Reinventing the Millennium

Chapter 1120 The wind is strong and the sky is high, the ape is screaming (4k)

The head of Yike has come and gone. Apart from differences in personal perceptions, the competitive relationship between Alibaba and Yike has not changed.

Oh, it can’t be said that there have been no changes at all. The group has mentioned in the promotion of B2B Ali and C2C Taobao that it wants to increase cooperation with Weibo, which Fang Zhuo agreed to.

The relationship between the four giants is relatively tense.

Alibaba's Taobao has defeated Penguin's Paipai, and it has also blocked Baidu's crawler search. Naturally, the annual big promotions are indispensable for overt and covert comparisons with Tesco.

Therefore, although the development of Weibo is becoming more and more popular, Alibaba's investment in it has been limited.

Now, this publicity channel is opened directly from the top, which can be regarded as a win-win situation.

However, as the president who strongly advocates the company's direct entry into the group buying market, Wei Zhe did not relax his decision-making because of Mr. Fang's trip. Instead, he accelerated communication with senior executives.

The boss said that Alibaba’s B2B business must obey the consolidation strategy, which is no problem. The group must pay attention to mobile, and the future of group buying is closely related to the mobile terminal.

There is no problem that senior executives of the Chinese supply chain have doubts about the chaotic industry situation. The chaos is not because it is a temporary trend, but because it has the potential for long-term development. The actions of Yike and Penguin have proved this.

Wei Zhe had a brief chat with Ma Chen, and then quickly communicated with Li Xuhui, Alibaba's COO. He is the chief operating officer of the directly managed central supply department and has an important influence on the decision-making direction.

After reaching an initial consensus with Li Xuhui, Wei Zhe began to communicate with the bosses in various regions. On the one hand, he explained his thoughts and judgments on the group buying market, and on the other hand, he also understood the current combat effectiveness of the team.

It is not easy to open up a new business battlefield. Alibaba is very different from Yike. Its own B2B business still requires a lot of manpower support. Once the decision is made to enter offline group buying, how will the extra positions be divided and who will occupy the original positions? Yes, these are all issues that need to be resolved.

Fortunately, although there was indeed a situation where he was incompatible, in the past two years, as Wei Zhe took the initiative to change and integrate, he has gradually gained influence.

At that time, many people in the Zhonggong Department were only willing to refer to Wei Zhe as "that person", but now he is known as "Mr. Wei" and "Brother".

Wei Zhe has waited for positive and negative communication feedback, but in general, the direction is moving in the direction he hopes.

On April 15, he first hosted an Alibaba B2B meeting and then participated in a group meeting. The discussion was still about the entry point of mobility.

Although he uses group buying as an important aspect of mobile in the future to drive his decision-making, the mobility that needs to be started now clearly requires a more direct entrance.

"Yike caught up with Penguin's mistake, came up with a perfect marketing, and then took advantage of China Unicom's traffic. Looking back, Yike's development is really rare. Penguin strictly guarded against the communication field and switched from PC to mobile. That’s when it’s at its weakest.”

"In the instant messaging market, there are QQ, Yixin, Laixin, and Fetion. If we want to make a messaging portal, it will be difficult to face these competitions, and we still need to differentiate ourselves."

Differentiation is a powerful weapon in competition.

The rise of Yixin requires multiple factors, and with these top products in front of them, everyone at the meeting frowned. It is really difficult.

Ma Ren noticed the atmosphere of the meeting and said: "It's not whether it's difficult or not, it's what we have to do. If we don't do it, we will be left behind. Don't look at Fang Zhuo's smiling face last time. If Yi Xin completely defeats Penguin in the future, he will The planned circle will be closed, and our website link may be directly blocked."

"Over the years, what we have been doing is a platform to create relationships. When people come to us to buy and sell things, it is natural to establish transactional relationships between people."

"Now, we need to settle this relationship and not let users just leave after using it."

"In the past, we have been in e-commerce, whether it is Alibaba or Taobao. This time we want to jump out of e-commerce and embrace the Internet."

Ma Dan is as spirited and passionate as ever.

He finally looked around at the executives present: "It's always difficult to get out of the comfort zone. Before the National Day last year, Yike didn't expect to be able to make communication software what it is today, right? Yike can do it, but we can't?"

Ma 伝 gave the example of competitors.

It was difficult for Yike to start instant messaging last year. It faced a proven traffic overlord, but it still managed to do it.

