Reinventing the Millennium

Chapter 269 Who will God spare? (Please vote for me)

Fang Zhuo’s donation to SJTU was not a temporary idea.

He had vaguely had this idea when he was in New York, but he didn't think about it because he was too busy. This time, it was the Japanese experience that made him decide to do it.

What Fang Zhuo and Xiao Su judged as "Yike's constraints on Lexiang" is not the risk of their own key parts being constrained by manufacturers.

Take the micro hard drive as an example. The reason why Yike and Apple unanimously chose Toshiba is because it is the only one with the most stable commercial use on the market. Although Hitachi is also doing it, according to Teacher Xu, the quality is not comparable to Toshiba.

Yike signed a supply contract with Toshiba very early on, but the contract in black and white was revised once due to the purchase of Apple, a US listed company. Will there be any changes in the future?

Especially Sony, which has great influence in Japan. It has fallen behind in pure market competition. Will it use some off-site tricks?

Maybe there is a bit of paranoia, but it can also be said that he is prepared for danger in times of peace.

Fang Zhuo understands that many rules are just cover-ups that do not touch the bottom line.

History is like a little girl who can be dressed up. Power has the right to dress up.

Of course, Yike is still far from it, and it can only bully a newly established small company like Japan Lexiang.

In the next two days, Fang Zhuo was in Shanghai, and his main job was to focus on the market development of domestic music players.

On March 11, iMusic’s testing, patents, and processes were all reviewed, and it was quietly launched on the official website.

Fang Zhuo, President of Yike, became the first consumer to use it.

iMusic has a simple design that allows users to synchronize songs from the software to the player within three steps. However, due to system differences, iMusic's music transfer speed is much slower than Apple's iTunes.

However, although Apple's high-speed transmission has an exclusive patent, it can only be used in its own system.

Once Apple's iPod becomes compatible with Microsoft, the music transfer speed will be on the same level as that of Ico.

This is good news.

This morning, Fang Zhuo tried to use the software in the conference room with his colleagues watching. He fiddled with it for a while, looked at everyone's eyes eager to comment, and expressed his opinion.

"I think our iMusic is cooler than Apple's software."

"Who designed the action at the beginning of this software? This panda doing drunken boxing is quite cute, so there must be a bonus!"

"Our software is the most focused on racial equality in the world. Look at the black and white, how well-proportioned it is!"

"The interface for song transmission is also good, with the black and white rotating Tai Chi pattern. I just don't know if users like the United States can accept it."

Fang Zhuo praised the product and technical team until he beamed with joy.

Finally, he raised a small question: "You have to study this CD and MP3 burning and transcription thing. It needs to be locked. Only CDs can be unilaterally transcribed into MP3, and the reverse function needs to be locked. But don't put this version online now." , let’s take a look at the feedback from the U.S. market first.”

Everyone in the conference room responded.

Fang Zhuo chatted for a few more words, and the informal trial meeting ended.

Then, he called Yu Hong, the marketing director in the United States.

"Xiao Yu, have you used iMusic? It's easier to use than I thought."

It was ten o'clock in the evening in the United States, but the background of Yu Hong's phone call was the sound of wind: "I just got off the plane and was heading to the city in the car. I haven't used it yet. You think it's useful, then. It must be useful.”

"Ha, that's not what I said. It depends on everyone's feedback." Fang Zhuo said with a smile, "Thank you for your hard work, Director Yu. I will go over to help you at the end of the month."

Yu Hong said simply: "Okay, I'll see you at the end of the month. Let's put it this way. I still have a call to make, so I'll hang up first."

Fang Zhuo hung up the phone, not thinking about New York, but thinking about accelerating the cooperation with Xiangjiang Universal Ventures.

He thought for a while, organized some words, and then called Liang Qihua from Huanyu. After the greetings, he introduced the other party's progress in Yike in a low profile, not only the release of software, but also the development of the domestic market.

Although the focus of the previous description is the future software story, the development of the domestic basic market always makes people more confident.

The two sides chatted for a long time, and Liang Qihua determined a time to lead his team to Shanghai. He would also arrange for a small team to follow him to New York at the end of the month.

If nothing unexpected happens, Yike's A-round financing will include IDG China, IDG America, and Xiangjiang Universal, but the shares released will be lower than planned a year ago. Fang Zhuohe's bank equity pledge procedures are already in progress, and he has The meeting will use part of its own funds.

In the evening, Fang Zhuo had another call with Xiong Xiaoge. The other party was still helping to find suitable venture capital or private equity in Xiangjiang, trying to inject more power into Yike's Series A round.

