Reinventing the Millennium

Chapter 805 Hard-earned Money

600 million and 2 billion.

This is a very different price between Penguin and Friends.

Normally, when you hear such a price, it means that there is no negotiation and you have to turn around and go back.

However, the field of communication software is unusual, which deserves Penguin's great attention and vigilance.

However, Mr. Fang, the richest man in the Mainland, is unusual and deserves more consideration from Penguin executives.


The Spring Festival is approaching, and everyone is here to celebrate the New Year. It is also appropriate for everyone to have a meal together and check each other's sincerity and status. and have been fighting each other since last year. This is the first time for Wang Xing to sit face to face with Zeng Liqing, one of the "Penguin Tigers".

As for the gathering of the five tigers now and the specifications of CEO Liu Chiping, I have never even thought about it.

During dinner time, a round table was divided into two sides, with Fang Zhuo and Ma Huateng sitting next to each other.

Next to Fang Zhuo is Wang Xing, the founder of the Dating Network, and then investors from Goldman Sachs, Shenxin Technology, IDG and other institutions. Next to Ma Huateng is not Zeng Liqing, who is in charge of the Dating Network, but Liu Chiping, the president who increasingly dominates the group's affairs. .

The disagreement over the purchase price was not brought up on the dinner table, and the two parties even had no intention of discussing it at all.

"Mr. Fang, you still have great vision. This time Lehman's stock price fell, I'm afraid the cycle will not be short. The U.S. real estate market will cool down for a while." Ma Huateng talked about the things that have been hotly discussed on the Internet recently.

"The situation in the United States may be more serious. Depending on the subsequent development, I always feel that its real estate market and financial market are too closely connected." Fang Zhuo shared his view, "The conductivity from real estate to finance is too high. , it spreads quickly when it’s hot, and it doesn’t slow down when it’s cold.”

"Is it going to be more serious? Mr. Fang, do you think HSBC's losses are not an exception?" Ma Huateng was very interested.

Fang Zhuo nodded and did not hesitate to talk about the signals that have appeared in the US real estate and financial markets.

The two interlocutors chatted about larger and more distant topics.

For example, Wang Xing, Xu Kaiwei, Wang Fengyi, Xiong Xiaoge and others chatted with Penguin executives about certain competitions in the past year.

The rivalry between the two sites is sometimes less than polite.

If you have a small innovation, I will spend a lot of money to dig out a small amount of advertising.

Why did you label it authentic in the promotion of stealing vegetables? I immediately labeled it as the highest number of farm players in the entire network.

There are so many interesting things about the competition between friends network and dating network that make everyone laugh.

The Chinese New Year is not easy. Although Wang Xing was bullied badly by Penguin's traffic style, he couldn't throw soup in front of Mr. Fang, so he could only smile cheerfully and show off his grace.

After three drinks, the atmosphere was quite harmonious.

At this time, a new dish was served in the restaurant, which was several fish on the plate.

Zeng Liqing picked it up with chopsticks, took a bite, and exclaimed: "What kind of fish is this? It tastes very good and fresh."

Fang Zhuo glanced at it and said with a smile: "It's Jiangdao, which is known as the most delicious in the Yangtze River. Don't look down on it, it's estimated to cost 10,000 yuan a pound."

Zeng Liqing was stunned: "So expensive?"

Fang Zhuo smiled slightly: "It is indeed not cheap, but it is expensive for its own sake. Otherwise, how could someone like Mr. Zeng find it so delicious? Moreover, it is not easy to eat such plump saury today. Let's change it. It may not be true yet.”

"The principle of nobleness is its own."

"If you change the situation, it may not be true."

The natural overtone of a knife fish made everyone understand.

Ma Huateng poured a glass of wine and toasted: "Fish is good, but different people have different habits. I prefer to eat seafood and fish rice from my hometown. It is fresh, sweet and firm, and paired with porridge, it is soft, glutinous and smooth. The price is not expensive.”

Fang Zhuo clinked glasses with him and said with great interest: "Really? Then I must try it. Different places and people have different eating habits, but I like to try different styles of food the most. Pony is so obsessed with it." , then I must try.”

"Haha, seafood from the south becomes more expensive when shipped to the north." Ma Huateng put down his wine glass.

"The price is not a problem, Pony. I don't have to pay for it. This time I'm shorting Lehman. Mr. Xiong is investing money along with me. Now that he's made money, can you treat me to a seafood meal?" Fang Zhuo smiled. He looked at Xiong Xiaoge.

