Reinventing the Millennium

Chapter 377 Sincerity to each other (two in one)

The fragrance of tea overflows, and politics and business are in harmony.

There was silence and peace in the conference room where everyone was thinking.

Logically speaking, it stands to reason that such a large semiconductor project should be financially supported, which is also normal.

Lin'an received the news and immediately squeezed out a budget after learning about the wafer factory. The number was 500 million.

However, as the visiting president revealed that the project budget exceeded the estimate of 10 billion, his investment psychological line was broken.

Wu Nianyi knows the city's finances very well. Lin'an's city-wide budget expenditure this year is 16.359 billion. It is only halfway through the year, and the budget has already been exceeded.

This 500 million was squeezed out by squeezing left and right.

Yes, the semiconductor project is very big and important, but with so many areas in the city, aren’t other aspects important?

The money was spent happily here, how to explain other aspects?

Medical care, transportation, agriculture, etc. all require money.

Wu Nianyi calmed down slightly and said with a smile: "We in Lin'an will definitely support Mr. Fang in locating the project here. Whether it is funds, land, talent attraction, placement of employees' families, etc., we will support it as long as it is needed."

Fang Zhuo nodded happily, this is the taste of hometown.

Wu Nianyi changed the topic: "But, Mr. Fang, the investment in this place you are talking about can easily cost one to two billion. The difference between one and two is huge. What is the specific structure?"

Fang Zhuo nodded silently, it was his second hometown after all, he understood.

He pondered and said: "The semiconductor industry requires a lot of investment, especially the various equipment purchased in the early stage are very expensive. This is something that really requires cash. It is impossible for a wafer factory to wait for money to buy equipment until half of the work. The risk is too great." , and it’s difficult to retain talent.”

"Our country itself is short of talents in this industry. We have started to ask headhunters to search around the world, including Baodao, Singapore, Japan, South Korea, and the United States. These all require funds."

"In order to save money, our equipment will also be purchased second-hand where appropriate."

"So, Mayor Wu, cash is indeed more important."

Fang Zhuo pointed out the real difficulty. It was not that he wanted the lion to open his mouth, but that the fab was a gold-eating beast.

The happy time is always so short, and the atmosphere in the conference room gradually became serious with the words of the young president.

After giving his reasons, Fang Zhuo continued to talk about the investment issue: "If we change the project, of course the more local investment, the better. I may wish that it would be 100% local money, but the wafer factory involves international equipment procurement, and we Foreign capital must be introduced to reduce the risk of blockade, so the ratio of 2 billion has been set.”

The young CEO didn't play casually and directly stated his request of 2 billion. The implication was that he didn't ask for more.

He could clearly see the Lin'an leaders across from him swallowing their saliva in unison, knowing that this number might be a little shocking.

But, there is no way!

Fang Zhuo took another sip of tea, gently spit out the tea leaves stuck to his lips, and sighed: "I know that the city's finances may be a little tight. After all, our project came quite suddenly. As society develops, money is needed in all aspects." .”

Meng Xianghe Ning nodded and said: "That's true, Mr. Fang, you have done projects in Lin'an, so you should know our situation better."

Fang Zhuo said yes and frowned slightly: "But even so, I think the semiconductor industry is worth investing in."

When things are important, they still have to be sorted.

Fang Zhuo sees it this way from his own perspective, but is not sure what Lin'an thinks.

He could only speak his mind and try to find a like-minded friend.

As for how to find it, of course it depends on how much money your friend is willing to pay.

Wu Nianyi and Meng Xianghe communicated a few words in a low voice.

Fang Zhuo waited for a while and reintroduced the identity of Yu Jun, associate professor of Fudan University, who introduced the prospects of the semiconductor industry and wafer fab projects.

He estimated that Lin'an should have found professionals to understand it, but he would like to explain it from his own perspective, which would also give the other party time to think.

Associate Professor Yu Jun showed no stage fright at all and was even a little excited. He explained semiconductors and fabs in a simple and easy-to-understand manner as if he were in class. He also used SMIC as an example to express his optimism for the development of the industry.

In fact, he did not receive much salary as a project consultant this time, and now it is just a normal analysis of the future by an industry person.

The development of SMIC has really given domestic industry practitioners a lot of confidence. In particular, the news of its listing is even more exciting.

The associate professor talked eloquently.

Fang Zhuo took this time to observe the expression of the leader opposite.

He has already felt that Lin'an is struggling and cautious in terms of funds. Otherwise, he prefers Yangcheng in his heart. The economy there is more developed and the funds should be more abundant.

In fact, if Shanghai had not already had a young and beautiful SMIC, the "Ice Drink Project" could try to win over it. They are top-notch in terms of talent, capital, urban development, and industrial clusters.

After Associate Professor Yu Jun finished his speech, the two leaders nodded slightly, said a few words, and then asked Director Liu from the municipal office to stand up and speak, introducing Lin'an's various support for the semiconductor project.

