Chapter Eighty-Five: Stealing the Dao of Heaven and Repairing Human Reason!

That moment.

Jiang Chen’s body erupted with a transcendent aura! The Heavenly Dao Personality now all belongs to him!

The monocle of the thief god can steal everything in the world, including the person of God, and even the way of heaven!

Back then, that god achieved the Godhead by stealing the person of another god during the promotion ceremony of the god! Although the time of the Heavenly Dao that Jiang Chen was able to steal may only be so 0.00001 seconds, for him, it was enough! Between heaven and earth.

All the mysteries poured into Jiang Chen’s body!

Behind him, the mysterious shadow formed an endless dark night. As if where Jiang Chen is, everything is night!

The moment he stole the Mysterious Heavenly Venerable, he fused all the mysterious characteristics in the world and became the person of the Mysterious God! Now.

All mysteries obey His call!

The phantom shadow of the mysterious Tianzun dissipated like a bubble, and finally turned into a half-golden leaf, retreating into Jiang Chen’s reincarnation imprint!

The heavenly way of this world…

Half of it has already fallen into the hands of Jiang Chen!

When the mysterious Tianzun’s figure dissipated, only Taiqing Tianzun remained, staring at Jiang Chen with an extremely heavy face. He never expected that the situation would come to this point!

Unexpectedly, even the two Heavenly Venerables joined forces, but they could not stop Jiang Chen, allowing him to obtain a complete mysterious Heavenly Dao personality! Jiang Chen’s single eye turned again…

Looking at Taiqing Tianzun’s eyes, he was full of cunning! This moment.

In his body, all the Taiqing Qi began to impact to the realm of Du Tribulation Immortal!

This breath actually confronted the Taiqing Tianzun Chamber, and between them, they did not fall behind in the slightest!

Taiqing Tianzun’s face sank, and he immediately activated all the permissions of the Heavenly Dao and began to snatch this power of this personality with Jiang Chen! In terms of the total amount of spiritual energy of this Fang Heavenly Dao, since it is not the upper realm, it can only accommodate the existence of one true immortal!

Once another true immortal appears, then the two will have to compete with each other for this person! Or…

If there is a new promoter, then it is necessary to compete with Taiqing Tianzun for this position, and the successful one can advance to the new Heavenly Dao! Put in the ordinary case….

With the body of a mortal, even if you successfully join the way, if you want to cross the calamity and become an immortal, it is even more difficult than ascending to the sky! But after Jiang Chen obtained the Heavenly Dao of the Mysterious God, he fought the Heavenly Dao with the same Heavenly Dao!

Moreover, in his body, that Taiqing Sword Dao’s understanding was originally higher than that of Taiqing Tianzun! The endless mysteries also covered the body of Taiqing Tianzun, all covered!

Look up at the sky…

Around Jiang Chen’s body, a dark river of Wang Yang was suspended, covering the sky curtain, containing endless blood light, as if he was going to devour Taiqing Tianzun!

Although Taiqing Tianzun also possesses a very strong Taiqing Qi that can dispel mysteries, he still has to compete with Jiang Chen for this position. Now.

It can be said that the doppelganger lacks skill…….

The battle that followed was an unusually protracted tug-of-war!

Jiang Chen continued to interfere with the energy of Taiqing Tianzun with his mysteries, and the number of people snatched in his body was increasing! When it accumulates to an amount…

Taiqing Tianzun’s strength is getting weaker and weaker, but Jiang Chen’s power is getting stronger and stronger!

In this case, Jiang Chen gradually took the advantage, and turned this advantage into a victory! Finally…

Taiqing Tianzun no longer had any power to stop Jiang Chen. Next second.

His body slowly dissipated, turning into the purest Taiqing Primordial Aura between heaven and earth, and escaped into Jiang Chen’s body. At the same time…

Jiang Chen’s whole body once again erupted with an even more detached aura!

At the reincarnation mark of his right hand, the half of the golden leaf turned into a complete golden leaf after absorbing this pure Taiqing Origin Breath!

A new Heavenly Dao panel also popped up in front of him–[Mysterious Immortal]

Heavenly Dao Level: Incomplete System: Cultivation, Mysterious Source Power:???

Status: Soon to be destroyed, please repair this Fang Heavenly Dao as soon as possible, otherwise it will be recycled!…..


Jiang Chen felt that the whole world seemed to shake for a while! His consciousness gradually merged with the Heavenly Dao of this world!

The familiar 3D picture was projected in front of Jiang Chen again. Now.

All it takes is a moment…

Jiang Chen could see all the mysterious fairy’s every move. In his field of vision, this world has become an incomparably fiasco!

There are rivers of blood everywhere.

Renli, in this world, is already ruined! And after becoming the new Heavenly Dao…

The task of fixing the peculiarities is not yet complete!

He must establish a new order in this half-crippled Heavenly Dao in order to complete the final task! Otherwise…

When this world is judged to be a special point, the Heavenly Dao will still be recycled… The task still counts as a failure.

At the mark of reincarnation, this golden leaf was much dimmer than the previous two. Moreover, the luster in it is still rapidly dimming at a speed visible to the naked eye… It looks like it’s going to disappear at any moment.

“We must repair the humanity of this world as soon as possible!”

Jiang Chen frowned.

He took a deep breath, first condensed the Taiqing Qi around him, and helped the cultivators above the Golden Pill to restrain the mysteries! Subsequently.

Transformed into a Heavenly Venerable and began to teach the cultivation methods of Taiqing Qi.

Jin Dan, a cultivator in the Yuan Infant Realm, originally had relatively good qualifications, and the speed of learning was naturally very fast. After a period of cultivation, they began to learn how to operate the Taiqing Qi and restrain the mysteries. Then.

Many sects were established.

Help Jiang Chen and spread the Taiqing Gong Technique widely!

Some of the sophists were able to control themselves again. The order of human reason has been initially repaired.


In front of Jiang Chen, however, there was still no information popping up about the success of the task of repairing the special point.

He observed this Fang Heavenly Dao and found that although the sophistry was able to suppress the mysteries with the Ether Clearing Technique… However, it is difficult for Xiu Wei to continue to improve!

“This Fang Heavenly Dao has been completely mysterious and fused with immortal cultivation, and the Taiqing Gong Method is now cultivated to a maximum of 1.3 innate”

“It can’t be the same as before, but it can also impact a higher realm, or condense the golden pill.”

“If you want to condense the golden pill, then you must fuse with the mysterious and become a sophist, and the subsequent cultivation will continue to promote with the mysterious characteristics, and strengthen yourself through its rules…”

“It can be said that if a cultivator wants to impact to a higher realm, then it is inseparable from the mystery!”

Jiang Chen’s brows frowned slightly.

If this is the case, then the relationship between mystery and cultivation must be dealt with… Or rather.

The sophistry must be promoted in a reasonable and reasonable way in order before this Heavenly Dao can be completely repaired.

Otherwise, in the future, there will still be sophists, in order to break through, unscrupulously, and once again bring the world to a dire realm. What to do?

At this moment…

Jiang Chen’s spirit flashed, and he suddenly came up with a way to play a method!.

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