Reinventing the Millennium

Chapter 1377 Hot (4k)

The Zhurong chip equipped with the Ice Core 16nm process on the Yike Mars 8.8 has been subject to various discussions and conjectures in just two days.

However, when it was first presented in data to a global audience, its power still shocked people.

It is true that multi-core performance is only one dimension of chip performance, but Zhu Rong's performance that surpasses Qualcomm's flagship Snapdragon by 27.8% and surpasses Apple's A8 chip by 70% is still too silent!

Is this really a mobile phone flagship released in the same year?

There won't be any problems with the test...

Part-time review blogger Roma felt the shock of his colleagues around him, and quickly re-operated and tested Zhurong's multi-core performance again.

really! wrong!

It’s not 4986 which is close to 5000 at all!

This time it became 5013!

A8 is 2927 starting with 2, Snapdragon is 3899 starting with 3...

Zhu Rong’s number just now started with 4. I tested it again and it successfully fluctuated to 5...

Good, good, so good that I don’t know what to say.

Rohm confirmed the second data, calmed down, and gave his own evaluation: "Zhurong chips, which are one generation ahead in process technology, have obvious advantages. This, this..."

“A8 and Snapdragon 810 are both very powerful chips, but there is a saying about camera products that ‘bigger cameras will kill you’. It means that large sensors can bring stronger shooting effects.”

"Similarly, when Mr. Fang mentioned Zhurong's 16nm process at the press conference, the competition has ended. Zhurong will definitely be better than A8 and Snapdragon 810."

"What we are doing now is to see how much stronger it is!"

"Whether the A8's strong single-core performance in the past or the Snapdragon 810's strong multi-core performance, it has now been surpassed by Zhu Rong, which will undoubtedly bring a better experience to users."

"Mr. Fang said there will be no increase in price this time, and the price is basically the same. Yike's chip has such performance. As a technology and digital enthusiast, it is difficult for me to convince myself not to buy it."

Rohm gave his own feelings about the test data in two dimensions.

After saying this, he continued to use GFBench to test the third dimension data of the three chips, which is the GPU performance of the three mobile phones. This time, Snapdragon finally regained control.

Snapdragon 810 integrates Adreno 430, while Zhurong and A8 both use ARM's Mali-T760 MP8. The former is slightly stronger in this area, although it is only slightly stronger, but it is much better than the previous one.

Rohm showed GFBench data about the four angles of the GPU and held back what he wanted to say. The Snapdragon 810 is indeed good, but I don’t know if this is a factor in its heat.

He was just about to move on to the next test when a reporter next to him suddenly said: "I heard that the 'unparalleled' tablet that Yike will launch next spring will use its own GPU."

Since Yike's delayed launch of the Galaxy 2 tablet restored the hearts of some consumers, this product line has been on the right track.

According to the company's custom, the tablet chips at the spring conference will be roughly the same as the mobile phone chips in the autumn, but the main frequency limit is different. However, this year's situation is special. Next year's tablets will undoubtedly use this Snapdragon.

When Rom heard this, he immediately turned around and asked: "Is it true? Is it true? Where did the source of the information come from?"

Everyone present is a media reporter. Although they are immersed in mobile phone evaluation activities, they have not forgotten their duties.

"I don't know if it is true or not, but the news comes from Yike Silicon Valley Center." The reporter said, "Even if it is not used next spring, it will definitely be used next fall. Yike will obviously not stop in chip design. ”

Yike's investment and layout in chip design are becoming more and more obvious. Zhurong, Jiuzhang and baseband chips... there is no reason to put down GPUs.

Roma couldn't help but nodded and said to the camera: "We can look forward to Yike's performance on the GPU next year. Walker just mentioned Yike's peerless tablet next spring. In fact, this chip in our hands It’s still timeless to put it on next year’s flagship phone.”

"Ice Core International's 16nm is the first time to introduce FinFET. Intel is planning to launch processors early next year. Taiwanese reports will not wait until the second quarter. Then, in the second half of next year, 16nm will still be the world's first-line process, and Ice Core International is likely to Optimizing FinFETs.”

"Taiji, a leading company in wafer manufacturing, was very good at using advanced technology to suppress competitors. This time, Ice Core International has won the world's number one process technology. It can definitely learn from Taiji's practices in this regard."

"This time Yike not only establishes its position as the strongest mobile phone this year, but also ensures its leading edge in the next few years."

Roma evaluated and extended the new news, and his performance made many TV guests on the broadcast nod, saying that there was nothing wrong with it.

