Reinventing the Millennium

Chapter 1002 Unforgiven (4k)

YIKE opened smoothly and its stock price soared.

This shocked everyone who paid attention to this matter, all financial industry practitioners, and all related and pan-related people!

Didn’t it say that the SEC has launched an investigation?

Didn’t it say that Nasdaq is under emergency review?

Didn’t the world’s leading media brand Fang Zhuo as a fraudster?

Why are fraudsters allowed to run rampant on Nasdaq?

How come all these storms, public opinion, rebuke, and supervision have failed?

The storm suddenly turned into good rain, and the shouting and killing suddenly turned into spring.

In the spring of 2009, Mr. Fang was squeezing back and forth on Nasdaq, and short sellers were dying all over the world.

As of one o'clock in the afternoon on April 20, Eastern Time, Yike's stock price has soared and exceeded the second level, reported at 201.87 US dollars, 2.25 times the closing price of 89.67 on Friday, and the market value has also increased from 25.6 billion to 57.6 billion. Dollar.

The market value has exceeded 30 billion, which is exciting!

The market value exceeded 40 billion, which is amazing!

The market value exceeded 50 billion, which is shocking!

The market value is running towards 60 billion or even higher without hesitation, and people are numb!

However, at one o'clock, there was a sudden rumor on Twitter that Yike was going to be urgently suspended by the SEC during the trading session. There were also photos of the SEC team seriously walking into Yike's New York headquarters.

As if in an instant, major online media and well-known media in the United States forwarded the news and even re-edited and elaborated on the content.

All the media, almost all the media, are saying that Yike will be suspended urgently and that the SEC is serious about it.

2.25 times!

In less than a day, it has risen like crazy, and trading may be suspended at any time. Isn’t this a safe bet?

As such news spread across the Internet, YIKE fell slightly, with its stock price hovering around $200.

It was precisely when this skyrocketing momentum was interrupted that everyone seemed to have a chance to recover from the shock and numbness, and re-examine everything before them after accepting the doubts about Yike's successful opening.

Naturally, this ongoing short squeeze was quickly compared to last year's Volkswagen short squeeze by the industry and media.

From last year to this year, major events in the financial field seemed to come one after another, including Merrill Lynch, Fannie Mae, Lehman, Volkswagen, the global financial crisis, etc. Even so, the Volkswagen short squeeze case still has a luster that is hard to fade.

Comparing the two, the Volkswagen short squeeze case took two days to settle with the official intervention, and the stock price rose from 210 to a maximum of 1,005 euros.

On the first day, Volkswagen's stock price rose from 210 to 519 euros, which was 2.47 times.

Many stock investors and melon-eaters who are not too concerned about the excitement have shouted on Twitter: Don’t believe the media. If what the media says is true, Yike will not be able to open the market today, and the fraudsters have been imprisoned. Rise, rise, rise, we in the United States cannot lose to Germany!

In response to such irresponsible remarks, many institutions and media have made targeted statements: You must speak rationally and think rationally. Your money is yours. Don’t use your own money to satisfy other people’s mentality of watching the excitement. Comparisons should be made. Don’t compare if you shouldn’t!

In terms of being short squeezed, there is no need to compare with Germany...

Public opinion probably affects the judgment of many people to a certain extent. They want to cover it up, but they are afraid of covering it up to death. They want to get money safely, but they are afraid of continuing to rise sharply.

Under such hesitation and struggling mood, Yike's stock price lost the momentum in the morning in the afternoon, but it still rose steadily. At 2 o'clock, it exceeded 220 US dollars, breaking the first day's increase in Volkswagen's stock price. At 3 o'clock, it continued to exceed 240 US dollars. Dollar.

Compared with the closing price of the previous trading day, it is already 2.67 times.

Exchange numbers change, and short-selling institutions collapse from time to time.

The stock price performance is jaw-dropping. There is only one hour left before Monday's closing, the rumored trading suspension has not happened yet, and the rumored sanctioned fraudster has not yet been caught. There seems to be only one suspense left, whether Yike's stock price can break through today 3 times?

At 3 p.m. New York time and 4 a.m. Shanghai time, Kong Yu, who was at Yike's New York headquarters, dialed his boss's phone number.

"Mr. Fang..." Kong Yu stood up and didn't know what to say.

Even though I had planned this day for a long time, it was still like a dream when it actually happened.

"Have a cigarette and talk slowly." Fang Zhuo could roughly guess the gasoline man's state.

Kong Yu really smoked a cigarette and calmed down for a while before reporting: "Today, people from the SEC and the exchange came to investigate, and the New York Times, Wall Street Journal and other media tried to break in. Yike's side There was some disturbance.”

