Reinventing the Millennium

Chapter 1032 Epilogue (4k)

Xiong Xiaoge arrived at Hang Lung 23.

He was very familiar with this place, but the feeling was different every time he came here. Today was especially difficult to describe.

During my stay in the United States last week, I already witnessed the power of short-selling by retail investors. The surge in YIKE's stock price more than doubled, attracting small and medium-sized institutions to go long, and forcing large institutions to use off-market moves.

Nasdaq achieved a great victory on Monday, wiping out all the short sellers who were shorting Yike.

Xiong Xiaoge took advantage of the weekend to fly to Japan to handle the company's business. Yesterday, he witnessed an unexpected comeback ending in Tokyo.

According to his expectation, Yike will continue the momentum of the previous week. This is destined to be a wave of fighting, and it will also require exchanges and games. The focus will be on the three-party patents of Yike, Apple, and Nokia, and there will be a gathering of parties in the middle. lobbying by a group of interested parties.

However, Monday’s surge was too crisp! All shorts have been blown!

Xiong Xiaoge was reviewing this matter comprehensively on the passenger plane flying from Tokyo to Shanghai.

Today, some people in the United States have begun to voice doubts, believing that Aofu's decision to overturn is unusual and was influenced by his personal relationship with Fang Zhuo. The original photos of the two in the NBA have also been rediscovered.

However, such credentials were quickly refuted. If calculated this way, everyone Ao came into contact with on every occasion could be copied mechanically. From winning the election last year to now, he has come into contact with countless people. What's more, the follow-up between the two parties is completely No contact.

Moreover, Apple also generously confirmed that it had indeed conducted lobbying within a reasonable range.

As far as Xiong Xiaoge’s perception is concerned...

Since last year, he had vaguely guessed that Mr. Fang was setting up a trap, thinking that this was a high-end game, but it was so high-end that it involved the world's top funds and many big names, and finally achieved the goal... This was higher-end than anyone could imagine. Be high-end.

Xiong Xiaoge sat in the CEO office of Yike and stared at Mr. Fang for two minutes without saying a word.

"What are you looking at?" Fang Zhuo drank tea, waited for a while, and said with a smile, "There are still eight minutes left. I will meet at half past one."

"I'm looking at what kind of person I invested in back then!" Xiong Xiaoge sighed.

Fang Zhuo's eyes lit up and he pointed to the objective evaluation from a passerby that he had just written at noon: "The answer lies here."

Xiong Xiaoge followed the guidance and flipped through it briefly. Artist, doer, authority...

Apart from anything else, Mr. Fang’s calligraphy has always been outstanding, especially the calligraphy hanging on the wall. If you look at it together, you can see that an artist who is kind to others is indeed very artistic.

"Mr. Fang, someone like really someone who would kill himself with eight bullets in the United States..." Xiong Xiaoge expressed her biggest emotion.

Fang Zhuo spread his hands: "It's too dangerous. I don't even dare to go abroad anymore. I will enjoy my old age in Shanghai."

Xiong Xiaoge knew that Mr. Fang was worried about returning to China immediately. However, he stirred up the situation abroad and then left with a pat on the back. Now his domestic opponents may have a headache.

He shook his head and shifted his emotions to the business of this trip.

IDG was founded by McGovern. Last month, IDG was obsessed and participated in the short selling of Yike. This month, it was obsessed again and wanted to make some profits. The result was another mess.

Now that the investment department in the United States is close to disbanding, McGovern is considering ending the business in this direction. He is old and in average health. His son is a software engineer and his daughter is a doctor. Neither of them works at IDG. This time The loss is quite disheartening.

Fang Zhuo listened to Lao Xiong's narration and did not ask how IDG got obsessed twice, just like Lao Xiong came in and refused to ask the inside story of Yike's two short squeezes.

Anyway, Lao Xiong is very capable.

He played with the pen in his hand and asked: "Will McGovern sell IDG? After all, it is a brand he created himself."

Xiong Xiaoge pondered for a moment and replied: "He has established a personal foundation and is gradually transferring the assets in his name. Although I have not officially talked to him, but... judging from the current situation, the bigger problem is Maybe it’s the price tag.”

Just as Fang Zhuo was about to speak, a beep sounded on his computer and a message popped up.

"Wait a minute, Old Bear, let me take a look." He motioned to Xiong Xiaoge to wait a moment before continuing the conversation. He glanced at the text message. It was Dalio, the founder of Bridgewater Associates, who was interviewed by the media and accused Yike of insider trading.

Dalio is not too old. Although it has been 34 years since he founded Bridgewater, he is just 60 this year.

"Old Xiong, Dalio said Yike was involved in insider trading and that I was suspected of fraud." Fang Zhuo casually shared the latest information, and then said, "That's not right, it's early morning over there, and Dalio is so energetic? At this point Still not sleeping?"

