Reinventing the Millennium

Chapter 772 Short-selling Yike (two-in-one)

The NYE charity dinner was a great success.

Singers performed, charity auctions were held, and bosses gave speeches.

Also, MIGA Fund has received a lot of investment and investment intentions.

When Rubin, Summers, and Geithner stand beside the rich people in the East, it is difficult for everyone not to have confidence in the MIGA Fund.

Confidence is more valuable than gold at some moments. It can not only allow green dollars to flow smoothly into fund accounts, but also allow behemoths on Wall Street to lose their liquidity due to runs.

Fang Zhuo did not give a speech on stage, nor did he actively show his presence at the dinner, but except for Fuld who was a little unhappy, everyone was deeply impressed by this smiling oriental man.

The rumors are wrong. His character does not seem to be as violent as on the stadium, but rather typical of Eastern humility.

At 11 o'clock in the evening, the charity dinner ended completely, and a total of US$2.78 million in charity funds was auctioned.

It wasn't until the early hours of the morning that Fang Zhuo got rid of the flowers and could finally sit in the room and review the list of companies submitted by Kong Yu.

This is another small task given to Mr. Kong to see which high-quality semiconductor-related and mobile phone upstream and downstream American companies there are.

"If there is really an economic crisis in the U.S. market, then I will lend a helping hand to some high-quality companies."

This is what Kong Yu heard from Mr. Fang's original words. Currently, he is listing companies in the United States. It will take some time to complete the analysis of the European market - mainly considering that the parent companies of some related subsidiaries are involved in the financial business. risks of.

The room was quiet, except for the faint scent of tea.

Kong Yu looked at the focused Mr. Fang, as if a crocodile was sizing up the food before his eyes. As soon as he finished selecting, he would do a death roll.

He sat on the sofa and thought wildly, sometimes about what happened tonight, and sometimes about the handling process.

"Apple acquired a company called Proximity this year, which specializes in media management and workflow systems. Hey, Apple has always had an excellent vision."

Kong Yu's thoughts were interrupted by Mr. Fang's praise to himself, and he quickly leaned over to give his boss some tea.

Fang Zhuo put down the document in his hand, picked up another one, flipped through two pages, and folded them together on the coffee table after reading.

Then, he looked at Kong Yu and said with a smile: "How much will Boss Kong earn tonight? How do you feel?"

Kong Yu cheered up and replied: "We have finalized an investment of nearly 70 million, and there are still many more to discuss later."

Fang Zhuo nodded and made a joke: "070 million a night, 700 million for ten more shows, 7 billion for 100 shows, this business is okay."

Kong Yu laughed along with him, knowing that it would be difficult to have more NYE charity dinners where Summers and Rubin could be invited.

He hesitated for a moment and then said: "Tonight, well, Lehman's Fuld was... beyond my imagination."

Fang Zhuo was confused by this wording for two seconds, and then he wondered: "What imagination? Imagination of Wall Street giants? Do you think that when they talk, everyone has to stand in a circle with a cigar in their mouth, and they must call themselves British ancestors?" We must talk about noble blood?"

Kong Yu said "Uh". Even though he often came into contact with Wall Street elites, it was rare for a leader at Fuld's level to face each other like this, and he even gave an impassioned rebuttal.

Fang Zhuo said a little disapprovingly: "Have you not seen Paulson before? This group of people behave like this. It would be nice if he didn't lift up his clothes to show you his strong muscles."

Kong Yu had to tell the truth: "Mr. Fang, when I was in Shanghai, I admired Fuld, the head of Lehman..."

Fang Zhuo was stunned for a moment, oh, what is this?

Is it the destruction of the idol or the excitement of being on the line with the idol live?

He was silent for a while and comforted: "It's okay, Mr. Kong. You have matured. Now you have the opportunity to kill him yourself."

Kong Yu laughed at Mr. Fang's joke again.

"Mr. Kong, don't use filters. Fuld may not have as strong a business ability as you. However, if you can't do the big profit work of working together to change laws, break through the bottom line, and transfer risks, you naturally can't be in charge of Lehman." Fang Zhuo comforted him again.

Kong Yu hesitated for a moment, "I'm not strong enough because I'm a good person?"

I can only argue a few words. It is Mr. Fang who can actually recruit people to form a team.

"But there are hidden dangers in the cumulative effect of these things, so..." Fang Zhuo prolonged his voice in an inspired voice.

Kong Yu pondered: "So, our MIGA fund must avoid hidden dangers."

Fang Zhuo frowned: "So, we will have the biggest portion this time!"

