Reinventing the Millennium

Chapter 668 Fang Heizi (two in one)

Rhubarb is always out of touch.

This state is very delicate.

Maybe he was overbearing and didn't know where he was going to raid again this time. He was going radio silent, so he couldn't be contacted.

Maybe it's really...

This is exactly what the eight heads of the TV company first reacted to.

We can’t blame everyone for thinking in this direction unanimously. It’s true that Youfang always puts his words forward, which can’t help but make people think about it.

If the person cannot be contacted, life must go on, and the reception banquet will continue as usual.

However, with Rhubarb being so independent, even Zhou Houjian, the head of Hisense, who relies heavily on Gome’s channels, is carefully weighing the far-reaching impact of this incident. What will happen to Gome? What about Suning and Five Stars? What about e-commerce?

As a brand supplier, what should you do at such a moment? Should we continue to increase cooperation with other channels or take the opportunity to build our own channels?

The eight companies have various ideas due to different interests and markets.

Before the reception banquet started, Su Wei finished her work and met Mr. Fang, and keenly noticed that he was a little absent-minded.

"What's wrong? The afternoon meeting didn't go well?" she asked.

Fang Zhuo simply replied: "It is said that Mr. Dahuang has lost contact."

Su Wei was startled and blurted out: "Did you do it?"

"I used 'supposedly'." Fang Zhuo pointed out the key points as calmly as possible.

Su Wei ignored this and immediately said: "Whether it's you or not, if something happens to Dahuang suddenly, others will think it's you. The media interview I accepted today should be urgent and let them release it tomorrow."

Fang Zhuo: "...This will make it more secure."

"Sit down and settle down." Su Wei said calmly, "As long as there are no troubles that are difficult to solve, it's not bad."

The truth is this.

The problem is, the person involved doesn’t feel quite right.

Fang Zhuo hesitated to speak, but said: "Forget it, that's it."

Su Wei comforted: "After all, we will benefit, and Tesco's channel difficulties will be alleviated."

Fang Zhuo always felt that Xiao Su didn't believe his words in his heart.

He has never been afraid of being scolded, blamed, or not understood... The so-called, knowing that I am guilty, ah, bah, it is knowing me, knowing that I am innocent, that makes me feel even more depressed.

"Let's go, get in the car. After the media's statement, we have to keep a low profile." Su Wei thought about it and asked, "Are you sure Mr. Huang went in?"

"Not sure." Fang Zhuo said helplessly, "I didn't let anyone keep an eye on him. The news was notified by Mr. Li Dongsheng at the end of the meeting. Their supplier's information is much better than mine."

Su Wei nodded: "Even if you don't ask, the news will be verified soon. Mr. Huang's company is a listed company. The authenticity of the news is related to the stock price and market value. Let's keep a low profile and calm down."

Fang Zhuo saw that Xiao Su was calm and sighed: "I lost my temper. I have to learn from you today."

Su Wei smiled and joked: "That's okay. I have expectations. Well, I always believe that Tesco will get better, no matter what happens or what kind of competition it is."

Fang Zhuo believes that from this moment on, he must get used to the mentality of "sit down and sit down".

At seven o'clock in the evening, the reception banquet was held on time.

Fang Zhuo notified media friends on the way here and successfully expressed his expectation for an early publication.

The reception banquet was not limited to the eight TV heads, Fang Zhuo and Su Wei. Considering the status and friendship of Wu Zheng who was visiting today, he was also invited to attend in the evening.

Fang Zhuo met Wu Zheng in the afternoon.

This person came quite suddenly. He made a phone call in the morning and arrived at the office at one o'clock in the afternoon. However, the conversation was just normal greetings, tea tasting, reminiscing about the past, and looking forward to cooperation, so Fang Zhuo couldn't figure out the purpose for a while.

He planned to exchange glasses at the banquet to see what his purpose was.

During the period from the end of the meeting to the start of the reception banquet, the TV Eight Heroes each had channels to understand the situation. The news was still vague and classified as out of contact. The reason they were able to get the news so quickly was because something special happened in another supplier meeting of Gome. situation.

Huang Guangyu, who was supposed to show up, did not show up. The vice president answered the phone again and left in a panic. The supplier meeting was not even completed.

Someone tried to call Mr. Huang, but couldn't get through.

A caring person tried to call Mr. Huang again after some time, but still couldn't get through.

Finally, after some verification, it seemed that a conclusion could be drawn: Mr. Huang could not be contacted.

Considering the fierce reputation and tough talk of the richest man in the country, news about Mr. Huang steadily spread in certain circles.


Wu Zheng, who flew to Shanghai from the capital early in the morning, did not get the news. He had nothing to do with the supply chain circle in the first place. This visit was also part of the friendship formed during the Sina period. He was thinking about how to be a measured person. peacemaker.