"We have measured the scores of single-core, multi-core and GPU, and now we will use the software to run the overall score for your reference."

Roma knew that the performance was obvious, but he still had to complete this link thoroughly.

Because of the previous foreshadowing, everyone also had expectations for the final overall score.

Mars is undoubtedly the leader with a score of 70138, followed by iPhone and Trump at 58194 and 56690.

"No problem, because Zhurong has 4 cores, A8 has 2 cores, and Snapdragon 810 has 8 cores. This total score is not particularly accurate, but Zhurong has at least 20% performance lead, which is certain."

"Why did Yike's Mars 8.8 make such a big sensation this time? Its core processor is the most important factor."

"It's not that Snapdragon and A8 are not strong enough. They are already the benchmarks of high-end mobile phone chips. It is precisely with this benchmark as a benchmark that Zhurong chips still have breakthroughs, which is what shocked us the most!"

"We did not use products from mobile phone manufacturers such as Motorola, HTC, BlackBerry, and Sony Ericsson to test, but directly used Samsung and Apple. This is already a strict comparison."

"Zhurong's performance under such a comparison is abnormal!"

"I can only give my personal conclusion, Yike Mars 8.8 is the most worthwhile mobile phone product to buy from this year to the first half of next year! "

"This is when I haven't tried other functions, and everyone knows that Yike has always been one of the top three in mobile phone tuning."

Rohm gave a closing remark for the chip test, completing the link that many TV stations paid great attention to.

When he started to test the other performances of the three flagship phones, many TV stations ended the broadcast and evaluated the performance of the Zhurong chip.

This is the world's first-hand information, enough to set off more public opinion waves.

Rohm didn't care about these, but just completed the world's first test wholeheartedly.

Just as he expected, Yike's polishing of the overall use of mobile phones this year is still above the standard, whether it is the upgrade of fingerprint recognition, the use of face recognition, or the effect of 4K shooting and the continuation of image level...

These are Yike's strengths!

"Hey, the world's best smartphone, I want to make it clear that I did the review with the witness of many colleagues, and I did not charge Yike Company any fees, so my recommendation is sincere, buy it, buy it!"

"OMG, I really can't find any reason to recommend other competing products!"

"I would like to call Mr. Fang the god in charge of smartphones in ancient Greece!"

Rohm completed the actual test experience of a series of mobile phones, and finally asked two colleagues to open mobile games on three mobile phones at the same time. Without a doubt, Mars loaded first, and Trump and iPhone were similar.

"Our evaluation can only be roughly finished here, and everyone can go and place an order."

"The last thing we tested is heat dissipation, which may take some time to show. I will update the results on my Twitter."

"Although the results are not out yet, I can predict it."

Rohm pointed to the Mars in the middle and said: "Because Yike's chip uses a more sophisticated process technology, it will inevitably reduce the size of the components, which will bring more space inside the phone."

"On the one hand, mobile phone manufacturers want to give us the best performance, and on the other hand, they also have to consider the overall heat dissipation, so every bit of space inside is extremely valuable."

"Yike's Mars 8.8 has a better heat dissipation foundation."

"Thank you for watching and broadcasting."

"This is Rohm from Bloomberg."

Rohm said here, picked up the live camera, and filmed his colleagues who were witnessing the evaluation next to him. It was both respect and proof that this evaluation was absolutely fair and just.

However, the live camera was filming the media reporters leaving the scene, and suddenly a surprised voice-over came.

"Why is Trump so hot?"

The live screen shook for a while, but still did not cut to Trump. I just heard Rohm "cough", followed by a "goodbye" and then the screen went black.

The global first test of Yike Mars 8.8 left people wanting more. Even after the YouTube live broadcast ended, many viewers were still discussing it.

——The king of machines!

——"Why is Trump so hot?"

——OMG, buy it, buy it, buy it!

——Mr. Fang, the god in charge of smartphones in ancient Greece!

Similarly, many people in the Jianzhong community were watching and discussing the live broadcast of the evaluation, and were sincerely shocked and satisfied with Yike's global product launch.

——Hey, this is called a high process, and it is too high!

——Mr. Fang laughed and everyone knew it was Zhurong!

——Strong and powerful!

——Master master master master!

——Awesome pen!

The evaluation of the reporter of "Bloomberg" directly further confirmed the top level of Yike Mars 8.8, and all of Yike's cooperation channels had already exploded before he had even evaluated it.

It can even be said that before the press conference was over, when Fang Zhuo announced the process technology level of Zhurong, there were already sensitive partners and channel dealers who called to contact the supply situation this time.

