
Chapter 198 Military Tags and Bullets

The colonel was silent for a moment, then laughed "chichi" again: "I found that in the eyes of a young man like you, everything seems to be very simple."

Chu Ge said: "Perhaps, the matter is very simple. Are you middle-aged and elderly people thinking too complicated?"

"Then just try it and see if it's as simple as you imagined."

The colonel pulled hard on his neck, tore off a blood-stained military badge, and threw it at Chu Ge.

Chu Ge copied it in his hand, slightly startled: "What is this?"

"There is a memory chip in the middle of this military card, which records the criminal evidence of the illegal transactions between General Goworski and Director Belkin. You can give it to the 'Iron Arm Demon', that is, your dear Uncle Cao, let’s see if you have a 1% chance of taking down big figures like Goworski and Belkin with a trick like yours."

The colonel smiled, "If I could, maybe I would take your word for it."

Chu Ge was silent for a moment, holding the general card tightly in his palm.

"I will definitely hand it over to Uncle Cao, but you have to answer two more questions for me." Chu Ge said.

"Tell me," said the colonel.

"You killed two immortal cultivators, but left one behind. How do you know that the one left behind is the key figure that the Celestial Organization is determined to win?" Chu Ge asked.

In fact, he already had the answer in his heart, but he still wanted to hear the colonel's thoughts.

"First, look at the temperament. After the other two immortal cultivators were imprisoned, there was nothing but fear, while the middle immortal cultivator was extremely angry besides fear, as if he should not have been treated like this at all. The look of 'how dare you treat me like this' is beyond words.

"In addition, I also heard two other immortal cultivators use respectful titles for the immortal cultivator in the middle, which means something like 'young master'. I once carried out the task of infiltrating the immortal cultivator world, and I have some knowledge about some local dialects and proprietary noun, have a certain understanding.

"So, I know that the 'young master' in the middle is the key."

Chu Ge nodded, which makes sense.

Level 5 genetic medicine, a large number of cutting-edge weapons, and a "young master" from the world of cultivating immortals are indeed worth the risk of the Celestial Organization and Gale Commando.


Chu Ge still didn't understand, "Even if you successfully seized everything, how would you escape? With a convoy of off-road trucks alone, it's impossible to gallop all the way in the deep mountains and old forests until you go through the jungle? It will definitely happen in two or three days at most." After being searched by the military and police all over the mountains, even if you really escaped from the jungle and are still in the area controlled by the alliance, how can so many people and resources disappear?"

"You're right, we're just going to disappear."

The colonel said, "Looking at the whole world, Lingshan City is not the only place where a serious 'spiritual tide outbreak' occurred. The reason why we chose to attack here is, on the one hand, to hijack that 'young master' and try to get in touch with the forces behind it. The more important reason is that the Tianren organization discovered a semi-permanent space crack in the dense forest near Lingshan City, and this information is not yet grasped by the alliance.

"According to the original plan, we only need half a day to reach the space crack deep in the jungle and travel to the world of cultivating immortals. After the large army passes through, we will set fire around,

Let the raging mountain fire burn for ten days and a half months - manpower is sometimes poor. Even with today's technology, it is still a huge problem to extinguish the mountain fire, and it will take at least ten days and a half month.

"At that time, it doesn't matter whether the alliance finds this space rift or not. We have already passed through the 'springboard' of the world of cultivating immortals, found other space rifts, and traveled back to another place on the earth."


Chu Ge did not expect that the Celestial Organization had such a thorough plan. Thinking about it carefully, it was reasonable and at the same time felt too risky, "Aren't you worried that you will be attacked by the natives after you travel to the world of cultivating immortals?"

"Even on a densely populated earth, the area where humans really live does not exceed 5% of the land surface, let alone the world of cultivating immortals, which is sparsely populated?"

The colonel said, "As I said just now, the terrain of the Immortal Cultivation World is fragmented, as if soaked in a sea of ​​psychic energy, dotted with archipelagos, and most of the 'islands' are completely uninhabited. The destination of the space crack is a barren mountain in the world of cultivating immortals, and at the end of the barren mountain, there is something like an 'ancient teleportation array', which can return to another point on the earth.

"Of course, danger always exists, so they need to find some partners with experience in infiltrating the world of cultivating immortals, and that is us, Gale Commando."

