Reinventing the Millennium

Chapter 598 No more gifts (two-in-one)

At the end of the long flight, the passenger plane from Beijing arrived at New York's John F. Kennedy International Airport.

Fang Zhuo and his party got into the car that Yike came to pick up at the airport.

"Mr. Fang, I seem to have seen that beautiful flight attendant stuffing a note into your hand."

After getting on the bus, Xiong Xiaoge shared his last thoughts about the flight.

"Maybe he recognized me." Fang Zhuo didn't think there was anything strange, "It's not the first time."

Xiong Xiaoge shook his head and said, "Why have I never encountered him before?"

"Old Xiong, I think you are becoming more and more emotional. A good investor must be able to recognize the facts rationally." Fang Zhuo reminded kindly, "You are getting more and more lost."

Xiong Xiaoge admitted: "Yes, I got lost in your blueprint pie."

"A project person who cannot draw a blueprint is unqualified, and an investor who cannot distinguish between a blueprint and a pie is also unqualified." Fang Zhuo said with a smile, "So, I have to remind you that you must always be vigilant and constantly progress."

Xiong Xiaoge complained: "If you don't pay more, you won't make progress."

"This is not about money, it's about sincerity and attitude." Fang Zhuo stopped, "I'm all good to you, old bear. You can figure it out for yourself. Anyway, Yike wants to invest."

Xiong Xiaoge frowned and said, "I'll think about it again."

After the exchange on the flight map, he had adjusted the original amount from half a million US dollars to one million US dollars.

After all, this trip to the United States was quite impromptu, and this was indeed the territory of the American headquarters. As a Chinese president, he had more or less crossed the line.

Or, first observe how the situation is. If the opportunity is really good, it is not impossible to try to promote IDG's investment in the United States.

Fang Zhuo twisted his somewhat stiff neck: "This is the situation. I have said everything that needs to be said."

He did say everything that needed to be said.

Includes some more supportive data analysis of the entire market.

Last year, global personal computer shipments were 178 million units, while mobile phone shipments during the same period were 675 million units, almost four times the former.

No one should ignore the huge prospects in mobile devices.

Against this background, hardware costs are gradually declining, but software costs continue to rise. A storm of change is brewing in the industry.

TI's Linux OS kernel open platform is an eye-catching attempt.

Android's philosophy goes a step further.

However, whether this step is an idealistic delusion or a blueprint that can be tried requires a comprehensive evaluation, and even requires some luck to judge.

Xiong Xiaoge regretted that he only brought one assistant with him on this trip.

From this perspective, he had to admit that Mr. Fang was right in teasing him. He could not blindly trust the young president with emotion. Only by bringing a more professional team could he brainstorm ideas with ease.

"Mr. Yu, um, I just arrived. I'm still on my way to the hotel. Okay, see you in the evening."

Fang Zhuo dialed Yu Hong's number and made a simple dinner appointment.

Xiong Xiaoge came back from her thoughts and asked casually: "What are you going to eat tonight? If you don't want to eat Western food, let's have some Chinese food."

Fang Zhuo replied: "Eat whatever you like, it's up to you."

Xiong Xiaoge: "?"

"As someone who invested 1 million, it's good to be reimbursed for your stay in a five-star hotel. What else do you want to eat?" Fang Zhuo said scornfully, "Besides, tonight is an exchange of business secrets with the top management of our Yike company. Do you understand?"

Xiong Xiaoge reminded: "Mr. Fang, we IDG are still shareholders of your Yike, and we still hold stocks. Have you forgotten?"

"The dignified president of IDG China actually gave up his status as a shareholder just for a dinner. It's sad, it's sad." Fang Zhuo shook his head, "I won't entertain you, I won't entertain you."

Xiong Xiaoge smiled slightly and stopped arguing. He didn't believe that Mr. Fang would ignore him.

Eight o'clock in the evening.

Yu Hong, who came to have dinner after a hurried meeting, met her boss.

"Just you? Didn't you say that Mr. Xiong is here too?" Yu Hong put down her coat and said with a smile, "I thought tonight was going to be an enthusiastic seminar while eating and chatting."

"Lao Xiong may need to continue to weigh this investment in his mind." Fang Zhuo said, "He is not optimistic about my investment in Android and the promotion of Yike's mobile phone project."

Yu Hong nodded slightly. In the past two days, she had been thinking about the email communication from her boss.

Compared with phone calls, factors such as the industry situation, future prospects, Yike selection, investment purposes, etc. are more clear in emails and can be thought about in an orderly manner.

