The phone call between the head of Yike and BIS officials was recorded and leaked.

This caught both Yi Ke and Fang Zhuo off guard.

It is understandable that the call was recorded, but if it was leaked at such a juncture, it would definitely cause an uproar, and... it is difficult to say whether it was accidentally leaked...

That night, Fang Zhuo received constant calls from home and abroad, asking about emergencies and Yike's global business.

In the early morning, there were still various interview calls from abroad, but the phone finally ran out of battery.

Seeing that Fang Zhuo had no intention of charging or changing his phone, Su Wei joked: "It's all Mars 9's fault. If it weren't for this battery life upgrade, I would have been able to turn off the phone and go to sleep."

"This is the life of a person..." Fang Zhuo shook his head and said with emotion, "Do you know what I was thinking just now? I was just wondering if, for many days and nights, the friends and businessmen I had dealt with were also like this in the dead of night. Watch the stock price fall."

Su Wei was surprised: "Okay, President Fangda actually wants to change his mind?"

"I just thought that everyone walking around in the world will inevitably encounter some similar moments. It's normal for you to stab me and me to stab you." Fang Zhuo said.

"I understand, the CEO had nothing to do with the recording, and now he's being recorded, right?" Su Wei said with a smile, "He should have been hit by a boomerang today."

Fang Zhuo lightly hummed and said, "Do you know how George from BIS explained it to me?"

George, another person in the recorded call, was responsible for temporary permits as part of his job.

"He actually called you..." Su Wei felt a little strange, "How did he explain?"

"He said he was using a Samsung mobile phone, and he swore not to disclose the recording to anyone. He didn't know how the recording was circulated," Fang Zhuo said.

"I'm afraid I'm worried that you, Mr. Fang, will blame this matter on him in anger. Maybe he has started to notify his relatives and friends now. He will never have suicidal thoughts." Su Wei said quietly, "Even if you, Mr. Fang, are not angry. , if the protection is not complete, the interests of other institutions will be seriously damaged.”

This call recording was an unexpected impact. Yike's stock price on Nasdaq has plummeted today, falling by one degree in more than three hours after the market opened.

"He is an official of BIS, who has nothing to do with this bad luck." Fang Zhuo said disapprovingly, "We are just willing to admit defeat, but the short data of Nasdaq has not been disclosed yet. I don't know if they are causing trouble this time. ”

He had been suspecting for the past few hours that it was not an accident, but a careful plan.

However, the world sometimes supports the grass-roots team. If it is accidentally leaked, it will be leaked. The thing has already happened, and there is not much meaning in investigating how it happened.

"What should we do now?" Su Wei asked, "How about we stop attending the meeting tomorrow? At this time of the year, whatever is said will be amplified."

"I don't hesitate to express my personal position." Fang Zhuo sighed, "But it is indeed easy to be magnified. If you can take care of it, you have to take care of the US market."

Whether it's a call with friends or a shadow shareholder himself, the moment when Yike's conflicts break out is when the third provisional license ends, that is, in 2016.

But the current emergency situation has made things more obvious. If Yike is unwilling to give up cooperation with Bingxin, it will really face restrictions.

Unlike Bingxin International, Yike is still a company with widespread influence and a market value of more than 300 billion. The losses will undoubtedly be huge.

However, BIS will obviously not be lenient.

Will Yike give in?

Yi Ke should back down.

But whether Mr. Fang will give in or not...

The uproar that had been caused at this time focused on this issue. The exposure of private call recordings seems to be different from the official attitude expressed by Yike.

Yike has always expressed that it is actively solving problems.

Mr. Fang he positive?

He seems to be actively fucking others.

What Yike needs is not this kind of positivity...

Almost within ten minutes of the New York Times exposing the recording, many heavyweight media outlets analyzed it one after another and even started to criticize Yi Ke and Mr. Fang.

——"Yike has reached a very dangerous moment. This moment comes from its unscientific management structure. If a company is in the hands of a madman, no matter how great the company was in the past, it will eventually fall to the bottom."

——"Fang Zhuo is crazy!"

——"Fang Zhuo is really crazy!!"

——"Is Yike ready to lose the world market?!"

——"Mars 9 will be Yike's swan song!"

——"Yike lost his charm because of Fang Zhuo!"

With the words "Fuck u", the best president in the world made the worst decision, and the media openly called on the Yike board of directors to fire President Yike, just like Apple once expelled Steve Jobs.

The Wall Street Journal first reported the leaked recordings, then explored BIS’s position on Yike, and finally explored the possibility of Yike expelling the founder.

The first thing that needs to be eliminated is the effect of the board of directors, because this is firmly in the hands of the founder. It seems that only the American president Schroeder has a certain tendency.

So, will it be possible for Yike's shareholders to undertake this operation?

In the past two years, Fang Zhuo has maintained a relatively regular pace of reduction of holdings. He still holds 27.6% of Yike's shares, plus some institutions with Chinese-funded backgrounds, and... It cannot be ruled out that the head of Yike secretly controls Shares...

Even if the extraordinary general meeting of shareholders is successfully held, what impact will Fang Zhuo's prestige have on the shareholders who can attend the meeting, from founding Yike to leading it to become the world's best mobile phone brand?

To take a step back, for a company that has developed like Yike, even if it is lucky to use the extraordinary shareholders meeting to expel Fang Zhuo, the management deeply influenced by him will not make the situation better.