He was very happy that Mr. Fang's attitude towards him had not changed, and he increasingly felt that Mr. Fang could not be entirely blamed for this matter.

However, sitting at the wine table and observing the drinking atmosphere between the heads of eight well-known domestic TV companies and Mr. Fang, Wu Zheng had to be surprised - Huh? Is everyone so generous?

Shouldn’t TV brands be more involved with Gome?

Shouldn't you be somewhat in a dilemma?

Why does Mr. Zhang Xuebin have to toast again and again?

Why is that Mr. Li Dongsheng smiling like a flower?

Wu Zheng didn't understand.

But just assume that they have a good relationship with Mr. Fang and get along well with each other. They are still thinking about how to cleverly persuade Mr. Fang. Trendy business is strong and harmony makes money. Mr. Fang, please don’t get into trouble with Mr. Huang. , don’t do anything to Mr. Huang.

Finally, after a slightly strange drinking session, the conversation about channels started at the wine table.

"TCL is really considering building its own channels. I think the channel that Gree is determined to build is a matter of long-term benefit." Li Dongsheng swung his wine glass, quite cheerfully. He has a bad relationship with Gome, so this will be the happiest one. .

Hisense's Zhou Houjian shook his head slightly: "Mr. Li, you and Gree are both on the front line. Unlike Hisense, in fact, Gome's attitude is not necessarily just that it will have it. Any channel that has the right to speak is destined to turn against customers."

"Hey, hey, Mr. Zhou." Fang Zhuo heard this and said disapprovingly, "There is a channel dealer sitting in front of you. As the chairman of Tesco, I believe that channels and brands complement each other. Tesco will not kill the goose to lay the eggs. , willing to build a healthier and longer-lasting cooperative relationship.”

Zhou Houjian said bluntly: "Mr. Fang, of course you say so if you haven't started doing business on E-commerce now. When the market share is really high, if you regret it then, what can we do?"

Fang Zhuo raised his glass and said seriously: "If I regret it, let me become like Mr. Huang."


A group of people laughed, this Mr. Fang is so special... Mr. Fang is so special!

Everyone raised their glasses.

Wu Zheng smiled and raised his glass while wondering, what would it become? Are you talking about the current situation that Mr. Huang is facing with the joint communication between the eight major TV companies? Or is it that Mr. Huang's wealth is not as good as Mr. Fang's?

Have a drink together.

Fang Zhuo put down his wine glass and said with emotion: "The past, no matter what, is in the past. Whether it's life or business, we all look forward. I respect Gome. It can reach the No. 1 position in the market today." One, absolutely powerful.”

"Tesco should learn from it and strive to become the first choice of CEOs."

When Wu Zheng heard this, he felt that Mr. Fang was worthy of being Mr. Fang, and his recognition of Gome was so sincere.

He filled his glass of wine and saluted Mr. Fang: "Mr. Fang, I have also heard about the competition between Tesco and Gome, but today I learned that Mr. Fang is already both in the competition and outside the situation. It's my place." It’s you, there’s absolutely no way you can say you respect the United States so calmly.”

Fang Zhuo waved his hand, Mr. Wu, really, at this time, there is no need, no need.

Wu Zheng saw that Mr. Fang was not disgusted, so he struck while the iron was hot: "As the old saying goes, it is better to resolve enemies than to make enemies. The markets of Gome and Tesco are still very broad. There is also a lot of room for future cooperation between Mr. Fang and Mr. Huang."

Fang Zhuo:?

Su Wei:?

TV Hachio:?

This sounds a bit wrong. Should I ask Mr. Fang to cooperate with Mr. Huang on the sewing machine?

Li Dongsheng glanced at Wu Zheng, who looked serious, and felt that they were not on the same channel.

The atmosphere at the banquet suddenly became quiet.

Fang Zhuo looked at Wu Zheng and understood that he was also a lobbyist this time, but... this lobbyist was slow to respond.

Wu Zheng found that Mr. Fang's expression was quite subtle. After scanning it slightly, the expressions of other people were also surprised, doubtful and puzzled.

He was a little embarrassed and didn't know what went wrong, so he simply said: "Mr. Fang, let me bring you a drink!"

Fang Zhuo silently drank a glass of wine together, feeling a little nervous and not sure whether he should tell the news.

Seeing this, Li Dongsheng didn't bother the two masters. He still came to inform the news, and said lightly: "Mr. Wu, I heard that Mr. Huang can't be contacted for the time being."

could not be reached? temporary?


Wu Zheng understood instantly and was shocked. The next second he understood where the strange and cheerful atmosphere he felt came from. Gome had been bullying its suppliers for more than a day or two...

I also understood the perspective behind what Mr. Fang said just now. He was standing in the position of the winner and condescendingly commenting on the loser!