At the end of the meeting, the combination of differentiated communication products and the group's advantages is the focus of everyone's next thinking.

Wei Zhe took the document and only chatted with Jiang Fang next to him for a few words before he saw the boss was already walking out of the office. He hurriedly hurried to catch up.

"Boss, we have almost reached a consensus on entering the army buying market."

Ma Ren stopped and did not accept the document handed over by his brother. He just asked: "Do you really want to do it yourself?"

Wei Zhe nodded firmly: "Eagle King and I both believe that group buying is an excellent direction. We are naturally suitable for this important track."

Ma Ren said "Yeah": "Then do it."

This is how he delegates power to the B2B business that he started from. Both his brother and the Eagle King have done quite well in recent years. However, the growth of B2B is limited to the naked eye. 30% and 40% are the growth that is celebrated from top to bottom, and Taobao can easily double the price by 100%.

Looking at the group's overall business, the role of B2B cash cows is also declining rapidly.

Wei Zhe also knew this and was the main reason why he couldn't wait to seek change.

Looking back at this point in time, whether we are looking at our brother Taobao or other fast-developing competitors on the Internet, the problem facing China Supply Chain is that the intensive team has never really integrated with the Internet and is only engaged in direct sales. jumping in the framework of thinking.

"Lao Dan" Wang Gang and "A Gan" Gan Jiawei in the Chinese Supply Department are more optimistic, believing that growth and speed are external factors, but more people still hope to make changes.

That's why Wei Zhe was able to promote opinions so quickly. After all, in terms of personal development prospects, the brothers who were transferred to Taobao and Alipay have not made much progress, so it is better to make a splash in the group buying market.

Ma Ren left in a hurry. He still had many things to deal with. Even if B2B opened up a new battlefield, he would feel relieved about this team.

Wei Zhe held the document and felt very excited.

This is the right direction for Ali’s transformation!

"What are you doing standing there stunned?" Jiang Fang, who was passing by, patted President Ali on the shoulder.

"I'm wondering if I should go find Lin Daiyu and call Lao Dan back. I need people here." Wei Zhe came back to his senses and said with a smile.

Jiang Fang understood the situation instantly. Lao Dan came out of the Zhonggong to work as an assistant to Peng Lei and handle Alipay. Now that he is back, the group buying thing will be implemented.

She congratulated and said: "The group buying market is really hot. I think Yike has started to carry out the 300-city plan in a big way."

"Well, Yike is very determined. The rice ball is just the skin that runs on the outside. You never know when it will tear off this skin." Wei Zhe looked serious and still believed that Yike would end up personally.

"It seems to me that Mr. Fang really has no intention of Yike doing it, but he has been using the Six Meridians Divine Sword to discuss group purchases these days." Jiang Fang thought thoughtfully.

Wei Zhe was surprised: "Huh?"

Seeing this, Jiang Fang explained: "Didn't you also add his Yixin friend? He talks about this in the circle of friends, and some of them are quite interesting."

Recently, Mr. Fang’s circle of friends has been jokingly called the “Alibaba Team Building Meeting”, and Jiang Fang can always see a familiar figure in the comments below.

Wei Zhebi was a little surprised. Although he added it, he had no interest in using this software.

After chatting with Jiang Fang for a few more words, Wei Zhe opened Yi Xin on the way back.

The page is clean and clear.

It is indeed in line with the "simplicity" mentioned by Mr. Fang.

Wei Zhe subconsciously commented again and clicked on Mr. Fang's circle of friends.

The first entry is - "Customer first is a principle that every enterprise must adhere to. This is not only the content of Ali's Six Meridians Divine Sword, but also a universal magic weapon for enterprises."

Scroll down and read the second article - "Embracing change is not a formality. Mi Tuan has launched coupons that are refundable after expiration. Many group buying projects are following suit, but Mi Tuan refunds automatically. I think some other companies are still secretive about it. , wishing users could scroll through several layers before finding the application. This is an extremely mechanical way of following changes and is doomed to failure."

Wei Zhe scrolled down in shock, "Good guy, Mr. Fang will talk about Ali for seven days!"

Is this Mr. Ma’s possession or Mr. Fang’s evolution?

When he took another look, he saw many colleagues coming and going, some were likes, some were comments, and Mr. Fang interacted with these comments.

