Reinventing the Millennium

Chapter 666 Love someone (two in one)

Home appliance chains are experiencing turbulence again. Gome is strongly dominating its market position. After its raid on Jinling Qiansuning, it is targeting Tesco. The latter has been cut off by its suppliers.

However, there is an undercurrent in the trendy business circle, and people with qualifications or connections are beginning to try to mediate the conflict between the two industry giants.

This is not easy.

Although Mr. Fang and Mr. Huang are both young, their wealth is the first and second on the rich list, and they have strong personalities. There are not many people who can really speak up and dare to speak up.

In other words, those who stand out at this time also have many things to rely on, not only business achievements, but also more secretive relationships.

In fact, conflicts of such stature and intensity are rare.

In particular, what Mr. Fang said was even more shocking.

Whether the words are important or not depends on who says them.

Or, it doesn’t matter who said it, it depends on whether the person has the ability to do it.

Even more, it depends on whether the person has done it before.

Unfortunately, everyone in the trendy business circle feels that Mr. Fang may not have moral ethics. If he is released to mess with Mr. Huang, he might really do it because Tesco is forced to act in a hurry.

Under such circumstances, trendy businessmen are taking action.

Not only was he calling Mr. Fang, but he was also trying to persuade Mr. Huang - our Chaoshang businessmen and Mr. Fang are not at odds with each other. Oh, it doesn't matter that Li Chaoren has been offended. Why should we be at odds with a new company of such a small scale and size?

When a person said this, Huang Guangyu dismissed it.

The two people said this, but Huang Guangyu was too lazy to comment.

When three or four people said this, Huang Guangyu also murmured a little in his heart. It's not so vicious, right? It’s not like he doesn’t have connections.

While he felt the need to say hello, he also acquiesced to his fellow countryman's actions.

In addition to big bosses from different industries contacting Mr. Fang, trendy businessmen in Beijing are also trying their best.

Among them, Xu Zhongmin, the vice president of the Beijing Chao Ren Chamber of Commerce, has always had a wide circle of friends and has a good personal relationship with Huang Guangyu. After hearing about this matter, he inquired about it and took over the mediating job.

Xu Zhongmin worked as a cook, sold rice, and opened a clothing store. In 1986, he went to Beijing to work in the audio equipment business, and finally got on the right track and opened a record company, becoming the most high-profile local record company in the country.

In 1997, he opened a high-end restaurant called Chao Hao Wei, where he welcomed people and made connections.

This time, Xu Zhongmin was willing to come out because he took stock of his friends and found someone who could give him advice, so he "helped him in times of need."

On the night of August 1st, Xu Zhongmin personally waited for his friend Wu Zheng at the door of the restaurant.

This is the founder of Sunshine Culture. He once stood by Mr. Fang during his acquisition of Sina and successfully changed hands for the largest portal website in China.

According to Xu Zhongmin's understanding, Wu Zheng also went to Xiangjiang Station to praise Mr. Fang at the Yike IPO road show. The relationship between the two parties should be good. Since the merger of his own Beijing Records and Sunshine TV, the friendship has become deeper than before.

Xu Zhongmin thought it would be okay to ask Wu Zheng to help him on this trip.

"Boss Xu, why are you so polite? We still have such false politeness between us."

Wu Zheng got out of the car and saw Xu Zhongmin standing at the door with a smile, and joked.

Xu Zhongmin took two steps forward and said with a laugh: "I haven't seen Mr. Wu for a while. I'm really energetic today. Come on, come on. There's a new chef in the store today. Let me try his skills."

He grabbed Wu Zheng's arm and said: "There are also a few friends from the chamber of commerce. Let's talk too and see if there is any room for cooperation."

We are relatively familiar with each other and speak very directly.

Wu Zheng is also on the rich list, but almost no one in the capital knows about the "Chaohaoshi" restaurant in front of him. Boss Xu has a great reputation, wide connections, and knows many powerful people, so he cannot be measured by wealth alone.

As he entered the elevator, he smiled and said, "Really? That's it? You promised the boss to show your courtesy, and that's all?"

Xu Zhongmin pressed the elevator button and said with a smile: "Mr. Wu, I really can't hide my little thoughts from you."

He did not continue immediately, leaving a slightly formal atmosphere to lay the groundwork.

Wu Zheng smiled slightly: "If you don't say anything now, I won't be able to hear what you say if you drink too much later."

"Okay, okay, Mr. Wu, Angkor." Xu Zhongmin pretended to be helpless and said easily, "I really have something else this time, so I have to ask the powerful Mr. Wu for help."

Wu Zheng raised his hand and nodded: "Boss Xu is starting to give me a high hat. What's going on?"

Xu Zhongmin hesitantly said, still relaxed: "I particularly admire Mr. Fang from Yike, and I would like Mr. Wu to help introduce him."

The smile on Wu Zheng's face slowly faded.

