Reinventing the Millennium

Chapter 1006 The dust has settled (4k)

On April 22, before Nasdaq opened, affected by yesterday's block trading, the pre-market trading of YIKE stock was not as fierce as the previous two days. Many people believed that the YIKE incident was about to come to an end.

After all, who else can trade in large quantities at this time?

And if it's Fang Zhuo's side, this is undoubtedly a signal that the incident is moving toward reconciliation.

However, from the closing time at 4 o'clock in the afternoon on the 21st to the morning of the 22nd, there was no obvious news from the SEC and the exchange, and there was no information disclosure from Yike. Some media also made conclusive rumors that things suddenly collapsed. I'm afraid it will end at the end of this week.

Can the media be trusted?

Isn’t the Washington Post, which is well-known across the United States and even around the world, still trustworthy?

In any case, pre-market trading slowed down, and when the market opened, although there was still an upward trend, the momentum was not as violent as the previous two days.

As of 11 o'clock in the morning, the market value has only increased by more than 10 billion US dollars.

Fang Zhuo observed the changes in stock prices and invariably felt the "shameful" emotions from both Lu Peining and large institutions.

This is not enough to eat!

Making less money is worse than losing money!

Lu Peining made a tentative statement, asking Mr. Fang to hurry up and find a way to boost the stock price, and let Mr. Kong, a professional, take orders and release orders from the market.

But Fang Zhuo refused, and the remaining share of the MIGA fund is also very tight today. At this time, we need to pay special attention to the sentiment of the secondary market.

Lu Peining's subjective initiative hit a soft spot, but large institutions didn't care so much.

At 11:30 on April 22, five institutions, Goldman Sachs, Bridgewater Associates, Carlyle, Dex and Man, issued a joint statement that they would resolutely prosecute Yike and Fang Zhuo for "secretly building positions" and "manipulating the market"!

The joint statement is like a shot of blood, making Yike's stock price shine again.

Although Fang Zhuo is already very familiar with the style of large organizations, he really didn't expect that they would do this again today, especially when they dragged Ying Shiman into it... Ying Shiman, are you serious?

Neither Yike nor Fang Zhuo gave any reaction.

Kong Yu from MIGA Fund happened to be surrounded by reporters and could only simply say that all processes were legal and legal procedures could be followed.

The market became irrational again. In just three hours, YIKE's share price surged from US$687.28 at 11:30 to US$743.59, and YIKE's book market value climbed to US$212.4 billion.

Yike stock has been the grave of small and medium-sized institutions in the past two days, and large institutions have undoubtedly added a handful of dirt to the grave.

$212.4 billion.

On the 22nd, Yike successively surpassed Microsoft's 1600, China Mobile's 1700, China Industrial and Commercial Bank of China's 1800, and Wal-Mart's 2000, ranking third in the world in terms of market value.

Third in the world!

Further up, China Petroleum Corp. is second with $287 billion, and Exxon Mobil is first with $336.5 billion.

Such a strong statement from large institutions is undoubtedly a strong signal, a strong signal to push the stock price of Yike to the first place in the world!

The masses continued to watch the excitement, and practitioners in the financial industry were in a bad mood. Many media responded that retail investors, regardless of whether they had shipped goods or not in the past three days, were in extremely high spirits.

On the contrary, it was Fang Zhuo himself...

It's almost time to wrap up.

The telephone communication from the SEC clearly showed that the attitude was becoming more and more rigid. If an "intraday trading suspension" had been issued, the final official notification was almost missing.

At 2:40 p.m., Fang Zhuo silently waited for the call from the head of the SEC, which was the signal assigned by Lu Peining yesterday.

"Come on, Mr. Fang, this is the plan that our e-commerce company has just revised this year. I hope you can review it again when you are free these days." Su Wei called first and confirmed her availability before coming to the door with the documents.

Fang Zhuo briefly reviewed it and asked curiously: "Why the change? The plan just made in January has no problem in executing all parts. Why change it now?"

"I heard that every company is gearing up to get some money from the richest man. We at Tesco can't lag behind." Seeing that the man stopped scrolling, Su Wei quickly helped to turn the pages.

Fang Zhuo said "Huh". The reason was very legitimate. Everyone knew that they had made money.

He glanced at secretary Liu Zonghong who was making tea again on the other side.

Liu Zonghong immediately said: "Mr. Fang, there is indeed such a statement circulating in the past two days. The formal documents may not be submitted until the turmoil in the financial market is over."

As the boss's secretary, he was sometimes questioned about his business, and he also heard that several companies had to redo their budgets.

