Reinventing the Millennium

Chapter 244 A blue and white porcelain song (two in one)

On December 26, at 7 o'clock in the evening, Shanghai Yike Technology will hold a product and new song launch conference on the Shanghai Grand Stage.

For this press conference, Shencheng Yike invited all the media reporters and portal websites that could be invited, including the travel expenses that played a role, as well as the network resources provided by IDG Capital, Today Capital, and Shenxin Technology Innovation.

Because of this, reporters present found that the nature of their colleagues was quite confusing.

If nothing else, what on earth is a trainee reporter with "Today's Statement"?

Is President Yike going to reveal that he has misappropriated company assets?

However, apart from some confusion, reporters found that the formation was quite large.

The Shanghai Grand Stage was originally the Shanghai Stadium built and used in 1975. It was renovated and renovated in the past two years for theatrical performances. The upper and lower floors can accommodate up to 10,000 spectators. It seems that it is a bit used to hold a company's product launch conference. Overkill.

Liu Nuo, a reporter from "China Sports News", came to the big stage in Shanghai early. He remembered that the last time he reported that this place was the "Best Sports Building in Shanghai" in 1998, he didn't expect that he would be asked to report on it three years later. Product launches by private companies.

It's quite interesting to think about.

In particular, it is even more interesting to see Xiao He in "Today's Statement".

Liu Nuo chatted nonsense with the people next to him, walked to the trainee reporter He Junhan and said hello: "Xiao He, who brought you here?"

It was the first time for He Junhan to experience such a multi-media scene, and he was a little at a loss. He turned around and saw his senior from Communication University, and said quickly: "Brother Nuo, uh, it was the director of production in Taili who asked me to fool him and go through the motions."

Liu Nuo couldn't help but laugh. He was a graduate who was several years older than He Junhan. He met this junior sister at the alumni association last year: "Just fool me, don't say it to my face like this. If someone from the company hears it, they might write you off." Here’s the pen.”

He Junhan couldn't hide his frustration and said: "You came to my column to listen to the press conference... Such a company is inexplicable no matter how you look at it."

Liu Nuo laughed loudly. Indeed, no, people from sports newspapers like him were also brought here.

He asked the young junior sister to sit down and looked around. Since we were paddling today, he just started chatting about gossip: "The boss of this company is named Fang Zhuo, do you know that?"

"I know." He Junhan nodded, "As for the champion of this year's "Win in China", I previously built a registration network but failed to make it, and now I am working on a player."

Liu Nuo sighed: "You're not good at your homework. Fang Zhuo is not a simple person. Is it worth talking about who is a champion and not a champion? He just cheated from venture capital, ah no, how much money he raised Already?"

He lowered his voice and said mysteriously: "Many people have heard that there is a picture hanging in Fang Zhuo's company. Let me tell you, this is not a rumor."

He Junhan asked curiously: "A picture of characters?"

Some people are on the first floor and some are on the fifth floor.

I have never even heard of this junior sister...

Liu Nuo's interest in gossip faded a bit, but thinking about the bond of being from the same family, he still popularized the origin of "the scenery is long-term and it is advisable to keep an eye on things".

He Junhan was shocked when he heard this: "Then, didn't this give Fang Zhuo an amulet?"

"Hey, Fang Zhuo doesn't necessarily need amulets, right?" Liu Nuo guessed, "The registration network he started is something that ordinary people can do? Xiaohe, if it were you, would you, an ordinary person, think of doing it? A place with such many mountains and mountains in the medical field?”

He Junhan understood the meaning. There was someone else behind Fang Zhuo.

Yes, who in the right mind would do this?

Just when the two were still wanting to chat, the entrance to the big stage suddenly became noisy, and young people began to pour in from the rows of aisles.

Liu Nuo and He Junhan looked back at the same time, neither understanding what was going on.

At this time, a host on the main stage picked up the microphone and reminded the order: "Hey, hello, students, fans and friends, don't be anxious, don't crowd, take your seats in order."

The media team was a little confused. Logically speaking, it is normal for this kind of press conference to have an audience, but the audience brought by Yike was too many!

This is hundreds or even thousands!

However, the reporters did not make a commotion. Instead, someone raised a camera to capture the scene.

The Shanghai Grand Stage is divided into two floors, also divided into inside and outside. The second floor is not used. The reporters sit in the front row of the inner circle. Now that many spectators have poured in, the area in the outer circle has been filled.

