Reinventing the Millennium

Chapter 1057 The dust has settled (5k)

The communication between minority shareholders and the CEO is only limited to a very small scope. Just like Fang Zhuo was absent from the board of directors to avoid suspicion and still did not interfere in SMIC affairs, he did not even have unnecessary communication with Datang.

However, Wang Ningguo obviously reported this communication to Chairman Jiang Shangzhou. Just one day later, Jiang Shangzhou called Fang Zhuo and discussed the increase in holdings.

When Wang Ningguo had just accepted the invitation to be the CEO of SMIC, Fang Zhuo bid farewell to Zhang Rujing and asked the founder of SMIC what he thought of him.

At that time, Zhang Rujing believed that Wang Ningguo was a suitable candidate. He was very "stable" and could stabilize customers, employees, investors and management.

Today, Wang Ningguo has been working at SMIC for 10 months, which also proves that Zhang Rujing's evaluation is accurate. SMIC has indeed slowly stabilized the situation after being bloodletted by Taiwanese journalists.

The economic environment is not good, the morale of the company is shaken, the research and development progress is hindered, and funds are not sufficient. Various unfavorable factors are supported by the management headed by Wang Ningguo.

To appease employees at all levels, focus on advanced manufacturing processes, delve into the domestic market, adjust non-core businesses, and increase core competitiveness. This has been Wang Ningguo's strategy since he took office.

Fang Zhuo is very aware of SMIC's situation in the past period and has a very good evaluation of Wang Ningguo's ability to gradually improve the situation under such a heavy burden.

Therefore, when he received the call from Dr. Jiang, he did not hesitate to praise him, but at the same time he also expressed some worries in his heart.

Jiang Shangzhou became more outspoken when talking about changes.

In addition to what Wang Ningguo said, with the investment actions of major semiconductor funds this year, many leaders hope to build stronger industrial strength, and SMIC, which has just experienced a turmoil, is a complement.

Although today's ice core has caught up from behind, SMIC still has a large scale and considerable strength, and it is still the only foundry company in the mainland that can smoothly purchase equipment and introduce technology.

In Fang Zhuo's view, Datang's increase in holdings may unbalance SMIC. However, the people above believe that this is to deepen cooperation and directly provide money to SMIC. There is nothing wrong with it.

In the future, if SMIC is still short of funds, it will continue to allow suitable institutions to invest in shares.

Fang Zhuo listened to Dr. Jiang's patient explanation and smiled: "I can roughly guess some of the intentions in this regard, which is to review the equity situation habitually. As long as the management considers it comprehensively, I will support it."

Ice core and center core are the only two in the country.

Fang Zhuo's avoidance of suspicion also has some factors like this. Bingxin is doing well now. Is there any taboo on the possibility of turning two into one by holding shares in SMIC? Maybe he is overthinking it, but he still tries to be as thorough as possible.

He continued: "I talked to Mr. Wang again yesterday, just about this fund. However, I think he is still hesitant. In this way, Dr. Jiang, let me tell you again, there will be no such thing between us. Thank you for your consideration. If SMIC needs funds, please let me know."

Jiang Shangzhou smiled on the phone and said, "I won't be polite to you, but Datang does want to make strategic investments. Wang Ningguo and I had an in-depth talk, so there should be no problem."

"Well, then I'm relieved." Fang Zhuo pondered for a while, "The bosses have an attitude and are willing to give money. This is a good thing. If necessary, I don't need to retain my position as an independent director. Let's see how I can play a greater role. value."

"No, Mr. Fang, if you say this, I will take the car to your place later." Jiang Shangzhou said immediately.

"I just said that we don't have to worry so much about each other." Fang Zhuo said with a smile, "I've thought about it seriously these past two days. I just got this director seat casually. Since you all have arrangements, I don't have to worry about it every day. When you go to a meeting, you still need to put it in a more appropriate position.”

Jiang Shangzhou said again: "If you want to say that, then I really have to ask without thinking. If SMIC needs Bingxin's technical help, would it be useful to call Director Fang, or would it be better to call President Fang?"

That year, SMIC sent an expert team to Luzhou during the Spring Festival to help Ice Core overcome the risky mass production difficulties of 130nm.

Now, Ice Core is already working on 45nm, while SMIC’s 65nm is still not in mass production.

When Jiang Shangzhou was communicating with Wang Ningguo, he also talked about what President Fang said was "connecting with the same spirit". This is not only a matter of funds, but more importantly, the ability to communicate with each other in technology.

