Reinventing the Millennium

Chapter 1213 011 New Target (4K)

Zhou Hongyi did not reach cooperation with Mr. Fang on the phone.

But when he put down his phone, he was still very excited.

The listed 360 has already occupied a dominant position in the field of security software. However, it is not enough to support higher results in this field alone, and the reason why it is ready to move into the search market...

It was because Zhou Hongyi discovered that Baidu seemed to have made a strategic mistake. It was still immersed in the PC era and had not put too much effort into the mobile terminal. At the same time, the number of smartphones was soaring and prices were constantly falling. It can be said that in the future, It must be the mobile era.

In addition, 360 aims at Baidu and wants to make business breakthroughs. This path of challenging the strong is also encouraged by Yike.

All users have witnessed the competition between Yike and Penguin, but Zhou Hongyi feels that it is the one that can be called the "trigger". He has deeply experienced the ups and downs of the competition between these two giants in the core field of communications. and intensity, and, ultimately, harvest.

Yike's Yixin is simply the source of traffic that can revitalize the system, and it is the blood flowing under the body of the giant.

Zhou Hongyi noticed this kind of return, and also noticed Baidu's sluggishness on the mobile side, so she came up with the outline and decision to enter the search market. The reason why she still made this call even though Yike had already cooperated with Sogou...

He feels that the strength and space of cooperation between the two companies can still be explored.

Zhou Hongyi tried it herself and asked people in the company to try different search engines. She found that although Sogou was used as the default search engine by Yike YMS ecological mobile phone, this default was not mandatory enough.

He changed the default engine from Sogou to Baidu, and then found... there was no follow-up.

Will it be changed if it is changed?

Not to mention changing Baidu back to Sogou once a day, at least it takes ten and a half months to try to change it back again!

How to occupy the market in this way?

Zhou Hongyi felt that Yike YMS was a little too shameless in this regard.

He believes that either Yike's business focus is focused, or the cooperation between Sogou and Yike is not solid enough, or... Yike is still waiting for the market stock of smartphones and further growth trends.

Today, on the PC side, Baidu occupies more than 70% of the market share, and the remaining less than 30% is divided up by Sogou, Google, Soso and other brands.

However, the situation on the mobile side is completely different. Baidu, Yisou, and Sogou are the top three. Moreover, Baidu's 36% compared to Yisou's 24% and Sogou's 18%, the advantage has been stretched to a position that can be foreseen.

If 360 can obtain some resources from Yike, coupled with its own browser, there will still be a lot of room for development.

Zhou Hongyi was thinking in her mind, knowing that Mr. Fang was going to fly to New York, she also planned to go to Pengcheng.

"Book a plane ticket and let's go to Pengcheng to see how Yisou is doing."

He told his assistant to go take a look at Yisou, which quietly occupied the second place on the mobile side.

Fang Zhuo took the "Qingzi" to New York, and this time the time finally did not go back.

However, there was one more passenger than planned, and Wang Xing, the head of Weibo, was temporarily brought on the plane.

Wang Xing: Mr. Fang, I have something to discuss in person.

Fang Zhuo: Can’t it be done online?

Wang Xing insisted: I want to talk in person.

Fang Zhuo: Come on, bring your passport.

So Wang Xing made a trip to New York.

As for the issue he had to talk about in person... it was his dissatisfaction or dilemma with the development of Weibo.

Weibo has developed very prosperously since its launch. Nowadays, few people mention blogs. However, many of Wang Xing’s ideas based on Weibo have also been restricted.

Group buying is so popular, Weibo wants to try it too!

Yi Ke: Not recommended.

The e-commerce market is still huge, and Weibo may be able to get a piece of it!

Yi Ke: Not recommended.

The social aspect of Moments is also very strong. Should Weibo create a similar one?

Yi Ke: Well...

This kind of restriction in the development of Weibo was even more obvious to Wang Xing after Yixin achieved initial success. If it really failed to succeed in the market, it would be okay. The problem is that the limitations in the system make Weibo uncomfortable.

Wang Xing insisted on finding Mr. Fang this time. In addition to such restrictions, he was also frustrated that Weibo was required to rectify the situation by the competent authorities.

Fang Zhuo's transoceanic flight was no longer boring after receiving complaints and appeals from the CEO of Weibo.

This kind of problem raised by the president of Weibo does exist.

Different departments in Yike Company still have certain conflicts, not to mention that "Yike Department" generally exists in the territory of different companies. In particular, Weibo is increasingly growing into a leading company in the industry, and there is a natural driving force to expand business boundaries. .

Fang Zhuo listened patiently to Wang Xing's ramblings, and waited until he came to an end before asking: "Is this the overall opinion?"

"No, Mr. Fang, I haven't finished speaking yet." Wang Xing felt the boss's hidden will and responded decisively. He continued to pour out the bitterness of the development of public opinion platforms like Weibo. He was very concerned about this rectification. There are grievances.

