Reinventing the Millennium

Chapter 572: Calming it down (two in one)

The second meeting called by Stringer was over.

The time was shorter than yesterday, and the content of the discussion also changed.

At 9:50 pm, five Sony Group executives left, as did five think tanks from different companies around the world who had good relations with Stringer.

A quarter of an hour later, Fang Zhuo appeared in Stringer's suite.

"Fang, why do you suspect that there is Nakabo Ryoji?" Stringer opened the cigar box and motioned to the young president to take it himself.

Fang Zhuo cut a cigar and said with a smile: "Isn't it normal for me to be suspicious of Japanese people?"

Stringer was startled for a moment, and then he realized what he meant. Fang was not suspicious of the five executives, but of the Japanese... This was not the fault of the five executives, but the fault of the Japanese. .

"Besides, I see that you are not very familiar with them. I met these five people for the first time today, and I don't know what their relationship is with you." Fang Zhuo took a puff of his cigar, "Since Nakaba Ryoji is a representative of the local faction , it seems normal to install one or two executives to listen to the Americans’ ideas.”

Stringer frowned and corrected: "Fang, I told you that I am British and I have the honor of a knighthood."

In 1999, Stringer was awarded the Order of Honor and Knighthood by the British royal family in recognition of his outstanding performance at CBS and Sony America and his outstanding contribution to the television entertainment industry.

"Yes, yes, Sir Stringer, I am rude." Fang Zhuo said with a smile, "Who made your performance in the United States so dazzling? No one can ignore the outstanding performance of Sony America."

Sir Stringer nodded with satisfaction. This reason sounded quite pleasant coming from the mouth of a wealthy Forbes man.

The two of them smoked cigars quietly in the room for a while, each thinking about the meaning of this little trial tonight.

If everything goes as usual, it's nothing but a wasted evening of meetings.

If this happens, it will prove that Ryoji Nakahata, a representative of the local elite, has the desire to attack under the "cautious and typical Japanese management style".

The five Sony executives tonight basically came over on their own initiative. Four of them had experience working at Sony America and were Stringer's formal company subordinates a long time ago.

If this kind of "initiative" is mixed with Nakahachi Yoshiharu's instruction, and considering the "little chairman" power unique to Japan as a "representative director" that he pursues, then this person's intention is highly questionable.

Does it represent the meaning of a considerable number of people in Sony - that they can reluctantly accept a foreign chairman, but still have to control the company's strategy and development?

Even if Stringer becomes the head of Sony, will he be sidelined?

Under such circumstances, Stringer, who may "unprecedentedly" become the first foreign chairman of Sony, must consider it.

"I don't know the situation at today's meeting, so I didn't ask any more questions." Fang Zhuo smoked half a cigar and said slowly, "If everything goes well at this shareholders' meeting, what actions are you going to take against Sony?"

Stringer said without hesitation: "Reorganize the board of directors, introduce outside directors, and abolish the existence of 'representative directors.'"

Any company leader who wants to reform must control power, otherwise he will not be able to implement his will.

Fang Zhuo shook his head and said: "No, I want to know your business ideas for Sony Group. Whether it is the shareholders' meeting or the board of directors, the power they grant depends on the development of the group under your rule. This is fundamental."

Stringer hesitated for a second this time before saying: "The group needs to cut back on bad businesses and lay off redundant employees."

He waited for a few seconds, but Fang always gave no feedback and continued: "Sony's financial situation is in poor condition and it has lost its ability to innovate. It must focus on viable businesses and products."

"Not only the group's domestic employees, but also the United States and other regions around the world, must reduce 8,000-10,000 employees, and must cut at least ten product lines."

The British jazzman who may become the head of Sony used three "musts" in a row.

Fang Zhuo frowned slightly and instantly remembered the resurrection of another famous Japanese company. Nissan appointed the Brazilian Ghosn as CEO. It was this man who revitalized the company through drastic layoffs and restructuring.

But although Sony and Nissan are both in trouble, and although they may both have foreign leaders, the situation is still different. The latter is worse than the former. Sony is currently in a state of stalemate, and a reform of this scale is bound to encounter great difficulties. resistance.

To eliminate resistance, an airborne foreign chairman may have to do a lot of persuasion and exchange.

"Fang, you know Nissan, right? Just like its reforms, Sony also needs to do the same." Stringer also mentioned Nissan, which had a similar situation in Japan.