It's past one o'clock in the morning in the United States, and not only Dalio but also the media are taking a break, and are still using Facebook and Twitter to convey information.

Xiong Xiaoge thought thoughtfully and said, "You and Yike will probably face some legal problems in the future."

"The legal team is ready." Fang Zhuo closed the page and motioned for Lao Xiong to continue.

"This is how I think about it. IDG Capital will take over IDG Global's investment business. This business will be spun off from IDG Group, and IDG Capital will become the controlling shareholder of IDG Ventures." What Xiong Xiaoge wants is the IDG Global brand.

But before he finished speaking, he heard the same prompt sound as before from Mr. Fang's computer.

Fang Zhuo opened the message and read directly this time: "Dexi Group announced that it will sue Yike Company."

Xiong Xiaoge was shocked. What she was talking about just now was already done.

Fang Zhuo thought about it for a moment and said: "Qiaoshui has spoken out and Dexi has sued. If they release such hasty signals, they may still be worried that retail investors will spread the flames of war to other capital operations under their banner. Once it spreads, it may also lead to the loss of customers." Concerns about funding and redemptions.”

Xiong Xiaoge had to admire Mr. Fang's thinking for always being ahead of the curve. He was still considering the legal response, so Fang Zhuo figured out the intention behind it.

He asked: "Will there be anything new in Tuesday's trading day?"

"The stock price of Yike may still have a slight surge, and then quickly fall back. After all, the institutions have really been killed, many retail investors have been satisfied, and some will actively look for profit opportunities. There may be more Go die type website." Fang Zhuo predicted, "Once the short squeeze group starts, institutions will have to be careful in the future, and there will be careerists who will try to copy it."

Institutions must be careful in the future. At the very least, they must adhere to the judgment of the company's true value. Otherwise, if someone fishes in troubled waters, the situation will become worse.

Xiong Xiaoge suspected that Fang was always telling himself. He hadn't finished reading the words just now. Was there still "careerist" written underneath?

The office was quiet for a while, and soon there was a knock on the door.

It's Ji Minghua from Lin'an No. 2 Factory. It's time to negotiate.

Fang Zhuo glanced at his watch, stood up and said: "Old Xiong, where did you just talk? In this way, I am interested in IDG Group's IDC data and media business. You just came back from abroad today and have a rest. In the evening Send me a PPT and I’ll take a look at the specific plans.”

Xiong Xiaoge looked at his watch in astonishment: "Is it really only 10 minutes?"

"What else? This is already extra time." Fang Zhuo said with a smile, "What's more, we have to deal with emergencies like Qiaoshui and Dexi. They will probably continue to cause trouble. Okay, let's go back Write a PPT and wait for notification."

The door to the CEO's office was opened and Ji Minghua walked in.

Xiong Xiaoge had to get up and greeted politely first, and then saw more people walking in.

Fang Zhuo took these people to the conference room and motioned to Lao Xiong to drink tea in the lounge.

Lao Xiong has already been stuffed, so he can't delay his own business.

Xiong Xiaoge left the President's Office in a daze. He really drank a cup of tea in the lounge before leaving Hang Lung 23 - he actually had to go back to write a PPT and then wait for the notification. He was no longer the leader who led people to attack Mr. Fang. The situation is over.

In the conference room of Hang Lung 23, Fang Zhuo listened to a more detailed report from Ji Minghua, and even connected with Luo Jianhua in Germany.

The pairing of these two partners is okay, and they are both experienced veterans. However, Qimonda's bankruptcy procedure is indeed complicated, and it is not just a matter of quotation.

In principle, Fang Zhuo believes that he can add more money and increase the internal purchase budget to 0.9-110 million euros. After all, Qimonda's patents are really valuable.

As for Qimonda's R\u0026D center in Xi'an, it is easier to decide.

The investment scale of this R\u0026D center is more than 100 million Huaxia coins, but now it will not cost more than 50 million Huaxia coins. It can probably continue to be bargained, which is a very affordable bargain.

Fang Zhuo helped Ji Minghua finalize the deal so that he could leave for Xi'an this week and buy the easy ones first. 50 million was only over 7 million in U.S. dollars, which was really too cheap.

The discussion about spending money was in full swing in the conference room, and new news was constantly emerging from the other side of the ocean.

Following the statements of Bridgewater Associates and Deutsche Bank, Goldman Sachs, Manxman, and Carlyle also successively stated that they would resort to law to safeguard their rights and interests.

This time Yike's skyrocketing market price is so weird. Putting aside Bai Fang's overthrow, isn't it illegal for retail investors to connect in this way? Are the public opinions on Fang Zhuo’s Twitter and the Freetrade platform not responsible?

Liquidation is liquidation, and the responsibilities that should be pursued must not be abandoned.