Fang Zhuo listened to the content very carefully.

The land provided by Lin'an is rent-free, and the tax is willing to provide a "3+3" policy, that is, the first three years are exempted, and the next three years are halved. As for other aspects, such as talent introduction, employees' families, etc., there are also arrangements.

Fang Zhuo sounded unsatisfactory.

To say how good it is, this is not as good as the treatment that Shanghai gave SMIC three years ago.

To say how bad it is, Fang Zhuo has also been given a lot of preferential conditions. Fang Zhuo has never felt this kind of warmth before.

"Mr. Fang, we in Lin'an are very sincere and believe in Mr. Fang's ability." Wu Nianyi waited for the other party to digest the information for a while before slowly saying, "In terms of funds, we will continue to fight with the finance department, but the city is really I'm quite nervous. Do you think this will work? Let the bank give us more loan lines. Wouldn't this also maximize resources?"

Bank loans are one way, but it should be a regular condition. Like Shanghai City, they invest and lend.

What the "Ice Drink Plan" needs now is to bind shareholders. If it is replaced by a loan, it is now said to be very good. If something happens and the bank gets stuck, we will be very passive.

The money invested by shareholders is truly invested, and the bank must pay it back no matter how interest-free it is.

If SMIC, the industry benchmark, encounters difficulties and is not allowed to get a loan from the bank or does not renew the loan, it will only cause trouble.

Fang Zhuo thought in his heart, still with a smile on his face: "Yes, Mayor Wu, I can feel the sincerity of our Lin'an. We can discuss and confirm the funds again. I will go to see the land in the afternoon."

Wu Nianyi breathed a sigh of relief and said happily: "We have to see the land, and we have to eat. It's getting late. Let's go, Mr. Fang. Let's eat first. Only when we are full can we have the strength to do things."

"Hahaha, I've been thinking about an authentic scallion bun stew for a long time." Fang Zhuo laughed.

Director Liu, who was sitting in the back, changed his color slightly and quickly took out his mobile phone to send a text message. All he had prepared for lunch were West Lake vinegar fish and Longjing shrimp... Who has nothing to do to make scallion fried dough sticks wrapped in pancakes?

The host and guest in the conference room stood up and left chatting and laughing. Not everyone in Lin'an participated in the lunch round. Two people were left to summarize the negotiation information so that other leaders who were not present could make a judgment on the matter.

Just when the Shencheng group was chatting and laughing with Lin'an leaders during lunch, the municipal finance and other departments, which had been waiting for a long time, got the latest news and made an assessment.

The most important one is the investment of 2 billion!

2 billion, one project!

One project, 2 billion!

It’s just nonsense!

Liao Qiliang, the director of the municipal finance, immediately changed his face when he heard this figure. He controlled his emotions and patted the table gently: "Mayor Li, you know the financial situation of the city. This Fang Zhuo is too loud! We still treat him as such. God of Wealth! I think he regards us as God of Wealth!"

The person who presided over the analysis meeting was Li Dingguo, the deputy mayor of Lin'an. He said thoughtfully: "People invest more themselves and ask for high prices. Why don't they just sit back and pay back."

"His sky is too full!" Liao Qiliang shook his head repeatedly. "That's what he said. He said he already has 500 million US dollars, so does he really have 500 million US dollars? If he can't protect himself, he will be a wolf with nothing!"

Liao Qiliang became more and more enthusiastic as he talked: "Where did he get so much money? I saw some rich list. There can't be so many! Mayor Li, we have to be careful!"

Li Dingguo thought about it and said: "It's not all their own money. Rich people only have the ability to attract investment."

The secretary on the other side said: "The most important thing is whether this project can be completed. I have asked many teachers from Zhejiang University in the past two days. The semiconductor industry requires both funds and technology. After all, Fang Zhuo was not in the industry before. This one."

These words pointed out the worries in everyone's hearts.

If you say 200 million or 500 million, you can just squeeze it out. After all, he is the richest man in Shanghai, so he still has the face and protection.

However, as this number increases to 2 billion, the weight of "the richest man in Shanghai" rapidly decreases, and other aspects must be considered.

Why is Shanghai willing to invest in SMIC?

Because SMIC is led by Zhang Rujing, an expert who has been immersed in semiconductors for more than 20 years!

What about Fang Zhuo?

Although he is a successful entrepreneur, although he is a bit young, everyone recognizes his business abilities and his sense of social responsibility, but this is two different things from the semiconductor project.

What if the project doesn't succeed and they leave, what will happen to this mess?

These are extremely realistic considerations.

To be more serious, whoever dares to make a decision to guarantee an investment of 2 billion for entrepreneurs working on cross-industry projects will be responsible for his success or failure.

Li Dingguo nodded silently, clasped his fingers on the table, and thought for a while: "In order to squeeze out more financial resources, we also sent people to Shanghai to understand the situation of SMIC on the spot. This matter cannot be rushed. It is easy to make mistakes in the rush."

