Reinventing the Millennium

Chapter 1099 The Internet God of Wealth (4K)

The CCTV Spring Festival Gala was very lively.

However, the content of the program was no longer new to Fang Zhuo, who was sitting in the front row. However, he was still a little nervous.

Even though the Spring Festival Gala's reputation and ratings have declined in recent years, it is still an indispensable part of many families' New Year's Eve. In other words, it has huge traffic.

Fang Zhuo was a little unsure about whether Yixin could successfully process the electronic red envelope data this time. Even though he had simulated and simulated again and again, when the day actually came, he still felt nervous.

Fortunately, there is no movement or news on the phone for the time being, so now is the good news.

Sun Nan, Joey Yung, Wang Leehom, and Yu Cuizhi sang "Love Each Other" on the stage. After the four people finished singing, Fang Zhuo could see from the corner of his eye that someone took out their mobile phones and shook them, and he couldn't help but smile knowingly.

This time, the cooperation between Yike and the Spring Festival Gala went through multiple versions. In the end, at the request of the Spring Festival Gala program team, red envelopes were placed at the back of each program to increase the average ratings.

As for the total amount of this red envelope event, CCTV initially asked Yixin to combine funds from different sponsors to put out red envelopes - that is, write the sponsor's name on the title page of the red envelope and use their money to do their things, but Yixin The letter was unwilling to adopt this form, and ultimately paid the money exclusively.

It is relatively non-utilitarian and avoids clutter, trying to focus everyone's attention on the Yixin brand.

Fang Zhuo was sitting in the front row, watching the host's oral broadcast. He also took out his mobile phone and shook it, but he only got 80 cents.

Today, he actually put the Spring Festival Gala red envelope into action, and he inevitably had some regrets. It would have been better if smartphones had become more popular. If Yike and YMS were given another year, the entire Android quantity basis would bring about qualitative changes.

However, it’s not too bad. This is a combo boxing set, and it has the opportunity to be popular in the 3Q war. It’s hard not to take advantage of the situation to expand the business into the communication field, and then use the unprecedented electronic red envelopes of the Spring Festival Gala to cooperate with the enthusiastic promotion of the media platform. Finally, Relying on the traditional peak consumption season of the New Year, it can also drive the sales of smartphones and further strengthen Yixin's hardware foundation.

Fang Zhuo couldn't help but face such an opportunity.

Another program at the Spring Festival Gala ended, it was "Who are we talking about cross talk with" by Jiang Kun, Dai Zhicheng, and Zhao Jinsheng. The host Zhang Zequn appeared in the front row with a microphone.

"Today, there are many guests in the audience to celebrate the New Year with us. For example, the person next to me..." Zhang Zequn said with a smile, "is not the famous cross talk actor Mr. Fang Zhuo."

"Hey, you complimenting me is just a hobby." Fang Zhuo stood up and faced the camera. He also had a role in attending the Spring Festival Gala.

Previously, he was invited by Lao Xiong to record a show called "Zhihu Zai" on CCTV and performed a short cross talk. The Spring Festival Gala program team thought it was quite interesting, so they added a few lines to the sponsor.

Zhang Zequn corrected: "Mr. Fang Zhuo, who is not a famous cross talk enthusiast."

"There's no need to stress that it's not famous." Fang Zhuo said with a smile.

"Just kidding, this is Mr. Fang Zhuo, the founder of the famous mobile phone brand Yike." Zhang Zequn gave a formal introduction.

Fang Zhuo nodded repeatedly: "Yes, yes, this famous name must be emphasized."

"We know that Yike Mobile has become a world-famous smartphone brand today. It has gone through a lot of hardships in the process..." Zhang Zequn, who was popular in science and Yike, paused and took a breath.

Fang Zhuo said: "It's the hard work of my colleagues."

Zhang Zequn added: "I experienced setbacks in this process..."

Fang Zhuo continued: "It's because the opponent was frustrated."

Zhang Zequn finished this sentence: "We finally succeeded."

Fang Zhuo faced the camera and held up his hands: "It is the consumers who praise us."

Zhang Zequn said with a smile: "On the occasion of the Chinese New Year, what does Mr. Fang Zhuo have to say to our viewers in front of the TV?"

Fang Zhuo said solemnly: "On behalf of all the employees of Yike Company, I would like to wish the viewers in front of the TV and the overseas Chinese friends around the world a happy New Year, good luck, happiness to the whole family, and all the best."

"Thank you Mr. Fang Zhuo, and I wish the development of Yike mobile phones will get better and better." Zhang Zequn ended the interaction with the important guests in the first row. The relationship between Yike and CCTV has always been very good.

Just as the two people were interacting, the time came to the hour, and it was the "National Red Envelope Grabbing" event where the highest prize was 8,888 yuan.

Although he is the richest man in the mainland, many viewers who don't care about business still don't know Fang Zhuo, and they can't help but wonder, who is this? Why is there a short cross talk? Is the director afraid that Jiang Kun's cross talk just now isn't funny?

