Red Moon Returns

Chapter 2 Struggle

"Is this the statue you're talking about, Officer Angel."

Lynch handed over a photo, which was given by the client.

The black-and-white photo is a bit blurry. The thing on it looks like a six-legged toad lying on the ground. It has six thick and powerful limbs, its body is covered with thick down, but it has a human face on its head.

The look wasn't particularly weird, but even just looking at the photo, Lynch still felt inexplicably panicked, as if he had a premonition before a terrifying natural disaster struck.

It was even difficult for him to understand why Yuan Lynch accepted the commission instead of running as far as he could when looking at this photo.

"I'm not sure. I haven't seen it either, but it should be right according to the description. It's a statue of the Ancient Flicker."

"Ancient Flicker?"

Officer Angel frowned, sat up straight and said seriously:

"For living beings, the more forbidden knowledge they know, the closer they are to madness and loss of control. According to the rules of the Watcher, it is not allowed to be disclosed to ordinary people, and now I no longer think your cooperation has any value. . But since you insist on facing the ending with your eyes open, I will reveal part of it as appropriate.”

No value anymore? What's the meaning?

Lin Qi frowned and relived the original Lin Qi's relevant memories in his mind. Isn't this a clue?

The police officer said solemnly: "You should have heard of Dreamland. It is the common memory of all living beings. It contains not only the gods that have fallen in the past four eras, but also the fearful things that have been in the memories of living beings for thousands of years. The so-called mystery is actually the materialized product of these ancient memories from the dreamland.”

"Items, creatures, words, sounds, images, and mysteries can appear in any form. If they are allowed to exist uncontrollably, they will form mysterious events, constantly spreading the filth of the dreamland to the surroundings, causing those affected to Falling into crazy self-destruction, causing huge disasters.”

"The Ancient Flicker is one of the evil gods from the barbaric era of the Second Age. We call it the Old One. This statue is a mysterious object related to him, but we don't know what it is yet."

Lin Qi was stunned: "I don't know? Why?"

"Why? Identifying strange objects requires keen inspiration to interpret mysterious memories. Do you know what this means? Being able to quickly discover and understand mysteries can not only solve most troubles, but also quickly find the most targeted countermeasures during confrontation. In this way. You can’t understand how important your comrades are to a hunter.”

"Is it difficult to do?"

"Of course." Ms. Angel sneered with dissatisfaction, "At least an ordinary person can't do it."

"Uh, that's right." Lin Qi glanced at Wei Jin's trial and continued to ask: "So I was affected by filth?"

"No, you are not. It is true that some strange objects can kill people within a few hours due to radiation contamination under containment, but that must be the effect of high-level strange objects. A strange object of that level can be killed within five days. It should cause a huge disaster. We judge that the level of this statue is not too high, so it should not be a simple dirty radiation, but something someone did to you using the statue as a tool, which caused this mysterious incident and made you in the eighth century. Suicide within hours.”


"This is what I want to find out. The deaths of a few ordinary civilians are not worthy of the Watcher's attention, but if the situation expands, there will be trouble. Five days ago, someone secretly brought the statue into the Rhine City. This person died In the hotel, the statues also flowed among ordinary people. All seven known related people are dead, and you are the only one who is still alive."

"I asked just now, what if suicide does not lead to death?"

Officer Angel's expression was complicated, and he shook his head and said, "Don't take any chances. Suicide is just the beginning. Look at your hand, your left hand."

As soon as Lin Qi lowered his head, his heart felt cold.

At some point, my left hand became withered and thin.

Just like withered tree roots.

And he didn't feel anything at all, and he didn't realize it until now.

Pull up the sleeves, all the way to the elbow, and the entire left forearm becomes like this.

It was obviously normal when he hung himself a few minutes ago.

The fear of death spread quietly in his heart, causing him to subconsciously clutch the red moon pendant on his chest. He wondered if it was a mark left by his previous life. The moment he held the pendant, the fear and confusion in his heart quickly subsided, allowing him to calm down again. .

"Now do you know the seriousness of the problem?" Officer Natalie sighed, stood up and said, "Have a good sleep, Lynch Levy. If you wake up tomorrow, it means everything is over. , I have solved the incident, tonight is just a nightmare. If I can't wake up... it may not be a blessing. "

"Wait, don't you need my cooperation?" Lin Qi was stunned, "Maybe I can provide other related persons."

"You?" The police officer's tone was a bit sarcastic, "Can you really provide it? Just tell me and give it a try."

"On April 8, 1399, I received a commission from the client to help him..."

"Who is the client?"


Lin Qi was suddenly speechless. He realized that he had no idea at all.

In the original memory of Lynch, he only remembered that there was a ‘client’, but he had no identity at all.

This is not normal, other memories are very detailed.

Recalling it carefully, all the memories related to this commission have become extremely blurry.

I don’t even know how it was done, I just remember that it was achieved.

It's like the process has been erased.

Other memories are relatively clear.

Such a strange situation, I had recalled it several times before, but I had inexplicably ignored it.

It's like something is clouding my mind, preventing me from thinking about these things.

This discovery made him freeze on the sofa and did not react for a long time.

Feeling creepy, I glanced up at Officer Natalie and suddenly lowered my head to check the notebook.

That is his task record book, which should have records of the entrustment and execution of tasks.

However, when he opened the last page of the record book, Lynch felt that his blood vessels were tight and a chill penetrated his body.

The blood seemed to be frozen.

Because the entire notebook is densely filled with words.

I am coming.

I'm coming, I'm coming, I'm coming.

Lynch forgot to breathe for a moment and stared blankly at Ms. Angel opposite.

The lady looked at the notebook and smiled as expected.

"This is normal, Lynch Leviev. From the beginning, you have been affected by the mysterious filth, causing your memory and cognition to be interfered with."

