Reinventing the Millennium

Chapter 661 Response (two in one)

Dahuang is always a person with great character.

Even though he had some expectations of the unpleasantness of this meeting, Fang Zhuo did not expect that the other party would use actions to declare the collapse of the talks between the two parties after just two glasses of wine.

From the beginning to the present, I have met many leaders from all walks of life, and this kind of personality is really the best.

It's a pity that Fang Zhuo is more impressed with this person.

Different from the changes in Taiwanese journals and the development of technology, which are areas that Fang Zhuo is not familiar with and can only repeatedly speculate, analyze carefully, and act cautiously, the incident about Rhubarb hitting rock bottom is still very sensational.

But unlike the past, where one could only look at superficial news, Fang Zhuo now has to put an additional question mark on the internal situation.

Just like many people misunderstand themselves from the surface, many truths are deeply hidden.

Therefore, after marking a question mark first, there are two important questions that Mr. Dahuang needs to answer.

——Can it withstand inspection?

——Is there any human security behind the scenes?

Due to the fact that Rhubarb has been at the bottom for 12 years, Fang Zhuo believes that the answers to these two questions tend to be regrettable.

So, Rhubarb, let’s have a fair fight.

Fang Zhuo is a serious person. For the time being, he only plans to limit the competition to the commercial level and regard the matter before him as between Gome and Tesco rather than him and Mr. Dahuang.

There is no reason to rush to people as soon as something happens.

Moreover, even if you are running for someone, there is no way of doing things that just comes to Shanghai for a visit and then causes trouble and sinks.

Furthermore, returning to the Tesco project, despite encountering competition from the home appliance chain boss, Fang Zhuo still believes that whether Tesco can succeed depends largely on itself rather than the outside world.

The book battle with Dangdang was unexpected, but after such a battle, Tesco's book business group became more and more mature under the polish of Shi Tao, Ge Guangming, and Yuan Yaohan who came from Amazon and Dangdang.

Now the competition with Gome may not be able to promote the development of Tesco.

How can a business be afraid of competition?

Fang Zhuo did not worry about the unpleasant meeting that night. Instead, he calmly pondered the temporarily named "Deep Blue" plan.

Tesco must first focus on itself, focusing on the construction of storage centers and functional changes to the 80 former Dazhong Electric Appliances chain stores across the country.

With such a framework and system in place, cooperation with suppliers and promotion of the website brand will follow.

Fang Zhuo initially planned to engage in a misplaced competition with Gome. Now that it is July, he can spend four months preparing for a shopping festival, similar to Gome’s raid on Suning’s Jinling base camp with widespread influence.

Therefore, November 11th is an easy day to choose.

After the shopping festival, there can be another New Year Festival through the sponsorship of the CCTV Spring Festival Gala, but the prerequisite is that this sponsorship must be won through bidding.

Conduct two marketing activities in half a year to absorb and digest traffic, and continue it every year to continue to increase influence.

The next morning, Fang Zhuo expressed his idea at the company's regular meeting and received unanimous approval.

But before he could continue talking about the progress of warehousing construction and the positioning of offline channels, a call came in from the supplier.

In just one night, or in other words, just after the talks with Mr. Dahuang collapsed, the 17 suppliers in the original joint letter successively gave more specific actions, demanding to cancel the cooperation with Tesco and remove their own products from the shelves.

The news came urgently in the middle of the regular meeting.

The senior officials present at the meeting were in an uproar.

Everyone now knows who is behind this joint letter, but Huang Guangyu clearly came to the company to visit yesterday, so why did he turn around and ignore him?

It would be too arrogant and domineering to bully suppliers like this based on Gome's large market share!

Also, it would be too disrespectful to our Mr. Fang!

After digesting the news, many people turned their attention to the boss.

"Mr. Huang couldn't wait. It really suits his character." Fang Zhuo was also surprised, but to a limited extent. "Gome regarded our Tesco as a thorn in the side. For a moment, I didn't know whether to be scared or happy."

"Speak of fear. Gome is the number one home appliance chain in the country. Last month, I even went to Suning's hometown to have a big meal."

"Let's just say we are happy. We, Tesco, were established less than half a year ago. First, Dangdang, and then Gome, our competitors are so eager. This seems to prove that they are also optimistic about Tesco's B2C model."

"Excluding Dazhong Electrical Appliances, can Tesco's revenue reach 200 million this year?"

"With just these 200 million, the industry is shaken and the giants are trembling."

Fang Zhuo sat in the conference room chatting and laughing: "Looking at it this way, we are still very good."