Of course he had heard about the competition between Gome and Tesco, and even vaguely heard what Mr. Fang had said.

Originally, I wasn't particularly sure of its authenticity, but now that it's out, it seems like it is indeed the case.

This sounds like an introduction, but in reality it means being a middleman.

Well, Mr. Fang.

He is not an easy person to get along with.

Wu Zheng sighed in his heart.

In fact, I benefited from the Sina acquisition. At that time, the cooperation between Sunshine Culture and Sina had already failed. When the company changed hands, if Mr. Fang hadn't stopped him, the shares would have been sold at the bottom.

Because of the relatively high price of the exit later, Yike personally attended the IPO road show to support Mr. Fang.

Over and over again, there is indeed a relationship.

But if you want to get together after Mr. Fang's words, I'm afraid you're asking for trouble.

After Wu Zheng's acquisition of Sina, the other party was always shocked. Even if there was no subsequent cooperation, they always paid attention to his movements. It can only be said that golden scales are not a thing in a pond. They turn into dragons when a storm arises. It is not unreasonable for Mr. Fang to continue to be the richest man. Makes sense.


The elevator reaches the 6th floor.

There was no smile on Wu Zheng's face, and he said before stepping out of the elevator: "Boss Xu, Lao Xu, I know why you are here, but this matter is not easy to handle. You praised me just now, but Mr. Fang is the one with magical powers." A vast number of people.”

Xu Zhongmin took half a step faster, pointed in the direction of the box, and said with a smile: "It's just difficult for us, so we found Mr. Wu."

Wu Zheng said nothing, weighing and thinking in his mind.

The box has arrived.

Xu Zhongmin opened the door.

As soon as the door was half opened, a sentence came from inside - "Why don't Fang Zhuo just sell a player? What's the big deal?"

Wu Zheng was stunned, turned around and left without entering the door.

"Hey, Mr. Wu." Xu Zhongmin hurriedly chased after Mr. Wu, "Brother Ang, what are you doing? You're already here. If you have anything to say, talk to me."

Wu Zheng said seriously: "Mr. Fang is petty."

He patted Boss Xu on the shoulder: "I really can't help with this matter."

People are divided into groups and there is no way to talk.

Xu Zhongmin: "?"

What kind of reason is this? It’s not the way to say it if you want to refuse.

However, he saw that Mr. Wu's expression was very serious.

"Mr. Wu, they don't know how to talk in private. Come on, come on, it's just us two brothers today." Xu Zhongmin quickly made a decision, "Even if we don't talk about business, we haven't seen each other for a while. Let's have a drink at the head office."

Xu Zhongmin quickly entered the box and drove away the people he had brought from the Chamber of Commerce to accompany him today in a few words.

However, when Wu Zheng walked into the box, the people from the Chamber of Commerce had left, and there were still some Yingying Yanyan left.

"Just the two of us." Wu Zheng said.

Xu Zhongmin waved his hand, and Yingying Yanyan also left the box.

"It's not that I don't want to help. I've also heard about Gome and Tesco." Wu Zheng got straight to the point, "It's just that I can't help with this matter, and I don't have the position to say anything in front of Mr. Fang. The most important thing is that this The United States is using its power to bully others."

He knew what Gome was doing to drive its suppliers.

In his opinion, it was really no wonder that Mr. Fang was angry.

Xu Zhongmin smiled and said: "Yes, Gome is a bit fierce in doing things, and Mr. Huang has a tough temper, so I don't think so..."

Wu Zheng interrupted: "Mr. Huang has a tough temper, doesn't Mr. Fang have a tough temper?"

He still had something to say. Since he had a tough temper, let's just wait and see.

Xu Zhongmin revised his wording and said again: "The main reason is that we don't think it is like this. Angkor, in this place, brother, let me tell you from the bottom of my heart, this business matter belongs to business, as for running after people? ?Is there anyone doing this?"

Wu Zheng thought for a while and said tactfully: "Mr. Fang has his own standards for doing things."

How to do things is the idea of ​​the person involved. Whether you can take over the matter... depends on your side.

Xu Zhongmin was startled and smiled bitterly: "What kind of standards and rules are these? Angkor, in fact, I also admire Mr. Fang very much. It's not just me, who knows Mr. Fang's achievements and doesn't express his admiration?"

"But, I really have to say that if Mr. Fang does this, his reputation will be tarnished in the long run."

"Who can safely deal with him?"

Wu Zheng said nothing.

Xu Zhongmin brought up another situation: "In our hometown, we often say that our family members are our own people. If something happens to us, everyone will be beaten to death. We will never let our family members be bullied. Angkor, Mr. Fang, where are you?" There are already people in contact and they are well-respected seniors.”

"It's better to resolve enemies than to make enemies. From Mr. Fang's point of view, wouldn't it be good for everyone to make peace and make money together?"

