Reinventing the Millennium

Chapter 768 Going into the water (two in one)

The exchanges in the Rockets arena were pleasant and relaxed. Today was an informal meeting between Fang Zhuo, Geithner and O'Brien. Tomorrow, the media will be invited to take photos of the congressmen's exchange on basketball culture.

As a congressman, Xiao Ao is keen on promoting his own image, and if he can combine it with his hobbies, it is even more heartfelt.

When it was dinner time, Fang Zhuo held a small banquet and invited the local municipal government to accompany him. The atmosphere was quite enjoyable.

The Rockets have held a championship parade in Houston for two consecutive years. This result has boosted home attendance, boosted consumption, and made the local municipal government very fond of it.

The team is also very attentive in building community culture.

Compared with Alexander, the stingy previous boss, Fang Zhuo was more generous with the team's funds. He didn't have to do anything himself. As long as the money could be solved, he would be charitable.

For example, in the communities and streets near the arena, street lights, graffiti, and signs have all been added with Rockets elements, and the surrounding street courts have also been repaired with sponsorship.

It is worth mentioning that after the team defended its title this year, it is trying to push the municipal government to widen the road leading to the home court so that fans watching the game will not have the atmosphere of the home court affected by heavy traffic.

Xiao Ou listened to these team culture constructions with great interest at the dinner table.

Finally, at the end of the dinner, he said with some emotion: "If I don't go into politics in the future, I really want to be the owner of a team."

However, according to Fang Zhuo, this matter probably won't work.

Xiao O's starting point is a bit low, and his family can only be considered middle-class now. He can definitely earn his fair share of money through memoirs, speeches and the like, but this money cannot be exaggerated enough to buy a team.

It is more cost-effective for those leaders who have their own foundation, and they can amplify the wealth of a large base with a little move.

At the end of the dinner, the guests and hosts enjoyed themselves.

Xiao Ao and Geithner stayed at the hotel, while Fang Zhuo drove back to the villa after making an appointment to meet the next day.

Zhao Zhishan personally served as Mr. Fang’s driver. Except for a domestic retired safety assistant who was following him, everyone else was in the car behind.

"Xiao Zhao, please sort out Geithner's information in detail and give it to me tomorrow morning."

"How come he and Xiao Ao have a personal relationship?"

"The two of them seem to be very familiar with each other. It's not like they met each other once or twice."

Fang Zhuo has been wondering about this today, but has no time to study it in detail.

The information Zhao Zhishan provided before was all about contacts in Illinois and related to Xiao Ao. However, Geithner is an unexpected figure. Fortunately, he is relatively familiar with some figures in New York, and he can link up a relationship between big and small. , it can be regarded as completing a small exchange.

The MIGA Fund will not directly set up positions, but will sponsor the establishment of an independent economic research institution, so that people like Xiao Sa can take up positions and gain some platform power.

Only when there are comings and goings can the relationship be deep.

As long as Sasha is willing to take up the position, the investment in the Big Short will bring him a share.

Today Geithner will not invest alone, but will use profits to attract people from this group to take action.

After all, although Mr. Xiao Sa comes from an economic family and is an economist himself, if he really wants to apply what he has learned and apply his theories to test the market, he will probably lose money.

If you want to make big money, let the professionals do it.

But when professionals come, they just drag a group of people into the water.

Zhao Zhishan responded, and after a few seconds he said: "Mr. Fang, there is something that may be handled through the team."

Fang Zhuo motioned for her to continue.

"Congressman Jr.'s wife Michelle, her brother is Craig Robinson. It is said that the relationship between the brother and sister is very good." Zhao Zhishanhui reported, "Robinson was the core forward of the team when he was studying at Princeton University. A two-time best player in the Ivy League and an NBA draft pick, he later went to work for Morgan, but eventually left the banking industry to coach in college."

"Now, he is the coach of the Brown University team. He also writes a column for ESPN and often writes about the NCAA college league."

"If the latest news is correct, Robinson was interested in looking for a job in the NBA but did not get the opportunity."

Fang Zhuo was startled for a moment and then processed the news: "Is Xiao Ao's uncle a basketball player?"

These are really relatives.

Zhao Zhishan nodded, that is, he saw Mr. Fang's attitude towards Xiao Ao with his own eyes today, and only then did he collect more behind-the-scenes information. Before, it was all about the context of the congressmen.