"Who was that young man just now?"

"He's the one who sent us red envelopes, nicknamed the Internet God of Wealth."

"So young? That's pretty impressive."

"He's really evil. Hi, Master, let me tell you..."

Many families spend their time chatting together at family reunions with more knowledge about a business figure.

As for the latest nickname "Internet God of Wealth", this is a hot word that suddenly climbed up on Weibo.

Since the Spring Festival Gala started, words such as "shake it", "grab red envelopes" and "share red envelopes" have appeared intensively, and then there were further extensions, such as...

——Use Yike mobile phone to receive electronic red envelopes, thank the Internet God of Wealth, and wish your family happiness.

——Mr. Fang, he really, really sold Yongke Real Estate, and he still has to spend money to give us red envelopes!

——I don’t buy stocks, funds, or Hong Kong stocks, but I still can’t escape Mr. Fang’s pressure. I’m sorry, but I received a super red envelope of 8,888 yuan!

——Urgent, urgent, urgent, why can’t my version be updated? Why can't I find Yipay?

——You use Motorola, no wonder you can’t update. We all use Yiko phones, Android phones, and of course we have Yipay.

Due to the support issues of different systems, Yipay naturally runs smoothly on the Android system, but there are differences in versions among the Symbian camp, so Yike provides a targeted display of the balance function.

If your phone can display the balance, you can click on a share from a friend to receive a red envelope, which is added to the balance number. If you want to withdraw cash, you need to bind a bank card.

Yike's Easy Pay built-in was updated to a small extent in December in conjunction with Yigou's Double Eleven. The content of the version pushed in January was a comprehensive update. Cash withdrawals and recharges also need to be bound to bank cards, but in the display of internal data, users The demand for this item is not large.

Now, Yixin's downloads, active version updates, and bank card bindings have all received amazing improvements with the Spring Festival Gala red envelopes.

The Spring Festival Gala lasts from 8pm on New Year's Eve to 0:30am on the first day of the Lunar New Year, with a total of only four and a half hours. However, the brand promotion effect brought by this short period of less than half a day is immeasurable.

Weibo is in action, Tesco is always open, press releases are flying everywhere, and the entire industry is shaken.

Without official data, just from the most intuitive feeling, everyone in the industry and outside the industry quickly noticed the successful marketing carried out by Yike with the help of this Spring Festival Gala.

This is the style of a tycoon who is purely throwing away money, purely burning money, purely...

Before this, competition in the Internet industry also involved money-burning actions, including similar competition in the medical field at the beginning, and the recent group buying has also shown signs of this. However, giving out red envelopes directly and nakedly on the largest stage in the country... can only be said to be too naked!

Li Guoqing of looked at the TV screen thoughtfully: It’s so fun to burn money like this. This surnamed Fang has burned out Yixin’s reputation again. Penguin is in trouble. Well, group buying can also be so naked. Increase the scale of burning money. Burning money is useful, it is really useful! People with the surname Fang are not good at other things, but they can really learn from business.

Lei Jun from watched the Spring Festival Gala and experienced the electronic red envelopes: Mr. Fang is really not merciless in burning money. Needless to say, in business, Mr. Fang’s decisiveness and ruthlessness are worth learning.

Liu Suyi of Yongke Real Estate looked at the public comments on Weibo about selling companies to pay money. He really couldn't be happy... Although it was just a joke, it was really him who was being sold...

On February 14, 2010, at 1 o'clock in the morning, half an hour after the Spring Festival Gala ended, Fang Zhuocai walked out of the studio. It was inevitable to greet others and thank him when they came.

At the same time, he also got the latest data.

In 4 and a half hours, a total of 7.65 million people participated in the "Shake the Shake" red envelope activity. During this period, the number of registered users of Yixin increased by 3.89 million, and the number of red envelope shares exceeded 10 million. The brand promotion on the Internet covered hundreds of millions of netizens. .

At 1:10, Fang Zhuo got into the car and used his mobile phone to try the "send red envelopes" function that Yixin had just opened. Previously, during the Spring Festival Gala, there were only "grab red envelopes" and "share red envelopes", but now you can send red envelopes to each other to wish each other a happy New Year. , which is a follow-up extension of the influence of the Spring Festival Gala red envelopes.

Ding dong.

"Happy Spring Festival, Happy Valentine's Day." Fang Zhuo sent a red envelope to Su Wei.

February 14th is both the first day of the Lunar New Year and Valentine’s Day, which is good for red envelopes.

"Everyone praises you for your good cross talk skills." Su Wei quickly replied and sent a second message, "I received the red envelope, go to bed early and wait for you to come back."

Fang Zhuo put down his cell phone, and a string in his mind was already loosened.

He lowered the car window and said with a smile, "I wonder if Pony is asleep now."

Secretary Liu Zonghong replied: "Mr. Fang, I guess Mr. Ma must not have slept. By the 17th, he may have to worry about the stock price again."