"Where's Mr. Yu?" Fang Zhuo asked.

"Mr. Yu changed the office location in advance. I just finished talking to her. Everything is normal there." Kong Yu took a breath and asked, "Mr. Fang, can you handle it?"

Compared with investigations that are neither light nor serious, he knows that the greatest pressure lies with his boss.

"I can stand it." Fang Zhuo said with a smile, "Robert has already talked to me twice. Dabao should have mentioned Yike to the leaders of Shanghai today, and then some administrative people also called me."

He continued to describe: "The person over there asked me about the stock price of the company. I asked him what the current price of Yike was, and he said 180 US dollars. After he finished his sentence, I asked him again, what the stock price of Yike was, and he was stunned. After a while, he said it was $200."

"I said, the stock price of 20 US dollars is a market value of 5.7 billion US dollars, which is 38 billion Huaxia coins. Let me stop. Will he replenish it for me?"

"What's more, it's far from a matter of 20 US dollars. This is just what you pay for."

Pressure comes from all directions.

Kong Yu felt relieved when he heard the boss' vivid description.

He also talked about the latest news from the front line: "Mr. Fang, I heard from friends in the industry..."

Fang Zhuo interrupted: "Do you have any friends in the industry now?"

This time, Yike's impromptu press conference, subsequent submission for review, and media siege were all due to Kong Yu's appearance, which really made him famous, and probably offended an unknown number of people.

"I heard from friends who were liquidated..." Kong Yu changed the description and continued, "The stock price of Yike has exploded many funds today. At noon and afternoon, many funds used '' when talking about you and the company. Refer to that person and 'that company'."

Yike's rise today first detonated all the highly leveraged funds, and no one was spared. It was a real river of blood, and the institutions changed their minds after hearing it.

Fang Zhuo was startled and said with a smile: "Interesting, what is it now?"

Kong Yu glanced at the screen: "243.56 US dollars, oh, 244."

"Let me just say this first. I'm going to Twitter to see if I can help boost everyone's confidence. If you have any questions, please contact the SEC directly. I believe the SEC can uphold justice for us fairly." Fang Zhuo said.

Kong Yu agreed. After hanging up the phone, he recalled the content of the call. There was nothing sensitive about it, but he still changed his phone.

Yike Company doesn't have many things, but it has many mobile phones.

He smoked another cigarette, guessing that Mr. Fang must have new news. The so-called "helping everyone boost their confidence" must be to continue to send out signals to increase the stock price, and it must be before the market closes at 4 o'clock.

Sure enough, the boss, who had been silent for a long time since before leaving the United States, updated his Twitter account.

——Fang Zhuo: Biu, Avada Kedavra!

Biu, Avada Kedavra!

Kong Yu: "..."

Following a child's play-like death curse from "Harry Potter," he watched helplessly as the stock price of Yike on the computer screen regained its upward momentum.

The scammer is online!

The scammer cast an unforgivable curse!

This directly shattered the rumors of media control and told everyone to keep charging forward!

Dozens of minutes before the market closed on Monday, Yike's stock price, which had an already high base, soared again, finally closing at $286.94, also exceeding three times the increase.

It closed at 89.67 on Friday and 286.94 on Monday.

A stock price chart that shocked the world, and a short squeeze that made short-selling institutions shudder!

However, according to information disclosed by the Nasdaq exchange, CEO Robert has had many exchanges of opinions with Mr. Fang on Yike’s stock price and is expected to reach an agreement.

That is, there is no consensus yet!

At 4:10 pm New York time, Kong Yu rubbed his face and walked out of the CEO office of Yike New York and handed his assistant a copy of the latest information that needed to be submitted to the SEC.

From last year to this year, many of his operations did involve certain risks.

From the current point of view, a fair SEC may not hinder Yike's harvest, but there is still a risk of settling accounts later.

"Mr. Kong, LN in Chicago has been liquidated." The assistant reported the news in a low voice. This was one of the many institutions that Mr. Kong had asked to pay attention to.

Kong Yu nodded slightly, and his vest was sold out. It was reasonable and he just went with the wind.

The assistant carefully reviewed Mr. Kong's explanation and sighed after a moment: "Mr. Kong, this game is really intense. I heard that someone from the SEC is flying to Shanghai again. Mr. Fang definitely needs to compete with more factors. "

He saw that Twitter and other online platforms were watching his side's actions this time, but as a party involved, he felt that opening the market was not easy.

"Haha, there's no such thing as..." Kong Yu laughed twice but did not finish the sentence in front of the assistant.