Wei Zhe flipped through the comments curiously, and couldn't help but complain in his heart. These guys haven't been taught enough values ​​in the company, so they go to take classes with the head of Yike after work?

He shook his head, and just as he was about to close the software, he saw another update from Mr. Fang.

——"Integrity, this is the foundation of an enterprise. I went to Alibaba a few days ago and listened to Alibaba's President Jiang Fangjiang talk about this matter. I felt particularly inspired. Why can Alibaba develop so fast? Adhering to this iron rule is important reason."

Wei Zhe looked at the content, thought about it, and gave it a like. What Mr. Fang said was correct.

Soon, he understood why so many colleagues came to class.

This Moments update is after I like Mr. Fang, other mutual friends like it or Mr. Fang interacts in the comments and there are reminders.

Isn't this equivalent to shouting "Mr. Fang has started classes" from time to time?

It really makes people want to see what’s new.

Wei Zhe pondered the new findings and quickly advanced his theory.

Yixin's circle of friends has such a setting, not only to serve itself, but also to serve its own social relationship chain.

Quite interesting.

Fang Zhuo admires Ali’s values ​​​​playing style.

This is not just his business.

As the saying goes, if something is good at the top, it will be very bad at the bottom.

When Fang Zhuo started talking about values, he unconsciously heard other people discussing values.

The head of Yike did not avoid this matter, but actually openly discussed it at the meeting.

Whether it’s putting customers first, embracing change, or integrity, passion, etc., is there a problem with this?

Not only is there no problem, this is indeed a clear or vague principle for many companies.

In fact, Alibaba’s set of values ​​is also derived from the experience of its predecessors.

Guan Mingsheng, who worked for GE for 15 years, is one of the main architects of Alibaba's value system. He joined Alibaba in 2001 and was its first chief operating officer COO, introducing many GE concepts and working methods.

Jack Welch, the head of General Motors, is well-known in China for his corporate concepts and management operations. His "establishing corporate mission is a critical moment that tests leadership", "lack of candor is the most despicable secret in business life" and "through 'value' The guide memo card 'emphasizes the company's unified values' sounds very Alibaba-like.

On the contrary, Alibaba's value system sounds very universal.

Therefore, Fang Zhuo does not shy away from talking about these, but listens with great interest to everyone's analysis based on work examples.

Another work meeting on April 18th was over. At the end of the meeting, everyone discussed the functions of corporate culture.

Fang Zhuo was listening with a smile, but the suggestion from Vice President Qi He made him smile away, and even glared at the YMS person in charge, who was very popular in Yike recently.

"The reason why Alibaba's set of values ​​is effective is that it quantifies values ​​and combines them with the employee promotion mechanism. Performance accounts for 50%, and values ​​assessment also accounts for 50%." Qi He said thoughtfully, " Can we try it too?"

The quantification of values ​​is an important feature of Alibaba's value system and an important factor in ensuring the operation of this system.

Fang Zhuo raised the cup and took a sip of tea, then glanced at Qi He who was waiting for a reply. Well, Xiao Qi, what's the matter with you? Are you serious?

You can talk about it, you can analyze it, but this is linked to your own promotion, you...

No wonder you weren't elected to the board.

Fang Zhuo laughed: "We'll talk about this later."

Then, he looked at Qi He again and put away his smile: "A major factor in Yi Ke's success is to adapt to local conditions. This is very important. We cannot engage in metaphysics, treat problems mechanically, analyze problems one-sidedly, or isolate them. Go solve the problem.”

Although it was only two paragraphs, it was almost severely criticized in front of everyone.

Qi He was embarrassed.

The meeting ended and he was still reflecting on the situation that evening.

After he realized what he had gained, Qi He opened Yixin and scrolled through his circle of friends as usual, only to see a post that Mr. Fang had just updated.

Different from the previous one, Mr. Fang reprinted this news.

It is the latest report from the Sohu website, titled "In-depth investigation, how fraudulent suppliers bypass the blacklist of Chinese suppliers".

Qi He's heart tightened, something was wrong, something happened to the company!

The next moment, he suddenly froze, no, he didn't get the confession. He saw what his boss said every day, and he almost thought it was his own house.


He looked at the boss's reprints and comments, and suddenly felt funny in his heart. It must be a drama now.

The news reproduced by Mr. Fang is completely different from the previous talk. It is extremely concise, and you can see his extreme astonishment. It is just one word and a string of ellipses.


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