The Hong Kong Exchange will be closed for four days from February 13th to 16th, and will open on Wednesday the 17th.

The influence brought by this Spring Festival Gala red envelope will definitely dampen Penguin’s stock price again.

Just as Fang Zhuo was about to speak, a call from Ma Dan, the head of Ali, appeared on his phone.

"Hey, Mr. Ma, happy New Year. I'm up so late." Fang Zhuo made a phone call.

"I can't sleep, I want to say hello to Mr. Fang." Ma Chen sighed, "You just came here directly, aren't you... too direct?"

"I want to fuck Penguin." Fang Zhuo comforted him, "How about Mr. Ma, can I send you a red envelope?"

"Just do Penguin and do Taobao on the side, right?" Ma Ren asked.

Although there are frictions in the e-commerce business between the two sides, it is generally difficult to overcome. Taobao covets Tesco's high-quality users, and Tesco envies the scale and vitality of Taobao's buyers and sellers. These cannot be competed for in a short time.

However, the momentum of Alipay and Yipay in the field of electronic payment may be disrupted.

Although Yipay was established early, Alipay has always been developing faster. Its sellers and buyers, as well as the relatively low prices of goods, are rapidly pushing Alipay forward.

The online payment of water, electricity, coal, communications and other bills promoted by Alipay on this basis is expanding the boundaries of electronic payment and establishing a brand for electronic payment.

Now, Yipay is using the power of communication and social networking to try to overtake in corners. The final effect cannot be determined, but Ma Ren was really sweating tonight.

Yike and Penguin are in a meat grinder in the field of communications. Are they suddenly trying to get Alipay involved?

However, it is difficult for Alipay to match its strength in the field of communication and social networking.

Ma Dan was in a bad mood on New Year's Eve.

He estimated that he might be in the second worst mood tonight. As for the first worst mood, he might not be able to steal the honor from Ma Huateng.

"Mr. Ma, what do you want me to say? This matter..." Fang Zhuo pondered for a few seconds and didn't quite understand what Ma Min meant, so he asked, "Do you want to be fucked with great fanfare like Penguin, or just quietly?" What’s the matter with the sound?”

In fact, he can do it. If Mr. Ma asks, he can write a calligraphy in the evening and send it to Babaili as a rush.

Ma Ren smiled: "Mr. Fang, you can speak cross talk. You, the richest man in the mainland, are burning money, forcing us to keep up."

"You also have a real estate company to sell?" Fang Zhuo asked.

"I have to follow Ma Huateng's example and block you." Ma Ren relieved his shock and anger at being attacked and said with a smile, "Seeing that you claim to make your opponents work hard, I will have to find a few more opponents for you this year."

Fang Zhuo suspected that the other party wanted to invest more in Yike's competing products, but he didn't ask. He just said, "Let's learn from each other and make progress together."

Ma Ren ended the call, still feeling depressed. This year's group buying market cannot be ignored. This is an important part of the spread of electronic payments, but in this social field...

He thought about it, trying to find a suitable future under his command to impact society.

It's impossible not to rush, Mr. Fang has already begun to push people.

At 2:30 in the morning, Fang Zhuo was still awake in the hotel. He had just listened to the technical team’s summary of the red envelope event when a call from Sohu Zhang Chaoyang appeared on his mobile phone.

"Mr. Fang, Mr. Fang, you are so strict!" Zhang Chaoyang is the kind of person who is still unsatisfied after reading the feedback on the Spring Festival Gala red envelope. He felt that Mr. Fang made this call before he fell asleep.

"That's it, there's nothing to say." Fang Zhuo said humbly.

"Nowadays, they say you are the God of Wealth on the Internet. This God of Wealth..." Zhang Chaoyang said half-way before he was speechless. This God of Wealth is giving Mr. Penguin Ma a headache. His sincere text messages are now in vain. No wonder the other person responded. A few words.

"It's just a little money. Penguin's 'Letter' is so similar to our 'Yixin'. I just want to see how this 'Letter' goes." Fang Zhuo expressed his attitude.

Zhang Chaoyang thought about Mr. Fang's tight-lippedness and his money-burning red envelope, and completed what he just said: "You, the God of Wealth, are a bit of a genius."

"I'm actually learning from Penguin." Fang Zhuo said the truth, "And I will continue to learn."

"What else? I see your Yixin can give out red envelopes, what else?" Zhang Chaoyang asked.

"Learn from Penguin's QQ space." Fang Zhuo gave a very honest answer this time.

The user growth after the Spring Festival Gala coincided with the launch of Moments, and the entire outline of Yixin was completely formed.

Zhang Chaoyang was silent for a while and sighed: "I'm waiting to see the Penguin stock price on the 17th."

The results can almost be known in advance.

"Where are you from? We also cooperate with Sogou." Fang Zhuo reminded.

Zhang Chaoyang said "hmm" and said excitedly: "I'm waiting to see the Penguin stock price on the 17th!"

Fang Zhuo is very happy, this is the real fox friend.

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