Not only is Bingxin now a whole generation ahead of SMIC, it also has the FinFET technology reserved by the two teams of Hu Zhengming and Liang Mengsong in the future. SMIC, which is in the same spirit, will inevitably seek guidance.

What's more, the wafer service alliance that Bingxin has been building has already shown results. The combination of these is the extraordinary influence of Mr. Fang, the head of Bingxin, in the domestic semiconductor industry.

SMIC has such allies that it can rely on for support. No matter who is in charge of management, they must respect Mr. Fang’s views and cannot push him out.

Jiang Shangzhou could feel some of Wang Ningguo's thoughts, and he gave a clear definition - there is competition between the two companies, but cooperation must be greater than competition. The stronger the ice core, the greater the space for cooperation.

This is the position that SMIC must have, and it is also the main attitude of the leaders above.

"If I just call Mr. Fang, can I still respond? Mr. Zhang is gone, but it's not like he is gone. If I don't respond, he won't be able to come from Qingdao overnight and point at my nose and scold me?" Fang Zhuo said with a smile, " I now realize that if I say something sincerely, others will really want to think about it from eight angles, and it’s not that complicated between us.”

"Then I really believe it." Jiang Shangzhou sighed, "Not only do others have to think about it, but I also have to think about it. You always say this and plan like this. If you are not angry, do you want to restrain your sharpness? I Do we have to just go with the flow?"

"Just a little bit, purely for the good of SMIC." Fang Zhuo said with a smile, "Dr. Jiang, I am a Scorpio, a very loyal person."

Jiang Shangzhou laughed, no matter what, he felt relieved.

After he ended the call, he thought about the exchange with Mr. Fang for a while, then entered the three words "Scorpio" on the computer to query, and saw a full screen of constellation analysis.

Jiang Shangzhou curiously clicked on a link and saw the conclusive character traits.

——Scorpio men have a clear distinction between love and hate.

He thought for a while and found that Mr. Fang seemed to have a bit of a problem. However, Mr. Fang was more dignified and often did not show it.

- High self-esteem and aggressiveness.

Jiang Shangzhou felt that the second half of this sentence was quite consistent. Mr. Fang's aggressiveness was time-tested.

He continued to look down, but he didn't see the word "loyalty".

Jiang Shangzhou shook his head and smiled, no, no, most analyzes of this constellation are inaccurate.

He suddenly searched himself out of curiosity, and at the age of 62, he learned his zodiac sign - Aries.

Dong-dong-dong, there was a knock on the room door, and then the nurse walked in.

"Today's infusion mission has begun." Jiang Shangzhou greeted today's mission with some helplessness.

The nurse said: "Today's task is not heavy, only two bottles."

Jiang Shangzhou said as usual: "One bottle lasts four hours, right?"

The nurse pursed her lips and smiled, knowing that Mr. Jiang was in a good mood.

Jiang Shangzhou said while receiving the injection: "Come on, as long as it has an effect, it doesn't matter how long it takes. It is said on the Internet that Aries people are bold, fearless, and heroic, so naturally they are not afraid of infusions."

The nurse looked at Jiang Shangzhou in surprise. The old Aries man was quite trendy, but he was not impatient this time.

She confirmed that the infusion speed was fine, turned around and was about to leave the ward when she heard Jiang Shangzhou complaining again.

"This drop is too slow. Speed ​​it up twice."

The nurse turned around and said angrily: "Mr. Jiang, is there anything on the Internet that says Aries doesn't mean what he says? You can only do it at this speed! Don't move, I'll come and see you later!"

Jiang Shangzhou picked up the document angrily and looked through SMIC's recent business performance report.

At 9 o'clock in the morning on July 2, a high-level YMS business seminar was held in the conference room of Hang Lung 23.

Fang Zhuo, the head of Yike, presided over it personally. Many senior executives from the three regions of the United States, Europe, and China, including Yu Hong and Pan Ben, were present, as well as middle and senior managers from various departments. The nominal purpose was to discuss the company's strategic direction. .

In fact, everyone knows that one of Mr. Fang’s major goals is to announce the person in charge of the YMS business group and officially promote the development of this business in the Chinese market.

Is it Qi He from Europe, Liu Qiangdong from China, or Chen Weixiang from the supply chain?

The atmosphere in the conference room was peaceful before the start, but most people's glances were full of curiosity.

According to the current news, Chen Weixiang, the powerful leader, is the most likely. He would rather jump from the supply chain to the newly opened YMS. This is beyond everyone's expectation and once again verifies from the side that Mr. Fang attaches great importance to this business group. .

And, for him, entering the board of directors this time is also a breakthrough. It is difficult for his original position to bring such an opportunity.