There is no so-called game, or in other words, the game only accounts for a small factor from beginning to end.

Yike has always had the flaw of weak patents since its establishment, even after mutual licensing with companies such as Google and Samsung.

In terms of patents, this is completely incomparable with giants like Nokia and Microsoft that have been developed for so many years.

Now, through a bundle of interests and a short-squeeze exchange, Yike has solved part of the problem and is about to solve the remaining problems.

Interests are tied tighter and tighter, and exchanges become more frequent.

Now the question is whether Yike is making more money or making more money. Before that, it was a negative number with a fatal weakness. Even if it is brilliant, it also has a dangerous prospect like a shooting star.

What kind of game is this?

This is obviously from beginning to end!

Kong Yu finally finished his sentence: "There is no such thing as flying to Shanghai. Don't believe the fake news."

The assistant was a little surprised. How could it be fake news?

However, since Mr. Kong said this, it is false news.

The old short-selling king has faded, and Kong Yu, who is believed to have single-handedly directed this Yike Financial operation, is becoming the new short-selling king.

Even his bald head seemed to glow with malice.


The small lights in the private jet were turned off.

The king of short-selling, the number one hedge fund, the holder of Wall Street's profit record... and a head-to-head confrontation with the big loser. Paulson felt that the light was a bit dazzling, and Fang Zhuo's face would be dazzled from time to time.

Since Yike released the position information on Friday, Paulson didn't sleep well for three consecutive days.

On the one hand, he is paying attention to the latest situation, and on the other hand, he is also trying to use the power of customers to prevent the final implementation of this short squeeze.

However, everything happened unswervingly.

Since the opening of trading on Monday, Paulson has been flying around the United States on a luxury private jet he just bought this year.

To reward himself, and to commemorate his short-selling experience last year, he named the plane "Confidence."

No matter how strong the opponent is, no matter how the outside world evaluates it, only maintaining confidence is the magic weapon for winning the final victory.


Paulson frowned and looked at the ground scenery that gradually became clearer as the plane lowered its altitude. He had to admit from the bottom of his heart that this time he was indeed stunned by the operation.

For two days over the weekend, he silently reviewed Yike's various information and option lock-in operations from last year to this year. Although some of them were complicated and secretive, he could roughly guess how they were done.

However, operation is still operation. There is a very important question...where does Fang Zhuo's funds come from?

Paulson still keenly believes that there is a problem here. Repeated calculations and tracking still cannot put together the huge amount of funds that supported Yike's stock price in the early stage.

Where did this fucking money come from?

Private jet taxiing on the runway.

Paulson rubbed his brows, took a long breath, and decided to look forward.

The best laugh is the one who laughs last.

Has Yi Ke’s ultimate problem been solved?

not at all!

Did you lose your money?

It’s true that we lost money, but we didn’t lose it all!

What should I do next time?

You can’t just use your own money, but also operate with your customers’ money.

Paulson sat in the "Confidence" to maintain confidence, guard against arrogance and impetuosity, and believed that we should not blindly abandon customers when we are making money. This is also a kind of appropriate risk management.

There are still people coming and going at the New York Airport, as if nothing has changed.

Paulson was a little dazed, but he knew deeply that no matter what the outcome of Yike was, this short squeeze operation would definitely be written into the textbooks, and he would probably become a failed character in it.

There is still a chance, there is still a chance to turn things around.

Paulson was immersed in his own world of confidence, when suddenly a microphone almost popped into his mouth.

"Mr. Paulson, may I ask, did you and Fang Zhuo conspire together to squeeze Yike's short position this time?" A reporter quickly asked the question.

Paulson was stunned, collusion, collusion, conspiracy?

His face turned red at this moment: "Where does the conspiracy come from? Nonsense! It's just nonsense!"

"Isn't it that you and Fang Zhuo stirred up public opinion on the Internet and attracted short-selling institutions to enter the market?" the reporter questioned.

Paulson gritted his teeth: "I really... really invested money in short selling!"

"Is it possible that you only invested a small amount of money and made a lot of money after Yike squeezed profits?" the reporter asked.

Paulson: "..."

He glanced at the reporter who was making up nonsense and walked straight forward.

"Otherwise, why are you still in the United States and even in the mood to walk in the air when everyone is going to Shanghai?" the reporter asked while chasing.

Paulson laughed angrily, turned around and said coldly: "Is it because I don't have a visa?"

The reporter said loudly: "Then were you conspiring with Fang Zhuo on the phone?"

Paulson suddenly felt his heart beat faster, resisted the urge to hit someone on camera, and quickly disappeared into the sea of ​​people.

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