As Yike's long-standing operator partner in China, China Unicom was very calm at first. Yike's product sales prospects are booming. Isn't this normal?

What's so surprising?

Besides, no matter how popular Yike is, you have to keep a place for your old friend.

When it was late at night after the press conference, China Unicom looked at the completely different popularity this year and suddenly felt a little worried. It shouldn't be that serious. They would guarantee their own supply...

Huo Kaixiang, the director who has always been responsible for the procurement of Yike products, couldn't help but call Yike and got a piece of news that made him extremely uncomfortable and uneasy.

"Alas, Mr. Huo, I can't give you accurate information now. Our country is among the first countries to launch it. However, because it is relatively late this year, and it is Black Friday and Christmas abroad, we have to pay attention to this peak season."

After hearing this, Huo Kaixiang immediately said: "Don't be careless. Users on my side are starting to ask about reservations. Also, what's going on with China Mobile and Telecom? How did I hear that their trucks are parked directly at the factory? It’s at the door!”

Unlike China Unicom, which remains calm, people from China Mobile and China Telecom have taken action overnight.

Huo Kaixiang listened to the hesitation on the other end of the phone and knew that the news coming from the front line was probably true!


Huo Kaixiang was annoyed, thinking about the sales prospects of Yike's mobile phones this time, and the 3G and 4G users that Yike's Mars series had brought to China Unicom in the past. He didn't care anymore and called his boss Wu Yunjun directly.

Wu Yunjun is the vice president of China Unicom and an old friend of Fang Zhuo. He also approved China Unicom's investment in Yixin and provided huge resource cooperation to support the development of mobile Internet instant messaging such as Yixin.

He called Mr. Fang on the morning of the 16th. He first congratulated Yike Mars on its popularity, and then talked about China Unicom's supply guarantee.

"I'm really not sure about the arrangements on the supply chain side, Mr. Wu. In this case, I'll ask Mr. Li over there to take a look at the situation and let him connect with Mr. Huo." Fang Zhuo was very happy to receive the call.

Mr. Wu is an old friend and holds a high position, so how can he not give him this little face?

Wu Yunjun was very satisfied.

However, in just half a day, he saw Huo Kaixiang's hurried face-to-face report. He was dissatisfied with the supply arrangements of Yi Keli Songqing. One of the important reasons was that the mass production time of Ice Core International's process was too close, no matter how to increase the horsepower. Will also be nervous.

What's more, Yike sells products globally and has divided the first, second and third batches of countries and regions this year.

"Mr. Wu, Li Songqing said that operators in the United States and Europe have even begun to adjust their cooperation ratios. Is this... is this a lie to us?" Huo Kaixiang mentioned a detail of the exchange.

The cooperation between operators in the United States and Europe and Yike is a multi-year contract. The 199/299 and other packages there are divided by Yike. China Unicom has always known this.

But to say that Yike Mars 8.8 directly shakes the share ratio, is this too magical?

Wu Yunjun pondered, feeling that he would not lie to himself about such a thing.

"How about we push more on the iPhone?" Huo Kaixiang made a suggestion and added, "The iPhone is also available in Tuhao Gold color this year."

Wu Yunjun said angrily: "What a bad idea, what bullshit rich money, how come your aesthetics are so vulgar! I'll call Fang Zhuo. I still don't believe it. If it doesn't work, I'll fly to Shanghai to find him!"

The world's number one product like Yike will bring extremely huge influence. Supply is still a trivial matter. Don't let China Mobile and Telecom come up with any unreasonable cooperation!

Wu Yunjun adjusted his mood before calling Mr. Fang for the second time.

After listening to what Mr. Wu said about the supply problem, Fang Zhuo thought for a moment and said with a smile: "The supply is really tight this year. Let's do this. Mr. Wu, I will let Mr. Li make arrangements later. No matter what, I will squeeze in , Mr. Wu will forgive me if it’s more or less. In addition, we have a new color scheme this year, which everyone calls Tuhao Gold, and we will distribute some specifically for China Unicom.”

Wu Yunjun was overjoyed when he heard this: "Okay, Mr. Fang, I understand, I understand, Yike's performance this year is so encouraging! Hey, gold is good, gold is good, local tycoon gold, Yike is this Kingly style, have fun with users! ”

Huo Kaixiang, who was listening to the call between his boss and Mr. Fang, was stunned. Mr. Wu, you, you...that vulgar aesthetic you just had...

Now this is the style of a king, are you having fun with users? !

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