In addition, the number of invitations from various places suddenly increased.

The title of the richest man in the world, even if it is only temporary, is too dazzling.

Fang Zhuo didn't read the document. After pondering for a moment, he asked, "Where is the ice core?"

Liu Zonghong: "Well, there is no movement in the ice core for the time being, it is very stable."

Su Wei sighed: "Bing Xin is so calm. Why do you need to take action like me? If you don't fight for it, you know that Mr. Fang will definitely allocate funds."

Fang Zhuo changed his mind. Now that everyone knows that they have money, foreign funds that were originally secretive can enter the country and invest in a wave of ice core-related semiconductor ecological links.

He took Xiao Su's hand and said with a smile: "I'm just asking. Leave the documents here and I'll take a look at them in the evening. Tomorrow, um, tomorrow will be the Yike press conference in advance. We'll have a small meeting the day after tomorrow or the day after tomorrow. Yes, let’s discuss the changes this year.”

Once the funds become legitimate and abundant, it is necessary to increase the intensity.

Su Weimo calculated her time and arrangements so that she could fly to the capital and then come back for the meeting without having to move.

She glanced at the screen and saw that Yike's stock price was still beating.

"I heard that yesterday, Yike lost a domestic competitor and Lenovo mobile phones were about to be sold." Su Wei talked about a confirmed news.

Fang Zhuo didn't even blink: "It's good to cut the meat in time to avoid getting deeper."

Su Wei raised her eyebrows: "Are you talking about competition in the stock market or the mobile phone market?"

"It all applies. The domestic mobile phone competition is so fierce this year. What's the point of struggling? Sell it early and get rid of it early." Fang Zhuo smiled slightly, "I don't know if they are the ones who are shorting Yike. Anyway, whoever dares to short Yike can Are there any good people?”

He raised his hand and took a sip of tea: "What kind of good person can travel thousands of miles and still have to take a detour from Xiangjiang to New York to cheat on me?"

Su Wei knew that Mr. Fang had visited the capital once and pointed out something: "Didn't you throw the hook in front of me?"

Fang Zhuo nodded: "Yes, but which good person can eat such a straight hook?"

Su Wei laughed: "Okay, he deserves to be the richest man in the world."

The phone on the coffee table vibrated.

Fang Zhuo glanced at the number, shook his head and said, "The world's richest man experience card is about to expire."

This is a call from Shapiro, the head of the SEC.

The highest authority of the SEC is the committee. Tristan, one of the five members, flew to Shanghai two days ago. Shapiro, now the head of the committee, made his first phone call, which also symbolized the final reconciliation of the Yike short squeeze.

Fang Zhuo had a sincere exchange of views with Shapiro on the phone and basically reached a consensus on solving the problem.

As a party involved, he also once again emphasized to the Securities and Exchange Commission that Yike has been facing counterattacks from malicious short sellers from beginning to end, and has always looked forward to a more stable financial situation.

Shapiro expressed his understanding and was pleased that Yike was willing to settle options at such a moment.

The call was short, lasting only five minutes.

Before 3 o'clock, Fang Zhuo notified the cooperative agency. Subsequently, Yike Company issued an announcement at 3 o'clock, announcing that it would settle 5% of Yike stock options to avoid excessive distortion of market prices.

As soon as the announcement came out, YIKE's stock price fell back from its highest point of US$753.6 to below US$450, leaving a huge upper shadow line on Yike's weekly K-line chart.

The closing price on Friday was US$89.67, with a market value of 25.62 billion.

The highest share price on Wednesday was US$753.6, with a market value of 215.3 billion.

In five days and three trading days, the stock price increased by 8.4 times and the market value increased by US$189.68 billion. Countless institutions cried bitterly and regretted it.

At 3pm ET on Wednesday, April 22, Yike’s announcement marked its overall victory in an epic and classic short squeeze battle.

Some people have roughly calculated that based on only 5% of option settlement, this can bring about US$2.2 billion in cash to Fang Zhuo, and the losses suffered by many hedge funds due to short squeezes may exceed US$30 billion.

it's over.

The painful, numb, panicked, helpless, tearful, hating, and cheering bankrupt Yike short squeeze incident is finally over.

Some people are licking their wounds, some are looking for the rooftop, some are silently ruthless, and some are still unfinished.

But no matter what, the short-selling institutions that claimed that Yike had major negative consequences and bubbles made the world's richest man and a mobile phone company known to the world in just five days.

Is Yike the best mobile phone company in the world?

Nokia won't agree, Apple won't agree, Samsung won't agree.