Fang Zhuo nodded and considered: "It is not easy to change the bloated structure and redundant employees. Have you communicated with Nobuyuki Idei?"

Stringer smiled and said: "To save Sony, this is what must be done. I haven't talked to him about this yet. If possible, I hope to communicate with him one by one after he is elected chairman."

Fang Zhuo was not very optimistic about this reform direction and thought: "Then you need a president who can cooperate with your work."

The topic turned back to Nakahachi Ryoji.

Is this a suitable partner or an ambitious local elite who wants to sideline the foreign chairman?

"The main thing is that I don't have much influence on the appointment of the president now. The only way seems to be to talk to Nobuyuki Dei about this position when I see him." Stringer was a little dissatisfied.

Especially, considering the reforms he wants to implement, it seems that no matter who becomes the president, he should live in harmony with him in exchange for the other party's assistance.

Stringer asked: "Fang, do you think I should be tougher?"

He wanted to hear the young president's opinion on this.

Fang Zhuo pondered again and again, shook his head and said: "There is a Chinese saying called 'stopping with stillness'. Now that you have arrived in Tokyo, no matter when Idejing sees you, he will always want to see you. Likewise, no matter what those local factions want to do, What, they have to take your attitude into consideration too.”

"Use stillness to stop, suppress it with stillness."

"Let's first take a look at what kind of Japanese elite Nakahachi Ryoharu is."

Stringer listened to the Chinese vocabulary translated by the young president, tasted it, and was deeply convinced.

Thinking at the best, maybe Mr. Fang is paranoid?

That evening, Yoshio Yoshino, vice president of Sony Electronics, was very busy. He first attended a meeting with Vice Chairman Stringer, and then hurriedly responded to inquiries from group vice president Ryoharu Nakahachi.

At 11 o'clock in the night, Yoshino Yoshio met his boss Nakahachi Ryoji and several colleagues.

"President Zhongbo, today I met a person in the hotel who did not come to the meeting yesterday. He is very valued by Stringer."

Yoshino Yoshio solemnly stated the latest discovery: "He is from China, he is Fang Zhuo, and he is the president of Yike."

All Sony local executives were shocked, it was actually him!

To talk about the reason why Sony is in trouble now, Yike, who worked with Apple to destroy the status of the Walkman music player, must be mentioned. Compared with Apple, Yike is a company that is hated by many people at Sony.

Not only because this is a Chinese company, but also because its initial moat came from Sony Music.

It can be said that Yike is where it is today because of Sony's products and music.

There have been voices within Sony demanding that Sony Music tear up its contract with Yike. However, Sony Music, which had held a small stake in Yike from the beginning, has made such a move even more impossible with its merger with Bertelsmann. .

Yiko has become the third shareholder of Sony Bertelsmann Music Company.

"It's actually this person!" Takajo Shizuo, who was sitting next to Nakahachi Ryoji, patted the table and had the biggest reaction.

Shizuo Takajo is the chief operating officer COO of Sony Group. He is 62 years old this year and is one of the strong supporters of Ryoharu Nakahachi as president and even chairman.

However, no one in the conference room was surprised by the COO's reaction, because it was he who participated in the design of the world-selling Walkman music player more than thirty years ago, and it was his hard work that was trampled on by young products from the East.

However, to this day, even if many people in the conference room are on the same side, they have to admit in their hearts that perhaps Shizuo Takajo should not block the group's plans for similar Internet music products.

It is because a group of people represented by Takajo Shizuo did not want to see the disappearance of CDs that Sony's actions regarding MP3 players were not implemented - it was not that they were not thought of, but that they could not be implemented.

Ryoji Nakahachi digested the latest news for a while and asked, "What did he say at the meeting?"

"There are two main points about him." Yoshino Yoshio had already sorted it out on the way. "First, your request to 'represent director' has been blocked by him before. This may be the reason for Stringer's insistence. Second, , he believes Stringer needs your support and, if possible, 'representative director' is a negotiable condition."

Nakaba Ryoji was shocked.

Neither did he expect that he had been deeply influenced by Fang Zhuo, nor did he expect that the position of "representative director" on the board of directors might turn around.

What was that Stringer like?

He doesn't even understand Japanese.

Once Stringer does take over as chairman, will he be based in New York or Tokyo?

It's probably still New York, which is where Stringer is familiar.

If the chairman is not based in Tokyo, the power of the representative director, who already has great power, will be further amplified.

