The doctor was still calm, and he waved to Qianmo.

With a *bang*, Qianmo *opened* the door of the laboratory and greeted the people inside.

"Good morning, Doctor! Good morning to everyone else too!"

The researchers looked at the door on the ground, and then looked at Qianmo's slender arms.

This girl is really strong now!

The doctor was still as calm as ever. He ignored the door on the ground and waved to Qianmo.

Qianmo saw that the doctor was motioning her to come over, so she walked over.

"Doctor, there are really a lot of people in the laboratory today. Are you going to do some new experiments?"

The doctor did not answer Qianmo's words. He grabbed Qianmo's arm and took out a syringe and pierced Qianmo's skin.

"Doctor, what is this? Why do you want to give me an injection--"

Before he finished speaking, Qianmo fell to the ground like a puppet with a broken string.

The doctor threw the syringe in his hand into the trash can, and then waved to the guard to take Qianmo away.

They took Qianmo to the *operating room* and put her in the *iron cabinet*.

A guard held a suitcase and placed it in front of the doctor.

The doctor opened the box, took out a reagent bottle filled with red liquid from it, and then looked at the researchers.

Doctor: "Do you remember the process?"

Researchers: "Remember!"

Several researchers took out the reagent bottle from the box, walked to the iron cabinet, and put the reagent bottle into the groove of the iron cabinet.

The operation lasted for a long time. Probably because the medicine injected by the doctor into Qianmo was very effective, Qianmo showed no signs of waking up until the end of the operation.


The night in the city is quiet and solemn.

The ancient city walls looked even more majestic in the moonlight, as if guarding the peace of the city.

The faint candlelight shone through the windows, illuminating the narrow streets, like stars falling on earth.

In the night, there was a figure standing on the roof, the lonely figure formed a sharp contrast with the hustle and bustle of the city.

A gust of wind whistled past, lifting the coat and hat on the man's head, and the silky white long hair poured down, flying freely in the wind, as pure as snowflakes.

Suddenly, the girl looked back, a pair of snow-white cat ears stood upright, and the sapphire-like cat eyes stared in a certain direction.

"Come out, don't let me say it again"

Seeing that the man still didn't plan to come out, the girl didn't plan to talk nonsense, and waved her hand to throw a card.

The card flew out at an astonishing speed, like a flash of lightning.

With a crisp sound, the flash bomb exploded quickly, and the light was extremely dazzling.

The person who was hiding in the shadows was forced to show up.

"Hahaha, Lady Suya is still so decisive. Aren't you worried about accidentally hurting passers-by?" The woman said in a playful tone.

Suya frowned tightly, staring at the person in front of her, ignoring her question and said:

"Miss Dolores, how many times do I need to tell you that Dawn City prohibits vampires from entering? Do you like being chased and beaten by me so much?"

"Oh my, look at what you said. I just sensed that there are vampires here, so I thought Dawn City has allowed vampires to enter"

"I don't care why you came here. I have warned you once before. Since you have ignored my warnings again and again, I don't have to worry about any racial disputes anymore."

After the words fell, a magic book floated leisurely in the air, accompanied by a slight buzzing sound, slowly opened, and a groove appeared in the book. Cards flew out of it like dancing butterflies.

Dolores was instantly upset when she saw the situation in front of her.

No! Is this girl serious? !

——『Holy Light Magic·Dawn』

As Suya finished her chant, the holy light burst out instantly, like the dawn, dispelling the darkness.

Suya put the card back into the magic book, and then looked at the place where Dolores was just now. There was nothing there.

Suya had just cast a purification magic. If Dolores was purified, there should be clothes and other things that could not be purified left, but now there was nothing there——

"Tsk, the speed of escape is getting faster and faster"

"By the way, she just said that there are her people in the City of Dawn... It seems that we have to conduct a major investigation"


With a *bang*, Qianmo's fist passed through the system pop-up window and hit the wall directly, causing several pieces of the wall to fall off.

"Say it again! What the hell did you do!!!"

Qianmo yelled at the system pop-up window.

[Okay host, the system repeats the previous conversation again]

[Because the bloodline factor will cause life-threatening to the host's body, the system has hidden all the bloodline factors, so the host will not become a vampire]

"Pinch mom's kiss! Who asked you to do such a superfluous thing!"

[Answer: Because the subhuman beast bloodline factor will repel the bloodline factor, which will threaten the host's life——]

"Huh?! Don't you only work when I am on the verge of death?"

The researchers never deliberately avoided Qianmo when talking, so Qianmo learned about the bloodline factor fusion operation from them.

The fusion of bloodline factors has a very high risk of death. Qianmo thinks that she can rely on the life extension system to survive the fusion operation, so she fought so hard with the monsters to prove to the researchers that she is capable of undergoing the operation.

After countless battles, Qianmo finally waited for the fusion surgery of the bloodline factor, but...

The life-extending system actually took the initiative to hide the bloodline factor!

It had only spoken when she was on the verge of death before, but this time it spoke in advance!

The reason given by the system was -

[Because the system judged that the bloodline factor would threaten the host's life, if the emergency treatment mode was activated when she was on the verge of death, the danger would be extremely high]

[So the system chose the safest solution - activated the emergency treatment mode in advance to prevent the host from vampirizing]

Qianmo was speechless, she was silent, she was completely disappointed with this broken system!

Not only did it deprive her of the right to die, making her live a life worse than death every day, but now even the right to become stronger was deprived.

"Your so-called extension of life is nothing but prolonging my painful punishment! Why on earth am I being treated like this!"

[Answer: The system exists because of the host, and the only purpose of the system is to help the host survive]

"Shut up!!!"

"Being bitten by wolves, being eaten by pythons, having bones bitten by bears, having my body pierced, and being corroded by venom..."

"If I live to endure these pains, then what is the meaning of my living!!!"

"What is the meaning of your existence!!!"

Qianmo's voice was full of grief and indignation, and he questioned the system with all his might, as if he wanted to vent all the pain.

The optimistic mentality that had been supported for so many days completely collapsed at this moment.

Qianmo's body gradually leaned forward, and finally knelt down powerlessly, with a breath of despair around her.

Although Qianmo now has the ability to resist, it is still not enough to support her escape from the institute, so she wants to gain more powerful power by fusing the bloodline factor.

"… I'm only a little bit away… I'll be able to get the strength to escape from here…"

[The host is detected to be in danger of death, the system starts emergency treatment mode]

Qianmo's emotions surged like a tide, her heartbeat accelerated suddenly due to the excitement, and the pain of palpitations entangled him like a demon.


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