Regal Guard of Dragon

Chapter 298: Lose money

"Sister Yue, I don't mean to be wronged." Lin Lan said hurriedly: "Sister Yue, don't worry, if that trash really destroys your Bentley, I will definitely let him take out 800,000 for you."

"What if he doesn't have money?" Lin Yue asked nonchalantly. Chen Feng's position in the Xia family was clear to her. She was not as good as a dog, and it was impossible to spend 800,000 yuan.

"Sister Yue, don't worry. In any case, I will let this waste collect 800,000 yuan for you." Lin Lan patted her chest and assured that she didn't know whether Chen Feng had a small vault, but she estimated that Chen Feng would take it. There is no big problem with 800,000.

"Well, this is what you said. If he can't take out 800,000, then I will ask you for it." Hearing Lin Lan's assurance, Lin Yue was relieved.

"no problem."

"Sister Yue, you can take that waste car and come back first. It's pretty cold today," Lin Lan said.

"Okay, I'll save you face this time." Lin Yue hung up the phone, but for Chen Feng, she still has a nose instead of a nose, and her eyes are not eyes.

The two opened the back door and sat in the back row.

"Driving, what are you doing in a daze!"

Seeing Chen Feng hadn't started yet, Lin Yue shouted again.

Chen Feng frowned uncomfortably, but didn't care about Lin Yue, but stepped on the accelerator.

As we are catching the rush hour, the road is very crowded.

After blocking the car a few times, Lin Yue became angry again, and shouted at Chen Feng, "Can you drive? You can't drive faster. Can you pay for the delay of my wife?"

Chen Feng also had a temper. After he braked, he gave Lin Yue a cold look, "Are you coming?"

Lin Yue suddenly refused: "I said you are a trash, did my old lady give you a face! You are a son-in-law who eats soft rice, who gave you the courage to challenge me?"

"Believe it or not, I will let you get out of Xia's house!"

"Fool." Chen Feng sneered and cursed. Lin Yue may have been used to domineering in the past, thinking that everyone is her subordinate, but there is no such rule with him.

When Chen Feng dared to scold himself, Lin Yue almost died of anger. Seeing her about to have an attack, Tang Ruoxue couldn't help frowning her brows: "Mom, don't say a few words, you said you have something to care about with a door-to-door son-in-law. ?"

Tang Ruoxue's tone was full of disdain for Chen Feng. In her opinion, any man with a bit of spine would not become a son-in-law.

Only the kind of waste who has no ability and likes to eat soft meals will consider the status of a door-to-door son-in-law.

"Okay, mom listens to you, don't care about this waste. Care about him is purely lowering Mom's grade." Lin Yue comforted herself again, and her emotions eased.

Chen Feng sneered and shook his head, too lazy to care about Lin Yue, stepped on the accelerator and came to the hospital.

Seeing Chen Feng parked the car to the hospital, Lin Yue was upset again.

"Didn't you say to go home? What did you drive to the hospital for?"

"Lin Lan is in the hospital." Chen Feng gave Lin Yue a cold look, and after speaking, he turned and left without looking back.

"How did Lin Lan educate this rubbish, this uneducated thing, dare to call her name directly." Lin Yue scolded and followed behind.

Chen Feng advanced into the ward, and as soon as he saw Chen Feng, Lin Lan asked, "I said Chen Feng, what do you do with your trash, even your aunt's car would dare to smash it?!"

"Don't you ask me why I smashed her car?" Chen Feng said coldly.

"For whatever reason, you can't smash people or cars. Your aunt's Bentley is worth more than three million. If you broke it, can you pay for it!" Although Lin Lan knew that there was something else hidden in the matter, Lin Lan Obviously, he didn't intend to intervene, but was holding on to the problem of losing money.

At this time, Lin Yue and Tang Ruoxue also entered the door.

"Lin Lan, you really have a good son-in-law." As soon as he walked in, Lin Yue began to mock with yin and yang.

Lin Lan smiled and said, "Sister Yue, come here."

Lin Yue snorted coldly, too lazy to talk to Lin Lan.

Lin Lan was not embarrassed, and turned her gaze to Tang Ruoxue who was aside.

"This kid is Ruoxue. I haven't seen him in a few years. Ruoxue has grown up like this, and the longer and more beautiful he is, just like a big star." Lin Lan enthusiastically flattered.

But Tang Ruoxue's reaction was a little cold. In her eyes, the third aunt Lin Lan was a typical poor relative, and she also liked to brag.

If not, their family would not stop contacting Lin Lan for several years.

"Come here, sister Yue, Ruoxue, sit down and sit down."

Lin Lan stretched out her hand to greet.

Lin Yue frowned, and said in disgust, "What are you sitting on? This place is so dirty, with so many bacteria, what should we do if we get our clothes dirty for tens of thousands of dollars?"

Lin Lan's face became stiff, and she smiled and said: "Sister Yue, sorry, Mengyao was injured a few days ago, so our family is in the hospital these days..."

"Mengyao?" Lin Yue glanced at Xia Mengyao who was sleeping sideways, and couldn't help asking: "Lin Lan, didn't you say some time ago that your Mengyao is the person in charge of the Yuquanshan project? This is true. of?"

"Of course it's true." Lin Lan was a little surprised, not understanding why Lin Yue mentioned this suddenly.

"You didn't lie to me?" Lin Yue looked at Lin Lan suspiciously, her eyes full of mistrust. Lin Lan's husband Xia Weiguo was in the Xia family, isn't it a small third-tier family in Cangzhou? How could it be possible to cooperate with Dingfeng Company?

"Sister Yue, what did I lie to you for? If you go out and ask someone to ask about it, you can ask." Lin Lan was a little upset. She originally thought that Lin Yue came over suddenly because of her conscience. She wanted to take care of her. Well, as a result, when Lin Yue said so, she suddenly understood.

Lin Yue came here not to take care of her at all, but to mock her.

"That's it." Lin Yue's expression suddenly became a little unnatural. Lin Lan said so, and this incident is probably true.

Xia Mengyao, I'm afraid he is really the person in charge of the Yuquanshan project. Although I don't know how Xia Mengyao got in this position, he was indeed beaten because Lin Lan did not brag.

"Since Mengyao is the person in charge of the Yuquanshan project, she should know Lin Zongwei, the general manager of Dingfeng Company." Lin Yue focused her attention on Xia Mengyao.

"Yes, Mengyao went to Lin Zongwei to talk about the Yuquanshan project." Lin Lan nodded, her waist straightened a lot, without a doubt, Lin Yue came to Xia Mengyao for help.

"Really?" Lin Yue looked happy: "Since Mengyao knows Lin Zongwei, let her get up and do me a favor."

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