Reinventing the Millennium

Chapter 536 Calling friends

Something happened to the head of Skyworth, which caused a lot of repercussions.

Competitors in the television industry are gearing up to pay attention to the latest news.

Outsiders like Fang Zhuo who were innocently involved also maintained a high level of attention.

Other spectators are waiting for the follow-up development.

As a party involved, Skyworth has remained silent due to the sudden incident, and the Hong Kong Exchange has suspended trading in the shares of this listed company.

As of the 30th hour after the incident occurred, the media's "China Digital TV",, and all sent exclusive interview teams to Xiangjiang as soon as possible to report on the progress of the incident.

At one o'clock in the afternoon on December 17, the media interviewed Shen Jian, deputy marketing director of Skyworth Group.

The deputy marketing director first denied that the suspension was related to the fact that Skyworth had just borrowed 500 million yuan to invest in panel production lines.

Secondly, authoritative information will be announced on the official website after five o'clock in the afternoon.

Finally, he also said that there will be a media conference attended by senior executives later, and the group directors are on their way to Xiangjiang.

At two o'clock in the afternoon, Sina obtained exclusive first-hand information and interviewed a person close to Skyworth's senior management.

"This time is just a change for some of the group's senior management. Most of the directors have already arrived in Xiangjiang."

"Vice President Sun is presiding over the daily production and sales work of the group, and the business will not be affected."

"Moreover, major channel dealers like Beijing have already been in contact and have expressed their support for Skyworth. They will also start promotions this week to give feedback to our consumers."

Generally speaking, despite the incident involving the leader, the group's affairs are not in chaos.

Further information needs to wait for the official website and press conference.

At three o'clock in the afternoon, a small meeting was held in the conference room of Shencheng Henglong 23. The main participants were the head of Changhong, the vice president of Changhong, legal experts who are familiar with Xiangjiang style, and channel dealers who are familiar with the home appliance industry.

And Fang Zhuo, an innocent person who was watching.

"According to the situation in Xiangjiang, Mr. Huang is likely to be released on bail within a few days, and the subsequent judgment may last for a long time."

"This matter has attracted much media attention. After all, it is a well-known listed company. I am not optimistic about Mr. Huang's response."

This is the judgment of legal experts.

"The channel partners have all signed contracts. At this time, Skyworth will definitely appease everyone."

"I heard that the big channel dealers will officially express their stance. Big home appliance stores like Gome, Suning, Dazhong, and Yongle will help maintain the stability of the brand."

"This news should be accurate."

This is a channel dealer who knows the inside story.

"We have contacted headhunters and are working overtime to contact them."

"However, judging from the two or three middle-level managers currently reported by headhunters, Skyworth is relatively stable internally and is not easy to poach."

This is Changhong’s vice president responsible for executing competition.

Ni Runfeng, the head of Changhong, listened and asked questions, occasionally glancing at Mr. Fang. However, the young president who lent the conference room and helped find legal experts remained silent throughout the process and did not even ask questions.

After another discussion in the conference room, Ni Runfeng said that he would increase his efforts and then looked at Mr. Fang again.

Fang Zhuo waved his hand to signal the end of the meeting.

After everyone left, he said to Ni Runfeng: "Old Ni, you have to be willing to give me a position. Luzhou Meiling is not as involved as Changhong itself, so this kind of space must be given."

"Skyworth has handled it better than expected. If we miss this, we won't have such a good opportunity next time."

"Tsk, it would be more appropriate if you have an example."

Ni Runfeng knew that the example mentioned by Mr. Fang was Jin Zheng, which had a similar incident in the middle of this year. The company immediately stopped production at that time, but Skyworth did not mess up.

He thought for a few seconds and said, "Then I'll make a phone call in person."

Fang Zhuo glanced at Lao Ni and felt that it was really not easy for him to be so shameless. He nodded slowly and said, "Lawyer Yang just made a judgment. Even if Mr. Huang is released on bail, he will not be able to escape the crime in the future. He will poach people from Skyworth." It’s a fundamental thing.”

"But now if I want to take advantage of the situation to gain market share, I have to think about it, and I still have to attack the distribution system."

Ni Runfeng felt that Mr. Fang really wanted to kill Skyworth...

But then I thought about it, Mr. Huang had always offended others, and Mr. Fang would not be able to do justice to his reputation unless he added insult to injury.

Therefore, many friends lead to many paths, and don't offend anyone if you're not a friend, especially Mr. Fang.

"The distribution system is definitely the key thing for Skyworth to maintain now. How can we change this?" Ni Runfeng asked.

Fang Zhuo was silent, his thoughts kept jumping.

While listening to this small meeting just now, he has been thinking, in addition to helping Changhong, the brother unit, to benefit, and thus giving the alliance of Bingxin and Changhong a brighter future, is there anything else that Yike can gain from the unexpected incident?

In other words, can Yike's subsidiary B2C Yiguo gain something?

After hearing the statements from the channel about home appliance stores and hearing the names of Gome, Suning, Dazhong and Yongle, he suddenly had a vague idea in his mind.

Needless to say, Suning and Gome, Dazhong Electrical Appliances and Yongle Electrical Appliances are also quite famous stores now. Fang Zhuo still has a vague impression that these two companies were later acquired by Gome. The reason for this impression is because of the director of Yongle Electrical Appliances. Long Chen Xiao.

Gome also had Mr. Huang, who also committed a crime. Chen Xiao, who later joined Gome due to the acquisition, had a battle at that time, and the impact was quite large.

"Old Ni, you do your thing first, and I will consider the distribution channel business later." Fang Zhuo said slowly, "I'm going to have a meeting with some friends to discuss it."


Are you discussing how to kill Skyworth?

Ni Runfeng had an idea in his mind, but he also felt that Mr. Fang had a different kind of motivation.

The old man is more calm and doesn't ask questions, since he will know the situation sooner or later.

At this point, he suddenly felt like he was being beaten. Mr. Fang was spending so much money for Changhong. If Changhong didn't bundle the chip needs with ice cores, would Mr. Fang go crazy?

If Mr. Fang went crazy, he might not know what to do with himself and Changhong, but he had some useful information.

Ni Runfeng left Hang Lung 23 with this idea in mind, intending to coordinate the positions and benefits that Luzhou Meiling could offer.

Fang Zhuo actually had no intention of knocking Lao Ni at all. He was unjustly misunderstood from the beginning. But now, in addition to being curious about Skyworth's subsequent changes and watching the excitement, he also has more considerations about Tesco B2C.

Take advantage of the situation and adapt measures to local conditions.

You can invite friends over to discuss the development of the project.

The old bear had to shout that he had money in his pocket.

The new sister has to shout, she has money in her pocket.

Let’s call Wang Fengyi from Shenxin Technology Innovation. He has been promoted and has money in his pocket.

Fang Zhuo called out and urged the three of them to come to Shanghai for a meeting, either at other times or tonight. No one would wait if they were late.

In this way, it was also in the last month of this year that I officially proposed the Tesco B2C project to chat with my friends. The last time I invested in Dangdang, I was frustrated, but this time I still inevitably ended up personally.

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