"Why make the scene ugly?"

Wu Zheng felt a little solemn in his heart. This makes sense. These trendy businessmen have always been united. Although Mr. Fang has great powers, he is not a minion. As for Boss Xu in front of him, he has many connections here.

"Boss Xu, why do you need to talk to me about this matter? Let Mr. Huang communicate with Mr. Fang directly. Otherwise, you can find people from Sina in the capital. They can talk to Mr. Fang better. You always say that others have great powers. I think you have quite a lot of magical powers."

Xu Zhongmin heard that Mr. Wu was a little relieved, so he struck while the iron was hot: "Hey, those are people outside who don't know the depth. I'm just playing the drum. When I really met a person like Mr. Fang, I was so shocked that I couldn't sleep for several days."

He poured Wu Zheng a glass of wine.

Wu Zheng clinked his glasses and laughed, "That's an exaggeration."

"It's not an exaggeration, it's not an exaggeration." Xu Zhongmin toasted, "In other industries, sometimes you can't feel it through a layer. Just talk about this record and this music. I am in this industry. I was the CEO of Sony Music in China overnight. He was replaced by Mr. Fang."

"I heard about this the other day. I heard that Mr. Fang wanted to teach people the rules of the Imperial City. That's when I learned what it means to sit in a well and watch the sky."

"I'm not going to lie to you, Brother Ang, I admire Mr. Fang."

He served Mr. Wu another drink.

Wu Zheng slowly drank half a glass of wine.

After thinking about it, without making any sense, judging from this situation, the trendy merchants are indeed fierce, and Mr. Fang may indeed need to step down.

"What's Gome's plan?" Wu Zheng drank the remaining half glass of wine and decided to sell his favor, "I can go to Shanghai to meet Mr. Fang."

Xu Zhongmin was overjoyed and said with a smile: "This month, Gome will no longer let suppliers choose one from the other."

Wu Zheng heard this and asked: "What about the suppliers who canceled the cooperation before?"

Xu Zhongmin was a little embarrassed: "Mr. Huang has a tough character. No matter how hard I try to persuade him, it just won't work. There are so many domestic electrical appliance suppliers, and there is no shortage of them. Both sides can find a step down. Let the past be in the past and move forward." Look."

Wu Zheng frowned, okay, let's give it a try. Anyway, he won't be the first to take the lead.


Liu Suyi, the president of Yongke Real Estate, left the CEO office of Hang Lung 23 with considerable trouble.

Regarding the rumors, even though three people were thinking about it together, they were still unable to determine who was responsible.

This is inherently a difficult thing to track.

However, what made Liu Suyi even more uneasy was that when he reported on the real estate work and mentioned the blockade of Gome Real Estate, Mr. Fang was not only not very happy, but even frowned.

"Okay, if this doesn't happen next time, you, Yongke Real Estate, just develop your own business and don't worry about whether it's national or not."

"Regardless of rumors, competition, or who is coming to Shanghai, I want to see how awesome this place can be."

"I want to see how a cow can forcefully drink water without pressing its head."

Liu Suyi heard the simple process in the office, and there was a group of people from Gome trying to persuade Mr. Fang.

He guessed that the form or language might be wrong, that's why Mr. Fang said this.

But no matter what, Yongke Real Estate seems to have failed to help this time, and may even have been unhelpful. This is really sad.

Liu Suyi melancholy attended the wine party in the evening, feeling a little depressed.

Not only because of his own limited abilities, but also because of the situation that Mr. Fang is facing, they are a group of people.

"Mr. Liu, Gome and Tesco are still at war with each other. How do you think the situation is going?" During the meeting, someone asked about the hottest topic in Shanghai's business district recently.

Liu Suyi knew that Mr. Fang would meet with eight well-known domestic TV companies tomorrow and what they wanted to discuss was cooperation.

He judged that this fierce competition was likely to come to an end.

"The results should be available this month."

Liu Suyi said this.

The people at the banquet were in high spirits. They chatted a few rumors about the outside world. Everyone present expressed their support to Mr. Fang. This was not only related to Mr. Fang’s company being in Shanghai, but also not only because he had previously held the title of the richest man in Shanghai. What’s more, the public offering that Mr. Fang cooperated with the bank really helped people make money.

"Mr. Fang must be very busy recently. I heard that someone from Chaoshang is coming to Shanghai." Someone said this and asked with concern, "Mr. Liu, are you okay? The people from Chaoshang are also pretty awesome. "

Liu Suyi thought about the state of Mr. Fang he saw today and his worries about the rumors. He cheered up and boosted his morale. He smiled and said, "You asked me if Mr. Fang is okay?"

"Mr. Fang said that in the realm in front of him, Shencheng does not allow such awesome people to exist."

"Love so and so."

As soon as these words came out, everyone in the audience was shocked.

"Get a result".

"Shanghai does not allow such awesome characters to exist."

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