Fang Zhuo listened a little this time before interjecting: "There's nothing I can do about this."

The power of public opinion on Weibo is more powerful than the previous portal models of Sina and NetEase, so it is inevitable that it will not be noticed in this regard.

"Mr. Fang, can I talk about my grievances?" Wang Xing said.

Fang Zhuo just... couldn't say no.

When this came to an end, Fang Zhuo said slowly: "Mr. Wang, what you said makes sense. Regarding this aspect, I originally considered a direction, but recently President Zhou also mentioned a direction. Please listen to it. .”

Wang Xing nodded, and the first reaction in his heart was to wonder if it was Yike or some Zhou manager on Weibo, or maybe it was from Sina?

"I'm still a little surprised that you're doing so well on Weibo." Fang Zhuo said his true feelings, "I don't think Weibo is enough to give full play to your personal talents. Now the Internet in Southeast Asia is developing very fast. If you want, you can Try this aspect.”

Wang Xing frowned. This was something he didn't pay attention to and didn't expect. However, he subconsciously felt some resistance. There was still a lot of potential in the domestic market.

Fang Zhuo said this, rummaged through two piles of materials, found the market assessment of Southeast Asia, and handed it to Wang Xing.

Wang Xing took it and flipped through it slowly, thinking in his mind.

After a long time, he muttered: "Mr. Fang, the other direction you mentioned..."

"Oh, this." Fang Zhuo said as he flipped through the pages and took out two internal documents from IDC and Yike, "This is the domestic search market."

Wang Xing was slightly surprised and said: "Isn't this Baidu? Well, isn't Sogou doing it?"

Baidu is too strong in this area, and Yike has also cooperated with Sogou, so its ecological position is very limited.

"Well, the main thing is the mobile version." Fang Zhuo said with a smile, "Mr. Zhou thought there was a chance. I thought about it and thought I could try this to see if the ants can kill the elephant."

Wang Xing took the document and couldn't help but ask: "Which Mr. Zhou?"

Fang Zhuo replied: "Zhou Hongyi."

Wang Xing is shocked again, is it the red-coated man who became so angry that he became red-coated? Is it the one in red who helped the boss cut off his last good thoughts? Or is it the man in red who sacrificed his life for Yi Ke?

He flipped through the information, his thoughts were more active this time, and it took longer.

IDC's materials tend to be objective data, including PC, mobile and smart mobile terminals.

Yike's material talks about trend judgment and contacts with other search companies.

“The gap between Yisou on the mobile side is quite big.” Wang Xing noticed that there was not much of a search brand Yisou in his impression.

Yisou has a 24.3% share in the mobile search market, but only 5.7% in the smartphone search market.

"Well, the stock of non-smartphones in China is huge. Yisou was established in 2005. It relies more on the promotion and accumulation of 2G networks, relying on UC and Wap, but now our YMS provides Sogou and Penguin. With its own Sosou, the share of smart mobile devices has dropped." Fang Zhuo said calmly, "The investment department also had contact with Yisou earlier, and the impression was average. It was said that there were more meetings there and there were few leaders with technical backgrounds. .”

Yisou's meetings are Friday summaries, monthly summaries, quarterly summaries, and stand-up meetings sometimes once a day, sometimes twice a week. The product's user base is relatively low, and its competitive slogan is also "rural areas surround cities."

Wang Xing looked at the date of Yike's internal materials. It was May 10, 2011, which was already two months ago.

He thought: "Of the brands on the market now, Baidu is still the best in terms of capital and technology. Those lacking in these two aspects can easily be wiped out."

Fang Zhuo nodded. As for the giant's core business, its strength must be recognized.

Wang Xing hesitated in his heart. Since the boss mentioned it, it must not have been a temporary move. Otherwise, Zhou Hongyi from outside would not have joined in. But... Baidu didn't mention it. Sogou and Penguin's Sosou were cooperating with Baidu. They are not unknown people.

If you try this, what kind of role will you play?

Wang Xing's intuition is that the space here is not very large.

He lowered his head slightly and kept flipping through the materials that he had already read roughly. He couldn't just read what the boss said in case there were pitfalls in it.

Wang Xing learned from watching his boss's competitive methods that he had to think more about everything.

It became quiet in the "Qingzi".

Fang Zhuo didn't want to force Xingzi to make a choice now. He also drew two materials and reviewed Yike's development in the European and American markets.

After falling asleep, Fang Zhuo saw Xingzi still looking at the documents with great concentration.

"Mr. Fang, the development in Southeast Asia seems to be good. It is an opportunity for a challenge." Wang Xing said about the information intake and processing thinking he had spent in the past few hours.

"Software similar to ours like Alipay, Yipay, and Yixin can be tried there." Fang Zhuo said simply.