As for Qi He and Liu Qiangdong, both of them have their own advantages, so the possibilities are almost there.

The conference room was full of people, and this was the most attended meeting in recent times.

"Come on, it's a meeting. Sit down. Sit down."

Fang Zhuo walked into the conference room quickly and on time. He pressed his right hand to signal everyone who had stood up to sit down.

"There are many things, and the most important ones should be put first. Everyone knows that the company will be reorganized this year. This needs continued discussion and research. However, the establishment of the YMS business group has started first."

"I have talked with different people here. YMS is an important step for Yike Company to move from hardware to a combination of software and hardware. It involves a lot of business, so we need to make overall plans and coordinate resources."

"Starting from the second quarter of this year, our competition with Baidu, Penguin, and Alibaba has increased. Recently, there has also been a chain reaction caused by the search engine in the YMS ecosystem."

"It can be said that this competitiveness will not weaken for quite some time in the future, but will become stronger and stronger. With the development of mobile Internet, a confrontation will form in the pan-ecological business field."

Fang Zhuo used the word "confrontation" to describe the situation in the future.

The financial crisis has had an impact on many industries around the world, but in the second quarter, domestically, all Internet companies are making rapid adjustments, making the Internet the first industry to recover.

The market values ​​of Baidu and Penguin are constantly rising, with both exceeding US$20 billion. However, Alibaba’s B2B business is listed in Xiangjiang. Its rapidly growing C2C business can only be seen in the most representative 618 transaction volume, which has increased every year. Just know.

The executives in the conference room all knew what kind of opponent the company was facing and nodded.

Fang Zhuo also talked about the development of the ecological links that YMS has now. The inlay of the mailbox is the best. Sina Mailbox itself is a first-line brand in China, and Weibo is also very good. It is also a popular social platform in China nowadays. The two themselves are also regarded as part of the "Pan Yi Department".

Ecological links and functions such as search, maps, games, and videos, including data interoperability, backup, and synchronization between Yike accounts and email accounts, all need to be advanced.

"As for the president of YMS Business Group, currently, Chen Weixiang, Qi He, and Liu Qiangdong are all very interested and capable enough to take up this position." Fang Zhuo put down the document and glanced at the three people.

This sentence made everyone in the conference room cheer up at the same time, and the boss directly called his name.

"The BG president of YMS is very important. I hope whoever it is can help the company move to a new height."

When Fang Zhuo said this, he suddenly stopped talking.

Chen Weixiang held a pen in his hand and looked calm, waiting for the final result of his job to be announced.

Qi He picked up the tea cup and took a sip of water. At this moment, he was thinking about what kind of chemical reaction the linkage between software ecology and hardware products would bring.

Liu Qiangdong's expression was slightly solemn. YMS was only implemented in China. Logically speaking, as the domestic president, he should be the overall leader. If he could get it in one fell swoop this time, the company's internal ranking would be greatly improved.

Fang Zhuo's pause was a bit long, so long that others felt that Mr. Fang might still be hesitant.

"Before we talk about this, let me talk about the company's supply chain work." Fang Zhuo spoke again and mentioned what Senior Vice President Chen Weixiang was responsible for.

Liu Qiangdong and Qi He were both a little disappointed. When Mr. Chen took over, his supply chain would definitely change.

Needless to say, the importance of a company's supply chain, especially for a company like Yike, has customers and suppliers all over the world. How to use the supply chain to provide a solid foundation for mobile phone products is not only important, but also very difficult.

Fortunately, Yike has always done a good job in this area.

There was Sun Qi in the front and Chen Weixiang in the back. The former laid a very good foundation, and the latter built on this foundation.

Fang Zhuo finished talking about it calmly and then described Chen Weixiang's contributions in recent years.

Almost everyone, including Chen Weixiang himself, feels that the YMS BU president has been settled.

Only Yu Hong's expression was slightly complicated. She had dealt with Chen Weixiang a lot. It was a pity that this person would end up like this, but as Mr. Fang said, Tang Shangde, his direct descendant in the past, set a model internally. The current senior deputy The president is also another benchmark.

Fang Zhuo enumerated the past work and contributions of the senior vice president. Chen Weixiang actually joined Yike shortly after Sun Qi joined the company. This year is already his 8th year.

From players to mobile phones to power banks, headphones and other hardware product suppliers, he has basically participated in the cooperation, and he has both credit and hard work.

Similarly, Yike did not treat him badly, with promotions, salary increases, and stocks. As of today, although Chen Weixiang is not as highly exposed and famous as Liu Qiangdong, who is in contact with the media from time to time, he is still among the top ten in the company. exists.