As the fifth black U.S. senator in U.S. history, there are many details worth exploring behind this mysterious figure.

Fang Zhuo thought for a moment and said: "The NBA is currently building the Development League. The team management believes that there is no need to participate in this now. In this case, Robinson will be hired to be responsible for the Rockets' Development League construction. Well, his experience is probably not good. Come be a deputy general manager or a similar suitable position."

The NBA is running a secondary league, NBDL, which currently has only 14 teams. Only the Spurs and Lakers have secondary teams in the league.

The Rockets are not too keen on this this year. The team management is paying close attention to player reinforcements and making every effort to sprint for new team history honors.

Zhao Zhishan once again witnessed the importance his boss paid to Congressman Xiao Ao, nodded, and accepted the matter.

Fang Zhuo thought about today's situation, lowered the car window, looked at the night scene, and considered developing a close and rewarding social relationship through basketball.

After a long time, he said calmly: "I love basketball."

Zhao Zhishan pursed his lips, 1 point is love, 100 points is also love, how can the boss get a passing grade...

The next day, Geithner, the governor, did not participate in public events. Congressman O'Brien only communicated with the Rockets champion members under the media lens. Nash and Yao Ming were still in Houston, and Carter had already gone on vacation.

Because Yao Ming has potential injuries, the team's medical team has to spend more time to help diagnose and make vacation plans. He is expected to stay in Houston until early July before returning home.

Xiao O's smile was bright and charming in the camera. He had friendly exchanges with the players and the arranged community children, and his personal charm seemed to be no problem.

Fang Zhuo didn't like shots of this nature and tried to avoid being in the same frame. However, he received a message from Geithner near noon.

Teacher Xiao Sa agreed to the invitation to serve.

He will serve as the chief consultant of the "New York Economic and Social Development Research". The specific work content...helps with budgeting, talks to the financial media about his views on economic development and financial markets, and publishes an annual report every year.

At the same time, there will be some researchers from Harvard to fill the positions.

Fang Zhuo was very happy about this and asked Zhao Zhishan to find someone to quickly register the "New York Economic and Social Development Research" and to find a sufficiently luxurious office space - Teacher Xiao Sa probably only came here a few times a year, leaving it for the researcher to sit down. Just sit down.

In the afternoon, new news came from Geithner.

This time, investment funds were increased.

Geithner's original investment figure after the completion of the transaction was US$19.57 million.

One day passed, and as Teacher Xiao Sa readily agreed to the invitation, this number increased to US$25 million.

Seeing this, Fang Zhuo guessed that Geithner might have chatted with Mr. Xiao Sa about the income from his investment, and before he could get Mr. Xiao Sa into trouble, Geithner took the initiative to invest money in the fund.

People are all the same when faced with profits, but some need to be more decent.

Fang Zhuo was very clear this time, talking about an investment strategy that might focus on CDS, but gave a certain degree of confidence.

Geithner has no worries about this Oriental rich man who has a sports team, villa, and company here. He believes in the judgment of MIGA Fund on the prospects of some CDS contracts.

And, he also provided a warning message.

The Federal Reserve Bank of New York has noticed Deutsche Bank's active behavior in the CDO market. According to observations, Deutsche Bank is already a major player in the financial derivatives market, and there is less disclosure of relevant information.

In addition, Deutsche Bank executive Thomas Fischer, who was responsible for risk control and operations on the Deutsche Bank's management committee, has left.

In other words, there are likely to be some problems with Deutsche Bank's internal risk control.

According to Geithner, Thomas Fisher was eliminated by Deutsche Bank CEO in order to weaken the checks and balances of risk management and control, so as to free the investment banking department to establish various high-risk positions.

I don’t know if there will be any problems with this approach, but the New York Fed has already set its sights on Deutsche Bank.

Unlike Goldman Sachs, which has its own referee, Deutsche Bank, a German bank, operates a little too efficiently in New York.

After reading the warning from Geithner, Fang Zhuo considered whether to change his mobile phone to a more confidential one. this something that can be said?

Should... it should be fine, right?

Fang Zhuo did know Deutsche Bank's enthusiasm for the CDO market, because MIGA also received orders from Deutsche Bank after helping the Bank of Washington ship goods. However, he did not know or realize that Deutsche Bank was being watched by local regulatory authorities.

