Reinventing the Millennium

Chapter 588 This is for u (two in one)

Mr. Yi Kefang finally responded.

Also on the blog.

Without waiting for the natural fermentation of the popularity of the content, Sina artificially placed the boss's blog at the top of the popular list, which happened to be one or two of the top posts along with Dangdang President Li's slogans. Like a stone thrown into a lake, the waves quickly spread out.

Excluding Mr. Fang's call to buy more books, the most shocking part of this response is his straightforward statement - Tesco's book category has not been profitable for two years.

Unlike Li Guoqing's successive public opinion offensives, about business ethics, about writing in calligraphy, and about hiding behind women, Mr. Fang's response was very straightforward and showed real business measures.

This kind of response that claimed to be "unprofitable" made people in the industry stunned. How could it be so big at first?

The focus of the people who eat melons is more divergent.

"Qingzi? Does Mr. Fang always call him this? What about people from other Internet companies? Tengzi? Leizi? Ma Zi?"

"Because Sina and Yike don't have gaming genes, Mr. Fang called on us to play less games!"

"Sure enough, it is to repay consumers. Tesco's books have not been profitable for two years. What about Dangdang? Dangdang, Mr. Li, please speak up! I have been waiting for you for an hour! I have been waiting so hard!"

In fact, although Li Guoqing did not respond, as the person involved, he had received several calls.

Finally, he read the blog with his wife Yu Yu in the office.

The content was not long, but both of them frowned after reading it.

"Made, this guy named Fang is crazy. He's not making any profit. What's he trying to do?"

Li Guoqing held the cup in his hand and refrained from smashing it on the ground this time.

Yu Yu frowned and said nothing. She really didn't expect Fang Zhuo to say such words directly. With his status, if he said such words, he might actually do it.

She said slowly: "I'm afraid Fang Zhuo wants to learn from Taobao. Ma Min's Taobao just claims that it will not be profitable in a few years, but we can't do that."

Because of the different magnitudes, Dangdang is the number one book e-commerce company in China, and neither Amazon nor Bertelsmann can match it.

With Tesco's current situation, its unprofitable revenue is probably in the tens of millions. At best, it can achieve book revenue of 120 million in half a year, but Dangdang's goal this year is 900 million. If Dangdang If you follow like this, you will lose a lot.

Moreover, their business operations are in pursuit of profit, that is, they must be profit-oriented.

The original estimate was that Dangdang and Tesco would offer discounts and promotions. The latter did not have many book categories. It would first restrict its supply chain and start with resources in the traditional book field, causing Tesco's book business to slowly bleed.

Once Tesco's book business cannot get or grab traffic, it will end up like Amazon and Bertelsmann.

Both Li Guoqing and Yu Yu have confidence in Dangdang's core business, which is the field they started and have been working on for several years. They are well-deserved No. 1 in the country.


This kind of boxing technique surnamed Fang...

"Stop talking and let the company make a statement. On the one hand, we must provide users with high-quality services." Yu Yu said calmly, "On the other hand, we have decided to start from channels."

She showed optimism: "The purchase price of Tesco is always higher than ours. As time goes by, how long can it lose money?"

Li Guoqing said a little anxiously at this time: "He is the richest man! If he is really so crazy, who knows how crazy he will be! If I don't speak now, all the things I said before will be in vain!"

"The richest man may not necessarily be rich." Yu Yu analyzed, "It is true that Fang Zhuo has a net worth, but the projects in his hands all cost money. How much of it can really be spent on Tesco? Besides, this is E-commerce now. If we purchase a non-core business, it will cost a lot of money for electrical and electronic products.”

It is precisely because Tesco touches Dangdang's core business that it has to take advantage of the other party's weakness to bleed.

Li Guoqing heard what his wife said and felt that it made sense. Although the Fang Zhuo he came into contact with was indeed very wealthy, after all, the advantage was mine.

He and Yu Yu discussed Huidangdang's competition and response strategies. Before the results were available, new news appeared on the Sina blog.

Still a blog update from Fang Zhuo.

——"Someone from the company called me just now and asked me what it meant to be unprofitable."

——"I thought about it and remembered that when I invested in Dangdang before, Dangdang made no profit."

——"So, I used the stupidest method for the company. The same book is 1 yuan cheaper than Dangdang."

——"Dangdang is not profitable, and we are cheaper than Dangdang, so that's for sure."

——"You know how I became the richest man, right? It's just because of my intelligence."

——“Remember, Tesco is 1 yuan cheaper than Dangdang.”

——"This 1 yuan is my heart to you."