Gome drove its suppliers, Tesco suffered supply cuts, Mr. Fang was angered and spoke out, Chaoshang intervened, and Mr. Huang lost contact and got into trouble.

All this happened in less than a month!

Mr. Huang is not an ordinary person!

This party is too dark!

Wu Zheng fell into a huge shock and couldn't help himself for a moment. He couldn't help but sigh: "Mr. Fang, why is this..."

After Li Dongsheng finished speaking, he stared at Mr. Wu intently. Hearing this sentence, he praised repeatedly in his heart: Yes, yes, this is good, this is good, what Mr. Wu said is so right.

He found that Ni Runfeng was also looking at Mr. Wu, with a strange expression on his face.

Li Dongsheng raised his glass gently without making much movement.

Ni Runfeng glanced at it and raised his glass slightly.

The two clinked glasses of wine silently, each taking a sip.

After all, Fang Zhuo and Wu had known each other for a long time. Today, they heard such scapegoating remarks again and did not refute. They just poured themselves some wine and said:

"Who am I going to touch? And who is going to touch me?"

"That's all, everyone, obey the rules and laws, there is no greater good."

There was no longer any talk about Tesco and Gome at the reception banquet, but the drinking party did not continue for too long.

Wu Zheng was shaken. On the one hand, he was shocked at how quickly things developed, but on the other hand, he also felt a bit afraid that the other party would always act ruthlessly. He exchanged hasty greetings and left the hotel.

When he got into the car, he immediately took out his mobile phone to contact Xu Zhongmin, who asked him to persuade him to make peace, and asked him why he didn't inform him of the latest news.

Even if the other person's affairs are complicated due to changes, you should still tell yourself!

It was a joke for no reason!

Beep beep, the call was not connected.

Wu Zheng drove back to the Four Seasons Hotel in depression.

When he arrived at his destination, he called Xu Zhongmin again, but still couldn't get through.

Just as Wu Zheng was about to put away his phone, he suddenly felt shocked. Could it be that Boss Xu had become the accident itself?

In this case, then, then forgive Boss Xu.

The night of August 2nd is destined to leave many people tossing and turning.

As parties who were not parties but were forcibly regarded as parties, Fang Zhuo and Su Wei put aside their emotions after returning home and began to think about Tesco's profits and development.

Although Tesco's prospects still largely depend on itself, a good start is undoubtedly more conducive to its development.

In the early hours of the morning, Fang Zhuo and Su Wei ended the night's discussion about Tesco regardless of public or private matters.

Before going to bed, Su Wei drew circles on Fang Zhuo's chest with her fingers and said softly: "I have one last question."

"Huh?" Fang Zhuo made a sound in his nose.

"Is it you?" Su Wei asked the last question of the day.

"It's not me." Fang Zhuo replied firmly.

Su Wei stopped asking.

She thought to herself that Mr. Fang was really strict. Such a man could really do great things.

"It must be him!"

"It's definitely him!"

"What the hell! He shouldn't be called Fang Zhuo!"

"He shouldn't be engaged in business!"

"He should be an actor!"

"He should play Bao Qingtian!"

"He should be called Fang Heizi!"

"Dirty heart and dirty hands!"

In the Huang family in the capital, something happened to Da Huang. Not only did he lose contact, but also his brother. However, the Huang family also had two younger sisters, Huang Xiuhong and Huang Yanhong, who worked in the United States.

Huang Xiuhong is responsible for the preparation of the East China District of Gome this year. She flew back to the capital from Shanghai overnight. She has a similar personality to her brother. At this moment, she is just quietly listening to her younger sister Huang Yanhong's rage.

After a long time, Huang Xiuhong spoke up: "Mr. Zhou Zerong of Qiaoxin Group arrived in the capital in the morning. You go to pick him up on behalf of the family. Something happened to the eldest brother and the second brother. We can't find anyone to talk to Fang Zhuo here. We have to Rely on the seniors from my hometown."

Huang Yanhong said angrily: "They are scared! I made a few calls, but the few people who used to hang around my second brother in Beijing didn't dare to come over!"

Huang Xiuhong was silent for a while and said quietly: "No one would be afraid of anyone else. Who would have thought that Fang Zhuo would be so arrogant and fierce."

"What about Zhou Zerong?" Huang Yanhong asked uneasily, "Where's Zhu Mengyi? Have you contacted him?"

Huang Xiuhong frowned and said, "He is on his way to Shanghai."

Huang Yanhong breathed a sigh of relief. She knew that this person had great energy.

However, Huang Xiuhong added: "Mr. Zhu told me on the phone that Fang Zhuo acted viciously and could only do human things."

Huang Yanhong's heart lifted again, even Zhu Mengyi said so.

Do your best and obey destiny.

Fang Heizi, you really don’t follow the rules. We just cut off your channels, but you have to kill them all. You are too ruthless and lawless!

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