Lynch's voice was extremely dry: "But I didn't even see the statue at that time."

"Don't use common sense to constrain mystery. Many connections are conceptual, whether you see them or not."

Lin Qi felt cold sweat crawling down his back.

Witness, what is going on.

[This is your journey. I will only be by your side and witness every choice you make. This is always the case. 】

No matter what I do, you will just remind me of the mysteries I encounter on my journey?

[More than that, but it is now true. Have a pleasant journey, Awakener. 】

That's right, only I can be responsible for my new journey, so I can only rely on myself to struggle.

Lin Qi gritted his teeth and quickly thought about everything that had happened to him.

My exposure to those mystery game movies and TV shows in recent years is not in vain. Although it is only fragmented information, the validity of the knowledge will not change easily.

Whoever you are, you want me dead? dream.

I'll get you out.

Seeing that Lynch seemed to be frightened, Ms. Angel shook her head: "Although I know it is unlikely, I still want to ask one more question, do you still have any clear memories about this matter?"

Lynch frowned and thought for a while: "Does it count if I went to Latis' kitchen for dinner? That's the earliest clear memory I can trace back to tonight."

Officer Natalie trembled at the corner of her mouth, turned and walked towards the door.

"Wait, you want to continue investigating, right? I'll go with you. I don't want to wait to die yet. I want to continue to find out about this matter."

"You? Why? Just an ordinary person."

The police officer turned back and squinted her eyes to look up and down at Lynch, who had a stiff face:

"What can you do if you go with me? Can you fight or sense mysteries? Or can you help me find the statue? Recognize your own abilities. It's useless if you go with me. You might still have a chance if you stay at home and wait. Live."

"Fight, sense the mystery, and find the statue. I don't know if I can do it, but at least I still have a brain." The abandoned house also has the ability of the abandoned house. Lin Qi gritted his teeth and said, "Don't forget, I am Private detective, I want to find my own life in my own way."

"It's like this again. I've seen people like you too many times. If you try to make some useless struggles, you will only end up harming others and yourself." The police officer glanced at Lin Qi with a sneer, turned around and left, "Ordinary people We must have the consciousness of ordinary people and not cause trouble to others for no reason.”

"Then I'll go by myself." Lynch whispered, "I have to die on the road of struggle. No one wants me to wait for death at home."

"Whatever you want, I'm not looking down on you, but the mysterious world is not something ordinary people like you can understand. Just stay at home. Sometimes acting randomly is more dangerous to others and yourself. I will do my best. I will pursue it and try to save your life.”

"Then make a bet. I will be able to find the statue and keep myself alive."

"Okay, I'll agree to everything if you win. Then, goodbye, Mr. Lynch Levy, I hope it's not forever."

Officer Natalie Angell raised her hat, bowed slightly towards Lynch, turned around and left with her sword in hand.

Lynch sat on the sofa blankly, his mind was in a mess for a while, and after a long time he hit the sofa: Witness, are you still there?

【always there. 】

The soft female voice, calm and soothing, quickly dissipated the fear of death in Lin Qi's heart. Hearing this voice, he couldn't help but calm down.

You can guide me to discover the mysteries around me, right.

【Yes. 】

"Okay, then I will take you to witness my journey to awakening."

Lynch stood up suddenly and walked to the closet. After thinking about it, he put on the most traditional gentleman's formal attire in the Rand Kingdom.

Even if you die in the end, you must leave in the most dignified manner.

Put on your bow tie, jacket, windbreaker, and cheap top hat.

Well, take another look at this handsome young man in the mirror.

Picking up the cheapest cane next to the cabinet and poking the ground, and then taking out a shriveled money bag from under the shoe cabinet at the door, Lynch nodded and held the door handle of the office.

My heart was beating, and cold sweat broke out on the back of my neck.

He knew that a dangerous new world lay outside the door.

Steam and flames, weird and mysterious.

There is also the indescribable presence that is everywhere in the darkness.

Well, here comes Lynch.

Pushing open the door, you are greeted by two moons.

The silver moon hangs in the sky, and the red moon hangs high in the sky.

The crimson moon is like a plate full of blood, making everything look bloody.

Behind him is his old apartment, and several windows are dark.

Outside the door is a big intersection, with well-dressed gentlemen and ladies, homeless people in ragged clothes, hawkers pushing carts to sell goods, newspaper boys waving newspapers and running wildly, and young girls waving mysteriously at the intersection of the dark alley. The crowds are coming and going, and it is very lively.

In the distance, the thick chimneys of the factories point to the red moon like fangs, swallowing and spitting out billowing black smoke day and night.

The ground shook, and the huge steam locomotive roared past with white mist, and the bell for entering the station came faintly from the direction of the station.

On the bluestone street, the carriage rang with dull bells, driving between many Victorian-style buildings.

A row of heavy gas street lamps flickered.

Is this my new world?

Three black carriages were parked outside the apartment gate, with the emblem of the Hall of Order with two swords and one shield hanging on them.

A dozen Rhine policemen in double-breasted blue uniforms were getting on the cars in a hurry and leaving with Officer Natalie.

How can I track down?

Lynch pondered the fragmented knowledge he had learned before, asking himself questions and answering them in his heart.

"The first step is to return to the relevant locations."

Latis Kitchen, the best restaurant nearby.

I had dinner here on my way home, so it is very likely that someone here has seen me. I will start from here and take my life back.

Before leaving, Lynch looked up at the red moon in the sky. At this moment, he remembered the days when he was floating in the red mist, accompanied only by the blood moon in the sky.

Holding the pendant in front of his chest, Lynch smiled at the red moon in the sky.

You will continue to watch me.

The red moon is still hanging high, as mysterious as before.

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