The original emptiness quickly became full.

"Brother Nuo, what's going on?" He Junhan was confused.

"Maybe I'm here to listen to the music... Didn't Yi Ke say 'cum' new song launch conference? The brand spokesperson they signed seems to be popular recently. He is a singer from Baodao, named Zhou, Zhou Helun." Liu Nuo suddenly said Can't remember the singer's name.

The host on the stage spoke again: "Dear guests, friends from the media, classmates, and partners of Yike and, good evening. Today is the launch of Yike Technology's blockbuster product, and it is also the launch of singer Jay Chou. New song conference, thank you all for coming."

"Today we have prepared a new product experience for everyone. Because there are too many people, the staff will distribute it to everyone during the press conference. Now, please enjoy "Nunchuck" brought to us by singer Jay Chou."

The lights on the Shanghai Grand Stage were dimmed, and the lights on the main stage were turned on. Jay Chou slowly walked out with a microphone in hand.

Liu Nuo was delighted. He had never seen such a product launch conference before.

Is this a product launch or a concert?

In the background, someone had the same confusion.

Li Lan, the vice president of marketing of Yike, was very opposed to doing the press conference this way. However, the marketing director Yu Hong firmly said that she would do what she wanted.

Although the vice president of marketing was two levels lower in terms of position, the work that was originally his own responsibility could not be easily manipulated.

As soon as Li Lan heard about the plan, he immediately went to see Director Yu.

"Mr. Yu, is this a press conference or a concert? Is it necessary to go to such a big stage? Is it necessary to use so much manpower and material resources?"

"It is necessary." Director Yu answered without hesitation.

In Li Lan's view, this kind of hesitation was an infringement of his authority. You had to discuss it and hesitate, but it happened that although the other party was the marketing director, he was still a shareholder and was granted authority by the president before he went abroad.

"Mr. Yu, the cost of holding a press conference like this is very high. Our company has just started to develop. I think..."

Director Yu's interruption was still without hesitation: "I asked Mr. Fang, and his answer was 'whatever it takes'."

Li Lan had no objection.

In other words, he can only reserve his opinion and then execute it in a depressed manner.

Li Lan was responsible for most of the work of contacting the media, organizing college students, and fans and audiences in the society for this press conference.

However, he still felt that this was not necessary.

I have never seen any domestic company do this!

"Mr. Li, are the staff arrangements for issuing J1 correct?" Marketing Director Yu Hong interrupted Li Lan's thoughts.

"We have assigned our respective areas of responsibility, and we will start posting after Jay Chou sings two songs. There are nearly a thousand people present today, and it will probably take a while to post." Li Lanhui reported.

Yu Hong nodded with satisfaction.

Li Lan felt a little distressed. In name, it was a new product experience, but in fact, it was giving J1 to the people present. The cost of this alone was upwards of one million.

"Okay, you watch more, and I'll look at the words again. I'm a little nervous." Yu Hong took out her card and didn't hide her nervousness.

The previous M1 new product launch was done by Fang Zhuo. At that time, I saw others talking and laughing, but this time it was my turn and I felt the pressure.

Yu Hong took deep breaths continuously. She was already familiar with the product parameters. What she wanted to talk about today was not only these, but also a comparison with foreign products, and sales through foreign channels to consolidate the domestic brand image.

Also, J1’s Kung Fu Panda Logo will be announced.

According to Fang Zhuo, domestic new products are only called J1. Although the P1 sold overseas also uses flash memory, the price/performance ratio is not high enough and does not meet the domestic situation. It only needs to be placed in US channels and advertising.

The staff at the backstage were busy, and Yu Hong silently memorized the lyrics, and soon heard the cheers outside.

In September this year, Jay Chou released his second album "Fantasy". Compared with the first album "Jay", which did not make any waves in the mainland, "Nunchaku" in "Fantasy" has already had a good reputation. popularity.

It was impossible to say that he had any fans last year, but the fermentation in the last three months of this year has made many young people fall in love with this Tao Island singer with unclear articulation.

When Yu Hong heard the end of the first song, she knew that there would be two more songs before she went on stage to release J1. She suddenly wanted to call Fang Zhuo.


The call didn't go through.

There was another burst of cheers from the stage outside, and the second song ended.

Yu Hong calmed down, put away her cards, and became a decisive and heroic marketing director again.

