Chapter 104

32. What’s wrong with us?


The police car runs with red and blue flashing lights.

“Situation room! Where are you now?”

I missed it!


This is Sunma 34! Found it in front of Deoksu Middle School! At the Jung-gu District Office intersection, we beat Mukjeong Park!

It was near Mukjeong Park.

“Hold on tight!”

Park Chun-deuk turned the steering wheel and the police car made a U-turn.

Put it in!


Bang bang!

Cars that stopped in a panic rang Claxon, but Park Chun-deuk only turned on the emergency blinker and stepped on the accelerator more strongly.


“This is the raw eye! East of Mukjeong Park! Where are you, Soonma! Where are you?”

We’re going that way!


The urgent situation of radio bursts here and there.

Jong-hyuk’s ears pricked up.

Boom boom boom!

A frivolous exhaust sound approaches.

Turning his head, Jong-hyuk just found a motorcycle in the next alley.

Blue jacket and black pants.

White collar shirt and ripped jeans.

The description exactly matched the description.

“It’s two o’clock, chief!”

At Jong-hyuk’s cry, two criminals wearing masks surprised at Jong-hyuk’s side turn the steering wheel and get on the sidewalk.

Argh! Argh!

People freak out and avoid the so-called Citibag as it rushes down the sidewalk.

“Those bastards! The eye and the discovery! Samil Building, Chungjang 5-ga is on the run towards the intersection!”

Park Chun-deuk stepped on the accelerator harder.

Then, he changed the radio to loudspeaker mode.

“Citabag! Stop!

Fuck you-!

“… those bastards?!”

Jong-hyuk gets emotional, too.


Soonma 28! Approaching the Samil Building at the intersection of the epicenter!

Sunma 17! Southbound at Jinyang Intersection!

That’s a relief.

Now all you have to do is drive ahead towards Jinyang Intersection.

“Be prepared for the shock!”

Boo! Squeak!

Park Chun-deuk, who overtook the motorcycle, blocked the entrance to India.

The frightened criminal grabbed the brakes, and Jong-hyuk crumpled his face in the direction of the steering wheel.

God damn it!

It goes the other way around.

I missed it here and didn’t know where Chungjang-ro 5-ga would go if it headed south at the intersection.

Jong-hyuk stepped through the door, pulling on the auxiliary door knob of the car that had not yet fully stopped.

“Choi Aeng Do-oh, Azik, Merham, Chou Ji-yi…….”

Park Chun-deuk’s singing, which stretches like a tape of a song.

Standing in disregard, Jong-hyuk stretched his arms toward the growing eyes and, to be exact, toward their collar.

Whoosh! Whoosh!

“Oh, my god!”

The two men, who were forced to pull down and screamed, made a whirl and heard, and the motorcycle, which had lost its owner, crashed into the tail of a police car and collapsed.

Whoosh! Whoops!

In a hurry, Sergeant Park Chun-deuk and Sergeant Kim Soo-yong, who got off the police car, stared blankly at Jong-hyuk, who was hanging two men one by one in each hand.

The two criminals were teenagers.

The crime is motorcycle theft.

No, it’s a quasi-robber case because he ran away on a motorcycle after he noticed and pushed his owner.

The police, who came to the scene, laughed despondently and went back, saying, ‘I knew it. Usually, motorcycle theft occurs and more than 50 percent of the criminals are teenagers.


Park Chun-deuk, who blankly reached out to Jong-hyuk’s forearm, was startled and pulled out.

“Well, it’s stronger than it looks, cadet Choi.”

No matter how powerful he was, he was the first person to lift a person as lightly as a burden.

“Ha ha.”

In many games, he exceeded 140 kilograms with one hand.

It was nothing to lift two 70kgs.

“Then I’ll ride in the back.”

“Uh, that’s….”

It is up to the police to ride in the same space as the criminal.

This is because new recruits can get hurt by the luminescent criminal.

So these days, the police were not usually in the back seat.


How do you see her as a new recruit, or a cadet?

In the short period of time, it is not a kick on a motorcycle or a hit on the criminal, but a decision made to prevent the criminals from getting hurt.

I thought it would be okay to burn it.

“Yes, of course.”


Jong-hyuk quickly climbed into the backseat, and the two babbling quickly shut up.

“Darn it. Darn it.”

“Real Jotto.”

My heart flutters at the experience of not being able to live my whole life.

However, they were more angry that they were caught worse than that.


When the car started, Jong-hyuk looked at the two cursing with their lips fluttering as if they were cute.



The criminal, who was suffering from a flick on the forehead, glared at Jong-hyuk.


“Don’t swear inside.”

The criminal turned his head at the sound of a subdued voice.