In the early hours of the morning, Fang Zhuo, whose mind was full of things, had just turned off the lights and had a rest. The cell phone on the bedside table suddenly vibrated rapidly in the quiet night.

"Hey, Xiaoyu."

Fang Zhuo glanced at the caller and estimated that it was morning in New York.

"iMusic went online last night, and this morning, we received a letter from a lawyer from the Recording Industry Association of America, RIAA, accusing us of infringement." Yu Hong's voice was a little urgent, and she was describing the matter according to American time.

"Go online in the evening and receive the lawyer's letter in the morning. Has the RIAA been watching us for a long time?" Fang Zhuo turned on the light, put on some clothes and got out of bed, comforting him, "Don't worry, it will happen sooner or later, it's just, This does come a little too early.”

There was deep worry in Yu Hong's voice: "This lawyer's letter is really damaging to everyone's morale. We are all afraid that it will have an impact on the promotion of the software. Should we remove iMusic from advertising first?"

Fang Zhuo categorically rejected this proposal: "No, actively respond to the lawsuit, don't be afraid, don't think of fighting against the government and the people. The RIAA is not a government, it is an industry association. It has won and lost. In terms of morale, you You have to find a way to encourage.”

He continued: "In addition, we also have a counterclaim against the RIAA, accusing them of hindering the development of digital music."

"Xiao Yu, don't panic or be afraid. RIAA's actions are not surprising and are within our expectations."

"There is a phone number for the law firm in the office. You can contact them directly later."

"I also have a big law firm that cooperates with the MIGA Foundation. I will send you the phone number later. You can also contact us. They have a great reputation and will be responsible for countersuing. If the Korean Dimeng Company can win, we will Not afraid either.”

"Remember, Xiao Yu, be resolute and have a resolute attitude."

"Your core thinking now is that they are bucking the trend and hindering the development of digital music. This has been done before, and the United States attaches great importance to the results of similar previous cases."

Fang Zhuo said a lot in one breath.

Yu Hong took a long breath. She was under great pressure when facing letters from lawyers from industry associations across the United States.

The point is also that this time shows that the other party is prepared.

Fang Zhuo asked again: "Xiao Yu, do you understand what I said? Do you need me to change my itinerary and fly over?"

Yu Hong hesitated for a moment and said: "You should finish your work at home first. What you just talked about were all procedural things, right? Do we have to wait for a while if we really want to negotiate and get results?"

"Yeah." Fang Zhuo confirmed.

For a while, the only sound on the phone was each other's breathing.

After about ten seconds, Fang Zhuo asked again: "How about I fly over in the next two days? The procedural stuff is fine. I'm afraid that this morale won't be boosted, and everyone will have nothing to do. Still have to do it.”

Yu Hong had already weighed the pressure and measures during the quiet time between each other, and her tone was more decisive: "No, I will convey your meaning to everyone, and you can proceed as planned. The matter at hand is also very important. "

"Xiao Yu, is that okay?" Fang Zhuo asked for the third time.

"Okay." Yu Hong raised her voice, "Xiao Yu can't say no!"

Fang Zhuo finally laughed: "Okay, if you have any questions, call immediately. There's nothing else to say. In one sentence, imperialism is just a paper tiger. Don't be afraid."


call ended.

Fang Zhuo checked the contact information of Cadwalader Law Firm on his phone and sent it to Yu Hong.

After he finished this, he thought about the cause and effect of the incident and future responses. When he looked at the time, it was already past two in the morning.

The weather in Shanghai was still a bit cold in March. Opening the windows and letting in the fresh air made Fang Zhuo more sober.

He smoked half a cigarette, thinking that it was daytime over there in the United States, so he called Attorney Martin from Cadwalader Law Firm and talked with him about the RIAA and Yike's involvement.

Attorney Martin’s field of expertise was not in this field, but after hearing this, he said calmly: “Fang, I don’t think you need to worry too much. You also said that there has been a similar lawsuit before, and the probability of RIAA’s success is low. You guys are tough. A counterclaim is launched, and the most likely direction of this matter is reconciliation between the two parties."

"Moreover, I think your company can consider asking the RIAA to pay compensation. Its vulgar, disrespectful, legal, and suppressive lawyer's letter that suppresses the development of new technologies has had an extremely negative impact on Yike's business and society."

"The law firm will help you collect evidence and will use practical actions to show the RIAA that although Yike is from China, it is a company that is proficient in American rules and is not easy to mess with."