Mr. Fang's words are very seductive. Apart from his words, the words in the email can make people calmer.

"The success of the Android mobile phone system cannot be separated from the promotion of considerable force." Yu Hong did not bother to eat, just took a sip of red wine and discussed the decision that she thought might be an important turning point for Yike Company, "Apple Is our mobile phone project a fatal threat to us? Can Android companies gather the strength of the industry?"

Fang Zhuo asked: "According to last year's shipment volume of mobile phones vs. personal computers, which was close to 4 times, even without Apple, would there be no pears or peaches in the future? Sooner or later, the functions of music players will be integrated into Mobile applications, including current PC applications, will inevitably face new challenges in the mobile era."

Close to 4 times.

This is a trend that is not easy for people to take seriously but is actually extremely obvious.

Why is it not easy for people to take it seriously?

Because inertial cognition has great power.

People can confidently believe that Sony's Walkman cannot lose!

You can also confidently believe that eBay will end the competition in China’s e-commerce market within ten months!

"Without Yike's participation and promotion, the mobile era will still come quickly. What we have to do is how to actively respond." Fang Zhuo said with certainty, "Now is the best opportunity in my opinion."

Yu Hong reminded: "What about the second question?"

Fang Zhuo thought for a while and described it from another perspective: "Android companies are already in contact with Google, Samsung, and HTC. The news I heard from MIGA Fund is that they have made substantial progress, but there are also big differences. "

"Android's description of the mobile phone system has already attracted a certain amount of interest, and it will take time to continue to improve."

"In addition to the future performance that people can expect from this system, a strong opponent in the mobile phone market may also help everyone join forces to promote it."

Yu Hong knew this direction.

She said slowly: "Four out of every ten mobile phones in the world are Nokia."

A very exaggerated description.

What's even more exaggerated is that this description is basically realistic.

In particular, Nokia's newly launched N70 this year is very popular.

Yu Hong immediately realized one thing. If the Android system was as good as the description, could Nokia easily put down its Symbian?

As the vice president and marketing director of Yike, she understands this problem very well - can Sony easily put down its Walkman?

If there is a chance to defeat Nokia, I believe many manufacturers will be interested in it. It will be a gluttonous feast.

As for Google, the mobile phone manufacturer mentioned by Mr. Fang besides Samsung and HTC, what is it going to do in the mobile field?

Yu Hong asked this question.

"Selling ads... hmm." Fang Zhuo smiled, "It is probably not satisfied with selling ads on the PC side, but also wants to sell ads on the mobile side."

"So, Google also has great interest in promoting a mobile phone system platform." Yu Hong nodded.

"Maybe it's not just participation in promotion." Fang Zhuo said, "Google's business is growing very fast, and this year's revenue may double again. Last year it was 3.2 billion US dollars in revenue, and this year it may be 6.4 billion. It There's probably even more interest in Android."

Yu Hong silently digested and thought about the information provided by her boss.

The two of them ate quietly for a while.

"Is the Android company short of money now?" Yu Hong put down her chopsticks and asked.

"The information provided by the fund was originally quite lacking, but after contacting these companies, we may not be so anxious." Fang Zhuo shook his head and said, "Google has shown a strong interest, whether it is investment or acquisition, I am afraid It can be completed within the year.”

"Then you mean...Yike may not be able to invest in it?" Yu Hong was a little surprised.

"The information is all cold on paper, so I hurriedly came over to get in touch. Otherwise, domestic Tesco would have to keep an eye on it." Fang Zhuo said, "I made an appointment with Rubin from Android to have a chat. He accepted."

Fang Zhuo paused and said with a smile: "Where do you think I will arrange an appointment with him?"

Yu Hong pursed her lips, looking at Mr. Fang's expression, her heart moved: "It can't be the stadium, right?"

Fang Zhuo was really surprised: "How did you guess it? It's the stadium. The Rockets are coming to New York to play an away game the day after tomorrow. I made an appointment with Rubin to watch the game and talk about his Android company."

Yu Hong raised her lips and said, "Just a quick guess, he also likes basketball?"

"I don't know if you like it or not, but you agreed to my invitation anyway." Fang Zhuo said hesitantly, "I hope to have a good contact. When I was waiting for you just now, I was still thinking whether it would be better in the conference room or the stadium. good."

Yu Hong poured a glass of red wine: "Since he agreed, it's a good start."

Fang Zhuo thought about it, too.

He put aside this small concern and talked about Yike's key domestic project, Tesco, and the competition he had tried with Dangdang a few days ago.

