The first time I saw a white figure was when I was young.

10 years ago - Liping Town

In the endless black forest, there was a white figure wandering in it. Take a closer look! Wow! It turned out to be a kitten~

Su Ya originally went to the commercial street to run errands for her family, but she ended up walking around and ran into the forest without realizing it, and then got lost.

"Where is this... It's so dark..."

Su Ya walked tremblingly, and suddenly felt something standing behind her.

Su Ya turned her head stiffly, and then saw a huge monster with two heads - a two-headed dog.

At this moment, Su Ya didn't say a word, but turned her head back and ran away!

It would have been better if she hadn't run. Running aroused the hunting instinct of the two-headed dog.

The two-headed dog had just finished his meal, so he was just curious about Suya, so he didn't use all his strength when chasing her.

Suya ran to a castle under the pursuit of the two-headed dog.

Suya's sister once told her that she must never run to other people's homes unless it was absolutely necessary.

And now was the last resort, so Suya broke into the window without thinking.

*The sound of broken glass*

Suya lay on the ground and looked back at the two-headed dog outside the window. Seeing that the two-headed dog didn't come in, Suya breathed a sigh of relief.

After feeling a strong magic power, the two-headed dog outside turned around and ran into the forest.

When Doris realized that someone had broken into her home, she walked towards the source of the sound.

When she got there, she saw a little cat sitting in the broken glass, with some blood on her body, looking very pitiful.

Suya looked at the broken glass on the ground and knew that she had caused trouble. She actually broke someone else's window.

When she saw Dolores, Suya bowed her head and apologized.

"Yes, I'm sorry! Big sister! I broke your window"

Just when Dolores was about to say it was okay, she heard Suya say-

"I, I can help you do something to compensate you, please don't tell my sister!"

Dorres, who had not planned to do anything to Suya, changed her mind after seeing Suya's pitiful expression.

"In that case, then you can be my pet for a few days~"

"Huh? Okay, okay!"

"Anyway, take you to get treated first"

Dorres picked up Suya and walked towards the room, and the broken window behind her had automatically recovered.

After Dolores treated Suya's wound, she put a collar on her.

"Sister, what is this?"

"This is a decoration~ You have to listen to me in the next few days"

"Okay, I will be obedient!"

Suya nodded obediently.


Suya's stomach began to remind her that it was time to eat.

Dolores chuckled and touched Suya's head.

"Let's go, let's go eat"

At the dining table, Dolores put Suya on her lap.

"Little guy, what's your name?"

"Sister, my name is Suya Mu, just call me Suya"

"Little Suya~"

"Well, what's wrong, sister?"

Dolores pointed to the steak on the dining table and then to her mouth.

"Feed me"

Suya nodded, picked up the knife and fork, and cut the steak unskillfully.

Seeing that Suya couldn't cut it for a long time, Dolores taught her how to cut it step by step.

The postures of the two were very ambiguous. Suya didn't think there was anything wrong at the time, but after growing up~

I guess she was thinking about this scene every time she attacked Duo Leisi.

The two fed each other, and the meal that could have been finished in more than ten minutes took them more than an hour.

After the meal, Duo Leisi took Suya to the bathroom.

This time, Duo Leisi didn't let Suya help her take a bath, but she helped Suya take a bath herself, and then...

It was just a very ordinary bath, no different from parents bathing their own children, but for Suya who grew up, this is definitely a shameful black history!

After taking a bath, Duo Leisi asked Suya to step on her back again.

"Sister, is this really okay? Won't it hurt you?"

"Don't worry, don't worry. With your small body, it will take you hundreds of years to hurt me~"

"Oh oh oh! Sister is so awesome!"

"That's right! Come on, hehe~"

Then Duoleisi enjoyed the back-stepping service of the kitten girl, and made a few comfortable noises, as if she was full of youth.

*How can it be repaired! Kabu is so envious of her!

At night, Doris had a wonderful sleep with the Suya brand pillow. By the way, Doris had the habit of sleeping on fruits, which also indirectly affected Suya later.

The next morning, Doris was awakened by a terrifying smell.

She got up from the bed, glanced at Suya who was still sleeping, quietly got out of bed, put on her clothes and walked to the castle gate.

Doris opened the door of the castle and saw a white-haired cat girl standing outside, looking at her with a dangerous smile.

"Ahem, lady, may I ask why you came to my house so early in the morning?"

"I came to see my sister, have you seen her?"

What the white-haired cat girl said was not a question, but an affirmation.

A little cold sweat broke out on Doris's forehead, and she nodded stiffly.

"Yes, she was attacked by a monster yesterday, so I let her stay and had a casual dinner. Then because it was getting late, I let her stay overnight casually."

After hearing Dorece's explanation, the aura of the white-haired cat girl dissipated.

"So that's it. I'm sorry that my sister has caused trouble for you."

"It's okay, it's just a window that was broken, and she made some compensation."

Dolores waved her hands.

"That's it. Can I just ask what kind of compensation it is?"

"Just be my pet... assistant for a few days and help me with some housework."

"Housework is also a kind of experience for her..."

"Oh, by the way, let me introduce myself. My name is Su Bai."

"My name is Dorethy Sphia, just call me Dorethy."

After introducing herself, Doris invited Su Bai into the living room.

Su Ya just woke up at this time.

When he came to the living room, he saw his sister chatting with Doris.

"elder sister?!"

Su Ya was surprised.

"Hey~ Xiaoya, are you awake?"

When she saw Su Bai, Su Ya's two cat ears instantly drooped.

"Sister...why are you here?"

Su Ya moved to Su Bai's side in small steps.

"You haven't returned home all night, and you can't even sense your magic power. Do you know how worried Sister Mu and I are?"

"Yes, I'm sorry...sister, Xiaoya has made my sisters worried. I'm sorry, Xiaoya has gotten into trouble, and I dare not tell my sisters..."

Su Ya's voice was trembling a little, and she became quieter and quieter when she spoke.

Looking at the poor Su Ya, Su Bai's originally angry expression disappeared instantly.

Su Bai sighed and hugged Su Ya into his arms.

"Okay, okay, sister, I don't blame you anymore. Remember to apologize to Sister Mu when you go back."


This scene made Dorathy on the side look emotional.

Sure enough, family ties are the best thing to talk about! And they happen to be two catgirls!

"Miss Dolores"

"Eh? What, what's going on?"

"Su Ya has been helping you with housework at your house these days. After all, you still have to bear the responsibilities you should bear."

"Well! Xiaoya will definitely make it up to Sister Dolece!"

"Okay~ I'll leave it to Su Ya for the next few days~"

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