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Zixi Sect, they have heard of it naturally, and they are considered to be a first-class sect. The sect is average in strength. There are one or two quasi-imperial warriors among the sect.

The quasi-imperial warrior of Zixi Sect came to them in person, pleading with Ye Tian, ​​and sincere. Dangjian Zhundi and the three others discussed it and reluctantly agreed. However, it is impossible for them to let Ye Tian easily.

"Brother Ziwang, Ye Tian, ​​as a junior warrior, our seniors will naturally not embarrass him too much. However, his attitude in front of him is too bad, he has no respect for his seniors, and he is provoking us quasi-imperial warriors. Although Brother Purple King pleaded with Ye Tian, ​​death sin was inevitable, and living sin was hard to spare. So, if Ye Tian handed over half of the Huolin Great he got to us, and apologize to us personally, we Just let him go." Dangjian Zhundi and three others said after discussing.

"Okay, thank you." Purple King Jundi nodded hurriedly.

The request of Dangjian Zhundi and others, in the eyes of Ziwang Zhundi, was not excessive and felt that this was normal. After all, all three of them are quasi-imperial warriors. Ye Tian offended them. They are willing to give Ye Tian a chance to forgive Ye Tian. It is already very rare.

At the moment, Ye Tian did not know that the Purple King Zhundi had pleaded for him without permission. He forgot himself, and placed his mind in a state of nothingness, which exists in this world. Exist in this world, beyond the world, beyond the ages. Emperor Huolin has always tested Ye Tian and made it more difficult. He wanted to knock Ye Tian down. Unfortunately, it was useless. Ye Tian's strength is still too strong. His willpower is not imaginable by Huolin Emperor at all, and Ye Tian is indifferent to Huolin Emperor.

As for Jing Yan and the ruthless son, as time went on, the sweat on their faces became more and more, and their bodies were already soaked.

The big day over Jing Yan was getting closer and closer to him, shining brightly, and the temperature did not know how many tens of thousands of degrees Celsius above, and Jing Yan could not use any force, he could only rely on himself His will is struggling to withstand the sun, his willpower is almost blurred. The gray figure transformed by willpower is getting darker and darker. I am afraid that it will disappear directly after a short time.

The ruthless son, compared to Jing Yan's situation, is no better. In a world of ice and snow where he lives, the cold air is attacking, the temperature is getting lower and lower, the snow is all year round, and the ground is full of bitter ice water. The ruthless young man feels that his willpower will be frozen, the whole person, His head couldn't turn, he stopped any thinking now, and he wanted to continue to resist with his willpower until the last moment.

Jing Yan and the ruthless son, under the oppression of Huolin Great Emperor, are struggling to support them. They are difficult to resist the power from the scorching sun and ice and snow. They only rely on willpower to support them. Too.

Ye Tian still looks the same, still looking calm. Under the test of Huolin Great Emperor, his will not only did not decline, but became stronger and stronger, and his figure became clearer, almost coming out of time and space, and turning into a real figure.

Ye Tian's willpower is too strong, no matter how the Huolin Great Emperor tests, but for Ye Tian, ​​it is tickling.

Emperor Huolin's test of Ye Tian's strength is actually much stronger than that of Jing Yan and Ruthless Young Master. It is not known how many times stronger, because Huo Lin Emperor wants to test Ye Tian's bottom line of willpower. However, Emperor Huolin was disappointed, because Ye Tian's willpower was like a bottomless hole to him, no matter how he tried, but he couldn't test any point.

The time passed a little bit, unconsciously, and another month passed outside.

At this time, the bodies of Jing Yan and Ruthless Son were shaking, shaking, and about to fall to the ground. Their willpower has already reached a limit, and will not be able to persevere. The figure of willpower is very dim. It seems that it will almost disappear. When the sun shines on Jingyan's body at last, when it is After a breath of cold ice entered the body of the ruthless son, the figure of Jing Yan and the ruthless son's will power disappeared almost at the same time. Then, in the outside world, their bodies also seemed to have lost something. Support, fall directly to the ground.

"Two months, not bad!"

When the bodies of Jing Yan and Ruthless Son fell down, Huolin Lin looked at the two people and nodded, while Ruthless Son and Jing Yan, their willpower also returned to themselves, and the soul returned and opened again. Own eyes.

After hearing the praise of Huolin Lin, he shook his head hurriedly and modestly. When he saw Ye Tian still looking like that, he was still being tested, and his eyes were horrified.

It's been two months. Looking at Ye Tian's appearance, nothing has happened. It's terrible.

"So strong!"

After Jing Yan saw Ye Tian's performance, his heart was even bitter.