From about 1 a.m. to 9 a.m. U.S. time, the continuous condemnation and investigation never stopped.

This incident had a great impact, including some members of Congress who also noticed the relevant situation and quickly expressed their opinions under the lens of the media.

What is most refreshing to Fang Zhuo is a congressman's proposal to amend the current Patent Law to avoid another chaotic war in the mobile phone industry.

The Nasdaq stock circuit breaker, the SEC permanently bans naked short selling, the current "Patent Law" is revised and adjusted... Yike is very willing to promote the improvement of relevant legal systems in the United States.

Fang Zhuo did not immediately respond to the big institutions' announcement. He was dealing with the issue of how to spend money better while waiting for changes on the second trading day.

Sure enough, although there were still voices on Twitter saying that there were still institutions holding on to YIKE stock, after the Nasdaq opened, YIKE continued its inertia with a weak rise, and then fell again with a familiar decline.

This kind of decline is... the world's richest man, the second in the world, the third in the world, all the way smoothly slipping out of the top ten.

At the same time, as YIKE's stock price fell, the war really spread to other stocks.

Nasdaq will announce short positions every half month. The stocks with the top short positions announced on the 15th of this month have all increased to varying degrees. There are also related screenshots circulating on the Internet platform, saying that these stocks have all It is related to institutions such as Goldman Sachs and Bridgewater that have been defeated.

Fang Zhuo also looked at the screenshots and found that there were many fallacies in them.

He suspects that such public opinion building is not the initiative of retail investors, but may be the agitation of small and medium-sized institutions that have taken advantage of this round of short selling.

At 12 noon on Tuesday, Eastern Time, YIKE's stock price had fallen back to $400, but the rate of decline had slowed.

Fang Zhuo received a call from Lu Peining, asking about the spread of the war.

"Mr. Fang, can we profit from this?" Lu Peining was very direct.

"Yike is being sued, the MIGA fund is also being closely watched, and my base of comments on Twitter is not easy to use now. Instead of thinking about these, it is better to focus on the European market." Fang Zhuo expressed his opinion.

Lu Peining also took a further attitude: "Well, Freetrade may indeed need to stop for a while. There is pressure in this aspect."

Since you can't eat meat, forget it and stop eating.

"Mr. Kong and I have talked about Freetrade. This is actually a good platform in the mobile Internet era. It may not be able to grow in the future, but it is a long-term investment." Fang Zhuo said.

Lu Peining said "hmm" and didn't say much. He would pause for a moment and wait until the incident subsides before looking at the situation. Long-term investment? Can't it be shorter, faster, or longer?

Without the support of such a platform, most of the foundation of retail investors would be lost, and there would be no need to talk about financial order.

He finally talked about the legal issues that have emerged now, which are after-sales services: "Mr. Fang, the SEC will launch an investigation into related incidents that may last several months. No matter what, the impact of this matter is there."

Fang Zhuo asked seriously: "What will be the consequences?"

Lu Peining was stunned: "Consequences? Consequences..."

He thought for a while: "The result will be an investigation report that may have dozens or hundreds of pages. It will talk about the securities market mechanism and regulatory mechanism. There are many things to be busy with this year. It may not be released until next year. The SEC will probably sue Goldman Sachs this year." , didn’t you have a Goldman Sachs violation in your last press conference? The SEC will persist in the investigation and seek greater regulatory reform.”

Fang Zhuo was no longer serious. He could hear Lu Peining's confidence and confidence.

This is not the revenge of large institutions against Yike, but the resistance review of being included in financial reforms. Accordingly, there are many solutions to solve the trouble.

In the afternoon, YIKE's stock price was still falling, but it became volatile after reaching $350, and even had a small rebound as Fang Zhuo appeared on Twitter.

"Finance is really cruel." Fang Zhuo sighed first, and then announced, "I am willing to fund a documentary about the financial crisis. If you have seen similar ideas online before, you can contact me."

Just after he made this announcement, Sony Pictures Entertainment took the initiative to reach out on Twitter, willing to start a documentary project describing the process before and after the financial crisis.

Finance is so cruel, making documentaries is so fun.

The two sides hit it off and agreed to provide an objective description of the 2008 global financial crisis.

On Tuesday trading day, YIKE's stock price finally closed at $353.28.

At the closing moment, Kong Yu, who was living in Washington, walked into the media's lens. Fang Zhuoren was in Shanghai, and the media could not reach him. They had to wait for him to tweet by chance, but Kong Yu showed up in the last round. But you can dig.

Compared to Mr. Fang’s charm, Kong Yu, with his ferocious bald head, looks more in line with everyone’s imagination of a trader.

Those standing in front of the stage may not be so vicious, but those behind the scenes may be the most evil.

After all, Mr. Fang is just a mobile phone seller.

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