Xiong Xiaoge immediately expressed his position: "Facts have proved that shorting Lehman is the right thing to do. I have always believed in Mr. Fang's vision. Mr. Fang wants to eat seafood and fish rice, so I will definitely invite him. However, seafood is not only found in the south, but also in the north." There is also a fishing port, which is not too expensive.”

Wang Fengyi from Shenxin Technology took the wine dispenser and stood up to pour wine for Mr. Fang.

Xu Xin from Capital Today held his chopsticks with bright eyes.

Xu Kaiwei of Goldman Sachs slightly raised his glass with a solemn expression.

If Mr. Fang wants to try Penguin's seafood and fish rice, he really can't give it a try.

Play hard to see, if you lose, it’s normal, if you win, you’ll earn blood!

Penguin's senior executives looked at this scene with slightly changed expressions.

Ma Huateng still smiled calmly and said: "Mr. Fang doesn't need to talk about the price when eating seafood and fish rice. If you want to try it, you can try it, but the food from different places may be too fresh and you may not be used to it."

Fang Zhuo nodded slightly: "That's true."

Drink, drink.

The atmosphere calmed down again.

After a few more drinks, Ma Huateng asked about the mobile phone project that Yike was working on. He said that he had watched Apple's press conference and thought the changes brought about by touch-screen mobile phones were amazing.

When Fang Zhuo talked about this topic, he showed his true feelings.

It’s really hard to make a mobile phone.

Yike's mobile phones need to overcome many difficulties before they can hope to occupy a place in the highly competitive mobile phone market.

Ma Huateng could tell that Mr. Fang was familiar with every aspect of the mobile phone. After listening carefully for a long time, he sighed: "Yes, there are Nokia, Blackberry, Microsoft, and the new Apple for smartphones. No one can ignore it. Yike must concentrate on competing, after all, this is the first time to make a mobile phone."

What each other said was correct. Yike needed to make good use of his cell phone and not get involved in any communications.

Fang Zhuo was very familiar with Ma Huateng. Hearing such sighs, he just smiled and said: "It is true, Pony, that resources must be concentrated to do things. This is true no matter what field. This time you flew here in person, and Mr. Zeng and Mr. Liu... Even though the vacation was canceled, I actually still feel the sincerity.”

"No matter what the final discussion is, no matter what plans Mr. Wang has for, I believe that as long as everyone competes healthily, we can bring a better experience to domestic users."

Fang Zhuo raised the last glass of wine: "It's late, that's all we drink today."

Everyone raised their glasses and drank the last glass of wine.

At eleven o'clock in the evening, Penguin senior management and Mr. Fang said goodbye reluctantly and took the car to the hotel.

Later, the people on Fang Zhuo's side also dispersed and left, but Xu Kaiwei from Goldman Sachs stayed.

"Mr. Xu, people from Facebook will be on the way tomorrow. Let's see how we can talk to Liu Chiping about this matter." Fang Zhuo informed the latest news.

"Is Zuckerberg coming?" Xu Kaiwei asked.

"He's not coming, but it's okay to have a senior vice president in the lead and one of their important investors to accompany him," Fang Zhuo said.

Xu Kaiwei smiled and said: "No, Mr. Fang, are you serious?"

"It's not selling to anyone. If Penguin really doesn't pay a premium, then just sell it to Facebook." Fang Zhuo said nonchalantly, "Let's talk, let's talk. I've communicated with Wang Xing, and the friend network is right We remain open to cooperation negotiations.”

He asked again: "Mr. Xu, is it convenient for you to communicate with Liu Chiping?"

Just as Xu Kaiwei was about to speak, his phone vibrated and received a text message.

He took a look and showed the screen directly to Mr. Fang, and it turned out to be Penguin President Liu Chiping.

"Having a background in Goldman Sachs, it is easy for us to talk. Besides, he is very successful at Goldman Sachs." Xu Kaiwei said, "The most important thing is that he must feel how difficult it is for me to promote Mr. Fang here. Tomorrow, Just don't show up, just let Wang Xing be present."

Fang Zhuo pondered for a moment: "I think so too. I'll go see the leader during the day tomorrow to talk about other things, and I'll have a banquet for people from Facebook in the evening."

The friend network is not about surrendering as a loser to the dating network - Penguin cannot have such a mentality, but it depends on whether you have given too much.

If Penguin wants to cut off Facebook, avoid the challenges in the communication field, and let the dating network add more real-name user groups, then it needs to show more impressive sincerity.

600 million is far from enough. The minimum basis for negotiation is one billion.

If I don’t make some of your hard-earned money, how can I explain it to my fellow investors?

I took my baby's first birthday photo today, more will be done tomorrow.

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