Kong Yu sensed his boss’s dissatisfaction and immediately reported: “I contacted the short seller John Paulson. He is currently raising funds to build a position for a short CDO fund, seems to be at a loss. .”

He added: "The CDO market is very prosperous now, and even if there are junk bonds, it will not affect the mainstream trend."

"The Federal Reserve is raising interest rates, the real estate market has changed, and the prosperity of CDOs will lose its foundation. Don't hesitate. John will raise as much money as he needs." Fang Zhuo gave a clear order. After the funding channels are arranged, it's time to go ahead. superior.

Kong Yu swallowed and nodded cautiously.

The MIGA fund is delivering profits, gathering funds, and absorbing funds in an orderly manner, but the investment in John Paulson is the first firm signal that profits should not be left on the books, but should be invested in short selling.

Kong Yu digested Mr. Fang's attitude and felt a minority excitement when he left.

Fang Zhuo didn't have the mood for gasoline. After he highlighted a few companies on the list and planned to have people check the detailed information, he considered the first proposition of the New York Economic Exchange.

Summers is the chief economic adviser of the New York Economic Exchange, and Rubin is the chief adviser. The latter is now mainly a senior executive of Citigroup and is only on a temporary basis here.

I thought that Teacher Xiao Sa would just collect money and stand on the platform, but I didn't expect that he seemed to be serious about it.

At the end of the dinner, Fang Zhuo was stopped by Teacher Xiao Sa and asked a question about the direction of the institute.

When Leng Buding was asked this question, in addition to being surprised that this person still had a certain minimum living allowance for working with money, Fang Zhuo did not answer immediately even though he had some thoughts in his mind.

Now, as all the hustle and bustle settles down in the early hours of the morning, the answer to this little question becomes even clearer.

If Mr. Sa can be tied deeper, then the New York Economic Institute's direction is to actively and legitimately advocate globalization, and it must comply with the rules and not be limited to lobbying and other methods to maintain the benefits gained in the process of globalization.

Including Yike and Bingxin, they must actively take advantage of the development convenience brought by the era of globalization, make full use of resources from all parties, and grow as fast as possible. They must have me among you and you among me. If one day in the future it will cause more pain for decoupling, then there will be more pros and cons to weigh.

At the very least, at the very least, if the New York Times can maintain and develop, the difficulty of ice core continuing to obtain authorization for equipment purchase and technology introduction will drop several levels.

Fang Zhuo is thinking about how to take advantage of the situation and strengthen the overall label of "New York Economic Institute".

In the blink of an eye, the next day, he gave Kong Yu a new order to register an innocent "New York Economic and Social Development Foundation" and make it affiliated with the institute. The first batch of funds came from Geithner and others. Still invest according to the plan, and wait until profits are seen before making overall investment in the name of this foundation.

After receiving Kong Yu's reply, Fang Zhuo went to the restaurant to taste the breakfast standard of this famous hotel.

However, when the secretary bought back today's latest newspaper and was about to see how the New York Times was going to brag about housing prices, Susan, the director of Northern Trust, slowly walked over.

The secretary and assistant made room for conversation.

After saying hello, Susan complained: "Mr. Fang, there is something I want to criticize you for."

Fang Zhuo changed his mind and wondered what her intention was: "Oh?"

"My son plays a good team and plays hard, and overnight, the head coach of the team was poached by you!" Susan accused with a smile.

Fang Zhuo was slightly shocked: "He is studying at Brown University?"

The previous brother-in-law of O'Brien, his last job was the head coach of the Brown University team.

Fang Zhuo knew that Xiao Ao had a close relationship with Northern Trust, but he didn't expect that Susan could use such gentle social skills.

Huh? If you think about it further, why did your uncle suddenly become the head coach of the college team? Susan's efforts may be behind it.

Susan nodded and said, "Mr. Fang, if you recruit Robinson to the Rockets, my son's playing time will not be guaranteed. He really likes basketball."

Fang Zhuo laughed: "Those who work hard will shine sooner or later. Robinson came to our team just to form a Development League team. If your son still maintains his interest in basketball in the future, he can come to Houston and give it a try."

"Then I want to thank the most famous basketball boss in the United States first." Susan gave a small compliment. Her son really likes basketball, and it would be nice to give him multiple choices.

The two of them laughed and chatted a few words about the team in a tacit understanding, and then Susan turned to the MIGA fund first. The investment threshold that she heard on the phone earlier was ten million US dollars. At the time, she thought it was a bit high, but after last night it was completely gone. Feel it.

She is just curious about how the MIGA fund relies on its profits. Trustees have always been professionally cautious and should be responsible for their clients' funds.