Seeing that everyone's expressions became more relaxed, he changed the subject: "But we can't just think we are powerful, we must also make our opponents feel powerful and our cooperative suppliers feel powerful. Only then can we be truly powerful."

"Seventeen suppliers are calling us one after another. Everyone must be clearly aware that this is probably just the beginning of Gome's influence."

"The lion fights the rabbit with all its strength. Gome will cut off Tesco's suppliers. Their competition is serious."

"But Gome is a lion, and Tesco is not a rabbit. Tesco needs to be an eagle, and it needs to be able to fly high."

"Today, Mr. Su and Mr. Xu, please pull up a list of suppliers for me."

"Isn't it said that Gome held a supplier meeting? We should also learn from advanced experience. At the very least, if we break up, we have to do it face to face, so that everyone is willing to accept it."

Fang Zhuo named Su Wei, President of Tesco, and Xu Dingnan, Vice President.

Gome has begun to exert its efforts on suppliers, and Tesco cannot just watch. It must try its best to stop losses and open up more sources of revenue.

Fang Zhuo didn't expect that Mr. Dahuang was not only quick with his words, but also quick with his hands. He really showed no mercy at all, just like the autumn wind sweeping away fallen leaves, continuing his domineering style from last night.

The regular meeting will proceed as usual.

E-commerce executives discussed the promotion of offline channels. In principle, Dazhong Electric Appliances will no longer expand its scale. If necessary, it will try to keep the number of stores within 100.

In other words, there is no need to rigidly maintain the current number of 80 stores of Dazhong Electrical Appliances, but leave a flexible space of 20 stores, and try to allow Tesco to carry out more reasonable radiation through offline stores.

Tesco is an online website. Its network is embodied through 80 stores across large and medium-sized cities, and these stores are linked to Tesco's primary and secondary warehousing centers, ultimately integrating the electrical appliance business. put into the hands of consumers.

“I’ve thought about it for a long time, but I still don’t understand why Gome is targeting us, Tesco.”

"Even if Tesco acquires Dazhong Electrical Appliances, the store size will be far less than the two to three hundred stores of Gome. Moreover, Gome will continue to expand. I heard that they have a goal of seven to eight hundred stores."

"To be honest, this still puts a lot of pressure on us at Tesco."

In the evening, Fang Zhuo met Dong Mingzhu from Gree. After a brief exchange of greetings, he talked with some emotion about the competition between Tesco and Gome.

Dong Mingzhu is the president of Gree Company. He has a cheerful personality and a cheerful appearance.

This time she was invited to discuss cooperation with Tesco, and she came with surprise in her heart.

But not long after the meeting, Dong Mingzhu felt that the richest man in the Mainland in front of her was very honest and frank, so she was not too polite.

"Mr. Fang, we had a falling out with Gome last year because Mr. Huang was too strong and bullying. This time, Gome's persecution of Tesco will definitely not be the last time."

"I'm not familiar with e-commerce, but since you, Mr. Fang, and Mr. Huang are competing so fiercely, the future space must be good."

Fang Zhuo nodded repeatedly. Mr. Dong spoke very honestly.

"To be honest, Mr. Fang, I'm here this time..." Dong Mingzhu paused suddenly when he said this, and felt blessed, "Mr. Fang, with all due respect, the reason why Gome values ​​Tesco so much is probably the same as the reason for my trip. .”

Fang Zhuo was puzzled.

Dong Mingzhu continued: "One of the reasons why I came here this time is to see what the richest man in the mainland is like. I am afraid that Gome pays special attention to you precisely because you are here."

Fang Zhuo smiled and said: "Mr. Dong is praising me. Do I have such great influence? Yesterday was the first time I met Mr. Huang, and I have never dealt with him before."

Dong Mingzhu said seriously: "Mr. Fang has topped the Forbes list. This is one of them."

"Mr. Fang maintains his re-election, whether he succeeds or not, this is the second reason."

"Mr. Fang went in but didn't go in. That's the third reason."

"Anyway, I want to see with my own eyes what kind of person Mr. Fang is."

The Forbes list has played a big role in recent years, and Dong Mingzhu’s third reason is very realistic.

If it were the invitation from the head of Dazhong Electrical Appliances, she might not even come.

Because Gree has firmed up its development strategy since last year.

"Mr. Dong met me this time. I am just an ordinary person. I am worried about the competition from Gome." Fang Zhuo said with a smile, "I am also nervous about the cooperation with Gree."

While chatting, we got down to business.

Dong Mingzhu frowned: "Mr. Fang, I understand what you mean by inviting me here. However, Gree is now developing its own channel model, which is to take cities as the center, prefectures and counties as the basis, and towns as the basis. Relying on a three-level marketing network, at this time, will the cooperation of Tesco bring impact or something else?"