Taking a step back, if the conflict between Yike and BIS is really irreversible, would Fang Zhuo's presence or replacement be more conducive to protecting the interests of shareholders?

The Wall Street Journal had to come to the conclusion that since shareholders have enjoyed the glorious development of the company led by Fang Zhuo to this day, they must also bear the losses caused by his madness.

Moreover, even if he didn't want to bear it, considering his control over the company, he had to bear it.

The call recording was leaked for twelve hours. From day to night, and from night to day, the media reported all kinds of things at both ends of the world. Some people even named this incident, calling it the "Fang Zhuo Recording Incident." .

When Fang Zhuo woke up the next day, he found that he had an extra incident. Before he could taste the strangeness in his heart, he received a call from his brother Zheng Danrui, who is now in charge of business work.

"Mr. Fang, I guessed that you were busy yesterday, so I didn't ask. Is it really impossible for Yike to reach temporary cooperation with UMC and Intel now?" Zheng Danrui asked a question.

"Brother Zheng, the initiative in this matter is no longer in my hands. Now that even the phone calls have been recorded and exposed, Yike and I are even more passive." Fang Zhuo replied, "Yike has always been willing to add suppliers, and has always We are talking, but nothing comes out of it. There is an extra impact here.”

Zheng Danrui mused: "Yike's global business is rare."

Even he felt pity.

"Brother Zheng, my understanding is that since BIS has issued a temporary license, since Yike is always unable to reach cooperation for one reason or another, and since Yike naturally stands in the same camp as Bingxin, they will not stop "If they stop, it will only mean that they have made such a decision."

He continued: "I am more willing than anyone else to continue to gain nutrition from the global market, but now it is probably time to hit them head-on."

"This is a challenge that Yike needs to face, but I still say that. It is also a rare development period for the domestic semiconductor industry."

Zheng Danrui made clear President Fang's determination and sighed: "It's just a pity."

"Yike will come back when the big and small problems are solved. What's more, Yike won't be too bad now." Fang Zhuo maintained confidence.

After the phone call with Zheng Danrui ended, subsequent calls were basically handed over to the secretary.

Fang Zhuo still attended the Internet industry conference.

On his way to the venue, a piece of news that received little attention spread in the domestic semiconductor industry. SMIC's 20nm has entered the stage of mass production and is already commercially available.

News about Yiko and Ice Core has been flooding the screen recently. Especially last year, Mars 8.8 achieved the first place in the world with its 16nm process. Public opinion often discusses the most advanced technology.

But in fact, SMIC’s 20nm is also very advanced in the global market.

Taiwan Journal and Samsung started mass production of 16nm this year. UMC and GlobalFoundries are close to mass production at this node, and they are barely on the front line. SMIC's current mass production of 20nm is only one generation behind them.

This generational gap was worthy of celebration in the past, but because Bingxin belongs to the first line of the first line and is still half a generation ahead, SMIC appears to be well behaved.

But the domestic semiconductor industry all knows the gold content of SMIC's news, but it is inevitable that they will be a little bit...

It is said that someone from SMIC suddenly picked up a 20nm process manual while walking in the factory.

It is said, it is said that the FinFET process manual was picked up together with the 20nm process manual.

But no matter what, SMIC's progress seems to be somewhat inspiring at this moment.

The car arrived at Yike Center.

Liu Zonghong, the secretary of the co-pilot, saw the reporters outside and said hesitantly: "Mr. Fang, why don't we just not participate today?"

Even though he was used to seeing big scenes, the heat gathered by the media today still shocked him.

"It's okay. The popularity has gone down after everyone reported it. I thought about it again and again, but it's okay." Fang Zhuo was very calm.

The car slowly slowed down, greeting the flashing lights and reporters surrounding it.

What arrived together today was not a car, but a motorcade, with security personnel getting out of the car to maintain order.

Fang Zhuo got out of the car calmly and heard a sudden burst of questions.

He turned a deaf ear and walked along the space squeezed out by the security personnel.

"Mr. Fang, Mr. Fang, Intel's new CEO is already on his way to Shanghai. Will you renew cooperation?" The latest news was received in a reporter's question.

Fang Zhuo was a little surprised, but still answered: "Yike is actively solving the problem. We welcome all cooperation that is beneficial to each other."

He doesn’t know what Intel’s new CEO is here for, but he’s probably here to beat the wind.

When the reporters saw Mr. Fang speak, they asked more questions.

"Mr. Fang, what do you think of the restrictions of BIS? Is your Fuck as the head of Yike or Bingxin?"

Fang Zhuo was amused by such a question. He looked at the direction of the question, not knowing who asked it, and casually quoted the media's words and answered: "As the craziest CEO in the world."

He quickened his pace to get rid of the blockade.

When Mr. Fang was about to enter the venue, a reporter asked a question so loud that his voice broke: "Mr. Fang, will Yike surrender?"

Fang Zhuo turned around, but did not answer, only gave an expression and eyes.

His expression was stern and his eyes were disdainful.

As for how the media would interpret it, it's better to just write it casually now.

As the head of Yike entered the venue, the media who came temporarily and could not enter the venue instantly recovered from the hustle and bustle, and many colleagues circulated the photos taken from different angles to each other.

In particular, Mr. Fang's last look back almost locked the picture for today's report.

"Hey, what will happen to Yike?" A reporter also felt that Yike's prospects were difficult to guess.

"I don't know." The reporter next to him admired today's photo and said, "But Mr. Fang is really crazy... Crazy and graceful! So crazy!"

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