Their silence continued until they arrived at the central station.

It was too scary to rebel, Jong-hyuk.

When they arrived at the police station, they were handed over to the criminal department.

As a minor, he was supposed to be in charge of juvenile affairs, but he was in charge of violent crimes such as robbery.

“How big is your liver to steal a motorcycle in broad daylight? Come with me!”

“Argh! Argh! It hurts!”

Jong-hyuk waved at the two distant criminals with his ears held.

“CCTV is so helpful.’

The police were able to set the right direction because they read CCTV information in the situation control room and continued to chase the two escape directions.

It was all the power of CCTV.

However, it was regrettable that CCTV alone could not chase the criminal.

It was because CCTV has not become available yet.


Jong-hyuk saw Park Chun-deuk approaching this way with a cigarette in his mouth.

As soon as he contacted the situation control room, the snobbish situation control room moved.

I meant his power was unexpected.

Class is a lieutenant.….’

Inspector, next in rank to lieutenant.

To be honest, I don’t understand that he is only a superintendent.

To be the chief of the police station, he must be the next chief of staff.

Park Chun-deuk, who approached whether he knew what Jong-hyuk thought, tapped Jong-hyuk.

“How do you feel about catching the killer, no, going through the scene?”

“On the scene?”

‘…I see.’ Jong-hyuk, who looked at himself, looked sentimental.

“That’s nice.”

I’ve been waiting for it’s

The day when the criminal was arrested in a police uniform.

Although not yet officially a cop, Jong-hyuk felt a fire in his chest.

A deep smile rose around Jong-hyuk’s mouth.

“Well, let’s have a cup of coffee and go in. You didn’t think today’s work was over because you caught a criminal, did you?”

“No way.”

Arresting a robber who stole a motorcycle?

It’s just an ordinary thing that happened in a long day.

Jong-hyuk and the two of them walked toward the vending machine.

And a little later.

“Jong-hyuk, are you hurt?”


Kim Jong-doo stormed into the door.

Jong-hyuk covered his face.

* * *

Kim Jong-doo, who came running as soon as he heard that the main office was nearby, checked Jong-hyuk’s physical condition and stepped down.

Afterwards, everyone except for the number of people on the crime prevention patrol left the office.

“Wow, we’re finally on duty!”

“It’s not real work, it’s practice.”

“Who doesn’t know?! But it’s awesome!”

Police seniors are excited about the upcoming evening’s crime patrol.

Jong-hyuk is also fully prepared for the long-awaited patrol.

It is the evening shift that is not strange no matter what happens.

The Great Wall of China is said to be built at night, but there are many violent incidents at night.

‘The World Cup is less than a month away, so don’t relax.’

It is the 2002 World Cup, the best festival in Korean history.

Since it is also a World Cup in Korea, the crime rate has soared before returning.

I shouldn’t have let go of my tension.

Today is the first day of the cadets of the National Police University, so Park Chun-deuk, who remained late, threw his tongue at the sight.

‘That was the cadet.’

South Korea’s judo hero who contributed greatly to the arrest of escaped prisoner Han Sang-won.

A preliminary police officer who pushed Japan’s nose to make scientific investigation technology exchange with Japan.

“That’s why he’s so strong. Hmm?”

Beep, tick!

Suddenly, the fax cried and threw up the paper.

Park Chun-deuk, who reviewed the contents, slapped his forehead.

“Oh, my God. Was this from today?”

Park Chun-deuk looked at the police cadets with pity, and Jong-hyuk and his colleagues tilted their heads to his side.

“Period of concentration?”

It is a period of intensive guidance for minors and intensive crackdown on entertainment areas.

With the World Cup just around the corner, police began cleaning the streets.

Confusion spread among the colleagues.

“A senior I know told me that concentration was never good because it went in…….”


Police officers and living order police officers lined up in police parking lots as well as cadets of police units have also turned dark.

But it wasn’t Jong-hyuk.

“It’s good.”

What kind of crime prevention patrols are you kidding me?

It’s just patrolling the set patrol route.

The tedious task of patrolling and resting over and over and over again.

But not now.

We need to crack down actively.

Entertainers as well.

I can wipe it all out.’

Weeds that grow back in place even if they are plucked out.

weeds that are plain to the eye

Jong-hyuk secretly laughed furiously.

‘There you are…’

“There are so many things happening on the streets of the night.”

All eyes were on Park Chun-deuk.

“There are so many crimes that our police don’t see, such as drunkenness, hard work, molestation and assault.”

The cadets look stiff.

The same is true of Jong-hyuk’s expression.

This is why we need CCTV.’

It is CCTV that catches evidence of a crime that the police cannot see. In order to install this CCTV, it was necessary to change the public’s mind.

