After getting dressed, the two came out of the room and met Mu Yunge who came out of the next room.

"Good morning, sister"

"Good morning, you don't look drunk"

"Of course, I'm in good health!"

"Well, go downstairs and wash up first"

Mu Yunge looked at Suya's steps, then looked at Qianmo, showing a meaningful smile.

After seeing Mu Yunge's smile, Qianmo smiled awkwardly.

While Suya and Qianmo were washing up, Mu Yunge went to throw away yesterday's garbage and brought in the things in the mailbox.

"Xiao Ya, here is your letter, I put it in the living room"

——"Okay~ Got it"

After washing up, Su Ya came to the living room and picked up the letter on the table to check.

The sender was Fas, and the content of the letter was new information about *Xinwei*.

After reading the letter for a while, Su Ya frowned.

Qianmo came over and saw Suya's expression, and asked with concern: "What happened?"

"Remember the prop that can interfere with thinking that I mentioned?"

Qianmo nodded: "Remember, we also looked for Ying for this yesterday."

"The letter sent by the Knights updated the information about 'Xinwei'. The ancient relic seems to have independent thinking."

"Props with thinking? Isn't that a monster?"

"Well, the properties of props that interfere with thinking and monsters that interfere with thinking are not of the same order of magnitude"

"The former is controllable, but the latter is not necessarily, the instability is too great"

Suya put the letter back into the envelope and handed it to Qianmo.

"I'll keep this with you for now"

"Oh, okay"

Qianmo took the letter and put it in his pocket.

At this time, Mu Yunge and Su Bai came over.

"Xiao Ya, we are going to work, and we may not come back to live for a while"

"Okay! I know, you must be careful"

Mu Yunge reached out and touched Su Ya's head.

"Okay~ We will be careful, and you too, and you must pay attention to your daily routine"

Su Ya's cheeks were slightly red, and she shook her head.

"Hmph, I don't know what you are talking about, anyway, my daily routine is stable"

Before leaving, Su Bai gave the magic stone to the two of them respectively.

"If you encounter something that you can't solve, you can crush this magic stone, and we will come to help you then"


"Thank you~"

After watching Su Bai and the others leave, Su Ya and Qian Mo returned to the living room.

"Su, are you worried about something?"

"Well, that thing can affect memory. I'm worried that I might forget something at any time. So from today on, can you accompany me?"

"Well, of course."

Memory is very deceptive. If someone tampers with your memory without your knowledge, you will become a puppet at the mercy of others.

Suya is worried that she will be discovered by the mastermind behind the scenes in the process of searching for *Xinwei*, and then change her memory. At that time, she won't even be able to believe herself.

But fortunately, she is not alone. She still has Qianmo, an external brain, to store her memory.

According to the current information, the most likely person to hold *Xinwei* can only be the adopted son of the Inst family-Invis Inst.

After Suya carefully read his information, she found many loopholes.

A person who has not practiced sword for a long time can actually fight elite monsters alone? It's impossible no matter how you think about it, and there are many similar records, but no one has ever doubted the authenticity of these records.

There is another thing. Ingvis seems to be bullied often, and those who bully him bully him for no reason, just like being possessed by a demon. In the end, their crimes will be exposed and then despised by everyone.

Qianmo thinks he is the protagonist of a gender-reversed Mary Sue novel.

Yesterday, when exchanging information with Inge, Inge told them that he had sneaked into Ingvis' room.

However, no matter how he searched, he could not find the item. There was not even a magical item in the room.

"Do you think he would carry it with him?"

"It's not impossible."

"Let's go, let's go see him in person. Maybe your eyes can really see that thing."

After that, the two went out to the Inst family's residence.

Soon, the two came to a white mansion that was no less than the Dolace Castle.

"How much do the people in their family like white?"

"The Inerst family has been pure in heart for generations, so they are favored by the power of white magic, and their white hair is proof of that. It's a pity that there are impurities mixed in now."

"What should we do now? Wait and see, or...?"

"I heard that the people in their family seem to like white cats very much, Qian, how about..."

Before Suya finished the next sentence, Qianmo knew what she wanted her to do, and hurriedly crossed his hands in front of his chest.

"No! I don't want to be rubbed by a group of strangers!"

"I didn't say that you can use the honey trap, I just asked you to sneak in. They like white cats, so they shouldn't drive you away."

"Then why did I go in alone?"

"Because you are not afraid of interference with your memory."

"That's true..."

Just as the two were discussing secretly, Avril's carriage just passed by them.

Avril in the carriage had her eyes light up when she saw Qianmo and Suya. She quickly stopped the carriage, got off, and walked towards them.

——"Madam? Eh!? Madam, please wait for us!"

A maid hurriedly followed Avril.

When Qianmo noticed Avril coming towards them, she thought they were exposed, so she quickly pulled Suya to run away.

They forgot to wear cat hooded jackets when they went out today, so it was troublesome if they didn't see their faces clearly.

After seeing Qianmo and Suya's actions, Avril hurriedly said:

"The two in front... two people - please wait a moment -"

After hearing Avril's voice, the nearby guards hurriedly stopped them, although they didn't know what happened.

Seeing someone blocking in front of him, Qianmo was anxious and ready to fly, but was held down by Suya's shoulders.

"Calm down, we haven't done anything yet, what are you afraid of?"

"Eh... yeah!"

Suddenly, Qianmo's confidence rose.

She put her hands on her hips and faced Avril.

"Excuse me, what can I do for you? Let me make it clear first, we are not planning to do anything bad!"

Suya looked at Qianmo in amazement.

Does this cat girl know what she is talking about! ?

Avril didn't care about what Qianmo said, but hugged Qianmo.

"Little Suya! Long time no see!"

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