Nakabachi Ryoji's heartbeat accelerated slightly, he narrowed his eyes and said softly: "Fang Zhuo said so, where is Stringer?"

"Stringer's attitude has changed after Fang Zhuo gave his suggestion. He thinks that if you agree to his reform plan, you can discuss this condition." Yoshino Yoshiohui reported.

Chief Operating Officer Shizuo Takajo said angrily: "The American and the Chinese must have an unclear interest in music copyright! Otherwise, how could this be possible!"

Everyone has a similar feeling in their hearts. Why does Stringer value a Chinese person so much? Does this person have excellent business capabilities?

Ryoji Nakabachi didn't agree. His attention was now focused on the word "representative director".

If there were the titles of president + representative director, it would be very successful to turn around the development of Sony Group.

Ryoharu Nakahachi believes that the series of basic reform measures currently adopted by Sony called "Transformation 60" just need time, and there is no need to implement too radical actions for the time being.

When Yoshino Yoshio saw that his boss didn't say anything, he continued to report on today's meeting.

In fact, we didn’t talk too much today. The main thing is that the “representative director” is more important, and except for Fang Zhuo, the other four internationally renowned company executives are basically opposed to it.

After listening to his subordinates' retelling of the situation, Nakabachi Ryōji said after thinking for a long time: "I think I can talk directly to Stringer face to face and agree to some of his reform measures in a limited way."

He scanned the crowd and continued: "In addition, we should also strengthen our understanding of Fang Zhuo. If possible, I would also like to meet this external director of Sony Music tomorrow."

Takajo Shizuo suggested: "We can find a Chinese person to listen to his opinions. I have a subordinate who was transferred from China. You can call him when you see Fang Zhuo tomorrow. Maybe you can hear Fang Zhuo and the people around him. People use Chinese expressions, and Chinese people understand Chinese people better."

Nakaba Ryoji nodded. Takajo-san's statement was that he supported meeting to discuss the conditions for "representative director".

On February 26, the morning after Fang Zhuo arrived in Tokyo, he received a call from Stringer.

"At three o'clock in the afternoon, Nakabachi Ryoji wanted to visit me." Stringer's tone was calm.

"Maybe this is a normal discussion and development. The vice president is asking the vice chairman for advice." Fang Zhuo said with a half-joking smile.

"The timing is too coincidental. It's close to the shareholders' meeting, and there has been no communication in the past." Stringer seemed to sigh, "It seems that your temptation has taken effect. He should be here for the 'representative director'."

The representative director is a delicious bait, and I accidentally hooked a fish.

What should you do if you hook a fish?

Fang Zhuo's thoughts were spinning rapidly. Sony's shareholders' meeting will be held on the 2nd of next month. There is not much time left for negotiation among several parties. There are only 29 days in this month. Judging from the current situation, Nakahachi Ryoji and Kutaragi Jian is the two most popular candidates to take over as president.

However, Kutaragi publicly opposed Sony being run by a foreign chairman.

"Stringer, I think you should also meet Kutaragi Ken." Fang Zhuo suggested, "It's best to keep it secret."

"Why? He is very opposed to me taking over as chairman." Stringer said.

"I heard that he has a very irritable personality, but publicly speaking out against you at this time seems to be not only due to his irritable personality, but also to comply with the opposition to you from some parts of Sony." Fang Zhuo did not regard the two people at this time as for natural persons.

Ryoharu Nakabachi represents a part of the local faction, as does Ken Kutaragi. The latter publicly opposed the "unprecedented" foreign chairman, possibly to gain more support from conservatives.

Although the two have the highest voices, it is not that there are no other candidates.

"Today's Sony is a confused Sony. We can see whether they are opposing for the sake of opposition, or whether they are really dissatisfied with any conditions." Fang Zhuo said, "Even if they cannot change Kutaragi Ken's perception, they can still use it when necessary. He's here to raise the price with Nakaba Ryoji."

"Besides, what makes me most surprised is that Nobuyuki Idei hasn't seen you all this time. What does his gesture mean?"

Fang Zhuo thought about it for a long time last night but still didn't understand what Nobuyuki Dei did.

Stringer also couldn't guess what the Japanese leader was thinking.

"Let's do this. At nine o'clock in the evening, we will review another pair of information. I will call another former senior executive from Sony, Tanaka Mito. He may have a deeper understanding of Sony and is also very reliable." Fang Zhuo said.

Stringer readily agreed. It seemed that it was right to invite Mr. Fang to come this time.

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