Yu Hong listened with great interest.

After a long time, he sighed: "Apple does not engage in a price war with us. It is constantly launching new products and promoting them very hard. We have invested a lot in this aspect."

"Well, Apple seems to have accepted our different product positioning. If it doesn't launch products with the same price, the competition between the two companies will not change much." Fang Zhuo said, "I don't know if Apple has used mobile phones internally to lower the price." Wei’s intention to attack us.”

Yu Hong asked curiously: "How did you receive the news about Apple's mobile phone project? Why haven't I heard such rumors in New York?"

Fang Zhuo pondered.

"It's hard to say, forget it." Yu Hong shook her head slightly, "I don't want you to make up another reason for me."

Fang Zhuo: "..."

If this question is really asked, it can only be made up.

Apple's internal confidentiality of mobile phone projects is very strict, and there are indeed no rumors on the market.

Yu Hong chatted for a few more words, then suddenly put the wine glass on the table and asked with a smile: "I gave you a watch during the Chinese New Year, don't you wear it?"

Fang Zhuo pressed his covered wrist with his hand and said, "I'm wearing it, I'm wearing it."

Yu Hong glanced at Mr. Fang's wrist with a leisurely expression.

Fang Zhuo opened his sleeves and revealed a Rolex: "Hey."

Yu Hong's expression didn't change and she didn't speak.

Fang Zhuo pulled up his sleeve, exposing another piece.

Yu Hong's eyes became strange.

Unexpectedly, Fang Zhuo changed his hand and showed another Rolex.

Yu Hong was surprised: "Why are there three watches?"

Why didn't Xiao Yu ask why there were two watches just now...Obviously, she knew that Xiao Su also gave one as a gift.

Such a judgment flashed through Fang Zhuo's mind unconsciously, and he said with a smile: "I also want to know why three people gave me the same watch? One for Xiao Su, one for Zhou Xin, and one for you."

Yu Hong laughed: "Zhou Xin also gave it to me, but Weiwei didn't tell me this."

Why didn't Xiao Su ask me if I still had the watch Xiao Yu gave me...

Another thought flashed through Fang Zhuo's mind, and he flashed the three watches on his wrists again: "It's all my heart, I received it."

Yu Hong said somewhat meaningfully: "It's not easy for Mr. Fang to attend the meeting with three other people. It doesn't have to be like this."

Fang Zhuo was blinded by the watch and said nothing.

Yu Hong skipped the topic and chatted casually about the interesting things that Yike encountered in promoting the US market, and also talked about Mr. Fang's performance of the Rockets this year.

After a run-in, the team is currently ranked third in the Western Conference in the regular season and is very hopeful to make a difference in the playoffs.

The playoffs are now less than a month away, and the record is expected to go even further. The first two teams are the Spurs and the Mavericks.

"Mr. Fang, you have a very good vision. You chose Nelson as the head coach. His tactics are very aggressive and he plays very well." Yu Hong praised.

"Let's go watch football together the day after tomorrow?" Fang Zhuo invited.

Yu Hong shook her head: "I'm still very busy. I'll wait to watch Dayao's playoffs."

Fang Zhuo invited again: "Let's go to the stadium the day after tomorrow and talk to Rubin about Android Company?"

Yu Hong hesitated now. She was really curious about the contact with Android Company.

"That's it." Fang Zhuo agreed.

Yu Hong glanced at the boss and said, "Let me take a look at your Rolex. I have never looked at such an expensive watch carefully."

Fang Zhuo took off a watch and handed it over.

Yu Hong put it on her wrist smoothly, shook the Rolex that didn't fit, and nodded: "Okay, the day after tomorrow I will go see the Android company that interests Google, Samsung, HTC, and Yike."

Fang Zhuo nodded.

After a while, when he saw that Xiao Yu had no intention of taking off the watch, he pointed to her wrist: "Give it to me."

Yu Hong shook her watch again: "I'll wear it myself."

Fang Zhuo was startled: "You are...unreasonable."

Yu Hong said fiercely: "If you don't give it away, I'll wear it myself. What's going on?"

"Let's just ask, is it possible that your piece was given by Zhou Xin?" Fang Zhuo couldn't laugh or cry.

Yu Hong was suspicious and studied it for a while, but there was no mark on the watch, so she really couldn't tell it. Even so, she still insisted on not taking it off - if she didn't give it away, she wouldn't give it away.

Fang Zhuo sighed, looked at the two watches still on his wrists, and confirmed that those watches were given by Xiao Su...

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