She asked about the time, and asked about order and safety when the show was over, and then simply enjoyed the Baodao singer's performance at the entrance. According to the arrangement, Jay Chou would play and sing the last song "Blue and White Porcelain" after she finished talking about J1. .

This is also the scene that is currently being advertised, and is now being reproduced for media reporters to help promote it on a larger scale.

Yu Hong has listened to this song over and over again these days and has unparalleled confidence in its effect.

Another song ended, the host continued his speech on the stage, Jay Chou walked backstage, and Yu Hong walked forward.

"Hi, Mr. Yu, the audience is so enthusiastic." Jay Chou greeted.

Yu Hong's mood calmed down at this time, and she said with a smile: "Just treat it as a small concert. Jay Chou has never held a concert in the mainland, right?"

Jay Chou was a little uncomfortable being called "Dr. Jay" in such a harsh manner, and nodded: "Yeah, no, it was held twice in Taoyuan and Xiangjiang."

"Come on, come on, there will be more in the future." Yu Hong encouraged, indicating that she was going to take the stage.

Jay Chou wiped the sweat from his forehead. His first "concert" in the Mainland was indeed very stressful.

The host has already invited the "Marketing Director of Yike". Yu Hong walked out under the lights. A projection lit up behind her. On it were two Chinese characters for "Yike", and the middle pattern was a panda with upright legs.

"Hello everyone, I am Yu Hong, the marketing director of Yike. Behind me is the new image of the company's brand."

Yu Hong took the microphone and spoke calmly and gracefully. Her voice was steady and her appearance was outstanding.

The fans who were originally dissatisfied because of the interruption of the "concert" were relieved to see a beautiful director come out.

The reporters in the front row already knew that there was no president Fang Zhuo at this conference. They had no interest in Yike's executives, and they were not as surprised by the director's appearance as the ordinary audience. They listened silently to her explanation of the new music player product. J1.

Compared with M1, the storage hardware of J1 has changed. The micro hard drive has been changed to flash memory, and it has been changed from 5G to 128M.

This is simply a qualitative change.

However, no one is very familiar with the concept of flash memory, so they just listen to the marketing director talk about the cost and advantages of flash memory.

Later, she talked about the development of the Yike brand and the popularity of M1 both at home and abroad. She had to mention the combination of the Internet and music that Fang Zhuo had mentioned.

During this period, the staff in the audience began to hand out new J1 phones one by one to everyone present for experience. Because of its relatively high value, many media reporters could not accept the gifts directly, so the name "experience" is very appropriate.

Director Yu on the stage finally announced the company's philosophy, which is to grow together with Chinese musicians and jointly welcome the arrival of the digital music era with a positive attitude.

At this time, the projected content changes to the white model and price of J1.

1799 yuan.

This price has caused many viewers who have already received the new phone to grasp the product box in their hands, and it has also made more people who have not received it become eager.

"Mr. Jay Chou has just brought you wonderful songs, but I guarantee that the new song he will release today will surprise you even more."

"This new song of "Blue and White Porcelain" has been built into all our J1 machines. The new machine you got today to experience can also go back and enjoy it slowly."

"Now I'd like to invite Jay Chou to sing "Blue and White Porcelain" for everyone."

Yu Hong took over the role of host and announced the performance of the last song.

A piano has been placed in the middle of the stage. Jay Chou, who took a break while the machine was released, sat energetically under the lights and played the first syllable softly.

——The blue and white strokes are outlined by the embryo, and the peony painted on the bottle is just like your first makeup.

Jay Chou's singing echoed across the Shanghai stage.

The charm of "Blue and White Porcelain" also spreads.

Yike should start replacing its own advertisements on the 15th of this month. There is a lyric in the new advertisement "The sky is waiting for misty rain, and I am waiting for you" which is liked by many people, and many of you here know this sentence.

But when I really waited for the complete song and heard this sentence embedded in "Blue and White Porcelain", I still felt a sense of surprise.

"This, this song..."

"It sounds great!"

"This Jay Chou looks like a king!"

There were also reporters present from the film and television entertainment industry. When they saw Jay Chou singing like this under the lights and in front of the piano, they couldn't help but express such emotion.

However, when the song ended, Jay Chou on the stage approached the microphone and said, "When listening to "Blue and White Porcelain," use J1." It still made people laugh, even if this was indeed the exact words in the advertisement.

This sentence made many people return to reality from the national style, and return to a reality where they can make judgments.

"Blue and White Porcelain" is sure to be a hit!

Then...J1 may also seem to be popular.

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