Director Liao Qiliang sighed and said: "Okay, but the city is really nervous. I'm not complaining. The mid-year expenses have already been incurred."

Li Dingguoyi frowned: "With so much nonsense, who is not nervous? You are nervous, but others are not nervous when working on projects? If there are no problems with such a project, that is a great thing!"

"Okay, okay, I'll squeeze it in. There's no problem with the project. The city is paying for it." Liao Qiliang still expressed his stance.

The small meeting lasted for two hours. After Shen Cheng and his party went to see the land accompanied by the leader, they broke up and had lunch.

In the afternoon, the leaders and CEO watched the scene in person. They were all sweating under the July heat.

After taking a short rest in the evening, both parties discussed each other's situation.

Wait until dinner time and chat while eating and drinking.

At the dinner table, there was a warm atmosphere as people drank and drank. On behalf of the city, Wu Nianyi modified an important condition and increased the investment budget from 500 million to 700 million.

He patted his chest in public and said that the project will be allowed to proceed smoothly in Lin'an, and the talents and families of the fab will be able to feel at home here.

The atmosphere at the Chinese wine table is that kind of scene that is hard to refuse.

When Wu Nianyi finished saying this and took the lead in drinking a glass of wine, Fang Zhuo was very passive. Especially, everyone was looking over, waiting to express their opinions intentionally or unintentionally. A leader like Mayor Wu was so proactive in giving such an interview. …

Fang Zhuo could only raise his glass and said with a smile: "Not to mention others, I immediately felt at home in Lin'an. Coming here from Shanghai, I was very nervous about this semiconductor project, fearing that I would not be able to do it well, and fearing that I would not have enough money. Not enough to hold it up and run.”

"The leaders of Lin'an are so caring and supportive of our project. I, Fang Zhuo, am grateful from the bottom of my heart. I can't just drink this glass of wine. Come on, Professor Yu, Teacher Zeng."

Fang Zhuo glanced at his people and said, "This glass of wine is from our project team to Mayor Wu."

The entire project team of 11 people drank a glass of wine.

Fang Zhuo filled himself a second glass and said with a smile: "This second glass is our thanks to all the leaders in Lin'an and Zhejiang who care about our project. We really have nothing to repay, so it's all in the wine."

A group of people stood up for the second time.

This time, the leaders of Lin'an also returned the wine. The scene was very lively for a while, and the on-site statement was settled in a hazy way.

We drank a little too much at the bar in the evening, but Fang Zhuo and his party returned to the hotel and held another summary meeting.

The conditions in Lin'an are basically clear.

Investment 700 million.

The land is rent-free.

Taxes are 3+3, the first 3 are tax-free and the last 3 are halved.

Talent introduction, employees from outside the province and abroad are provided with subsidies, and their families can be assigned jobs.

Banks can provide interest-free loans, and the local Lin'an Bank and China Construction Bank can currently provide 10+8 loans.

There are all kinds of conditions, covering many aspects.

Most of the team is happy with this.

"The attitude of the leaders of Lin'an is indeed good. It is okay to give such conditions in a hurry." Fang Zhuo concluded.

Liu Yangyang nodded. She knew all the leaders she met today, but it was the first time she saw so many smiles on their faces. She didn't expect that the first day went smoothly.

"But we still have to go to the next one and give time so that the leaders don't have to be in such a hurry and let the leaders think more about it." Fang Zhuo said considerately.

Associate Professor Yu Jun was drinking tea to relieve his hangover. He choked on the tea and coughed repeatedly.

Fang Zhuo sighed: "The main thing is the money. 2 billion really stumps a heroic man."

Lecturer Zeng Xiaoyang asked: "Does it really cost 2 billion? Is this the bottom line?"

Fang Zhuo glanced at him, but did not answer the question. He just smiled and said, "Teacher Zeng, drink tea. Look, your face is red from drinking."

The evening summary meeting ends.

The project team did not leave Lin'an on the second day and flew to Yangcheng on the third day.

On the second day, the two sides were still in contact and discussing.

When Fang Zhuo was about to fly to Yangcheng on the third day, the director of the city office who came to see him off hurriedly answered the phone and told the young president that the city's investment amount was mentioned at 800 million, and the tax rate was 4+4.

Fang Zhuo immediately thanked him and said very sincerely: "The multi-party inspection of the project is not just my intention. After all, I have invited other institutions, and I still have to look at their opinions."

"But, Director Liu, don't worry, I have feelings for our Lin'an. I, Fang Zhuo, started working in the registration network from here, and I have always regarded this place as my hometown."

"No matter what, I will give priority to our Lin'an."

The young president led the project team to board the plane and flew to the higher, handsomer and richer city of Yangcheng.

Director Liu saw them leaving and couldn't help but sigh to his left and right: "This little Mr. Fang is still good. He comes to An as soon as possible when there is a project. He is sincere in everything he says and does."

The person next to him nodded and said, "If you don't tell me, how could someone succeed at such a young age?"

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