror] will receive additional characteristics]

[Level 3 will gain the characteristics: [Born to Rider] [Dragon Roar Charge]]

[[Born to Rider]: Your expertise as a cavalry becomes obvious, and your skill proficiency in riding is additional +3. You have advantage on saving throws to avoid falling from your mount. If you fall from your mount, you may land on your feet as long as you are not limp. ]

[[Dragon Roar Charge]: You and your mount let out a terrifying dragon roar and charge. All enemies in the charge's path need to make a saving throw or enter a panic state if they fail. In the charging state, you and your mount are fearless, with increased strength and immunity to most abnormal conditions. ]

[Level 7 will obtain the characteristics: [Sky Conqueror] [Dragon Minions]]

[[Sky Conqueror]: You have conquered the sky with your superb riding skills. Skilled riding has an additional +3. You are connected with your mount and can perform emergency stops, changes of direction, rolls, climbs, dives, etc. in the air. Riding action. ]

[[Dragon Minions]: You are the red dragon's most loyal minions. Your level of dragon transformation has been further improved, transforming from a humanoid dragon-veined creature into a complete dragon-like creature-a half-dragon. You gain the dragon feat, your claw and bite attacks are strengthened, and you can breathe fire in the air, but you also take extra damage from dragon weapons. ]

[The current level limit of [Red Scale Conqueror] is: 8]

[The remaining features are waiting for further construction and unlocking——]

"With this strength, it is definitely the most powerful warrior sub-class in the early stage."

"Plus the special nature of flying, tsk tsk."

"It's simply an abuse of force."

Cassius sighed in his heart.

"This will definitely kill them hard."

Cassius has already begun to calculate the players who will enter in the future.

In the 1.0 version where player levels are only open to level 8, various kitchen knife professions are still popular, and the powerful characteristics of [Red Scale Conqueror] will definitely make countless powerful players flock to it.

What's more, in the eyes of some players with special tastes, becoming a half-dragon is not considered ugly, but is a symbol of charm.

You must know that after the "Dragonborn" race appeared in the previous life, many strange videos appeared on a certain yellow and black website, which fully shows the fanaticism and fear of these dragon masters.

In a period when flying and gravity magic were not yet popular, flying monsters were definitely a nightmare for players, as can be seen from the fact that thousands of players were helpless against the red dragon boss.

The flying mounts and various aerial skills of the [Red Scale Conqueror] sub-class will definitely make players crazy about it.

Red Dragon browsed the panel for a long time.

During this period, the half-dragon did not receive any orders and kept kneeling on the ground like this without any complaints.

It wasn't until Cassius read all the information that he said:

"Get up."

Alger stood up slowly. His original clothes had been completely torn, and his body was only covered with scales.

Cassius looked at his half-dragon, half-human body and said:

"You are temporarily on patrol duty. In addition, I need you to train more cavalry like you in the Ember Nest. Humans, hobgoblins, lizardmen, tieflings, as long as you think they are talented, you can choose them. ”

"Master, this is very difficult, it may take a long time, and the probability of success is very small."

"I have been training at Beifeng Castle for ten years. There were hundreds of people in our batch who were selected to participate in the training at the beginning, but only six people succeeded in staying."

"And these relatives of yours."

"With all due respect, couldn't even get into my previous initial screening."

Alger responded truthfully.

"Just do it and there will be many special people joining you in the future."

"They will teach you what innate talent is."

Cassius said confidently.

Although Alger didn't know about the player's arrival, seeing that his master was so confident, he still obeyed the order very seriously.

"Yes, Master."

Alger immediately mounted the dragon-veined giant eagle, took off into the air, and flew out of the cave.


The dragon-veined giant eagle was about to see the sunshine that it had not seen for a long time. It was excited for a while and let out a loud eagle cry, but now it has a trace of the power of a dragon's roar.

Cassius watched Alger leaving on the giant eagle and breathed out a breath of sulfur.

[The target is your dependent [Alger]. Based on your identity, you can gain insight into the following information. ]

[Red Scale Conqueror-Alger]

Name: Alger Yeoman

Category: Medium draconic creature (half-dragon human), neutral evil

AC: 17 (natural armor)

Speed: Fly 90 feet, move 40 feet on the ground

Strength - 20

Agility - 16

Physique - 18

Intelligence - 11

Perception - 14

Charm - 13

Professional Level: Warrior-Red Scale Conqueror Level 8

Mount: Dragon Veined Eagle (Level 5)

Military weapons: long sword, dagger, greatsword, longbow, heavy crossbow, lance

Simple weapons: dagger, short bow, light crossbow

Skill Proficiencies: Riding +15, Martial +9, Hunting +7, Athletics +6, Perception +6, Leadership +4, Survival +4, Investigation +2, Tracking +4, Stealth +4

Senses: Passive Perception 14

Language: lingua franca

Actions: Dragon Roar Charge, Fire Breath, Commander's Surprise Attack, Slashing Attack, Piercing Attack, Wave of Actions, Breathe

Professional characteristics: Born to be a rider, conqueror of the sky, dragon's minions

Feats: Alertness, Cleave, Great Weapon Master, Mounted Expert, Flying Master, Dragon Leather

Combat Equipment: Silver Sword of Howling Eagle

Challenge Level: 10 (5,900xp)

Evaluation: The former Eagle Guard has now become the most loyal minion of the dragon. He is reborn in the flames and walks on the road of revenge. If you accidentally anger the red dragon, he may ride down from the sky on a dragon-veined giant eagle and grant you death with swords and flames.

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