On November 15, the Internet Development Forum meeting will be held at 2 p.m.

This morning, Fang Zhuo actively learned about the guests' information, and confirmed with the organizer that Guanhao.com would take the stage to speak in place of Hao123.

There is no procedural problem with this kind of substitution, and the organizer has no objections. However, the registration website is really not well-known. Although there is an invitation letter, the other party still went online to check the authenticity in person before confirming the process.

Fang Zhuo could only accept it with a smile besides lamenting that his website was too clumsy.

It was approaching noon when Zhou Xin woke up from a hangover. He could no longer remember what the drinking scene was like last night. He just kept drinking.

"Brother Fang, why didn't you stop me?" Zhou Xin complained while washing up.

Fang Zhuo looked innocent: "How could I not stop you? But you two are not good at drinking. If you said you were not allowed to drink, you would go naked by the West Lake. If Stationmaster Li said you were not allowed to drink, he would not give me the opportunity to speak today... …”

He shook his head: "It doesn't matter whether you run or not. No one here knows you anyway, but speaking is a big deal. I weigh the pros and cons and can only watch you drink."


Zhou Xin swore in his heart that if this trip to Lin'an really achieved what he wanted, Brother Fang would be drunk to death at the celebration banquet.

I had a simple lunch in the room, and it was already approaching the start of the meeting.

"Brother Fang, aren't you looking for venture capital? Why are you not in a hurry?" Zhou Xinqi said.

"When you arrive at the venue, it will definitely be full of people. It's not easy to chat at this time. There must be people with similar ideas looking for venture capital investors, and we won't be able to chat for long." Fang Zhuo said calmly, "Anyway, we can do it today. When you go to the stage to speak, you should leave an impression on the stage first. The meeting only lasts two days, so don’t rush."

"I'm not in a hurry. I'm not on stage." Zhou Xin was inexplicably proud.

But goose...

The two arrived at the venue.

Zhou Xin started to feel restless again.

"Oh, is that Zhang Chaoyang from Sohu?"

"No, Zhang has more personality, not this face."

"Hey, is that Ding Lei from NetEase?"

"No, Ding Lei likes to eat pork. His face looks quite plump."

Zhou Xin asked incessantly when he saw the cards on the table, while Fang Zhuo relied on two lifetimes of memory to answer.

At today's meeting, he only saw one familiar boss, Penguin Ma. The people present at other companies should be the second or third leaders.

As for the venture capital companies, the names that I remember are Sequoia and Morgan, but naturally I don’t recognize their faces at all.

There are also leaders in the first row. The table sign is relatively vague. I only know that there are not only Lin'an locals, but also people from other places who come to inspect.

Fang Zhuo silently looked at the entire venue.

After a while, he asked the excited Zhou Xin: "I see you always look at Sohu and NetEase, why are you not interested in Penguin?"

"Those are all companies listed in the United States. How amazing they are!" Zhou Xin said matter-of-factly.

"Hmm... that makes sense." Fang Zhuo stared at the back over there and pondered, "Tell me, if I go over and tell them now that I want to advertise, will it be cheaper than normal business communication via email?"

Zhou Xin was stunned for a long time and said uncertainly: "I think so."

Fang Zhuo said "Oh": "Let's see if we have a chance to talk about it when the show ends today."

This... this always feels like a loss of status. Zhou Xin turned to look at the boss, but the other person's expression was very serious. He then thought about it, the boss said that young people are not afraid of losing status. This is called the unity of knowledge and action.

Zhou Xin was thinking about it when he turned around and found that his boss was gone.

He stood up and looked around, and soon saw Fang Zhuo at the door, joining in the excitement of media interviews.

The venue was large, and guests were coming in one after another. The news media invited by the organizer were picking up people at the door and shooting report materials.

Soon, the middle-aged reporter Liu Yunhao saw a young man standing not far away. He had a shy smile like a student, his eyes sparkled with curiosity, and his face was full of eagerness to try.

Liu Yunhao's heart moved, and he felt that it would be better to compare the content of the interview just now.

He waved to the young man and motioned for the camera to turn around.

"Hello, what's your name? Are you also attending this Internet Development Forum meeting?"

"Yeah, I, I'm Fang Zhuo." The young man seemed a little nervous. He stared at the camera curiously and let his face fill for three seconds, and then continued to the reporter, "I'm here to participate. Represents Registration Network.”

Liu Yunhao repeated: "Registration Network? It sounds like it is related to medical treatment. How does this connect to the Internet?"

The young man seemed to be energetic all of a sudden, his expression became lively, and he raised his voice: "We can let people register for the hospital through the Internet! We are an Internet company in Luzhou, Anhui Province, and we have successfully helped many people achieve this goal. Such a process.”

"Our users, the furthest from Litun, ZS County, used to have to leave a day or two in advance to register at the hospital. After successfully registering using our website last time, he said he would use ours in the future."

The young man casually gave an example, and said with regret: "Unfortunately, those who need online registration most are often patients in remote areas, but the use of computers is mostly concentrated in cities."

The next moment, he shook his head and said excitedly: "However, times are developing. Our forum today is to talk about the development of the Internet. Tomorrow will definitely be better."

The young man went from energetic to regretful to excited. He displayed three emotional colors in a short period of time. He was full of youthful vitality and not at all the arrogance that people in society unconsciously have.

Liu Yunhao held back his laughter and thought that this young man named "Fang Zhuo" was very interesting. He talked endlessly as soon as he opened his mouth.

"Then, Fang Zhuo, what are your thoughts on establishing the registration network?"

The young man was stunned when he heard such a question. He turned away from his previous talk in front of the camera and frowned, lost in thought.

Liu Yunhao waited patiently, and was considering whether to open his mouth to enlighten the other party's answer, when the young man spoke.

"Teacher, I still have to think about it. I'll probably be able to figure it out by then when our registration network gives a speech."

Then, the young man turned around and left quickly.

Liu Yunhao was stunned for a moment, then turned around and smiled at his camera colleague: "I'm still a student, but he looks pretty good."

The question he just asked was a step-by-step question. Unexpectedly, the other party didn't pick up the question. He even called him "teacher" before leaving, which didn't make people feel abrupt.

Liu Yunhao decided to go back and cut this section so that it could be used as a formal report.

On the other side, Zhou Xin saw his boss return to the seat next to him in a hurry. He asked curiously: "Brother Fang, what were you doing just now?"

"Experiencing the youthful years of being a student." Fang Zhuo sat down and said calmly.

Zhou Xin was puzzled and wanted to ask.

"Stop talking, the host is on stage." Fang Zhuo reminded.

Zhou Xin quickly sat upright. This was his first time attending a meeting of this scale, and he was full of seriousness and expectation.

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