The content is still not long, but with the specific implementation of the previous article's unprofitability, it is extremely tit-for-tat, clear-cut, and a competition method that Dangdang has never seen before - 1 yuan cheaper.

Li Guoqing held the cup in his hand and was stunned.

He was stunned for thirty seconds, and he had a sincere question: "Some books cost less than 1 yuan, how can they be so cheap?"

Yu Yu obviously couldn't answer. She frowned deeply, realizing that this menacing approach was a bit too fierce.

This Fang Zhuo started to make big moves and no longer regarded money as money.

Or is it because Tesco doesn’t have enough books, so it takes the opportunity to create a gimmick?

Yu Yu asked this question.

It was also difficult for Li Guoqing to judge.

He subconsciously refreshed Fang Zhuo's blog and found that this article had been edited with a few more lines.

——"Oh yes, I want to sell my shares in Dangdang to use this 1 yuan subsidy."

——"If you find that our book is more expensive than Dangdang, please contact customer service directly for modification."

——"Selling books, Tesco is serious about it."

When Li Guoqing saw this addition, he was so surprised that he didn't throw the cup out!

He seemed to be able to see Fang Zhuo's smiling face when he said this!

Use the money from selling Dangdang shares to attack Dangdang?

Fortunately he could figure it out!

Yu Yu frowned and then relaxed: "It's a good thing if he really sells it, so as to avoid any trouble in this area in the future, but with this low price of one dollar, we have to go with it."

"How does this work? He's one dollar lower, we're one dollar lower, and he's one dollar lower?" Li Guoqing was annoyed.

"Based on this situation, competition in this way will not last long." Yu Yu analyzed, "This is beginning to disrupt the normal order of the market. We can react to the General Administration of Press and Publication. The administration will definitely not sit back and watch this kind of competition."

"Then we'll get two yuan cheaper!" Li Guoqing felt that the administrative interference his wife mentioned was very likely, and his pride suddenly emerged.

Yu Yu thought for a moment, shook her head and said, "Just benchmark. These methods are superficial to Tesco. We still have to keep the publishing channels in our hands."

Li Guoqing respected his wife's opinion and nodded in agreement.

He began to think about arranging people to urge him through channels.

Last year, due to e-commerce competition, Dangdang was engaged in channel development and signed "super strategic partnership contracts" with many publishing houses, mainly to exclude Amazon from purchasing goods. Now it has to add Yiguo.

This is the confidence that comes from Dangdang.

The development of the Internet has brought a lot of traffic, and Dangdang has been favored by publishing houses for holding the largest share. Today, it has been able to control many upstream intentions in terms of interests and relationships.

At the very least, this aspect will involve a lot of energy from Tesco in half a year.

The "six months" that Li Guoqing called out earlier is not nonsense. He believes that Tesco, whose core business is electrical appliances, cannot concentrate its resources on the book field. As long as Tesco is beaten hard during this time, it can make it one step ahead. Slowly, slowly.

Half an hour later, Li Guoqing completed the task of connecting employees with the publishing house.

At this time, Fang Zhuo's blog, which had been silent, appeared again.

——"Although Qingzi will not participate in the construction of Tesco, his actions are destined to leave deep traces in the history of Tesco."

——"Like many people's surprises, I was surprised by Qingzi's sudden criticism of me and competition with Tesco."

——"E-commerce has just been launched, and I was very optimistic about Dangdang."

——“Qingzi talks about business ethics.”

——"The greatest business ethic is success."

——"I hope Qingzi can stand in front of me one day with his business ethics and dare to do what he does."

——"I just communicated with the management of Tesco. Today, March 16, in order to celebrate Qingzi's competition with us, we have designated this day as 'Tesco·Reading Day'."

——"From now on, March 16th every year will be the best discount day for e-commerce books in the whole year."

——“316, Reading Day, buy good books at e-commerce.”

——"Qingzi, This is for u!"

No profit, one dollar, reading day.

Three consecutive hits from Fang Zhuo within a few hours.

Every year, March 16th is the best reading day for Tesco to sell books. This is the deep mark left by another business owner on Tesco.


Li Guoqing finally threw the cup out this time!

There are too many tricks with the surname Fang!

Poke the lung tube!

Yu Yu frowned, but was not frightened at all by Li Guoqing's throwing of cups. Instead, he said: "Why? I think you are addicted! Why do you still want to throw cups as a sign of honor? I will replace all the cups in the company when I get back." It’s made of plastic and I’ll let you drop it!”

"Can falling solve the problem? No!"

"Don't worry about Fang Zhuo, his brain is different from others."