Faced with this rather direct inquiry, Fang Zhuo said vaguely: "The CDO market is very prosperous. MIGA Fund has accumulated a lot of experience in the process of cooperating with Deutsche Bank and Bank of Washington. Well, we now have The situation is relatively clear.”

The CDO market is very prosperous, and the prosperity has reached a situation of prosperity and decline.

MIGA Fund has accumulated a lot of experience and is now beginning to cut off dangerous partners.

We are quite clear about Fannie and Freddie’s situation, and its subprime debt problem has reached a serious level.

Fang Zhuo did not disclose his short-selling plan to Susan. This decision was kept secret to the extent that only Governor Gaithner knew to start with CDS. As for other short-selling methods that may be involved, they can be hidden under CDS and hidden under the Big Short John. ·Under Paulson.

Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac in the United States refer to the two major mortgage institutions, Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac. They are an important part of the national housing policy and the backbone of the real estate market.

According to last year’s information disclosure, the real estate loans underwritten or purchased by the two institutions accounted for more than 60% of the US residential real estate market. We don’t know the situation this year, but this proportion is definitely higher.

There is no doubt that Fannie and Freddie were greatly affected by the subprime debt crisis.

There is no doubt that short selling on Fannie and Freddie can yield astonishing profits.

This is another line for MIGA funds to pursue profits.

Susan felt she understood. Mr. Fang was using the influence of Summers, Rubin, and Geithner to use funds to obtain mortgage loans with appropriate risks from Fannie and Freddie, and then issue CDOs like Lehman and Goldman Sachs. securities.

This is also how first-level players in the market play.

However, MIGA funds need more funds and connections to complete such an issuance.

Susan nodded with a smile and did not continue to ask. She just said: "If Xiao Ao hadn't wanted to invest, I'm afraid I would have missed such an excellent MIGA fund on the market. Our Northern Trust has certain requirements for external investment. I am just like Xiao Ao." Invest some, and use the budget in the trust to invest some.”

She pondered for a moment and decided on the number: "My personal 5 million will be combined with Xiao Ao's, and I believe I will get another 15 million."

Personally, together with Xiao Ao, wherever your MIGA fund invests Xiao Ao’s money, I will invest. As for the trust, it will follow the internal operating rules of the MIGA fund.

This is the trust that the other party always invests in Xiao Ao with MIGA funds. The trust in the Sa, Lu and Gai series cannot lose Xiao Ao and their money, right?

Fang Zhuo understood what Susan meant and said with a smile: "It's a wise choice. MIGA Fund puts the interests of customers first and will never let the trust's investment suffer losses."

Susan liked this statement and added a piece of gossip.

Phipps, the vice president of Bessemer Securities who was present last night, is said to be the illegitimate son of the Bessemer Trust family and is related by blood.

The operation of Bessemer Trust has always been conservative, but the securities market has been too hot recently, and this is how Bessemer Securities Company, which insulates risks, was born.

In other words, even though Phipps is just a vice president, he has much more decision-making power than normal.

Fang Zhuo thanked Susan for the information and knew that this was also a partner worth cooperating with.

While Mr. Fang was wooing clients and raising funds on the eve of the subprime crisis, Lehman head Fuld was not idle either.

He went home early after attending the charity dinner of the New York Times Institute.

The next morning, after Fuld finished handling the company's affairs, he sat in the office and saw the information he was given. There are two main types of Oriental rich people in the United States, one is the listed company Yike, and the other is the MIGA fund.

Fuld frowned after reading the situation of MIGA funds and found that the information was very opaque.

Taking into account the more or less inclinations of Sa, Lu, and Gai last night, he put down the fund's documents and picked up Yike's information.

This looks like some useful information.

Yike Corporation, a listed company, announced a plan to reduce its major shareholder's holdings a while ago, which attracted the attention of some financial institutions, including Lehman's subordinate departments. Today, the head of the company wants to see the information, and the department analysis will also be included. Presented.

Regarding Yike, its financial reports have always been very good, but they are not without problems.

The prospect of the Chinese market in the East has always been a direction of Yike, but since its listing, Yike seems to be unable to solve the fierce competition in the Chinese market, nor to promote changes in market rules.

In addition, music players are facing a new level of pressure. As Apple continues to reveal information, it has determined that its mobile phones will be equipped with music software as a matter of course.

Moreover, the mergers and acquisitions of music companies by Sony and Bertelsmann that Yike participated in are also in the overall downward environment of the recording industry.

At this time, the reduction of holdings by Yike's chairman and major shareholder seems to be a high-level move, and the so-called mobile phone plan is not optimistic either.

Fuld agreed with the analysis in the document and conveniently gave a decision to remind customers to make wise investments based on market conditions - short Yike.

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