Is Yike the company with the best financial operations in the mobile phone industry?

After this battle, no one can deny this.

The company that is best at making mobile phones in the financial circle, and the company that is best at doing finance in the mobile phone circle!

At 4 o'clock in the afternoon Eastern Time, the Nasdaq closed. Yike's stock price was fixed at 416 US dollars, which was a drop of more than 30 US dollars compared to an hour ago. Obviously, it will gradually decline in the following trading days. Restore a normal price.

However, no one cares about this now, or even the belated disclosure of information by the Italian President.

As an unforgettable short squeeze ended, institutions wailed and groaned, and the media and the masses once overran Twitter's servers. This is so fucking awesome!

The world's richest man, no, the former world's richest man, had many financial institutions under his control!

At 7 o'clock in the evening in New York, the big short Paulson, who has always been unwilling to be interviewed by the media, was blocked by reporters at the door of the restaurant and asked him about his losses and his views on this incident.

Paulson avoided answering about his losses, but this time he did not hide in the crowd. Instead, he seriously talked about Yike's suspected violations this time.

He did his homework very carefully.

But reporters don't want to hear this.

When Paulson mentioned that Fang Zhuo and Yi Ke would face a series of legal issues next, and that Goldman Sachs, Bridgewater and other institutions would be waiting for him in court, the reporter interrupted the narrative from the big short and updated him Latest news.

"Goldman Sachs, Bridgewater, Carlyle and Dex have confirmed that they have withdrawn the lawsuit." Reporter Smith said.

Paulson was stunned and immediately said: "There is also Ying Shiman."

Smith shrugged: "However, all four companies have withdrawn their prosecutions, so what does the Yingshiman family represent? If we judge the situation by institutional prosecutions, can we now say that Yike does not have too many legal problems? Woolen cloth?"

Paulson frowned, immediately smelling a dirty backroom deal.

He knows best what these people can do.

Moreover, the purpose of today's lawsuit seems to be clear.

But, what is the situation with Yingshiman?

Before Paulson had time to think carefully, reporter Smith had already asked several more questions.

He waved his hand, not wanting to answer anymore, and wanted to get in the car and leave.

"Paulson, do you regret your malicious short selling this time?" Reporter Smith loudly used the descriptor from Mr. Fang.

"This is an irrational and crazy illegal operation." Paulson hates the word "malicious short selling." "Do you think this is the end of the matter? Do you think ITC will just ignore it?"

"Paulson, do you regret it?" Smith insisted on the answer.

Paulson pushed aside the reporter and opened the car door, unwilling to answer.

Smith held up the microphone and chattered beside him, insisting on hearing answers from those involved in the incident.

Paulson got into the car, lowered the window, and finally gave the answer: "No regrets, no regrets, no regrets!"

Smith smiled in surprise and said, "I'm in a hurry."

Paulson wished that the car windows could be rolled by hand, but the glass still rose slowly.

Reporter Smith took the opportunity to take another photo of the big short in a hurry.

Now on Twitter and in the print media in the next few days, as the dust of the Yike incident settles, the information about these parties will become important news.

A jaw-dropping short squeeze has come to an end.

Fang Zhuo received calls from many parties.

The most important ones belong to Lu Peining.

In order to show respect and courtesy, Lu Peining actually used video call this time.

This video…

Fang Zhuo had known Lu Peining for a while, but this was the first time he saw such barely concealed joy and desire on his face.

That’s understandable.

Whether it was Lu Peining or the people behind him, if they had never experienced the feeling of stuffing huge amounts of money into their mouths, they could have endured their own slow ways of making money.

But now, this kind of financial money grabbing has almost destroyed their view of money and values.

Fang Zhuo remained calm, and when the call was about to end, he also gave a small tactful reminder that even if the money was legal, it would still be hot when it reached a certain amount.

Boom, boom, boom.

The doorbell interrupted Fang Zhuo's thoughts after the call.

Wang Fengyi, general manager of Shenxin Science and Technology who had called in advance, walked in with his briefcase under his arm.

"Mr. Fang, Mr. Fang, you, you, you." Wang Fengyi complained repeatedly when he saw the former world's richest man, and took out Maotai from his bag, "I have been criticized in various ways these days, and I am under great pressure. I must not get drunk today!" "

Fang Zhuo smiled and said, "Nothing else to say, you are my brother Wang."

Wang Fengyi couldn't wait for the food, so he poured the wine directly and sighed: "Just this one, everything is worth it."

This is a title from the former richest man in the world, who can be bought for a thousand dollars.

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