It’s true that Gree is developing its own channels, but Tesco wouldn’t mind giving it a try if it’s profitable.

Although Dong Mingzhu had an inclination out of his hatred for Gome, he was not willing to make decisions arbitrarily.

"The Tesco website has RMB 200 million this year. Even if it has an impact, it will only have a very small impact." Fang Zhuo first laid out his own weaknesses, and then said, "I know Gree's channel classification. Although the Tesco market is small, there are prospects. , Gree will cooperate through provincial channels."

"Don't Gome want Gree's entrance fee? We don't want it on Tesco."

"Don't Gome distribute goods for free first and then settle the payment? We at Tesco are willing to respect Gree's rules and pay first before delivering goods."

"Yesterday, Mr. Huang told me face to face that Gree's withdrawal from Gome was a loss for Gree. Today, I feel that the cooperation between Tesco and Gree will make him regret it. Gree is a company worthy of concessions from channel dealers."

Fang Zhuo compared Gome everywhere, and what he conveyed were Mr. Dahuang’s exact words.

Dong Mingzhu corrected some flaws: "Mr. Fang, you don't only have 200 million from Tesco, you also have Dazhong Electric."

"I was worried about the real impact on Gree's channels, so I didn't count it. I only planned to do Tesco's online business. However, if Gree is willing, offline channels are also absolutely welcome." Fang Zhuo explained with a smile.

What Tesco wants now is partners, and Gree’s name is still very resounding.

Not only loud to consumers, but also loud to peers.

Moreover, this year's peak sales season for air conditioners is already halfway through, and Tesco still needs to integrate. I'm afraid the real cooperation will have to be launched after September, and the Double Eleven event has already reached the off-season for air conditioners.

Dong Mingzhu looked at Mr. Fang's smile, nodded slightly, and gave an attitude: "I have to say it myself, Mr. Fang's e-commerce is going against Gome, I have to help, but for the enterprise, we have to study it further."

"Of course, of course." Fang Zhuo clinked glasses, "E-commerce is not like Gome, and I am not like Mr. Huang. We and our partners must adhere to the principle of mutual benefit."

Comparing Dong Mingzhu with Gome, who had been at odds with each other last year, she felt that Mr. Fang was really sincere and felt like a breath of fresh air.

A total of 10 of the 17 suppliers in the joint letter requested to terminate cooperation.

But as Tesco issued an invitation, 12 of these 17 families agreed to come to Shanghai to participate in Tesco's supplier meeting.

In addition, Tesco coordinates other suppliers in the electrical appliance business and tries its best to involve them in meetings held by Mr. Fang.

However, Tesco was speeding up preparations for Gome's actions. The head of Gome did not leave immediately. Instead, he participated with great interest in a media program called "Dialogue with Wealth" sponsored by Standard Chartered Bank.

The host inevitably asked about Gome's recent actions. The most attention-grabbing one was the raid on Jinling last month.

"Mr. Huang, what do you think of Mr. Zhang Jindong?"

Huang Guangyu answered the question: "It depends on what he thinks of me."

"Have you ever thought that you could sit down with Mr. Zhang Jindong to discuss cooperation one day in the future? Is this possible?" the host asked again.

"Anything is possible." Huang Guangyu said, "It still depends on what he does."

The host wanted to get a specific answer and asked again: "Then what do you think of him?"

"My opinion of him definitely depends on his attitude towards me." Huang Guangyu still answered like this.

The host was a little helpless and changed the question: "Mr. Huang, what do you think of Mr. Fang Zhuo? I heard that new companies like Gome and Tesco also have competition."

"He is better than Zhang Jindong." Huang Guangyu gave an unexpected answer.

The host said "Oh" and suddenly didn't expect how to answer such an answer.

Huang Guangyu added: "But not as good as me."

The host was startled: "Are you referring to the field of home appliance chain?"

Huang Guangyu only smiled and did not answer.

But this smile already gave a confident answer.

"Asshole! That's too much!"

"Not only do you bully a new project like Tesco, but you actually dare to do this when you come to Shanghai?"

"Too arrogant!"

"Liu Yiyi" Liu Suyi, the president of Yongke Real Estate of East China Tigers, saw the content on the media program and saw Mr. Fang being looked down upon, and became extremely angry.

He knew that a real estate company associated with Gome wanted to come to Shanghai to engage in commercial real estate development, so he decided to give it a try and let the other party know that Mr. Fang not only had a weak Tesco under his command, but also a real estate tiger.

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