Chu Ge was taken aback when he heard that.

"It sounds like there are many space cracks and even teleportation arrays between the earth and the world of cultivating immortals, and maybe even the world of phantoms, which can pass through each other and jump around—the relationship between the three worlds , much closer than we imagined!" Chu Ge murmured.

"Of course, otherwise, how could they be so similar in appearance, language and customs?"

The colonel smiled wryly, "There are even two theories - one, the earliest earth civilization was established by people from the world of cultivating immortals and magic world, or, Homo sapiens hundreds of thousands of years ago inadvertently traveled to the world of cultivating Immortal Realm and Fantasy Demon Realm established local civilizations, and in the following hundreds of thousands of years of development, humans in the three realms continued to communicate through space cracks or teleportation arrays. Until the last two thousand years, the aura was too thin, and each other The communication channel was cut off.

"Therefore, there are no 'aliens' at all. We all come from the same source, and we are all human beings. I kill people, not worms without emotions. This is the source of my pain."

What the colonel said made Chu Ge more and more confused and entangled.

"Hey, little guy, I'll give you another gift. Remember, this is for you. Don't let anyone take it away."

The colonel looked at his words and saw that Chu Ge was in deep thought. His goal seemed to be achieved, he grinned, and threw another object towards Chu Ge.

Chu Ge copied it in his hand and saw that it was a bullet.

The seemingly yellow bullet, except for the criss-crossing wear marks on the surface, is not unusual at all.

But the starting point is extremely heavy, and it is made of unknown materials. It is even heavier than the sum of three or five ordinary bullets.

Moreover, holding it in the palm of the hand, the bullet quickly absorbed Chu Ge's body temperature, creating a feeling of blood fusion, as if it had become a part of Chu Ge's body.

According to the colonel's instructions, Chu Ge removed the chain of the general card and tied it to the bullet to make a pendant.

"What is this?" Chu Ge couldn't help asking.

"Actually, I should hate you, take revenge on you, and let you also taste the pain and entanglement, and slowly degenerate and corrupt in the dark swamp."

The colonel murmured, "When you come to the crossroads I used to walk, you will either become tangled and crazy like me, or become cruel and ruthless like 'Blood Eagle' Wilson, or be indecisive. Jen, it ended up killing everyone—if that's the case, I should be content, lol.

"However, for some reason, in the deepest part of my heart, I have some expectations that you can make different choices and walk a brighter path.

"This bullet may give you a helping hand, allowing you to reach the crossroads earlier and make your choice.

"I'd like to see what you, who are boasting so much now, will turn into at the critical moment. I really... look forward to it..."

The colonel said, smiling, and slowly closing his eyes, the rising and falling of his chest gradually subsided.


Chu Ge was in a hurry. No matter whether the other party was good or bad, he didn't want the colonel to die in a dark cave without knowing why.

Just as he was about to step forward to check, there were gunshots outside the cave.

It is dawn now.

Chaoyang slowly flowed into the cave like blood.

Only then did Chu Ge realize that they were not far from the entrance of the cave.

Moreover, their bloodstains meander all the way, extending from outside the cave to here.

Chu Ge Mao stooped and ran to the entrance of the cave to check, and saw countless shadowy figures in the jungle, all of whom were members of the Celestial Organization.

Chu Ge's heart sank, and he returned to the depths of the cave.

"It's too late to say anything now."

Chu Ge cried, "When you carried me and fled, you left too many traces. The Celestial Organization caught up so quickly and surrounded this place!"

Chu Ge's combat power has not yet recovered, and even if he recovers, he is no match for strong men such as "Ms. Goliath" and "Bart the Lion King". They are of the real combat department, and naturally they cannot be compared with "recruiters" like "Instructors".

Although the cave is very deep, after a few turns, it has reached the end, and there is not even half a gap leading to the ground. Chu Ge has no chance to escape through the crack.

This is a real dead end.


The colonel had a calm expression on his face, pointing to his ear, and pointing to the outside, not knowing whether he wanted Chu Ge not to disturb his death, or he wanted Chu Ge to listen carefully to the movement outside.

After a while, the gunfire outside became more intensive, and there were faint sounds of strafing and bombing from the sky.

"This is--"

Chu Ge listened attentively, jumped up and danced, "The alliance's reinforcements have finally arrived!"

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