Fang Zhuo felt a little more relaxed and spoke highly: "Lawyer Martin, you are really the best lawyer I have ever seen."

"Thank you for your compliment." Martin really thought it was nothing, but asked with concern, "When can your company buy the shares of Sina shareholders? You must try your best to choose shareholders with the most shares to trade."

"Well, I'm trying my best." Fang Zhuo's mind was temporarily focused on Yike's lawsuit.

Martin talked about the law firm's research on commercial mergers and acquisitions, and promised to provide the best solution on the RIAA matter.

Of course, the best solution also means high costs, but as Martin said, law firms will try their best to pass this cost on to the RIAA.

Fang Zhuo heard this and the other party was very optimistic about Yike's counterclaim against RIAA.

Because of this connection, I was finally able to sleep well in the early hours of the morning.

The next morning, the first thing Fang Zhuo did after waking up from adequate sleep was to pick up his cell phone and prepare to contact Yu Hong, but he counted the time and didn't have the heart to interrupt.

Thinking of speeding up the work at hand, he rushed to the company and squeezed in his schedule, planning to fly to New York earlier.

Unconsciously, after getting off work, Fang Zhuocai suddenly thought of contacting Yu Hong, but then he thought, since the other party didn't call, it meant that there was no new situation for the time being.

No news is good news, and there is no need for pressure from one phone call a day.

Two days have passed, and some feedback on the use of iMusic has begun to appear on online forums in the United States. They are generally favorable, because the current music management software on Microsoft systems has complicated functions and tries to pack as much content as possible into one software.

Fang Zhuo has tried various software on the market and also used iTunes on the Apple system. Therefore, his first requirement for the development team is - simplicity, simplicity, and simplicity.

The current iMusic has met this requirement and can be regarded as a breath of fresh air among the coquettish bitches.

Fang Zhuo doesn't even understand why some software does such a poor job...

"Xiao Yu, how is the situation?"

On March 13, Fang Zhuo took the initiative to contact Yu Hong.

"Everything is normal. Cadwalader Law Firm has been studying the case and situation for the past two days and believes that there is no big problem." Yu Hong repeated the original words of the lawyers. They thought the RIAA's complaint was ridiculous.

"That's good." Fang Zhuo was relieved. He felt that many times it was just a matter of thinking. When everyone heard the lawyer's letter and the lawsuit, they subconsciously thought it was bad. In fact, one's side was not necessarily unreasonable.

The development of digital music is also a new thing in the United States, and there are also no sound legal provisions. However, case law at this point is conducive to quick response at the legal level.

This is also part of Fang Zhuo's confidence. Otherwise, he might consider other methods more.

On the night when I contacted Yu Hong, a phone call came from Sina CEO Wang Yan with good news.

"Mr. Fang, didn't you say last time that Yike Investment planned to buy some Sina shares? You don't need to buy them from the secondary market." Wang Yan conveyed a message after greetings.

When Fang Zhuo heard this, he immediately felt that things were heading in the direction he hoped for most, and asked calmly: "What does Mr. Wang mean? Are you going to sell me the shares you hold?"

"That's not true. Mr. Duan Yongji, our major shareholder of Sina, intends to sell some of his shares. I thought you told me about Yike Investment, so I came to ask you." Wang Yan said with a smile.

This is just right!

Fang Zhuo pondered but did not immediately agree happily, and asked: "Mr. Duan seems to be Sina's largest shareholder, right? Why does he want to reduce his shareholding?"

Reduction of shareholdings by major shareholders is often a sensitive matter.

Wang Yan said easily: "It's to improve life."

Fang Zhuo: "!!!"

This reason seems a bit familiar!

Fang Zhuo immediately thought of his 1 million bank card, which was originally exchanged for cash for this reason. Well, now he is actually buying other people's shares for this reason.

If you don’t believe it, look up and see who God will spare!

"Mr. Fang, what do you say?" Wang Yan asked, not knowing what Fang Zhuo was thinking.

"Yike Investment is happy to become a shareholder of Sina." Fang Zhuo said with a smile, "When will we go to Beijing to record a program next time, let's meet and discuss it in detail."

Wang Yan made a pleasant joke: "Sure, Sina welcomes Yike's investment. I heard that Mr. Fang has a great reputation in the investment circle. He will help to promote our Sina stock in the future."

Fang Zhuo shook his head repeatedly. His reputation in the investment circle...

He breathed out silently, Mr. Wang, Mr. Wang, you are still joking with me, this time you have really led the wolf into the house!

Ming San.

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