Because he and Ye Tian have some grudges and have always regarded Ye Tian as his goal, hoping that one day they can step on Ye Tian, ​​however, every time they see Ye Tian and see Ye Tian’s ability, his heart It will be more bitter, and I feel that I'm getting farther and farther away from Ye Tian. I don't know how far away. Perhaps, it's impossible to catch up with Ye Tian in my life.

As for the ruthless son, looking at Ye Tian, ​​his complexion.

I think he is a ruthless son, a younger generation in Zhongzhou, who is also the number one character, second only to the figure of the Zhongzhou emperor level. However, here, he saw a demon like Ye Tian, ​​although not a Zhongzhou emperor, However, the strength of one body seems to be more terrible than that of the emperor of Zhongzhou.

"Everyone, I believe, everyone should know, this time, who will the inheritance of the deity be passed to?" Huo Lin Great Emperor looked at everyone.

Everyone unanimously looked at Ye Tian.

There is no doubt that it is Ye Tian. Ye Tian ranked first in the three rounds of tests, with strong strength, and each round crushed his opponents. Therefore, Ye Tian won the inheritance of Huolin Emperor, and he deserved it.

"Yes, it's Prince Ye Tian." Huolin Emperor nodded, and then Huolin Emperor thought about it, and then said, "However, I'm afraid you don't know, Prince Ye Tian is not interested in the inheritance of this seat. What he needs is just a small part of the inheritance, that part of the inheritance of the fairy stone. And my true inheritance, Ye Tiangong is not interested. Waiting for the next Ye Tiangong may be given to others."


After hearing the words of Huolin Lin, everyone was stunned for a while, and then they couldn't believe it.

Ye Tian, ​​not interested in the true inheritance of Huolin Emperor? seriously. This, Ye Tian is too cowhide. Fire Lin Great Emperor, but the master of the great emperor level, his inheritance, can not be said to be a spiritual venerable, even if it is a quasi-imperial warrior, it is also undesirable.

"This inheritance, give Jing Bing!"

Ye Tian said lightly at this time.

Ye Tian's words just fell, everyone was startled, and then knew that Ye Tian was really not interested in the inheritance of Huolin Emperor.

As for Jing Bing, after hearing Ye Tian's words, she was completely stunned. He did not expect that Ye Tian would give him the inheritance of Huolin Emperor. He and Ye Tian never knew each other. Why did Ye Tian suddenly give him the inheritance? What's going on here, Jing Bing's heart is very strange and would like to ask Ye Tianyi.

"Master Ye Tian, ​​did you really think about it?" After hearing that Ye Tian was about to send the inheritance to Jing Bing, Huolin Lin also froze for a moment, and then asked again. In fact, he didn't want to give his inheritance to Jing Bing. Because Jing Bing is practicing the ice attribute, and his inheritance is completely different, and Jing Bing is also not good at swordsmanship. In the heart of Huolin Emperor, Jing Yan is the most desirable person.

Ye Tian nodded faintly after hearing the words of Huolin Emperor.

"Okay." After seeing Ye Tian, ​​Emperor Huolin could only shake his head helplessly. Ye Tian passed all three rounds of tests, and all ranked first. He should have passed on to Ye Tian. As for how Ye Tian handles the inheritance, that is Ye Tian's business.

What's more, Ye Tian's strength is still above Huolin Emperor. Huolin Emperor has no courage to violate Ye Tian's decision.

"Jing Bing, you come up." Huo Lin Great Emperor faced Jing Bing Road.

Jing Bing, in the eyes of everyone envious and jealous, came to the front of Huolin Emperor. Then, the statue of Huolin Emperor stretched out his palm and placed on top of Jing Bing, a golden light enveloped Jing Bing Jing Jing's body was shocked, and then he received the inheritance transmitted to him by the Fire Lin Emperor, and was deeply intoxicated.

After passing on for nearly a month, it was finally over. At the same time, Emperor Huolin suddenly stretched out his hand, opened a golden channel in the void, and grabbed Jing Bing into the golden channel. After a while, Jing Bing disappeared into the sight of everyone. The emperor martial arts can't sense Jing Bing's breath anymore.

Everyone's heart flickered, and some of the quasi-imperial warriors clenched their fists tightly, then lowered them and sighed deeply. They understood that Fire Lin Great Emperor wanted to protect Jing Bing and prevent his inheritors from being hunted by some of the Great Saint Quasi-Emperor warriors present.

It has to be said that Huo Lin the Great is really thoughtful.

"Mr. Ye Tian, ​​according to the previous agreement, I will tell you the location of the fairy stone." Huolin Emperor extended his finger and struck Ye Tian's head. Ye Tian did not resist, and a map appeared in Ye Tian's mind. Among them, it is the last part of the fairy stone storage area of ​​Huolin Emperor.

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