Wang Xing used his brain and knew that his boss was sincere at certain times. He asked seriously: "Mr. Fang, if you were me, how would you choose?"

Fang Zhuo smiled and said, "Ask me what answer I can give you."

Wang Xing became more serious: "I believe Mr. Fang."

Fang Zhuo took a sip of tea and thought about an arrangement that would be more suitable for Xingzi.

Xingzi is a very stubborn person sometimes. The person who is most annoying to Penguin may not be him, but more likely the CEO who is always jumping around on Weibo.

He thought about it and said: "If you go to the Southeast Asian market, the business there is more diversified, and you will definitely get a lot of experience in terms of vision and skills. If you are in China, you will be more responsible and focused. "

Fang Zhuo thought deeply and said: "Wang Xing, you have always been a person who is not afraid of challenges. If I were you..."

"Okay, Mr. Fang, it is true that facing giants in China may be more challenging." Wang Xing spoke out about his own preferences before the boss finished speaking, but this time he did not activate Mr. Fang's sincerity.

Fang Zhuo was stunned for a moment, Xingzi, this is not the answer, but it is okay.

He nodded and sighed: "Well, if I were you, I would also like to connect Weibo with my own development. Search is just a business direction. As for the domestic market, Mr. Wang and I mentioned it earlier. With the subsequent development, the collection of information has changed from search to push, and the mobile terminal cannot go in this direction and use traditional search engines in the past."

Fang Zhuo paused and continued: "In other words, we need to make a new recommendation engine, information content, and data algorithms."

Wang Xing did not expect that what he heard in this direction was different from what he imagined. He hesitated and said: "Is this still a search business?"

"The mobile Internet is not an extension, but..." Fang Zhuo mentioned what he had said in an inspiring tone.

Wang Xing naturally knew the boss’s quotations and gave the answer: “It’s subversion.”

"It doesn't matter whether search is done or not. It doesn't matter whether it can replace Baidu. What matters is serving users. We don't want to focus on Baidu. We want to be the new cake on the mobile side." Fang Zhuo said.

Wang Xing thought for a while, then stretched out his hand and said, "Mr. Fang, is there any internal material for this?"

He felt that he needed to look at Yike's internal analysis and predictions to help him think.

Fang Zhuo shook his head and pointed at his head. The company didn't have this for the time being.

Wang Xing sighed and complained: "Weibo is not allowed to do this or that. Mr. Fang, you might as well have sent me to do group buying. I think that is quite simple."

Fang Zhuo laughed, Xingzi, Xingzi...

Wang Xing could only laugh along.

"From to Weibo, isn't it satisfying to be successful? Isn't it satisfying to watch the goal you've been dreaming of achieve from the sidelines?" Fang Zhuo joked.

Wang Xing sold to Penguin and started making trouble on Weibo. It was not until he saw that Yixin was firmly established that he had time to put down his hostility and think about the situation of himself and the company.

He had to admit: "This period of time is quite enjoyable. Well, then I will think about it again."

Wang Xing feels that the boss's perspective of thinking is obviously not just for Baidu, but the user ecology under the mobile Internet. It may not be correct, but it is definitely more strategic than the development of the Southeast Asian market.

What a rubbish direction to develop the Southeast Asian market...

"Mr. Wang, do you think there are any suitable candidates for Southeast Asia?" Fang Zhuo asked at this time.

Wang Xing changed his mind and said without hesitation: "The vice president of our company, Wang Gaofei, has very strong business capabilities."

Fang Zhuo was a little surprised. He didn't expect this person to be recommended. He said "hmm" and listed him as one of the candidates to develop the group.

It was eight o'clock in the morning when the private plane landed in New York. Wang Xing, who had seen Pony in his dream, woke up hazy, and the previous conversation came back to his mind. The subversion of the mobile terminal was worth trying with great efforts.

"Come on, since you're here, it's time to take a few days off." Fang Zhuo greeted Xingzi.

Wang Xing nodded, and after getting into the car, he curiously touched the window and asked, "Mr. Fang, is this bulletproof? It must be, right?"

Fang Zhuo glanced at Xingzi: "You'd better go to Southeast Asia."

Wang Xing Heiran, look, you shouldn't consider this option, but if Wang Gaofei really goes to Southeast Asia, I wonder if the boss's security team can be divided.

The motorcade drove towards the city center.

After a long time, the mysterious man returns to New York.

Fang Zhuo felt quite sighing. He didn't know if his old friends were all well, but Sony's old knight was becoming more and more dangerous.

The convoy moves smoothly.

However, just halfway through the journey, Liu Zonghong, the co-driver, suddenly said: "Mr. Fang, SIA has just released a "Global Semiconductor Industry Research Report", which mentioned us in a lot of pages."

Fang Zhuo was slightly startled: "When was it released?"

Liu Zonghong looked at the time: "Five minutes ago."

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