If something happens to the CDO market, companies like Deutsche Bank will face extremely high risks of legal proceedings.

Of course something is wrong with the CDO market.

Has Deutsche Bank been sued?

Fang Zhuo really didn't know about this, but he quickly ordered MIGA Fund to end its cooperation with Deutsche Bank.

As a handler, Zhao Zhishan asked a question worriedly: "Since the New York Fed is judging risks and has noticed Deutsche Bank, it must have also noticed Goldman Sachs, Bank of Washington, and possibly us. If it had not accepted Geithner's Investment, will MIGA also face higher-than-expected legal risks?”

MIGA Fund started as a distributor, but after witnessing the behavior of other companies, it also tried to upgrade to a manufacturer, and the profits were not bad.

"So, isn't this acceptance of Geithner's investment also a reminder? Don't worry too much. Since Geithner has given a warning, there will be room for mediation even in the face of other regulatory authorities in the future. The most important thing is Cut it in time." Fang Zhuo thought of this when he received the news from Geithner, and his mood was very stable.

It stands to reason that as long as the MIGA fund does not try to earn the last copper plate, the legal risks will be greatly reduced.

However, even though Fang Zhuo responded to Zhao Zhishan's concerns, he still mentioned the investment matter to Xiao O after finishing his trip to Houston.

We won’t stop doing this until we let Xiao Ao come in first.

"My annual salary is 158,000 a year, and I am the poorest person in the Senate." Xiao Ao declined, "This does not meet the investment threshold of your kind of fund, so I will not participate."

Fang Zhuo nonchalantly used Geithner as an example: "The operation of funds is all formal. Otherwise, Geithner is the president of the New York Fed. How can he invest in risky funds?"

Geithner's trip to Houston was not to accompany Xiao Ou, but because he happened to come to Texas to work on the banking system, so they came together to resolve some personal matters related to investment.

When O'Neill heard Geithner's name, he thought about what he had seen on the first day in the arena. After hesitating for a while, he agreed. He decided to invest a year and a half's salary to earn money to support his family seriously.

The operation of MIGA funds is very formal, and participation in the CDO market is in compliance with laws and regulations and will never harm customers.

Now it is just to avoid settling accounts in the future and to reduce related risks. If the regulatory authorities see an unexpected piece of chicken feathers and want to cut off the flesh one by one, there will naturally be referees on stage to help prevent further digging.

After sending Xiao Ao away, Geithner would listen to his wishes and continue the business trip with the banking system, so there would be no need to meet.

Fang Zhuo was sitting in the car on the way back. After dealing with this matter, he thought about the future of these two people that would arrive in a few years. He was still a little excited. Is this a big shot?

However, this incident also reminded me that when I return to New York, I need to attend some celebrity banquets and bring everyone to make money together. Anyway, for the big short Paulson, he will only worry about having less money, not too much money.

Just when Fang Zhuo had another dinner with Yao Ming and was about to fly to Silicon Valley, he received a call from Robinson.

Although Robinson is the coach of the team that was just signed by Brown University, he did not hesitate to express his yearning for the NBA when he received inquiries from the championship team.

Not to mention this year's defending champion team, even if it is a bottom team, he is willing to join it.

"Robinson, this is an opportunity to work on the biggest stage in the basketball industry. The Rockets are aiming for the historical significance it can be remembered for. I hope you will realize the hard work behind this invitation and devote your utmost enthusiasm to it." Work hard." Fang Zhuo, the boss, gave an attitude consistent with his status.

Robinson was so excited that he was a little incoherent. He once tried a career as a professional player in the UK and had a true love for basketball.

He repeatedly assured that he was qualified for the job and thanked his boss for the recognition.

This is undoubtedly a recognition of myself.

Otherwise, why would the Rockets issue an invitation?

Relying on his brother-in-law, Congressman?

He is in Illinois, not in Texas.

The hard work has finally paid off, and decades of enthusiasm have finally come to fruition.

Robinson shared his joy with family and friends.

Xiao Ao, who returned to Chicago, soon received the news. On the one hand, he was happy for his uncle, but on the other hand, he also felt that Mr. Fang was really... too considerate.

Basketball holds the strings, cherish this fate.

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