Fang Zhuo's silence didn't last long after he finished speaking this time. He directly named Chen Weixiang, but the topic changed: "However, three days ago, the President's Office received a response to Mr. Chen's question. Mr. Chen, Hongxin Company and you are what relationship?"

There was a "buzz" in the conference room, and then everyone silenced, and the atmosphere suddenly became solemn.

Chen Weixiang raised his head in shock, saw Mr. Fang’s eyes, his thoughts turned quickly, and he spoke three seconds later: “Mr. Fang, I have an impression of Hongxin Company. It has no business dealings with our Yike, but it provides cooling for some domestic manufacturers. module.”

Fang Zhuo nodded, turned over a page of information in his hand, and asked: "What is the relationship between Chen Weichao from Hongxin Company and you?"

Chen Weixiang looked at the expressionless Mr. Fang and saw the thick stack of materials in his hand again. This time he was silent for a few seconds longer: "He is my younger brother, but I don't know about his tenure at Hongxin."

He stood up on his own initiative: "Mr. Fang, I will call Chen Weichao immediately. If there are any problems, I will never tolerate them, and I will never evade my responsibilities."

Everyone in the conference room had strange eyes. Mr. Chen was like this... Although he didn't know how serious the problem was, his position at YMS was definitely gone, and he didn't know whether his supply chain would be affected.

"Okay." Fang Zhuo agreed immediately, and after Chen Weixiang took a step forward, he pushed the information in his hand forward, "Mr. Chen, I called each company, and I understand everything clearly."

Everyone could see the thickness of such a pile of information documents, and the atmosphere in the entire conference room dropped to freezing point.

When Chen Weixiang saw Mr. Fang's statement, the materials on the table, and the way his colleagues looked at him, his face gradually turned pale. After a moment of silence, he made a request to Mr. Fang: "Mr. Fang, don't use this occasion. ? Let’s go to the office and talk.”

"This is a capital transaction from three years ago." Fang Zhuo reached out and pulled out a document from the bottom and sighed, "Chen Weixiang, Yike was listed three years ago. Is it because the salary and bonus are not enough?"

Chen Weixiang couldn't answer this question.

"Mr. Chen." Secretary Liu Zonghong walked to the side of the senior vice president and whispered, "Here, there are some situations that need to be investigated."

The door to the conference room was opened, and the uniforms outside were already waiting.

Chen Weixiang glanced at the people outside, then at Mr. Fang, took a few steps forward, and suddenly turned back: "Mr. Fang, I, I have been in the company since 2002..."

Fang Zhuo responded: "So, today you are the senior vice president of Yike, a company with a market value of 100 billion."

Chen Weixiang had nothing to say.

Yike's senior vice president was taken away.

"The Compliance Department will be affiliated to the President's Office from today and is a department directly under the President's Office. No matter who it is, we will never tolerate it." Fang Zhuo announced a new message.

Before this, the Compliance Department was a subordinate department of the Legal Department, and its authority and resources were not high enough.

There was silence in the conference room, everyone was still immersed in Mr. Chen's overturning situation.

Fang Zhuo continued to announce that Qi He will serve as the BG president of the YMS business group.

However, this news was far less shocking than the previous situation. In fact, Qi He himself was not very happy, and Liu Qiangdong, who could not go further, was not too disappointed.

The meeting continues.

Elevating the compliance department will light the first fire, targeting situations involving other executives in the supply chain.

A storm broke out within Yike, the organizational structure was about to be adjusted, and powerful executive Chen Weixiang was taken away for investigation.

The situation was not hidden or downplayed.

Just when many people are worried about whether the internally focused Yike will be affected by external competition, Amap’s Beijing headquarters welcomes the technical team of Yike, who will help optimize the mobile software development of Amap Maps.

However, even Chairman Gaode gossiped about the situation when receiving the Yike technical team: "I heard that Mr. Fang personally drove your senior vice president to the bureau? Is it true or false?"

"It's fake, of course it's fake, but Mr. Chen probably won't be able to do it this time." The deputy technical director shook his head and said, "Mr. Fang said it with facts. The fact is that Mr. Chen may have a big problem."

"Is this really going to continue? Is there a power struggle?" Cheng Congwu asked curiously.

The deputy technical director couldn't help but roll his eyes: "Who can compete with Mr. Fang in Yike Company? There may be factions, this market, that R\u0026D, this America, that Europe, but Mr. Fang is the biggest faction."

Cheng Congwu thought about it and asked a silly question. Outsiders rushed into Hang Lung 23 and couldn't deal with Mr. Fang. He was inside Yike, so there was a home field bonus.

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