"Let's hold on to the publishing house first!"

Yu Yu was also shocked and shocked in her heart, but she quickly came to her senses and decided to use deeper actions to determine the final outcome of this competition.

Li Guoqing responded in a muffled voice.

That night, Fang Zhuo's three consecutive updates on his blog had spread all over the Internet and were promptly published by major portals.

Everyone is very concerned about the outcome of this competition.

Dangdang started the war earlier, and now Tesco or Mr. Fang’s counterattack finally did not disappoint, and it has indeed heated up the competitive atmosphere.

Especially, we held an annual reading day, this...

This is a bit wilted!

If there really is a very good book buying discount on 316 every year, wouldn’t consumers have to reflect on the contribution from another book e-commerce company every time they buy it? Do you have to think about Qingzi? Do you think this is for u?

Let's do it this way...

In line with Mr. Li's previous evaluation, Mr. Fang seemed to be acting unreasonably.

But having said that, if you think about it calmly, they are just poaching people, and they are not trying to be the chairman of Dangdang. Once it is over, it will be over. Who made you jump out in such a hurry!

The competition between Tesco and Dangdang began to intensify. As the latter issued a formal response, it was indeed a head-on confrontation as Li Guoqing wished.

How effective it will be remains to be seen.

But Fang Zhuo has already started raising money and burning money.

In the evening, he held a conference call with Su Wei, Amazon's Shi Tao, Dangdang's Ge Guangming, and Yuan Yaohan to discuss the competition in Tesco's book business.

Most importantly, the three of them are concerned about how much budget Tesco Books can invest.

"For books, the three of you are working as a team. If we can achieve 400 million in revenue this year, what budget do you think is appropriate?" Fang Zhuo set a goal and threw the question back.

However, none of the three industry insiders responded.

This year's revenue of 400 million is basically to reach the scale of Dangdang last year, which has surpassed Amazon and Bertelsmann. The requirements are too high and it is unlikely to be achieved.

"In this way, you can discuss it and talk to the book business group. At least you have a goal and tell me the budget number." Fang Zhuo also knew that the number he mentioned was slightly higher.

The 400 million in this situation may be the precursor to the 4 billion or 10 billion in the future. After all, it is actually the second largest company in the country.

The conference call ends.

While Fang Zhuo was chatting with Xiao Su, he called Xiong Xiaoge.

Soon, the call came through.

"Hey, old bear, get some money!" Fang Zhuo got straight to the point.

"What's the price?" Xiong Xiaoge asked.

Fang Zhuo smiled and said, "Why are you pretending to be confused? I'm working with Li Guoqing here."

Xiong Xiaoge raised his voice: "What does it have to do with me? You just spent money in the early stage and started looking into other people's pockets? Does that make sense?"

Fang Zhuo stopped laughing and said angrily: "You told me what kind of Eastern Bezos I am? What kind of Eastern Amazon can I become? It's not like your venture capital CEO said this, can I muster up the courage to engage in e-commerce? Okay, now you turn your back on me? Do you have business ethics?"

Xiong Xiaoge did not hide her voice when talking to the people next to her: "You heard it, this is Mr. Fang. He is very skilled in raking people down. To a certain extent, I think Li Guoqing's evaluation of him is okay."

"Stop talking nonsense and budget a little, Tesco is going to start moving." Fang Zhuo was too lazy to refute other people's misunderstandings.

"Mr. Fang, you are really murderous towards Dangdang." Xiong Xiaoge sighed.

"The business methods are actually the same. We are equivalent to opening a store and getting a big opening reward." Fang Zhuo is not very proud. "I just used Dangdang to practice my skills and use the book supply chain to try out the current system of Tesco." .”

"Then what?" Xiong Xiaoge asked.

"Then you prepare the next round of money." Fang Zhuo said this and then asked, "You come to Shanghai before the end of this month. I have some ice core matters here that I need to talk to you about."

Xiong Xiaoge warned: "IDG will no longer cast ice cores."

"Bingxin is indeed a little short of money. I guess other families have the same attitude as you." Fang Zhuo said seriously, "Come here and I will discuss it with you."

"If you have anything to say, just say it on the phone, it's the same thing." Xiong Xiaoge remained vigilant.

Fang Zhuo sighed in his heart. If the old bear is like this, everyone else must be equally unwilling to submit. This is really embarrassing.

He thought for a while, changed his attitude, and said: "Okay, let's talk about it in detail when we have time, let's do it first, Old Bear, this is Dongfang Bezos' for u."

Xiong Xiaoge sneered twice, but his mind began to wander about investing in Tesco.

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