Reincarnated as a goblin, but the mother is a white-haired elf?

Chapter 58 Encountering a human adventurer and identifying the holder.

"It's a Goblin?!"

"Don't let them get away!"

A group of adventurers rushed towards Ye Yan and the others.

Seeing this, Ye Yan didn't hesitate at all and chose to leave directly.

"Crunch, crunch!"

Ye Yan actually ran away when he saw a human being.

The low-level Goblin Bu cursed Ye Yan as a waste.

Then "crunch, crunch" and face the adventurer head-on.

The two started a fierce confrontation.

The adventurers are very strong, but the number of low-level goblins cannot be underestimated.

An adventurer, the archer Arna.

When he saw Ye Yan, he chased after him without any hesitation.


An unknown emotion flashed in Arna's eyes.

Ignoring the calls of my companions behind me, I chased after him.

Ye Yan turned around and glanced at Arna.

Then he deliberately slowed down to lure her deeper into the jungle.

"Stand up for me!"

Alna shouted loudly, her voice echoing in the woods.

She pulled her long bow and launched a fierce attack on Ye Yan.

Arrows shot towards Ye Yan like raindrops.

However, Ye Yan was like a ghost, always cleverly dodging when she was about to hit.

"Kill me obediently!"

Alna roared. Although her voice was loud, her voice was unusually calm.

All the bows and arrows shot missed Ye Yan's vital points.

The next moment, she was about to attack again.

Only to find that Ye Yan suddenly disappeared.

Arna looked around and found no sign of Ye Yan.

"You want to kill me?"

Suddenly, Ye Yan's voice came from behind Arna, scaring her whole body.

She turned around and saw Ye Yan standing not far away, staring at her coldly.

Arna was surprised.

This goblin can actually speak human language!

She felt confused, was this goblin a superior species?

But when she looked at Ye Yan carefully.

But found that he did not have the aura of a superior species.

Suddenly, Arna had a sudden realization.

Could it be that this goblin is a special individual!

In every ethnic group, there are always several special individuals born, who are different from ordinary people in some aspects.

The goblin in front of him is obviously such a special existence.

This makes sense.


Arna replied coldly.

"Killing monsters is our mission as adventurers."

Ye Yan did not respond, but stared at Arna closely, as if looking at something.

Arna was a little frightened by Ye Yan's gaze and took a step back involuntarily.

However, Ye Yan had no intention of letting her go. He continued to ask:

"What's wrong? Are you scared?"

Alna pretended to be calm and replied:

"I'm not afraid!"

But her trembling voice betrayed her.

Ye Yan ignored her answer and continued:

"I can see no murderous intent in your eyes."

Arna was a little stunned by Ye Yan's words. She didn't know what she should say.

Thinking of his mother's words and the arrow that deflected the vital part, Ye Yan continued:

"So, I won't kill you"

With that said, Ye Yan turned and left.

Arna was left alone in a daze.

Watching Ye Yan's figure gradually move away from him until he disappeared from sight.

Arna felt that her legs were as heavy as lead, unable to support her, and she suddenly sat down on the ground.

"Hoo ho ho ho!"

Arna gasped for air, her heart beating wildly, as if she had just escaped from the edge of life and death.

She never thought that such a terrifying monster still existed in this world.

Ye Yan showed murderous intent at that moment, almost overwhelming her, leaving her unable to think of any resistance.

"What's going on with that damn attribute?"

Arna murmured to herself, her eyes full of confusion and confusion.

She stared down at her hands, a strange light flashing in her eyes.

The next moment, the voice of the world sounded in her ears:

[You activated the skill "Identification", and the information identifying the individual Arna appeared in your eyes]

As the sound falls.

A string of data appeared in front of her eyes, which was detailed information about herself.

Name: Arna.

Race: Human race.

Stage: Growth period.

Strength: 25

Speed: 30

Stamina: 20

Magic: 30

Skill: Appraisal

Talent: Magic Mastery

Arna looked at these data and couldn't help but feel a little bitter in her heart.

Although her panel value has exceeded most people.

But compared to Ye Yan, it was so insignificant.

"That guy's panel... is almost twice as long as mine!"

Name: Ye Yan

Race: Special individual of low-level goblin.

Stage: growth stage

Strength: 56 (cap increased from 30 to 100)

Speed: 57 (cap increased from 30 to 100)

Constitution: 50 (upper limit increased from 30 to 100)

Magic: 14 (maximum increased from 30 to 100)

Evolution Points: 1

Skills: Latent Shadow, Shadow Clone, Lightning Strike, Fireball E.

Exclusive skills:*

Talents: Hidden breath, proficient in languages, affinity with magic, self-healing B, strength enhancement C, speed enhancement C, magic control D, physical enhancement C, beast intuition B, perception D

Special talents: King's seed, limit breakthrough.

You know, the improvement of numbers is not as simple as addition.

And what's the matter with those talents and skills that are different from ordinary people!

And that question mark.

"I have never heard of such a mark before."

She frowned and thought, her heart was full of doubts.

What shocked her even more was.

Ye Yan also had a special talent called "King's seed".

She had never seen or heard of this talent.

"It's too abnormal! When did goblins have such a thing?"

Arna murmured to herself, her heart was full of uneasiness and doubts.

On the other side.

At this time, most of the adventurers were lying on the ground because of physical strength or injuries, unable to move.

Only one Deldel holding a big sword and a goblin stood.

Most of the other goblins were killed on the ground.

In this situation, the situation is settled.

The team members supported each other, and everyone had traces of fighting on their bodies, bloodstained and wounded.

They panted, and their faces were full of fatigue and relaxation.


The only remaining goblin roared, and lightning flashed on his palm.

Facing the goblin's attack, Del clenched the long sword in his hand.

"Come on!"


However, just when Del and the goblin were about to launch an attack.

An arrow broke through the air.

It hit the goblin's heart accurately.


The goblin looked at the arrow in his chest in confusion, and then "popped" and fell down.

"What is this!?"

Everyone was shocked.

"Who saved us?"

Seeing that the last and most troublesome goblin was dead, everyone breathed a sigh of relief.

But only Del frowned slightly, remained alert, paid attention to the surroundings, and looked for the person who shot the arrow.

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