Today will be the second step.

“Please pay close attention to this point and proceed with the crackdown and crime prevention patrol. The cadets are in their own groups, right?”


“Okay! Let’s go!”

Hundreds of police and police officers headed to the streets when Park Chun-deuk’s order was given.

* * *

Korea was once again in crisis when dotcom collapsed a while ago, but the streets of the night were forming a night sky as if they had ever been like that.

It’s swarming.

“Oh, it’s a cop.”

“Cop man, fighting!”

People who are drunk even though it’s only 9 o’clock.

Police officers, who are envious of women’s interest and their free appearance, stiffen their faces and relax their shoulders.

“Don’t step forward if you can.”


Jong-hyuk, who was walking this evening checking the location of CCTV for crime prevention in the jurisdiction he memorized, looked to the side.

“You said you were Park Soo-kyung, right?”

“Sookyung, Park Jung-soo. Please speak comfortably.”

Sgt. Su-kyung, the rank of sergeant in the army.

Jong-hyuk tilted his head to his side as he looked at him.

“Where did I see you?”

I was introduced as the captain of the patrol team earlier, but I’m sure he looks familiar.

“That’s enough. I don’t have a hobby of speaking informally when I first met you.”

At least 22 years old, even if he became a conscript at 20.

He could have been older than Jong-hyuk.

No matter how hard I tried, I didn’t want to speak informally to them who would be civilians anyway.

Park Jung-soo looked at such Jong-hyuk as if he was weird.

This is because none of the cadets he has ever experienced speak formally. Since they were cadets of the National Police University, who became vice president of the medical police right after graduation, they had a high nose.

“But what do you mean, don’t do anything?”

“……If you take the lead and get hurt, you’ll hear what we’ve said.”

Only then did Jong-hyuk understand why the day was standing.

‘They must have done quite a bit.’

I understand.

It is a field exercise that is endlessly close to police work.

You couldn’t control yourself because you were excited to feel like a police officer.

But it’s that, and it’s this.

“It’s okay, I won’t get hurt.”

“I can’t guarantee that…….”

” Lieutenant Park! I see a massage parlor over there. What are you going to do?”

“Massage room?”

Lieutenant Park, who is in his early 30s, frowns.

a massage parlor with a sign out of light

It was clear that they were not operating during the intensive crackdown period.

If you go, you’ll be in vain.


Manager Kim from the main office came to see him, right?’

It has been only a few years since it was established, but it is a special crime investigation unit that ranks with the metropolitan investigation unit.

It is a dream workplace that any modern police officer seeks.

At first, I thought Jong-hyuk was the son of Kim Jong-du.

Lieutenant Park shined his eyes.

“Well, yeah. The door may be closed, but it’s a place you’ll soon experience when you become a police officer, so it’s good to see what the entrance looks like.”

Jong-hyuk smiled significantly at him who was neat.

‘Is that so?’

“I’m showing it to you because you’re a great junior.””

“Thank you!”

It remains to be seen who will really appreciate it.

So they headed for a massage room with the lights off.

Step, step.

The sensor light turns on and the word massage room appears.

“It’s a little different from the rest of the world, right? It’s somewhat shady and hot.”

“Ha ha.”

Lieutenant Park grabbed the doorknob and shook it.

Rattle rattle!

“Look, it’s closed.”

Su-kyung Park Chung-soo and other police officers distorted their faces, saying they thought they would walk in vain.

“At a time like this…What are you doing, junior?”

“For a while.”

Bringing his ear to the glass door, Jong-hyuk smirked.

I knew this would happen.’

” Lieutenant, would you like to put your ear here?”


Lieutenant Park’s face hardened with his ears clapped with his face hardened.

Yes! Hang!

A fine groan is mixed in the breathtaking stillness beyond the door.

Jong-hyuk grinned at how Park was embarrassed.

“Get out of my way. You’ll get hurt.”

Jong-hyuk stood in front of the door instead of Park, who was flabbergastedly backing down.

Then he threw his foot at the glass door.



As the shattered glass door moves back, you can see the frightening faces of those gathered under the light of a small stand.

The moan from the inside stopped.


There are more than one or two signs of feeling.

Jong-hyuk grinned.

Oh, my God, it’s a bonanza.’

“Thank you for your hard work. There’s a crackdown on illegal prostitution. Sir, you have to get the evidence, right?”

“Oh, conscripts!”


The massage parlor is closed because it’s a crackdown period?

That’s nonsense.

If you can’t receive customers randomly, the massage room is a place that operates on a membership basis.

During the intensive crackdown before the World Cup, the grim reaper, who penetrated the entertainment district’s jurisdiction, came down.

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